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Opposing position from an independant blogger:
Clinton would have been demonized and hated nearly as much as Obama, and opposed at nearly every junction. But she would also garner more respect from some republicans in the senate and congress who have either worked with her for years or know her.
More importantly, Clinton would hold no hesitations or confusion over the GOP. She knows exactly what their goal is and has dealt with it in the past. We would get none of this idiotic "can't we all get along" bullshit Obama attempts to sell, often whenever someone gets shot in the face (Giffords, Bin Laden).
Obama has been completely and utterly ineffective at dealing with this congress, whether with the debt ceiling or chairing the fed. And instead of picking a fight over it we get more concessions, more capitulation, and more hand wringing. He would be better served presiding over some academic university where people are more likely to work together and there's less money influencing behavior.
Unless the GOP throws him a Goldwater-esque softball next November, he won't win re-election. This recent pivot to jobs is a perfect example why. Everyone knew the economy would slow down once the stimulus ran out, yet the administration did nothing to address this when they had the chance. We can bitch about blue dogs all we want, but at the end of the day they would have been supportive of nearly everything in Obama's September jobs package. Why wasn't anyone talking about payroll tax holidays in 09 when democrats controlled all of government? Or patent protection, or more business tax cuts, etc. The fact of that matter is that the Obama administration passed the stimulus and immediately moved towards other topics (health care) assuming things would get better. They didn't (by much). And now the game is over.