7/31/11: The day Congress hit rock bottom. This is an
embarrassment. Between Boehner and McConnell being corrupt two-faced assholes, Reid totally lacking balls and being the most incompetent leader the Senate
ever, and the Tea Party hell bent on advancing their agenda to the point where they're talling establishment GOPers that the public can "go to hell", I am truly fearful for what comes next.
Pinning this on Obama is ridiculous. No President in modern times has had to put up with this. Between the bad economy and the biggest joke of a Congress this country has seen, this really is the worst time to be President. No one can deal with these clowns. And certainly no living (or recently deceased) President has EVER had to put up with this kind of BULLSHIT.
BruiserBear said:
You ain't seen nothing yet. When we're forced into dealing with our debt in a serious way, which will happen in the next 10 years, this fight is going to be seen as a blip on the radar.
That's what I mean. Congress
as we know it can't get any worse. We're now officially moving into uncharted territory.
If Obama gets re-elected his last four years in office will be a living hell, but at least he'll veto anything too insane since the Senate will go back to the GOP. If he doesn't win another term, 2000-2006 will look like happier times compared to what the far-right is preparing to do to this nation.
This is without a doubt in my mind one of the absolute worst times to be an American.