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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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pestul said:
I hope it doesn't come to that. Tea Party supporters would go apeshit crazy. Also, credit rating would go down due to lack of confidence in US policy makers.
The minute the Tea Party was willing to hold the ENTIRE WORLD fucking hostage for their archaic and failure of policies, we knew that they couldn't get any further crazier than that. At this point, let them go crazy. It's not like they're intelligent enough to grasp the concept of what's really going on anyhow


GaimeGuy said:


eznark said:
Sources on the Boehner conference call say that there is essentially zero objections at this point.

That's definitely better than the alternative, thus far.

But if it ends here (which to be honest, I hope it does), it leaves a strange ending point for most of the political parties here. The extremists on the right or the left are not likely to be satisfied, the Tea Party's mantra of "NO COMPROMISE" is slightly shaken since that's exactly what they might do now, people are not going to be happy with Obama anyway, etc.

If there is one thing I have learned from this mess, it's that your vote really, truly does count, if only to help avoid absolutely dysfunctional governments.


Y2Kev said:
I mean that all oldies are going to still be covered. Provider payments being cut means what for beneficiaries-- fewer providers will take medicare? Otherwise, wouldn't this maybe slow the cost growth of healthcare and not be all bad?

That would be the best case scenario. There certainly is a need to control medicare spending in the future, and there are ways to do that without harming beneficiaries. Until the final deal is voted on though, nobody will know for sure what is going to happen. Unless some of the "protections" around benefits I've heard talked about make their way in.


more money than God
Y2Kev said:
I mean that all oldies are going to still be covered. Provider payments being cut means what for beneficiaries-- fewer providers will take medicare? Otherwise, wouldn't this maybe slow the cost growth of healthcare and not be all bad?
Yes, less providers will accept medicare. Medicare, however, does more than simply pay for procedures. They also pay hospitals to train new doctors, as well as subsidize hospitals treating poorer patients, and hospitals in rural communities.

This will lower healthcare costs to the government, but it won't lower healthcare costs to a great extent. All this does is hurt providers who treat older (and poorer) patients. Due to the overwhelming influence of private providers, however, the ultimate cost to perform a procedure will still be the same to the medicare provider, they will just get lower reimbursement.
pestul said:
So.. AAA downgrade all but confirmed still? That would suck if true.
No. Credit agencies have stated that will not happen right now. But, give it another 6-12 months with the spending not changing, and it will happen.


The Bush tax cuts had better fucking expire in 2012. At this point, I'd just let them expire for everyone, then try to pass middle-class tax cuts a year later. And do something about that goddamn estate tax. If heirs to multi-billion dollar estates aren't going to use that money to fight crime, then maybe they don't need to inherit quite so much of it.


Puddles said:
The Bush tax cuts had better fucking expire in 2012. At this point, I'd just let them expire for everyone, then try to pass middle-class tax cuts a year later. And do something about that goddamn estate tax. If heirs to multi-billion dollar estates aren't going to use that money to fight crime, then maybe they don't need to inherit quite so much of it.

Estate tax doesnt bother me too much. What really bothers me is how ridiculously low the capital gains tax is for the rich. That needs to fucking change
Teh Hamburglar said:
I hope Boehner is happy about the asian markets.
I'm sensing a very convenient argument coming from liberals regarding the economy. "The republicans harmed the economy and the markets with the debt limit fight."

It would be every bit as absurd as republicans blaming all our economic woes on Obama over the past 2.5 years, but that never stopped anyone from putting forth such a claim.

LovingSteam said:
Luke Russert is HORRIBLE! That is all.

It's funny you said that, because I was just thinking how good he is, and how much he reminds me of his dad.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
BruiserBear said:
I'm sensing a very convenient argument coming from liberals regarding the economy. "The republicans harmed the economy and the markets with the debt limit fight."

It would be every but as absurd as republicans blaming all our economic woes on Obama over the past 2.5 years, but that never stopped anyone from putting forth such a claim.
yay, more false equivalencies.


BruiserBear said:
I'm sensing a very convenient argument coming from liberals regarding the economy. "The republicans harmed the economy and the markets with the debt limit fight."

It would be every but as absurd as republicans blaming all our economic woes on Obama over the past 2.5 years, but that never stopped anyone from putting forth such a claim.

If by that statement you mean that the Republicans harmed the economy by forcing spending cuts during a depressed economy, then the argument would be correct.

Of course, President Obama and some Democrats were right there with them.
DBebm5 said:
Here's the White House Kool-Aid on the deal:


It lowered my blood pressure a little, although we're still in Bizarro World.

Does anyone seriously think that the Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, given the unlimited $$ that will go into "X wants to enact the biggest tax hike EVAR" ads during election season?

does not look like a deal for republicans only, this looks like a centrist deal. which works for a majority of Americans


I can only hope that from this woeful, unnervingly pathetic showing of our political system, more people are driven to vote these assholes out of office in 2012. The shit we just watched unfold these past few weeks is absolutely unacceptable.
Hootie said:
I can only hope that from this woeful, unnervingly pathetic showing of our political system, more people are driven to vote these assholes out of office in 2012. The shit we just watched unfold these past few weeks is absolutely unacceptable.

you know what happened the last time when we had a woeful, unnervingly pathetic showing by the President of the United states?

Another problem with this deal: if everything goes as planned and the GOP plays nice, the Bush tax cuts remain in place; Obama has put them on the table soley as a condition rather than arguing they need to go regardless of the outcome.

So they'll be extended AGAIN, and the deficit will continue to explode as our revenue intake is stuck at 1950s levels.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
planar1280 said:
does not look like a deal for republicans only, this looks like a centrist deal. which works for a majority of Americans
we're still 2.5 years into obama's presidency with no new tax increases. This is not a centrist deal, but a republican deal with a few bones left to dems.

Starve the beast in action
PhoenixDark said:
Another problem with this deal: if everything goes as planned and the GOP plays nice, the Bush tax cuts remain in place; Obama has put them on the table soley as a condition rather than arguing they need to go regardless of the outcome.

So they'll be extended AGAIN, and the deficit will continue to explode as our revenue intake is stuck at 1950s levels.

It's all part of the plan. The Bold will never happen and if Obama is re elected, they will fall right into Obama's hand
GaimeGuy said:
we're still 2.5 years into obama's presidency with no new tax increases. This is not a centrist deal, but a republican deal with a few bones left to dems.

Starve the beast in action

The political atmosphere does not heed to a tax hike at the moment. They will vote out Obama and the remaining democrats if that happens, then you will see the merry republicans while you cry. You know the American voters very well, they have a low IQ. the problem is the ones with the high IQ like you never vote. If you do, you are in a minority


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
planar1280 said:
The political atmosphere does not heed to a tax hike at the moment. They will vote out Obama and the remaining democrats if that happens, then you will see the merry republicans while you cry. You know the American voters very well, they have a low IQ. the problem is the ones with the high IQ like you never vote. If you do, you are in a minority
I have not missed an election. I honestly think part of the problem is that every election in this country is on a workday. You don't encourage participation in politics when you make people choose between making their voices heard and earning a paycheck.


planar1280 said:
The political atmosphere does not heed to a tax hike at the moment. They will vote out Obama and the remaining democrats if that happens, then you will see the merry republicans while you cry. You know the American voters very well, they have a low IQ. the problem is the ones with the high IQ like you never vote. If you do, you are in a minority

They vote in the Presidential elections, its the midterms that fuck the country sideways...sadly its the midtems that tend to count more.


The bipartisan panel is so much bullshit. Just goes to show you how spineless GOP leadership is; they are too chickenshit to accept responsibility for their actions so the President will have to step in and vote up or down on ties.


I recommend people not following politics anymore if they think this latest charade is somehow indicative of the direction of our country. It's just a new twist on the same old story.

Some of you are so thin-skinned and panicky, it's alarming.


ToxicAdam said:
I recommend people not following politics anymore if they think this latest charade is somehow indicative of the direction of our country. It's just a new twist on the same old story.

Some of you are so thin-skinned and panicky, it's alarming.
It's not a new "twist". Previous Presidents have done this as many as 18 times, and yet we nearly allowed the US to default over the Tea Party throwing a fit. Now we have made this process even more complicated by having a bullshit "super Congress" that essentially exists to politicize every single cut that will -- or won't -- be made and puts unnecessary accountability on the President for the sake of the opposition's campaigning aspirations.

This is a fucking farce and our Congress is now, as far as I'm concerned, COMPLETELY dysfunctional. We've hit rock bottom. If it gets any worse violence would have to be involved.


ToxicAdam said:
I recommend people not following politics anymore if they think this latest charade is somehow indicative of the direction of our country. It's just a new twist on the same old story.

Some of you are so thin-skinned and panicky, it's alarming.

TacticalFox88 said:
At this point a dictatorship is better than the bullshit we have now

Every citizen should be concerned if your country almost derails your economy over something thats always been a "matter of housekeeping".
Diablos said:
It's not a new "twist". Previous Presidents have done this as many as 18 times, and yet we nearly allowed the US to default over the Tea Party throwing a fit. Now we have made this process even more complicated by having a bullshit "super Congress" that essentially exists to politicize every single cut that will -- or won't -- be made and puts unnecessary accountability on the President for the sake of the opposition's campaigning aspirations.

This is a fucking farce and our Congress is now, as far as I'm concerned, COMPLETELY dysfunctional. We've hit rock bottom. If it gets any worse violence would have to be involved.

You ain't seen nothing yet. When we're forced into dealing with our debt in a serious way, which will happen in the next 10 years, this fight is going to be seen as a blip on the radar.


7/31/11: The day Congress hit rock bottom. This is an embarrassment. Between Boehner and McConnell being corrupt two-faced assholes, Reid totally lacking balls and being the most incompetent leader the Senate ever, and the Tea Party hell bent on advancing their agenda to the point where they're talling establishment GOPers that the public can "go to hell", I am truly fearful for what comes next.

Pinning this on Obama is ridiculous. No President in modern times has had to put up with this. Between the bad economy and the biggest joke of a Congress this country has seen, this really is the worst time to be President. No one can deal with these clowns. And certainly no living (or recently deceased) President has EVER had to put up with this kind of BULLSHIT.

BruiserBear said:

You ain't seen nothing yet. When we're forced into dealing with our debt in a serious way, which will happen in the next 10 years, this fight is going to be seen as a blip on the radar.
That's what I mean. Congress as we know it can't get any worse. We're now officially moving into uncharted territory.

If Obama gets re-elected his last four years in office will be a living hell, but at least he'll veto anything too insane since the Senate will go back to the GOP. If he doesn't win another term, 2000-2006 will look like happier times compared to what the far-right is preparing to do to this nation.

This is without a doubt in my mind one of the absolute worst times to be an American.


GaimeGuy said:
we're still 2.5 years into obama's presidency with no new tax increases. This is not a centrist deal, but a republican deal with a few bones left to dems.

Starve the beast in action

I'm holding out until the committee makes its recommendation since that is a major part of the plan. If they do recommend significant and well thought out tax reform/increases, then I would be pretty much okay with the bill. I would call that bill a centrist bill. Right now its a rightist bill, so hopefully that changes


Diablos said:
7/31/11: The day Congress hit rock bottom. This is an embarrassment. Between Boehner and McConnell being corrupt two-faced assholes, Reid totally lacking balls and being the most incompetent leader the Senate, and the Tea Party hell bent on advancing their agenda to the point where they're talling establishment GOPers that the public can "go to hell", I am truly fearful for what comes next.

Pinning this on Obama is ridiculous. No President in modern times has had to put up with this bullshit. Between the bad economy and the biggest joke of a Congress ever, this really is the worst time to be President. No one can deal with these clowns.

ToxicAdam said:
I recommend people not following politics anymore if they think this latest charade is somehow indicative of the direction of our country. It's just a new twist on the same old story.

Some of you are so thin-skinned and panicky, it's alarming.

President Perry today was having issues passing a debt ceiling deal over the demands of Senate Democrats for more tax increases. Why won't he compromise? This is a bad precedence to set.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
ToxicAdam said:
I recommend people not following politics anymore if they think this latest charade is somehow indicative of the direction of our country. It's just a new twist on the same old story.

Some of you are so thin-skinned and panicky, it's alarming.

This is the first time in our history that a political party has threatened not just national but WORLDWIDE economic destruction if they didn't get their way (which ironically, is supposedly to help IMPROVE the economy).

Even fucking Joseph McCarthy didn't pull shit like this. Criminal/Treason/Terrorism is PRECISELY the way this needs to be described by every half sentient journalist in the media.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Every citizen should be concerned if your country almost derails your economy over something thats always been a "matter of housekeeping".

Our economy has been derailing since the early 70's. This is just a blip, a charade meant to convince each other's bases they are doing "the important work". They get to pose and preen and score their talking points while this mythical deadline counts down.

It's all horseshit. Most of what will be done, will be undone in the years to come. All this agita for nothing.


As for panels/committees, I honestly think that is the only way anything significant is going to get done from now on. Congress is filled with idealogues, chickenshits, and the filibuster, which pretty much ensures that jack shit is going to happen and that committees are our only hope because it gives congress distance and wiggle room from their actions. Later on, they can say, 'wait! I didnt vote for that! It was that dastardly committee. I was held hostage I tells ya, because if i didnt vote for it, theyd gut the military!
Diablos said:
This is without a doubt in my mind one of the absolute worst times to be an American.
I really can't share that sentiment. The government has very little impact on my life when it really comes down to it. In fact, throughout my life I'd have a hard time thinking of when the federal government has had any impact on my life, and I'm 35 years old. My state and local govenmemts seem to have far more of an impact on me, with local taxes and road tolls. Federal taxes for a middle class guy like myself don't change all that much.


Civil War seems like it was probably a shittier time to be an American. But ya, this is totally way worse than living in a war torn nation killing my friends.

What's the question?
I don't think I've heard Boehner accused of corruption before. Wondering what he supposedly did.


Mercury Fred said:
What's the question?
I suppose he was asking me why I thought Boehner and McConnell are corrupt and two-faced. As if I have to really address that in light of this whole ordeal.

eznark said:
I don't think I've heard Boehner accused of corruption before.

Wondering what he supposedly did.
He and the Senate Minority Leader have been completely dishonest with the American people since day one of Obama's Presidency. They don't need to be fucking charged with corruption for someone to view a politician as a slimey piece of shit.
eznark said:
I don't think I've heard Boehner accused of corruption before. Wondering what he supposedly did.
Hmm, every single action since he's been speaker?

Diablos said:
I suppose he was asking me why I thought Boehner and McConnell are corrupt and two-faced. As if I have to really address that in light of this whole ordeal.
I understand that, but it's like asking why people don't want to have cancer.
BruiserBear said:
I really can't share that sentiment. The government has very little impact on my life when it really comes down to it. In fact, throughout my life I'd have a hard time thinking of when the federal government has had any impact on my life, and I'm 35 years old. My state and local govenmemts seem to have far more of an impact on me, with local taxes and road tolls. Federal taxes for a middle class guy like myself don't change all that much.
Do you have a fix rate mortgage?
Does your employer provide you with healthcare?
Are you going to send your kids to college?


eznark said:
I don't think I've heard Boehner accused of corruption before. Wondering what he supposedly did.
Wasn't he the guy passing out tobacco lobbyist checks on the House floor?


BruiserBear said:
In fact, throughout my life I'd have a hard time thinking of when the federal government has had any impact on my life

Please go back and spend two seconds of thought on this statement.


eznark said:
Civil War seems like it was probably a shittier time to be an American. But ya, this is totally way worse than living in a war torn nation killing my friends.
Possibly that great depression thing too. Or maybe in a time where i couldn't poop where you do or use your drinking fountains legally.
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