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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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eznark said:

That's twice in a couple of days I've seen ostensible liberals suggesting we punish the weakest, least educated people in the nation because they can't think of any other way to fix things.

If we're worried about poorly educated voters, it seems educating them is probably a better answer than disenfranchising them. Of course, I'm a silly liberal like that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Santorum Denounces ‘Super-Right’ Of ‘Sexual Liberty,’ And The ‘Pursuit Of Pleasure’
Eric Kleefeld | August 5, 2011, 2:27PM


Rick Santorum is continuing his staunch opposition to gay rights -- warning that courts have created a "super-right" to sex, which overrides the constitutional right of religious freedom.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register's editorial board, Santorum claimed that same-sex marriage was a threat to religious liberty, alleging for example that government could threaten the licenses of marriage counselors who don't treat gay couples.

"Religious liberty is now trumped because we have now created a super-right," said Santorum. "We have a right [in] the Constitution of religious liberty but now the courts have created a super-right that's above a right that's actually in the Constitution, and that's of sexual liberty. And I think that's a wrong, that's a destructive element."

Also, the paper reports: "Santorum says if 'pursuit of happiness' means 'pursuit of pleasure,' we won't be a country very long."




Rick Santorum is a dumbass that no one takes seriously. This latest fear package is just a rehash of "they're going to make churches marry gay people" which he's been lying about for years.


GhaleonEB said:
Jobs report was decent. I'm encouraged by the upward revisions to the past two months (56,000 total), after last month saw net downward revisions. Previous months tend to get revised down when job growth is slowing, and up when pace is improving. Hopefully we see that trend continue a bit.

Another silver lining was the increase in hourly wages. Though the pace of hiring is far too slow overall.
True. The upward revisions are encouraging. Rather, the previous revisions were terribly discouraging. Moreover, the economy has added over 1 million private-sector jobs this year. Obviously, the employment growth rate must increase significantly for robust growth. But there has been progress.
Measley said:
A third party would be viable if they get a foothold in congress. Third parties always screw up by trying to make their mark in presidential elections. They should start smaller, and gain footholds in the house and senate. As they build their power base there, they can then start to become contenders for the presidency. A third party president would be shut down more than Obama, because neither party would support them.
There are myriad institutional, structural, and theoretical factors inhibiting a viable third party. And while concentrating on local and state elections would be prudent, the same factors would still inhibit their development. If we are to develop viable third parties, we must change these factors. Otherwise, a two-party system is inevitable.

First, a PR system is essential. If that proved unsuccessful, only partial solutions remain. We could implement fusion voting. It would mitigate the spoiler effect. We could reduce requirements for ballot access. And we could require media coverage of third parties. Nevertheless, a significant overhaul of our electoral is necessary for multipartism.
mckmas8808 said:
courts have created a "super-right" to sex, which overrides the constitutional right of religious freedom.

It's about time.

Also, the paper reports: "Santorum says if 'pursuit of happiness' means 'pursuit of pleasure,' we won't be a country very long."

So Santorum is a BDSM advocate? If I am reading that right.


empty vessel said:
Which may or may not benefit any given individual, depending upon how the country's resources are distributed internally. Looking at what benefits "the economy" as a whole is rarely an adequate metric for determining what is one's own interest (or even in the majority's interest). What do I care if the country grows wealthier faster if because of inequality I see even less gains from it than I would have if it had grown slower and the gains been more equitably distributed?
Precisely. Thus, while I support free trade, I support policies to equitably distribute the gains and ameliorate its negative effects.


eznark said:
If this was even remotely funny it would've gone on that list.
But fuck that.
I'll just say I agree.

Though not as much as this -
Invisible_Insane said:
I wish there was a way to weight votes by the informed-ness of the person voting, though.
Scrow said:
god damn, yes. this is the holy grail of democracy for me. if only it were possible

Seriously guys, you need to take a deep breath and relax.
This is nothing new.
You don't demolish whatever is left from our democracy because you don't like how people vote.

mckmas8808 said:
Dude's need to get laid something vicious.
mckmas8808 said:
Santorum Denounces ‘Super-Right’ Of ‘Sexual Liberty,’ And The ‘Pursuit Of Pleasure’
Eric Kleefeld | August 5, 2011, 2:27PM


Rick Santorum is continuing his staunch opposition to gay rights -- warning that courts have created a "super-right" to sex, which overrides the constitutional right of religious freedom.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register's editorial board, Santorum claimed that same-sex marriage was a threat to religious liberty, alleging for example that government could threaten the licenses of marriage counselors who don't treat gay couples.

"Religious liberty is now trumped because we have now created a super-right," said Santorum. "We have a right [in] the Constitution of religious liberty but now the courts have created a super-right that's above a right that's actually in the Constitution, and that's of sexual liberty. And I think that's a wrong, that's a destructive element."

Also, the paper reports: "Santorum says if 'pursuit of happiness' means 'pursuit of pleasure,' we won't be a country very long."


I seriously didn't understand a single word he said. What the fuck is he babbling about?


TacticalFox88 said:
I seriously didn't understand a single word he said. What the fuck is he babbling about?
It's either a desperate cry for the buttsecks, or the result of deep public overcompensating denial that he loves the buttsecks.


TacticalFox88 said:
I seriously didn't understand a single word he said. What the fuck is he babbling about?

Obviously he is saying that if we take a right turn on Constitution Blvd and drive past Religious Liberty Church we will arrive at Sexual Liberty Fun Zone
besada said:

That's twice in a couple of days I've seen ostensible liberals suggesting we punish the weakest, least educated people in the nation because they can't think of any other way to fix things.

If we're worried about poorly educated voters, it seems educating them is probably a better answer than disenfranchising them. Of course, I'm a silly liberal like that.
I think that's uncalled for.

Chichikov said:
If this was even remotely funny it would've gone on that list.
But fuck that. I'll just say I agree. Seriously guys, you need to take a deep breath and relax. This is nothing new. You don't demolish whatever is left from our democracy because you don't like how people vote.
I'd thought it would be clear from my previous posts that I don't think the exclusive problem with US politics is they way underinformed people vote. My mistake for expecting anything other than the least charitable interpretation of that idea.
you all been following this? well, they were all set and ready to downgrade the US's credit rating until the WH intervened this afternoon:


Standard & Poor's told the U.S. government Friday afternoon that it was preparing to downgrade the U.S.'s triple-A credit rating but U.S. officials notified the S&P that they had made a mathematical error that was off by "trillions," an administration source told CNBC.

Apparently the error was in the calculation of the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio over time and was based on a misreading of what the correct congressional baseline was.

woooops! what a bunch of clowns! fresh off the heels of their starring role in the recession comes this..



Bachmann Slams Obama Birthday Party: I’ll Cancel My Barbecue If Stocks Crash
Michele Bachmann has joined the ranks of Republicans attacking President Obama for celebrating his birthday on Thursday, which coincided with the 512-point mega-drop in the Dow Jones stock index. And as Bachmann said, she would not "celebrate" the news as she accused Obama of doing -- she would have canceled the barbecue.

Didn't the Onion just made a joke about this? I swear, it seems the Onion has reached Nostradamus status.
Incognito said:
you all been following this? well, they were all set and ready to downgrade the US's credit rating until the WH intervened this afternoon:


woooops! what a bunch of clowns! fresh off the heels of their starring role in the recession comes this..

And just for confirmation that the mistake occurred and S&P conceded it: "S&P officials later called administration officials back to say they agreed about the mistakes..."



mckmas8808 said:
Santorum Denounces ‘Super-Right’ Of ‘Sexual Liberty,’ And The ‘Pursuit Of Pleasure’
Eric Kleefeld | August 5, 2011, 2:27PM


Rick Santorum is continuing his staunch opposition to gay rights -- warning that courts have created a "super-right" to sex, which overrides the constitutional right of religious freedom.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register's editorial board, Santorum claimed that same-sex marriage was a threat to religious liberty, alleging for example that government could threaten the licenses of marriage counselors who don't treat gay couples.

"Religious liberty is now trumped because we have now created a super-right," said Santorum. "We have a right [in] the Constitution of religious liberty but now the courts have created a super-right that's above a right that's actually in the Constitution, and that's of sexual liberty. And I think that's a wrong, that's a destructive element."

Also, the paper reports: "Santorum says if 'pursuit of happiness' means 'pursuit of pleasure,' we won't be a country very long."



His last name makes this even more hilarious.


TacticalFox88 said:
Huh? Are they REALLY upset the man celebrated his own BIRTHDAY!? The retardation of the Republican party never ceases to amaze me.

They have nothing to talk about, its the stupidshit that got them embarrassed in 2008... and someone here thinks Bachmann has any shot whatsoever
GOP has its talking point now on how Obama is "ruining" America. This is major ammunition for them. Expect to hear it hammered over and over again until the second Wednesday in November.
NihonTiger90 said:
GOP has its talking point now on how Obama is "ruining" America. This is major ammunition for them. Expect to hear it hammered over and over again until the second Wednesday in November.

Dems are going to be swept out of office in mass next year. This shit is over.
PhoenixDark said:
Dems are going to be swept out of office in mass next year. This shit is over.

And this despite S&P making sure to single out the lack of tax increases as a major problem with the deficit and thus a major reason for the downgrade.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NihonTiger90 said:
And this despite S&P making sure to single out the lack of tax increases as a major problem with the deficit and thus a major reason for the downgrade.


All the democrats have to do is play this quote repeatedly in every campaign commercial. A majority of Americans are in favor of raising taxes on the rich--they'll be even more so by the time election season comes around. People are pissed and when even high-money Republicans are saying "raise taxes," something's wrong.

As someone said earlier, this is a perfect time for a 3rd party to step up. They may not have another opening like this for decades. Americans hate both parties. Remember when Jesse Ventura stepped up in Minnesota and surprised everyone? I wouldn't be shocked at all to see it happen again (not necessarily with Ventura, obviously, although I honestly would give him a fighting chance).

Ventura won because people were fed up and a straight-shooter who wasn't afraid to blast both parties stepped up and tell the truth about the political system. If somebody like that steps up in this election and is somewhat likable, it could be trouble for both parties.


NihonTiger90 said:
And this despite S&P making sure to single out the lack of tax increases as a major problem with the deficit and thus a major reason for the downgrade.

That's the only political bone Obama/Dems can use on the GOP next.
Plinko said:

All the democrats have to do is play this quote repeatedly in every campaign commercial. A majority of Americans are in favor of raising taxes on the rich--they'll be even more so by the time election season comes around. People are pissed and when even high-money Republicans are saying "raise taxes," something's wrong.

As someone said earlier, this is a perfect time for a 3rd party to step up. They may not have another opening like this for decades. Americans hate both parties. Remember when Jesse Ventura stepped up in Minnesota and surprised everyone? I wouldn't be shocked at all to see it happen again (not necessarily with Ventura, obviously, although I honestly would give him a fighting chance).

Ventura won because people were fed up and a straight-shooter who wasn't afraid to blast both parties stepped up and tell the truth about the political system. If somebody like that steps up in this election and is somewhat likable, it could be trouble for both parties.

Who would you propose? The only person that fits the mold is Ron Paul.
I think he's right in the sense that a third party has more of a chance than ever, but the two party system will win it out again. To be fair, Ron Paul has been predicting a lot of this stuff for years now.


Ventura and Schwarzenegger pretty much failed though.

After the inability of the actor who played Billy to reach elected office through the Libertarian Party in Kentucky, we have few choices left.

Yes, we need to elect the Predator himself.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah, I've often seen similar arguments where they say we are now giving 'special rights' to gay people. Of course, that begs the question . . . what are these 'special rights'? Do they get a free bus passes? Free parking in Provincetown and San Francisco? They never seem know what they are.

And then I point out that the gays did have one special right . . . they had the 'special right' not to be drafted into war. And then I point out to the 'special rights' conspiracy theorist that he/she COMPLAINED WHEN WE TOOK IT AWAY!
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