The Clintons are just as firmly in the grasp of the rich corporatists as Obama is. A Hillary presidency wouldn't have been terribly different from what we have now. We'd still have Wormtongues whispering into her ear to give deference to the Republican and conservative views/voters, that Wall Street needs to be fixed before Main Street, trickle down works, etc.
Shit, a Hillary presidency would have been worse. The Clintons have loooong since been out of touch with the rest of the country. Being extremely rich and traveling in elite circles has that effect, after all.
And the Tea Party would have happened either way. Just that instead of endless amounts of racism, you'd see a endless amounts of sexism. Oh, and by the way, Hillary killed Vince Foster, don'tchaknow?
Folks, this is what conservatives ALWAYS do, especially when a Democrat is in office. They've done this since forever. During Kennedy's era, they were called the Birchers. During Carter, they were calling themselves the Minute Men, I believe. Reagan, they decided to call themselves the Moral Majority. Clinton they didn't have a name, but were largely dismissed as the "Black Helicopter Crowd" by a lot of folks. Now they're calling themselves the Tea Party.
...but it's the same insane shit. The only difference today is that now they have a cable "news" network and massive radio station network inserting this willfully ignorant shit directly into the national conversation and legitimizing it.