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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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besada said:
And folks in WI are trying to get Ryan in the race. I'd love to see more candidates. I envision a stage with twenty-five candidates debating, each one given two minutes to speak. They'll really have to ratchet up the rhetoric to get noticed. Hell, Cain and Perry have both suggested impeaching the Big O, so by the time we reach the end of this folderol, they'll have to accuse him of being a gray to get attention.

Wasn't Ryan actually voted the most disliked member of congress not too long ago?
besada said:
Reality can not stand in the way of ideology.

Speaking of ideology, I to this day do not understand the mental gymnastics Christian rightwingers do to rationalize the absolutely opposing natures of Christianity and Ayn Rand's Objectivism.


ToxicAdam said:
Perry exchange with Iowa college student (Ron Paul supporter).

Perry looks so glad that young punks like him have no power or leverage, and actual journalists these days are either completely spineless or talking point spinsters. It's written all over his face.
Mortrialus said:
Speaking of ideology, I to this day do not understand the mental gymnastics Christian rightwingers do to rationalize the absolutely opposing natures of Christianity and Ayn Rand's Objectivism.
No mental gymnastics necessary: just a fundamental misunderstanding of both on their parts.


Mortrialus said:
Speaking of ideology, I to this day do not understand the mental gymnastics Christian rightwingers do to rationalize the absolutely opposing natures of Christianity and Ayn Rand's Objectivism.

The roots of Protestantism is the act of breaking away from the corrupt, bigger whole and forming your own seperate, localized entity.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mortrialus said:
Speaking of ideology, I to this day do not understand the mental gymnastics Christian rightwingers do to rationalize the absolutely opposing natures of Christianity and Ayn Rand's Objectivism.
It seems like right wing christiains focus on the isolated details and stories of the bible that were products of their times rather than the less context-sensitive overall messages. They have lost sight of helping the poor and loving their neighbor because they're too focussed on short 1-sentence passages and verses. These same lessons pervade all the abrahamic religions, and every one of them has their fair share of nuts :/


Speaking of Molly Ivins and Governor Goodhair:
First, we Texans would like to salute the only governor we've got, Rick "Goodhair" Perry, the Ken Doll, for vetoing the bill to outlaw executing the mentally retarded.

We are Texas Proud.

Such a brilliant decision – not only is Texas now globally recognized for barbaric cruelty, but a strong majority of Texans themselves (73 percent) would prefer not to off the retarded.

Gov. Goodhair's decision – in the face of popular opinion, the Supreme Court and George W. Bush's recent conversion on this subject – is a testament to his strength of character.

Or something.

His Perryness announced, anent the veto, that Texas does not execute the retarded. I beg your pardon, Governor. Johnny Paul Penry, now on Death Row for a heart-breaking murder and the subject of two Supreme Court decisions, has an IQ between 51 and 60, believes in Santa Claus and likes coloring books.

And that's not counting the other six we know about for sure since 1990.
ToxicAdam said:
The roots of Protestantism is the act of breaking away from the corrupt, bigger whole and forming your own seperate, localized entity.

That didn't address what I stated at all. The contents of the Bible are diametrically opposed to what is preached by Ayn Rand.
Mortrialus said:
That didn't address what I stated at all. The contents of the Bible are diametrically opposed to what is preached by Ayn Rand.

What TA said does provide really good context as to how Ayn Rand's philosophical musings are so appealing to many evangelicals, though.


GaimeGuy said:
It seems like right wing christiains focus on the isolated details and stories of the bible that were products of their times rather than the less context-sensitive overall messages. They have lost sight of helping the poor and loving their neighbor because they're too focussed on short 1-sentence passages and verses. These same lessons pervade all the abrahamic religions, and every one of them has their fair share of nuts :/

It's abortion and gay marriage. Those are the calling cards....Moral Majority & all that. Talk to any Culture Warrior and those 2 issues are quick to come up.

But let's not forget how the Civil Rights Act cemented many (most?) Christian conservatives support for the GOP either.


Mortrialus said:
That didn't address what I stated at all. The contents of the Bible are diametrically opposed to what is preached by Ayn Rand.

The contents of the Bible are often diametrically opposed to itself.

It can empower people to travel 1000 miles to help people in Haiti, yet scream slurs at their gay neighbor next door. It's all up to the individual (and more importantly, the group of individuals that make up a congregation) to determine what they want to believe 'the Word' tells them.

You're making a pretty vague point. Now, if you wanted to be more direct and say 'Glen Beck is a hypocritical asshole because he celebrates and promotes the ideas of Ayn Rand while being a practicing Christian in his private life." Then that's where I can agree with you.
ToxicAdam said:
The contents of the Bible are often diametrically opposed to itself. You're making a pretty vague point.

That is very true. I'm just wondering what kind of mental gymnastics Republicans like Paul Ryan do to rationalize that these two ideologies are fundamentally opposed.

It can empower people to travel 1000 miles to help people in Haiti, yet scream slurs at their gay neighbor next door. It's all up to the individual (and more importantly, the group of individuals that make up a congregation) to determine what they want to believe 'the Word' tells them.

I'm an atheist here. The Bible is often jokingly referred to as the "Big book of multiple choice" because it often has wildly different positions on a variety of issues within the book itself.

You're making a pretty vague point. Now, if you wanted to be more direct and say 'Glen Beck is a hypocritical asshole because he celebrates and promotes the ideas of Ayn Rand while being a practicing Christian in his private life." Then that's where I can agree with you.

Despite the fact that I don't find the Bible divine, morally enlightened, or even good literature, I also have the same feelings about Ayn Rand's works. And yet the central teachings of Jesus as told in the Bible are diametrically opposed to Ayn Rand's work. One cannot practice both.


besada said:
And folks in WI are trying to get Ryan in the race. I'd love to see more candidates. I envision a stage with twenty-five candidates debating, each one given two minutes to speak. They'll really have to ratchet up the rhetoric to get noticed. Hell, Cain and Perry have both suggested impeaching the Big O, so by the time we reach the end of this folderol, they'll have to accuse him of being a gray to get attention.



Mortrialus said:
Despite the fact that I don't find the Bible divine, morally enlightened, or even good literature, I also have the same feelings about Ayn Rand's works. And yet the central teachings of Jesus as told in the Bible are diametrically opposed to Ayn Rand's work. One cannot practice both.

You might find this link interesting. It was posted here a few days ago.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
empty vessel said:
Yep, the movement has to precede the candidates. Politicians aren't movements, nor can they create them. It's our responsibility to do that.

Most of us don't want that responsibility though.


ToxicAdam said:
The contents of the Bible are often diametrically opposed to itself.
Some is, some isn't.

But there are parts of Rand's writings that are diametrically oppose to everything that the bible say.
You know, like the whole God doesn't exist thing (to choose a non-politically charged example).


Setec Astronomer
ToxicAdam said:
You're making a pretty vague point. Now, if you wanted to be more direct and say 'Glen Beck is a hypocritical asshole because he celebrates and promotes the ideas of Ayn Rand while being a practicing Christian in his private life." Then that's where I can agree with you.
It's worse for Glenn Beck because the only difference between what mormon doctrine considers the ideal social order and marxism is the presence of theocracy.
RustyNails said:
I think it's too narrow. I thought we were approaching this within the spectrum of political parties. Like I said earlier, the interface for this website should be flawless. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere good at it. But my brother is a web designer, so if anyone needs help with php or flash skillz, let me know so I can pass it on to him.

Awesome and yes agreed. Send your email to Puddles and he will add you to the list.

ToxicAdam said:
Perry exchange with Iowa college student (Ron Paul supporter).

No one noticed the pointed finger being placed on the guy's chest? That's an act of aggression that I do not take too kindly. He should have slapped it out of his chest. The fuck is that about


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Snaku said:
Perry looks so glad that young punks like him have no power or leverage, and actual journalists these days are either completely spineless or talking point spinsters. It's written all over his face.

Actually journalists have been killing Perry already.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Meus Renaissance said:
No one noticed the pointed finger being placed on the guy's chest? That's an act of aggression that I do not take too kindly. He should have slapped it out of his chest. The fuck is that about

Perry didn't place his finger on the student's chest did he? I can't see the video from work.

Fake Edit: Okay looks like he did. WHOA! I can see this making the news sometime this week if it gets watched alot on the internet.

beseda was Perry always like this? Or is the national spotlight too big for him and he's doing and saying things slightly out of character?


Dan said:
Wow, Perry poked that kid in the chest. That's a bold little move of intimidation.

"Don't challenge me punk." Pretty douche like of Perry, and just another reason he'll never get my vote. Typical smug asshole.
unomas said:
"Don't challenge me punk." Pretty douche like of Perry, and just another reason he'll never get my vote. Typical smug asshole.
Yeah, ignoring his political views . . . the guy really comes across as an arrogant asshole. The Fed chief is treasonous? Trying piss all over the other GOP candidates by announcing on the day of their debate. Poking that kid. The feud with the Bushies over I don't even know what.

He seems to be a turbo douchebag. Of course that will score him many points with the red-meat base but probably would not be very helpful in a general election.


besada warned all of us that were saying Perry has the steam. If this is how he handles his first week in the spotlight, i'm much less worried


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise


It really scares me how much I find myself siding with Ron Paul again. Really I think he and I agree on a majority of things, but when I disagree with his stance it's because I find his stance just so dumb.

"We need to end wars and foreign aid!" -YAY!
"We need to cut spending including large defense cuts." - YAY!
"Corporations are not people." - YAY!
"Businesses need less regulation." ----Uh...well I guess in certain cases I could agree with that
"The way to fix the healthcare crisis is more free market involvement." --WAT


Dan said:
Jonathan Alter says Chris Christie is now focus testing for a possible presidential run.

I'm not sure the Republican race has room for another aggressive asshole.

Yeah, me too. I figured he'd just do his swagger thing, not go full-flown Yosemite Sam.

yet another entry from someone whos state hates him. Maybe Rick Scott can run too

ronito said:
It really scares me how much I find myself siding with Ron Paul again. Really I think he and I agree on a majority of things, but when I disagree with his stance it's because I find his stance just so dumb.

"We need to end wars and foreign aid!" -YAY!
"We need to cut spending including large defense cuts." - YAY!
"Corporations are not people." - YAY!
"Businesses need less regulation." ----Uh...well I guess in certain cases I could agree with that
"The way to fix the healthcare crisis is more free market involvement." --WAT

i can agree wtih 95% of Ron Pauls stances, but the 5% i disagree with outweigh the 95% 10 times over... that and i think its a worthless vote since he has absolutely no help in the senate or house, so he will be a 4 year lame duck president who can't do anything because both sides don't agree with him

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
ronito said:
It really scares me how much I find myself siding with Ron Paul again. Really I think he and I agree on a majority of things, but when I disagree with his stance it's because I find his stance just so dumb.

"We need to end wars and foreign aid!" -YAY!
"We need to cut spending including large defense cuts." - YAY!
"Corporations are not people." - YAY!
"Businesses need less regulation." ----Uh...well I guess in certain cases I could agree with that
"The way to fix the healthcare crisis is more free market involvement." --WAT

I'm in your boat too. Even though I disagree with him on some key issues, he seems like a genuine guy who stands by his principles, not a phony whose agenda revolves around being elected.


ronito said:
It really scares me how much I find myself siding with Ron Paul again. Really I think he and I agree on a majority of things, but when I disagree with his stance it's because I find his stance just so dumb.

"We need to end wars and foreign aid!" -YAY!
"We need to cut spending including large defense cuts." - YAY!
"Corporations are not people." - YAY!
"Businesses need less regulation." ----Uh...well I guess in certain cases I could agree with that
"The way to fix the healthcare crisis is more free market involvement." --WAT

I understand where you're coming from, I don't agree with everything that Ron Paul says, but I do agree that these wars need to end, and no other candidate seems to actually want to do that. The things that I do agree with him on are big enough that he will get my vote, and unlike the other cookie cutter politicians the guy actually seems sincere about what he's saying, and his stances on these things haven't changed. I also love that fact that he wants to challenge the Federal Reserve, people in this country are getting fed up, and they should be. Yahoo article on the media blackout of Ron Paul below with the John Stewart video in there as well.

IMO people are too caught up on abortion and other "party" issues, and if people keep bickering about those issues they won't get to other issues that are equally or more important right now. People just need to find a candidate and not a "party" that can help this country. This left right BS has us so divided that we can't get anything done.



unomas said:
I understand where you're coming from, I don't agree with everything that Ron Paul says, but I do agree that these wars need to end, and no other candidate seems to actually want to do that. The things that I do agree with him on are big enough that he will get my vote, and unlike the other cookie cutter politicians the guy actually seems sincere about what he's saying, and his stances on these things haven't changed. I also love that fact that he wants to challenge the Federal Reserve, people in this country are getting fed up, and they should be. Yahoo article on the media blackout of Ron Paul below with the John Stewart video in there as well.

IMO people are too caught up on abortion and other "party" issues, and if people keep bickering about those issues they won't get to other issues that are equally or more important right now.
I love that article headline

"Is the media treating Ron Paul unfairly?"

Well, no freaking duh!

But I do disagree that it's just on party issues. To me the good that Ron Paul could do (even if he got congress to work with him. HA!) is vastly outweighed by the harm he could do.


Invisible_Insane said:
I don't think NJ hates Chris Christie, he's at like 43%.

sorry... dislikes him, the latest polls have him losing to 3 different dem's in a gov race

PhoenixDark said:
He wouldn't carry his own state in 2012. Still, if anything this shows republicans know Obama is very vulnerable.

not really, if anything this shows other republicans think they have shit for candidates.


ronito said:
I love that article headline

"Is the media treating Ron Paul unfairly?"

Well, no freaking duh!

But I do disagree that it's just on party issues. To me the good that Ron Paul could do (even if he got congress to work with him. HA!) is vastly outweighed by the harm he could do.

Agreed, the good he could do versus what we've had in the last 11 years far outweighs the bad that would come from it. We need someone genuine, that's not a typical politician, who will tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then deliver the opposite. Ron Paul 2012
gcubed said:
sorry... dislikes him, the latest polls have him losing to 3 different dem's in a gov race

not really, if anything this shows other republicans think they have shit for candidates.

How is this worse than a guy running for a second term whose country "dislikes" him?


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
How is this worse than a guy running for a second term whose country "dislikes" him?

i didnt say it was worse. The country obviously dislikes Obama, but unlike Christie, would vote for him again over any of the opposition. as of today obviously

Hitokage said:
I hate Christ Christie, but I'm not in NJ.

slip of the tongue?
unomas said:
Agreed, the good he could do versus what we've had in the last 11 years far outweighs the bad that would come from it. We need someone genuine, that's not a typical politician, who will tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then deliver the opposite. Ron Paul 2012

I don't know about that:

"Christmas in Secular America", Paul wrote, "The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government’s hostility to religion. The establishment clause of the First Amendment was simply intended to forbid the creation of an official state church like the Church of England, not to drive religion out of public life. The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would eclipse the state in importance. Throughout our nation’s history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people’s allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation’s Christian heritage. Christmas itself may soon be a casualty of that war."

Just FYI, for a guy who goes on an on about the constitution, it appears he has never read it because the constitution doesn't mention God a single time. He also appears to have not read much of the founding fathers private writings because many of them including Thomas Jefferson, absolutely loathed Christian theology.

"In 2005, Paul introduced the We the People Act, which would have removed "any claim involving the laws, regulations, or policies of any State or unit of local government relating to the free exercise or establishment of religion" from the jurisdiction of federal courts. If made law, this provision would purportedly permit state, county, and local governments to decide whether to allow displays of religious text and imagery and whether to ban atheists from public office, but would not interfere with the application of relevant federal law."


I would not put it past Ron Paul to say "States rights" if a state like, say, Texas decided to make it punishable by death to be an atheist. No thanks.
gcubed said:
i didnt say it was worse. The country obviously dislikes Obama, but unlike Christie, would vote for him again over any of the opposition. as of today obviously

Over Romney or even Perry? I doubt that. Although Perry's gaffes and sheer stupidity is making me reconsider that position


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
How is this worse than a guy running for a second term whose country "dislikes" him?

Because the general majority does not like any of the GOP candidates any better

Obama could be beat by the right GOP nominee, not any of them is that person

and LOL at the people touting Romney, really you think "this" time its going to be different? If Sarah Palin is already nailing his ass to the wall for avoiding the debt ceiling issue what happens when its just him and he can't hide behind others making the first move...or he has to answer for all the stuff he did as gov that apparently is totally wrong and immoral now


PhoenixDark said:
Over Romney or even Perry? I doubt that. Although Perry's gaffes and sheer stupidity is making me reconsider that position

he's still up in some of them, not over the 50% threshold. He polls better against Perry then he does against Romney, and this is without the mouth diarrhea of Perry the last few days. You also have to remember that an incumbent doesnt get his campaigning boost this early. You have the entire GOP field going state to state destroying him.
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