Puddles said:They're talking about a company that took $55 million in stimulus money.
$55 million.
Byakuya769 said:What were the reactions here like when Bush won his second term? All diablos, all the time?
RustyNails said:So Whole Foods was shouted down by bigots for carrying Halal food items
Here's the vilest of remarks:
...Do you ever reach a point in your life where you just run out of ways expressing disbelief over what is happening to this country...?
TacticalFox88 said:What happened in '86?![]()
ToxicAdam said:A few moving to Canada threads. Military draft thread, War with Iran thread, etc etc.
Although "big threads" back then had about 40 replies.
Here's one posted by a former mod (guess who!).
It's easy, even fun, to be political when things are going your way. When your guy is getting elected, and you have hope, politics is exciting and fun. When you're getting your teeth kicked in on a daily basis, it's depressing and a drag.Hootie said:Things seem so much different from the 2008 election. I know the 2012 campaigns have barely even begun, but there's almost no chance for something genuinely good to come from this election.
What didn't happen in 1986?TacticalFox88 said:What happened in '86?![]()
Puddles said:They're talking about a company that took $55 million in stimulus money.
$55 million.
Karma Kramer said:Im considering throwing in the towel with Poli-gaf... love you guys but this thread leaves me nothing but depressed these days.
besada said:What didn't happen in 1986?
Chernobyl, the West Berlin Disco bombing followed by our retaliatory strike on Libya, the first televised Senate proceedings, South Africa in ruins, Reagan's continued existence, the failed talks in Reykjavik, a revolution in the Phillipines, the beginning of Iran-Contra, the beating of young black men in Queens and elsewhere...
Edit: The spawning of PD
Oblivion said:"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Some guy
A nuclear meltdown, war in Libya, revolutions . . . . the more things change, the more they stay the same.besada said:What didn't happen in 1986?
Chernobyl, the West Berlin Disco bombing followed by our retaliatory strike on Libya, the first televised Senate proceedings, South Africa in ruins, Reagan's continued existence, the failed talks in Reykjavik, a revolution in the Phillipines, the beginning of Iran-Contra, the beating of young black men in Queens and elsewhere...
Edit: The spawning of PD
besada said:What didn't happen in 1986?
Chernobyl, the West Berlin Disco bombing followed by our retaliatory strike on Libya, the first televised Senate proceedings, South Africa in ruins, Reagan's continued existence, the failed talks in Reykjavik, a revolution in the Phillipines, the beginning of Iran-Contra, the beating of young black men in Queens and elsewhere...
Edit: The spawning of PD
Karma Kramer said:And what exactly are we doing by reading day in and day out how messed up our politics are?
Then you weren't there. It was a HUGE story that year and sparked racial tensions across the country. You should maybe look it up.A Human Becoming said:I don't know if I would call that a year defining event. It still goes on now and I doubt it was as extreme as the LA riots in '92.
Ugh.besada said:What didn't happen in 1986?
Chernobyl, the West Berlin Disco bombing followed by our retaliatory strike on Libya, the first televised Senate proceedings, South Africa in ruins, Reagan's continued existence, the failed talks in Reykjavik, a revolution in the Phillipines, the beginning of Iran-Contra, the beating of young black men in Queens and elsewhere...
Ugh.Edit: The spawning of PD
RustyNails said:So Whole Foods was shouted down by bigots for carrying Halal food items
Here's the vilest of remarks:
...Do you ever reach a point in your life where you just run out of ways expressing disbelief over what is happening to this country...?
No idea how I forgot that. It was heartbreaking.teruterubozu said:Challenger explosion. Every American remembers that day and it became a major stain on NASA, who were considered flawless until then.
Now we have Israel.speculawyer said:A nuclear meltdown, war in Libya, revolutions . . . . the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Well, South Africa has changed for the better.
Oblivion said:We're keeping ourselves knowledgeable so that we can possibly sway others into doing the same.
I know what you're talking about, it's seriously fucking depressing, but no matter how bad things get, just watch an episode of the West Wing to revitalize the will to keep fighting.
Karma Kramer said:And what exactly are we doing by reading day in and day out how messed up our politics are?
besada said:Let's just pretend I did a long post here about the pointlessness of sparking third parties without reforming the electoral system.
RustyNails said:So Whole Foods was shouted down by bigots for carrying Halal food items
Here's the vilest of remarks:
...Do you ever reach a point in your life where you just run out of ways expressing disbelief over what is happening to this country...?
ToxicAdam said:Any idea a collection of people may come up with will be co-opted by the dominant parties. It's happened time and time again. Then you become part of their base because you believe the rhetoric and fear the other.
besada said:Let's just pretend I did a long post here about the pointlessness of sparking third parties without reforming the electoral system.
Karma Kramer said:So what do we do then... are you saying its hopeless?
Karma Kramer said:So what do we do then... are you saying its hopeless?
Karma Kramer said:So what do we do then... are you saying its hopeless?
I gotta admit, I was not expecting that former mod lol.ToxicAdam said:Here's one posted by a former mod (guess who!).
empty vessel said:Ha. shortcut. Or is that a warp?
Karma Kramer said:Sorry for coming across a bit cynical, but I guess this largely stems from me not being able to persuade my mom (fox news watcher) on anything political. The brainwashing is just too effective for me, I feel powerless. I do think there is something we could do , GAF, but it would involve a lot of work from many individuals here. We need to formulate a website that is as non-partisan as possible that like a RPG videogame or something tracks stats on every elected official in politics right now, showcasing how similar the two parties are, how corrupt most of them are (financing), and how hypocritical our political system is (republicans spending more than democrats, tax cuts timelines, etc)...
Basically a very detailed but extremely clear and honest representation of our political climate. Something that we can spread over the internet. Something that can give people tools to compile data, make graph comparisons, and network with like minded individuals (hopefully sparking new third parties).
Dude Abides said:As besada said, it's hopeless until we change our system, unless there is some absolutely huge divisive issue like slavery (last time a third party amounted to anything).
Dude Abides said:As besada said, it's hopeless until we change our system, unless there is some absolutely huge divisive issue like slavery (last time a third party amounted to anything).
besada said:The only solution is to start joking about it. Everything else will either give you a stroke or get you out in jail.
Gonaria said:Jessie Ventura begs to differ. Depressingly enough, if I had the choice between Ventura and Pawlenty as our governor again, I would choose Ventura every time.
I like the idea but no clue how I can help. I'll pitch in. It's a pretty daunting task if you ask me, and your website interface will be a make it or break it aspect.Karma Kramer said:Sorry for coming across a bit cynical, but I guess this largely stems from me not being able to persuade my mom (fox news watcher) on anything political. The brainwashing is just too effective for me, I feel powerless. I do think there is something we could do , GAF, but it would involve a lot of work from many individuals here. We need to formulate a website that is as non-partisan as possible that like a RPG videogame or something tracks stats on every elected official in politics right now, showcasing how similar the two parties are, how corrupt most of them are (financing), and how hypocritical our political system is (republicans spending more than democrats, tax cuts timelines, etc)...
Basically a very detailed but extremely clear and honest representation of our political climate. Something that we can spread over the internet. Something that can give people tools to compile data, make graph comparisons, and network with like minded individuals (hopefully sparking new third parties).
besada said:Jesse Ventura didn't change our system, though. He was unable to enact his political ideas because he had no suck with the legislature. At best he vetoed a bunch of bills, and that's not exactly change, so much as it's executive gridlock.
And then he left, and his presence made virtually no long lasting impact on the state. Nor did it have any lasting effect on the tendency of a plurality system to tend toward two party solutions.
It was a blip in the data like a host of other blips that left no discernable impression.
Obama had a great opportunity to declare victory and GTFO after we killed Bin Laden.ssolitare said:I'm sorry but the war if Afghanistan is the ultimate version of fiscal responsibility right now.
We will not win there and I guarantee that we will quit. If you think about it, 911 did a real number on us.
We can't throw enough money there militarily or strategically.
Our military cannot be them at their own game.
There are too many players fighting for control and they are relentless and will never stop fighting, even when the money disappears.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority's new cost estimates released Tuesday show the initial stretch of construction between Merced and Bakersfield will cost $10 billion to $13.9 billion depending on how it's built. Project planners had previously pegged the section at $6.8 billion.
When California voters approved the project in 2008, the state said it would cost $33 billion, but it soared to $43 billion a year later -- already making it the single largest public works project in the nation. Even now, the state only has about one-fourth of the money needed to fund the entire rail line and no clear plan on how to secure the rest.
If the cost of the entire project balloons at the same pace as the Central Valley section, the San Francisco-to-Anaheim railroad would cost from $63 billion to $87 billion, similar to what independent analysts have been predicting. And those figures do not include inflation, which could push the final cost toward a staggering $100 billion.
"It leaves what looks like a potential tremendous burden on the California taxpayer," said Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, whose Peninsula district has led the chorus of boos for the project. "We can't double our debt obligations for the high-speed rail system. That would all be done at the expense of education, and health and human services, things that people (need)."
ToxicAdam said:Jesus, this HSR project in California is going to be massively overbudget:
They picked this leg to start on because it was supposed to be the cheapest and easiest to gain access rights to.
Dilbert used to be a mod? Holy shiiitSkiptastic said:I gotta admit, I was not expecting that former mod lol.
TacticalFox88 said:Dilbert used to be a mod? Holy shiiit
Puddles said:First things first: we need to think of a good domain name.
Second: anyone know a good web hosting company?