I'm sure most of us saw Warren Buffett's op-ed piece
Stop Coddling the Super Rich.
I didn't really look around for reactions to it, but apparently Fox News was quick to respond, calling it class warfare and asking if Buffett is a socialist.
John Stewart's response to that was right on point:
Daily Show - Warren Buffet vs Wealthy Conservatives
Daily Show - The Poor's Free Ride is Over
It amazes me that Fox News continues to play the class warfare card in a time of complete economic stagnation, and it amazes me even more that they manage to keep their audience while running a message so completely out of touch with 90% of Americans. Their commentators use terms straight out of Atlas Shrugged: "moochers", "looters", "free-loaders", while suggesting that poor people aren't really poor because 99% of them have refrigerators.
Something is very, very wrong when this kind of messaging from Fox News is able to gain any traction whatsoever.