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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Invisible_Insane said:

It wasn't this bad in THE CIVIL RIGHTS ERA.

they need to extend the sales tax deductible that expires this year.... I dont want to pay taxes on money i already spent on sales tax!!!

Make it happen Barry!


eznark said:
Talking long term deficit reduction. Wants tax hikes and medicare cuts.

This speech will be a real winner...

i have no faith that there would be a way to get tax code changes, adjustments or slight raises through the house... if it wasn't being held by a minority of dimwits (beyond the normal politician level), i'd see this SP downgrade as a great opportunity to fix some shit with the tax system and get some real change in it moving through. As it is now, its about as productive as smashing your dick in a car door.


Man he is fumbling all over himself today.

hahahha....now he is talking about hikes in spending (tax cuts, unemployment extensions, infrastructure spending)

S&P just downgraded the US to BBB


S&P is basically downgrading almost any financial institution that had a AAA rating that does the majority of its business in the US.


Byakuya769 said:
Edit - Financial reporting really pisses me off with attaching whatever bit of news to the market's actions on that day. Apparently the markets are sliding because of Freddie and Fannie's downgrade. Ah ok.

Thank you. Let's start a movement to end this.
eznark said:
Man he is fumbling all over himself today.

hahahha....now he is talking about hikes in spending (tax cuts, unemployment extensions, infrastructure spending)

S&P just downgraded the US to BBB

Come on man, short-term does not equal long-term.

ToxicAdam said:
Thank you. Let's start a movement to end this.

Who's with us?


I wonder if Boehner regrets walking out of that good deal. It wasn't perfect but the cuts were much bigger. Now you guys got the worst possible deal ever and it shows.
[Nintex] said:
I wonder if Boehner regrets walking out of that good deal. It wasn't perfect but the cuts were much bigger. Now you guys got the worst possible deal ever and it shows.
This will be remembered as the day Tea Partiers crashed US economy.


Dude Abides said:
"those of us that want a balanced budget" is a null set.

I almost pissed myself when Obama said "it's important to find a balanced" then stumbled over the next word and I thought he was actually going to call for a balanced budget for a split hair of a second.

I was getting ready to fire up my old democraticunderground account!


If Obama wouldn't puss out, I'd tell him to stop fucking compromising with the Republicans. You've tried that route and it never helps, nor does it ever end well.


Poor Obama. I don't know what I would do in his situation.
I would probably say fuck it.. I don't care about being re-elected and just say whatever the fuck I wanted.


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I guess the White House figured they had to just move their lips a little today in response to the downgrade. Nothing really new or helpful was said.
So it's a lot like being a teabagger every day?
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
I guess the White House figured they had to just move their lips a little today in response to the downgrade. Nothing really new or helpful was said.

Edit: Dow now below 11,000.

you know anyone over 45 is probably selling everything they have this week.


Crisis said:
If Obama wouldn't puss out, I'd tell him to stop fucking compromising with the Republicans. You've tried that route and it never helps, nor does it ever end well.

If Obama had "stopped fucking compromising" we'd be sitting in the exact same spot we're currently in except that he wouldn't be able to (effectively) call it a Tea Party Downgrade. He goes the 14th Ammendment route...down grade. He does nothing, down grade.

This way at least he brings congress along for the porcelain parade.
Just lost my job. Looking at our economy.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm starting to get worried about how I"m going to feed my family.
Crisis said:
If Obama wouldn't puss out, I'd tell him to stop fucking compromising with the Republicans. You've tried that route and it never helps, nor does it ever end well.
I hope that the reason he's acting like this is because of re-election, with him after 2012 election saying/doing WTF he wants and becoming the badass we all hoped he'd be.
jmdajr said:
I'm sorry bro
Thanks. This shit is scary, man. I saw so many folks at the unemployment office that had been at their jobs for years and years and they've been unemployed for over a year. I'd been at my job for 5 years and got slapped with the pink on friday. My job has let a ton of people go for quota issues, and I was the next one. They keep raising quotas despite less customers walking in. I guess that's just how it goes. I just hope they don't fight me on it. It's pretty rattling when I figure that me, the wife, and my son could end up on the streets because of things out of my control... it's fucking with me hard.

I was unemployed back after 911 cause I worked at the airport and couldn't find a job for like a year. I don't want to go thru this shit again. My emergency fund is gone because of medical bills. This shit was hella out of left field.
Byakuya769 said:
Yea, this is the same shit we get from republicans. You agree we need a fundamental change in policy?

Honestly we're left with 2 choices for the future.

Just becoming a socialist country - which i'd prefer not happen

or do whatever it takes to balance the budget which would mean more taxes for everyone... not just the rich.. even a fair tax if needed. and even fund jobs like clean rail etc.
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