Karma Kramer
ToxicAdam said:No, it's -jinx-. He changed his username at some point.
txociadam whos ur avatar, looks like a familiar kid but I can't place it
ToxicAdam said:No, it's -jinx-. He changed his username at some point.
It was nice when Jerry Brown did it back in 1992, too. Like Brown, he will get his brains beat in, unfortunately.Mr. E. Yis said:Did anyone see Roemer on MSNBC tonight? He's in the Republican Presidential race, and is big on campaign finance reform. He's limiting his campaign contributions to $100 max for any individual/company. I'm not sure of his politics, but that is refreshing to see.
Really? I always wondered what happened to him.ToxicAdam said:No, it's -jinx-. He changed his username at some point.
ToxicAdam said:Jesus, this HSR project in California is going to be massively overbudget:
They picked this leg to start on because it was supposed to be the cheapest and easiest to gain access rights to.
speculawyer said:I wonder if this is another indication of how ungovernable this country is becoming. Laying railroad track is not rocket science. But getting right-of-way rights these days is probably a very difficult. Between "property rights uber alles" conservatives and trial-lawyer/environmentalist liberals, it has got to be an endless nightmare of lawsuits. No one gives a crap about the 'common good' and everyone screams, bitches, and moans.
We can't accomplish anything as a nation any more because we are too busy fighting our selves.
Joe said:Ron Paul is the President that the media and corporations don't want us to have which probably means he is the President we need.
Mr. E. Yis said:My ideas for "plain politics" and "political clarity" are taken. :\ I can't think of anything else.
Puddles said:simplepolitics.com is up for sale. I wonder how much the owner wants.
I really wish people couldn't just register domain names and then not do anything with them. If you're not going to actually build a website, that domain should be available to anyone who will.
Karma Kramer said:Wait you guys seriously interested in getting involved with this idea? Cause if so we should exchange information, create an official thread, and find a way to communicate with each other, ideally as a group.
besada said:It was nice when Jerry Brown did it back in 1992, too. Like Brown, he will get his brains beat in, unfortunately.
Puddles said:I'm extremely interested. I've been mulling over the idea for some time. At first I was just going to create a typical liberal blog, but something non-partisan and on the scope of what you're suggesting could be much better.
I have several articles in rough draft form already, plus outlines for a few others.
Puddles said:I'm extremely interested. I've been mulling over the idea for some time. At first I was just going to create a typical liberal blog, but something non-partisan and on the scope of what you're suggesting could be much better.
I have several articles in rough draft form already, plus outlines for a few others.
I'll contribute. Not sure what, but if you're building a little coalition, pm me with the details and I'll show up and do what I can.Puddles said:I'm extremely interested. I've been mulling over the idea for some time. At first I was just going to create a typical liberal blog, but something non-partisan and on the scope of what you're suggesting could be much better.
I have several articles in rough draft form already, plus outlines for a few others.
Mr. E. Yis said:Cool stuff. Hopefully this idea will get off the ground, just in time for elections. If you guys need some video editing or a logo, let me know.
A Human Becoming said:Mr. E. Yis
Would you like my credit card number?
Don't mind if I do!![]()
Karma Kramer said:Sorry for coming across a bit cynical, but I guess this largely stems from me not being able to persuade my mom (fox news watcher) on anything political. The brainwashing is just too effective for me, I feel powerless. I do think there is something we could do , GAF, but it would involve a lot of work from many individuals here. We need to formulate a website that is as non-partisan as possible that like a RPG videogame or something tracks stats on every elected official in politics right now, showcasing how similar the two parties are, how corrupt most of them are (financing), and how hypocritical our political system is (republicans spending more than democrats, tax cuts timelines, etc)...
Basically a very detailed but extremely clear and honest representation of our political climate. Something that we can spread over the internet. Something that can give people tools to compile data, make graph comparisons, and network with like minded individuals (hopefully sparking new third parties).
Mr. E. Yis said:Cool stuff. Hopefully this idea will get off the ground, just in time for elections. If you guys need some video editing or a logo, let me know.
Oblivion said:I wanted to do some funny political comics/videos, I like to think I got some good ideas but not the equipment (drawing tablets, editing software).
besada said:Somewhere around 1986. The only solution is to start joking about it. Everything else will either give you a stroke or get you out in jail.
besada said:What didn't happen in 1986?
Chernobyl, the West Berlin Disco bombing followed by our retaliatory strike on Libya, the first televised Senate proceedings, South Africa in ruins, Reagan's continued existence, the failed talks in Reykjavik, a revolution in the Phillipines, the beginning of Iran-Contra, the beating of young black men in Queens and elsewhere...
Edit: The spawning of PD
I'm also trying also to do some work locally, but not political - I'm trying to start up a community garden in my town. I know some councilmen, and am in the 'proposal' phase. But I'm not sure if this will go through, since it seems like my town Reps and Dems are in a standstill on getting things done, much like our Congress.HylianTom said:But I still care about local politics; there's still capacity for hope on that scene - you can meet and work with your neighbors, better your community, see the results of your efforts more directly, etc. It also seems a bit easier to fight big monied interests on a local scale.
Karma Kramer said:Im considering throwing in the towel with Poli-gaf... love you guys but this thread leaves me nothing but depressed these days.
link?LosDaddie said:The enthusiasm gap is really wide right now. The conservative/sports forum I used to post at is very excited about Perry.
LosDaddie said:The enthusiasm gap is really wide right now. The conservative/sports forum I used to post at is very excited about Perry.
Karma Kramer said:Fantastic! I'm too tired/gotta sleep right now but tomorrow I'll shoot you a pm
I'm surprised you don't have one of those laying around already.eznark said:I'll have a 5000 word piece on the evils of the public education system in your inbox by Friday.
Rick Perry is facing a full-on assault from former Bush aides over his comments on Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, pushing a long-rumored rivalry between the two ex-governors' camps out into the open.
Acknowledging to TPM that "there is no love lost between the W camp and the Perry camp," one Bush veteran appealed for detente.
"I do not think it serves any purpose for any Bushy to fuel to fire or resentment," the person said. "The goal for us should be to defeat Obama not defeat ourselves.
Averon said:http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/ws-revenge-ex-bushies-gang-up-on-rick-perry.php?ref=fpa
Ws Revenge: Ex-Bushies Gang Up On Rick Perry
It's not just Rove.
Many other ex Bush officials are coming out against Perry.
i still say mitt romney's gonna win the GEAveron said:http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/ws-revenge-ex-bushies-gang-up-on-rick-perry.php?ref=fpa
Ws Revenge: Ex-Bushies Gang Up On Rick Perry
It's not just Rove.
Many other ex Bush officials are coming out against Perry.
This is all just a show so people don't try to claim that Perry is another Bush.Averon said:http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/ws-revenge-ex-bushies-gang-up-on-rick-perry.php?ref=fpa
Ws Revenge: Ex-Bushies Gang Up On Rick Perry
It's not just Rove.
Many other ex Bush officials are coming out against Perry.
Black Republican said:i still say mitt romney's gonna win the GE
eznark said:Don't Bush and Perry hate each other personally? I thought I read that somewhere.
Frank the Great said:if you guys are going to make a site i suggest you use it to advocate for issues such as campaign finance reform or electoral reform.
advocating for third parties is useless and literally impossible without at least electoral reform.
Black Republican said:link?
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:This is all just a show so people don't try to claim that Perry is another Bush.
Black Republican said:any one know any good liberal texas blogs/sites?
Macam said:Not really liberal per se, but all good sites: Texas Tribune (a nonprofit venture), Texas Observer, Burnt Orange Report (which in itself has a whole host of Texas-specific blogs). Additionally, the Austin American Statesman is the quintessential Texas paper, although the Houston Chronicle isn't half bad either.
What he was trying to ask said:What I asked Governor Perry was Considering state debt has nearly tripled and spending has increased by two thirds since you were governor, and also that ACORN considered your help their proudest moment, what were the differences between him and the current liberal president? As you can see, he immediately tried to excuse away the numbers.
Cubsfan23 said:Perry is already fucking up, the GOP field is the most laughable in U.S. history