Fork 'em, Sparky!
Dude, you have got to tone it down.moop2000 said:So, it's okay that he says my response is retarded which implies it as worthless and wrong and I point out the hard truth and that's wrong? You make no sense. They were irresponsible and drains on society which fits his generalization of welfare recipients and yet it's too harsh? Seriously?
I am aware of the many, programs the government offers and I am still for abolishing many of them, as I have stated many, many times. Even the ones I have and do take. Why the hell is my mortgage interest deductible? It isn't deductible pretty much anywhere else and people still buy houses all over the world.
I did answer why my parents had that many kids, they always felt like they were supposed to have ten. That will sound ridiculous to 99% of people, I am aware, but if you get off your pedestal and realize that people do things for a variety of reasons, none of them really matter in the end.
Education and accountability are the two problems that this country is facing on the grandest scale and what is making and will continue to make e biggest differ ce between rich and poor. Rich parents can clothe and feed their kids while being active participants in the learning process. They go to parent-teacher conferences, they care about grades and are typically two-parent households.
Poor parents are often single-parent households or ones where both parents work in blue-collar or service oriented jobs. The parents are not educated and have little interest or time in making sure their kids' education is making a difference. What is worse, add in the fact that the kids see their parents without education, on welfare or SSI and, while they probably don't live in a nice neighborhood, they still find money for flat screen TVs, cable and Internet, the newest cell phones, and brand-name clothing. What incentive is there for that kid to work hard? Even if the single parent was a hard worker ( as the great majority are) when do they have time between two or more jobs to study with their kids, go to school functions, and so on?
How are you going to fix that scenario? More education spending? Firing underperforming teachers? Bus kids to schools where teachers and parents give a crap? I would love to hear your ideas.
For that reason, I don't think tons of welfare benefits help many people to progress with anything other than forcing them to buy food instead of entertainment with their money. Funnel that money more into education and after-school activities and other things to encourage kids to be around learning environments as much as possible. Give kids more incentive to study, work hard and truly succeed. I am totally and one hundred percent for free education (as I have stated) without it, the kids in poverty that truly do want to get ahead will have their chance. Keep up with the free meals, too.
Sorry if my views are a bit skewed, but working in inner city and seeing the same people without regard for hygiene, education, common courtesy, respect for education, and a desire to improve their situation in life has made me a cynic. People honestly look at their money I. Front of me and go " should I pay the cable bill or the water bill..." and damn if they don't always pay that cable bill. Why not take another DVR while you are at it? Budgeting and finance classes should be taught throughout school years, for that matter, too.