There simply was not a transnational threat coming out of Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Pakistan have a future thats interrelated, and Pakistan needed assurance that the government in Kabul could stand on its own two feet, one that would not rely on, say, India as a crutch.
Today, Obama needed to justify withdrawing troops so he can tell more of the truth: indeed, a senior administration official, in a conference call today, said this: The al-Qaida threat does come from Pakistan. That is where they were hunkered down. And: There is no transnational threatno terrorist threatfrom Afghanistan.
The official even acknowledged what heretofore had been unmentionable: that the United States was prosecuting an aggressive campaign inside Pakistan, sometimes without their knowledge, using assets both human and technical, a reference to the CIAs successful drone attacks and to U.S. special forces raids along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Petraeus is a great general. Here, he may have out-generaled himself.