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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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speculawyer said:
In a post Citizen's United world, he had better get out there and raise as much fucking money as he can.

Raising money has never been a big problem for Obama. Obama out-raised McCain by a factor of nearly two to one last time around. If Perry's the other candidate, the numbers on money raised for this election are going to be astronomical.
TacticalFox88 said:
Maybe Krugman's joke/plan could work?

I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are not serious about an alien invasion but that they are just expressing their distastes with climate change talk. And that in itself is so sad . . . they are not scientists and they are expressly rejecting what scientists say with such certainty. Why such arrogant certainty? Especially when you don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Arrogant certainty . . . that is how we ended up in Iraq.


besada said:
Raising money has never been a big problem for Obama. Obama out-raised McCain by a factor of nearly two to one last time around. If Perry's the other candidate, the numbers on money raised for this election are going to be astronomical.

It's too bad all this money is wasted on simply maintaining the status quo.


Obama's ending and ron paul will be our next president.

I asked some people randomly off the street and a majority said ron paul.

ron pauls winning.


SomeDude said:
Obama's ending and ron paul will be our next president.

I asked some people randomly off the street and a majority said ron paul.

ron pauls winning.
I can totally picture this.

A crazy-eyed dude with a month's worth of beard runs up to you on the street and grabs you by the collar. "Who are you voting for?" Spittle splashes across your face, but all you can think about is maybe he has a gun and oh God why didn't you kiss your wife this morning.


"Are you voting for Obama?" The mouth stretches in a crooked sneer, revealing broken, dirty teeth. "Or--" The madman pauses. Something lights up his face, starting at the eyes, traveling down to the lips which quirk upward in what looks like mad joy. "Or, are you voting for Ron Paul?"

"Oh." You swallow. "Uh. Ron P-Paul, of course."

The man sighs happily, relaxes his grip, and wanders off, muttering the word "secession" under his breath.

Heart pounding, breathing heavily, you turn and walk in the opposite direction.
Cyan said:
I can totally picture this.

A crazy-eyed dude with a month's worth of beard runs up to you on the street and grabs you by the collar. "Who are you voting for?" Spittle splashes across your face, but all you can think about is maybe he has a gun and oh God why didn't you kiss your wife this morning.


"Are you voting for Obama?" The mouth stretches in a crooked sneer, revealing broken, dirty teeth. "Or--" The madman pauses. Something lights up his face, starting at the eyes, traveling down to the lips which quirk upward in what looks like mad joy. "Or, are you voting for Ron Paul?"

"Oh." You swallow. "Uh. Ron P-Paul, of course."

The man sighs happily, relaxes his grip, and wanders off, muttering the word "secession" under his breath.

Heart pounding, breathing heavily, you turn and walk in the opposite direction.

Oh man that aint right. That aint right. : D
Cyan said:
I can totally picture this.

A crazy-eyed dude with a month's worth of beard runs up to you on the street and grabs you by the collar. "Who are you voting for?" Spittle splashes across your face, but all you can think about is maybe he has a gun and oh God why didn't you kiss your wife this morning.


"Are you voting for Obama?" The mouth stretches in a crooked sneer, revealing broken, dirty teeth. "Or--" The madman pauses. Something lights up his face, starting at the eyes, traveling down to the lips which quirk upward in what looks like mad joy. "Or, are you voting for Ron Paul?"

"Oh." You swallow. "Uh. Ron P-Paul, of course."

The man sighs happily, relaxes his grip, and wanders off, muttering the word "secession" under his breath.

Heart pounding, breathing heavily, you turn and walk in the opposite direction.

Need that applause citizencane.gif

Karl Rove: Sarah Palin Will Run For President

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin may be planning more than just a career in reality television and paid speaking engagements after all.

Conservative talking head and former Bush advisor Karl Rove tells the Washington Examiner that Palin’s scheduled appearance at the Tea Party’s “Restoring America” event on September 3rd offers a last late-in-the-game option for her to enter the GOP field of presidential candidates in 2012. He thinks it’s an option she’ll take.

“This is her last chance,” Rove told the Examiner. “She either gets in or gets out [after the Iowa visit]. I think she gets in.”

The Tea Party gathering, recently moved from Waukee to a larger venue in Indianola, would give the former governor and vice presidential candidate the chance to deliver the news to a large crowd of supporters and media.

One hint on the likelihood of Palin’s long-speculated candidacy is the latest campaign-style video from SarahPac, produced at the Iowa State Fair and titled "Iowa Passion." The video features everything from Palin in a ponytail and sunglasses talking about fried butter, to commentary from Fox’s Sean Hannity and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

The video of "Iowa Passion" is at the link, it sure looks like a campaign commercial.



Seven ways Rick Perry wants to change the Constitution

Perry laid out these proposed innovations to the founding document in his book, Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington. He has occasionally mentioned them on the campaign trail. Several of his ideas fall within the realm of mainstream conservative thinking today, but, as you will see, there are also a few surprises.

1.)Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.

2.)Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.

3.)Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.

4.)End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.

5.)Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.

6.)The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.

7.)Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.
Romney must be loving this.

The three ring crazy circus will explode themselves out of the race, leaving him all alone. Well, I guess him and Cain, but Cain has no chance in hell.


Matthew Gallant said:
She's definitely running. Third party. It's the only way she can make it to the general.

be nice if she does run on a third party ticket. No way republicans win the election then


Palin will only run if it bolster her name and gives her the attention she so desperately wants. Palin has been overshadow by Bachmann recently, so I wouldn't put it past her to run solely to get her name out there.


jamesinclair said:
Romney must be loving this.

The three ring crazy circus will explode themselves out of the race, leaving him all alone. Well, I guess him and Cain, but Cain has no chance in hell.

Cain is just as batshit crazy but in less of a hardcore Christianity way. The dude said he wouldn't work with any Islamic people for God's sake. The only reason people don't think he's crazy is because he gets such little airtime. Surprised he hasn't dropped out yet tbh.
Meadows said:
Cain is just as batshit crazy but in less of a hardcore Christianity way. The dude said he wouldn't work with any Islamic people for God's sake. The only reason people don't think he's crazy is because he gets such little airtime. Surprised he hasn't dropped out yet tbh.
Cain is wasting his time. He's black. That right there prevents him from winning the primary.
RustyNails said:
Ugh. Mitt Romney couldn't have woken up to a better news.

Well, it's not actually news yet, just Karl Rove's speculation. But she might as well run, she's already got a video and a bus with her name on it.
Obama extending stay in Iraq past Bush administration deadline?

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Iraq’s government has agreed to extend the U.S. military presence in the country beyond 2011 — but Iraq quickly rejected the claim.

The word from Panetta, during an interview with Stars & Stripes, was the first official indication that any of the 46,000 American troops will remain in Iraq beyond the country’s Dec. 31 deadline for U.S. forces to leave. The U.S. and Iraq reached a security agreement in 2008 that the entire American military would be out of the country by the end of 2011.

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Old Lady said:
Can someone tell me please: why the bible is out of the schools, but in the prisons.I think our values have gone amuck.Can God please go back to school to teach our children/grandchildren real values.?Opinions


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Obama extending stay in Iraq past Bush administration deadline?


This was expected. America never truly leaves.
GhaleonEB said:
She's not running. Her ability to generate cash monies depends on her ability to stay visible in the media. She's prancing around for that reason.
That is the only reason she will run if she runs. Like Newt, she will be there for the sole reason of greater book sales and greater speaking fees.

I hope she runs . . . . Cain, Paul, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, and Palin. It is like an all-star comedian tour.


speculawyer said:
That is the only reason she will run if she runs. Like Newt, she will be there for the sole reason of greater book sales and greater speaking fees.

I hope she runs . . . . Cain, Paul, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, and Palin. It is like an all-star comedian tour.
I think she wants it both ways, and is doing these random bus tours and drop-ins at places like the Ames fair to keep her profile high, without having to campaign. But I agree that if that strategy doesn't work, she'll run for that reason. But I wouldn't bet on her doing so.
TacticalFox88 said:
Cain is wasting his time. He's black. That right there prevents him from winning the primary.

He knows he can't win. This is all about getting a primetime speaking slot at the RNC, a book deal, and a spot on Fox News
GhaleonEB said:
I think she wants it both ways, and is doing these random bus tours and drop-ins at places like the Ames fair to keep her profile high, without having to campaign. But I agree that if that strategy doesn't work, she'll run for that reason. But I wouldn't bet on her doing so.
She'll stay out for as long as possible since that allows her to do all sorts of stuff to privately collect money. Once she enters, she can't do a lot of the money-making things that she currently can because those conflict with the campaign finance laws.

So she faces a difficult investment decision . . . will jumping into the race sufficiently raise her brand enough such that later book/TV/speaking returns increase enough make up for reduced near-term income. Or is it better to just keep cashing in on things the way she is right now.


Frank the Great said:
if palin runs as a third party it will be real funny seeing fox and the talk radio crowd instantly turn against her

Not if she runs for a while in the GE, fires up the GOP base, then quits and endorses the GOP nominee (all while making bank on the future deals because she would have incredible media spotlight for a while). I can see it going that way.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Matthew Gallant said:
She's definitely running. Third party. It's the only way she can make it to the general.

This would be the most awesome thing ever. Especially if the Rep. nominee is either a Bachmann or a Perry. Not that I necessarily fear for Obama's re-election chances if those mouthbreathers are in the running, but Palin being involved would immediately split the tea bagger vote.

Sadly, I doubt that'll happen. Palin would probably get blacklisted from every conservative media outlet if she dared run third party, and fucked up the Reps chances of getting elected.

But oh my god, think of the COMEDY.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It just occurred to me that Olbermann's been back for 2 months, yet I haven't watched a single episode of his new show. :O


Black Republican said:
no way shes running, gaf just stop.


Palin is a media whore. She can't stand to not have her name in the spotlight. It's why she went on these short bus tours and then quit a few days after: it puts her name in the news.
Oblivion said:
It just occurred to me that Olbermann's been back for 2 months, yet I haven't watched a single episode of his new show. :O

I'd love to watch it, but the cable here in my city doesn't have it. I wish they'd just put whole episodes online.
Oblivion said:
This would be the most awesome thing ever. Especially if the Rep. nominee is either a Bachmann or a Perry. Not that I necessarily fear for Obama's re-election chances if those mouthbreathers are in the running, but Palin being involved would immediately split the tea bagger vote.

Sadly, I doubt that'll happen. Palin would probably get blacklisted from every conservative media outlet if she dared run third party, and fucked up the Reps chances of getting elected.

But oh my god, think of the COMEDY.
Holy shit YES! John Stewart and Colbert would have material for YEARS.
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