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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Fox News is a mutant with 1 less asshole now that Beck is gone but it is still an abomination beyond the typical fail of cable news.

This new one from this week is so bad it would make it on the greatest hits album of Fox News.
THIS IS A BLOND NEWS ACTRESS in the afternoon doing the fair and balance they report to do outside of morning and night.
A retarded chimp could reason that maybe the dominate chimps should spend less effort on shit throwing missions vs. making a home, collecting bananas and caring for the other chimps.
The shit Fox News puts out is that the column for bombing folks being almost off the chart after a decade isn't the fucked up part. It is the paying money due to the citizens of this country.


^^Antd the question is, why are you watching the channel? I don't even attempt to go near it unless I want to laugh for a while. Can't be taken seriously, ever.


Rubenov said:
^^Antd the question is, why are you watching the channel? I don't even attempt to go near it unless I want to laugh for a while. Can't be taken seriously, ever.

The last time I watched it was on Election Night 2008. Hilarious viewing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know, I do wonder if things get bad enough that Wall Street decides to donate exclusively to Democrats from now on.


Unconfirmed Member
I saw that Ezra Klein was on the Maddow show, with Mellisa Harris-Perry as guest host.

Just dropping in to see if any Poli-Gaffers got called home in the rapture. :p
Oblivion said:
You know, I do wonder if things get bad enough that Wall Street decides to donate exclusively to Democrats from now on.
For Divide and Conquer to work you need a minimum of two parties in the game. You buy both and then ride that wheel of fortune up and down making your commission every time the wheel spins round.


TacticalFox88 said:
You take attention whoring to a whole another level.

How do you think were going to fix this politcal system without radical cahnges? Secession is what we did with the british empire when they were exploiting. Secession is the answer.


SomeDude said:
GM is moving a plant that was in wisconsin to China.


Time for secession.

I'm from Waukesha. I had no idea that the X-Ray division was there.

Also, incredibly disengenuous to say they are moving "a plant."


The move will include the X-ray unit's top executives, the company said Monday, but otherwise will not affect the 150 or so people it employs in the Milwaukee area, including production employees.

There won't be job cuts, Anne LeGrand, vice president and general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare, said at a Beijing news conference.

I thought we hated the fat cats? Good riddance, right!!

Mike M

Nick N
SomeDude said:
How do you think were going to fix this politcal system without radical cahnges? Secession is what we did with the british empire when they were exploiting. Secession is the answer.
Do you ever post anything else but this secession nonsense? Seriously.


more money than God
TacticalFox88 said:
I'd LOVE for you to point out where they've mislead their viewers and deny reality. Please. By all means
I just don't like how unfair they've become in their presentation. Although, I will gladly admit that they are honest, as they don't really deny that they're unfair, unlike Fox.

Mike M

Nick N
TacticalFox88 said:
He doesn't. Ever. He favors secession more than Jefferson Davis.
But surely he posts more than his daily PoliGAF secession post, right? This can't be the sum total of his posting activity... Can it?
SomeDude said:
How do you think were going to fix this politcal system without radical cahnges? Secession is what we did with the british empire when they were exploiting. Secession is the answer.
You're going to secede from the global economy? Good luck.


Mike M said:
But surely he posts more than his daily PoliGAF secession post, right? This can't be the sum total of his posting activity... Can it?

Well, he used to ask, "How racist is the South?"...or something to that effect.


zero_suit said:
Well, he used to ask, "How racist is the South?"...or something to that effect.

I thought there was a Ron Paul is racist jag he went on for awhile. Then that Russian dude predicted the US would break up into 5 parts and it has been all secession since then.

/SomeDude historian


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NullPointer said:
You're going to secede from the global economy? Good luck.

My question was going to be, "Secede from what into what?"


People should read a bit about the political history of this country.
If you guys think this is worse than the civil war or the civil rights era you're nuts.
It's barely worse than it was under Clinton.


Chichikov said:
People should read a bit about the political history of this country.
If you guys think this is worse than the civil war or the civil rights era you're nuts.
It's barely worse than it was under Clinton.

This is the worst crisis the world has ever faced ever. WTF America, WTF.
Chichikov said:
People should read a bit about the political history of this country.
If you guys think this is worse than the civil war or the civil rights era you're nuts.
It's barely worse than it was under Clinton.
But there were politicians in those eras actually fighting for the common good of the people, and winning. Great strides were being made in spite of the obstacles they faced. Now our government is owned by corporate interests. In that regard it's probably the worst it's been since the robber barons of the industrial revolution.


Chichikov said:
People should read a bit about the political history of this country.
If you guys think this is worse than the civil war or the civil rights era you're nuts.
It's barely worse than it was under Clinton.

This thread has become amusingly and annoyingly hyperbolic the past few weeks. It's surprising since so many people here have been following politics for awhile and should know the game by now.

--- /// ---

This is kind of interesting, but not thread worthy.

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society.

When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.”

I find it kind of dubious to use computer models to simulate human interactions, but when you think of major changes in our society (and around the world) .. they have always begun with a small, but totally passionate minority.


Cubsfan23 said:
I don't mind watching the actual newscasts on Fox. You really gotta watch all 3 channels to get a broad sense of everything.
To get a broad sense of everything you'd do better to watch none of them, since all of them are terrible at their primary responsibility, which is to inform the people.


ToxicAdam said:
I find it kind of dubious to use computer models to simulate human interactions, but when you think of major changes in our society (and around the world) .. they have always begun with a small, but totally passionate minority.

like SomeDude


eznark said:
like SomeDude
Only around 30 million people to go. With his persuasive oratory, surely it will be any day.

Of course, a real supporter of secession would be calling for complete secession. All fifty states becoming their own sovereign territory and a complete abolition of federal government.

Don't get too horny over that, eznark.

I'm just curious how jettisoning the South, his usual schtick, is going to improve Wisconsin sending jobs overseas. Maybe he just needs a good map.
besada said:
To get a broad sense of everything you'd do better to watch none of them, since all of them are terrible at their primary responsibility, which is to inform the people.
I'd argue the primary responsibility of cable news is to drum up ratings, and they're not even very good at that.

besada said:
Only around 30 million people to go. With his persuasive oratory, surely it will be any day.
If his views become commonplace I will secede.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'd argue the primary responsibility of cable news is to drum up ratings, and they're not even very good at that.

That's what they're doing, but that isn't the primary responsibility of journalists. They've abdicated their responsibility in favor of ratings.
besada said:
That's what they're doing, but that isn't the primary responsibility of journalists. They've abdicated their responsibility in favor of ratings.
Anyone expecting real journalism out of cable news is barking up the wrong tree. Real journalists aren't owned by corporate media conglomerates.
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