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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Jaladinozozo said:
so wait, no other democrats are allowed to run against an incumbent? why arent any other dems running against obama? is it like going against your base type of thing and would be looked down upon?
That would be the STUPIDEST thing they could do. For a variety of reasons. They'd hand the election to the GOP on silver platter
Jaladinozozo said:

Gets your candidates' faults out there and demoralizes half the base during a time where the Republican candidates should be beating up on one another and your candidate should be campaigning freely.


Jaladinozozo said:

because of the electoral college?
No, because of how it would affect the Dem vote and the GOP message.

Say Clinton runs against Obama. Now we have a situation where the Dems have to chose who they vote for come November. This is bad, as there has to be a new battle between the candidates. While this is happening, the GOP has the opportunity to run campaign adds bashing both individuals throughout all 50 states while Clinton and Obama have to run adds bashing each other and GOP. Also, the GOP can say "look, that party doesn't even believe in the president, how can you trust their party at all."

Coming into an election season unified towards one candidate makes pooling money easier, makes campaigning easier, makes demonizing the opposition easier, etc.

I could be wrong, but this is my opinion at least.


Jaladinozozo said:
so wait, no other democrats are allowed to run against an incumbent? why arent any other dems running against obama? is it like going against your base type of thing and would be looked down upon?

It's not that they can't, it's just that it would break the 'sure deal' of re-electing the incumbent by splitting the voter base and confusing people. Such is the nature of a two party system.


Jaladinozozo said:
so wait, no other democrats are allowed to run against an incumbent? why arent any other dems running against obama? is it like going against your base type of thing and would be looked down upon?

It's pretty rare for serious candidates to run against an incumbent President, because they almost never win, but they do enough damage to hand the Presidency to the other side. Consequently, no candidate against an incumbent will get party support.
Bush doesnt find Osama in 7 years
Obama finds him in 1

Bush isnt able to bring freedom to Iraq
Obama does it in Libya in 6 months.

Obama does what buscant
jamesinclair said:
Bush doesnt find Osama in 7 years
Obama finds him in 1

Bush isnt able to bring freedom to Iraq
Obama does it in Libya in 6 months.

Obama does what buscant

This is just stupid. How many days did it take to defeat Iraq again...
besada said:
It's pretty rare for serious candidates to run against an incumbent President, because they almost never win, but they do enough damage to hand the Presidency to the other side. Consequently, no candidate against an incumbent will get party support.

i have this feeling that a large part of the country hates obama, and many of the people that voted for him before really regret it and would love to vote for hillary or anyone other than the gop, and that if she ran she might actually beat both obama and whatever batshit crazy fuck wins the gop nomination


more money than God
jamesinclair said:
Bush doesnt find Osama in 7 years
Obama finds him in 1

Bush isnt able to bring freedom to Iraq
Obama does it in Libya in 6 months.

Obama does what buscant
Are you being serious here?


SoulPlaya said:
Are you being serious here?

Spectacularly unhinged

--- /// --

Front page of Drudge



Jaladinozozo said:
i have this feeling that a large part of the country hates obama, and many of the people that voted for him before really regret it and would love to vote for hillary or anyone other than the gop, and that if she ran she might actually beat both obama and whatever batshit crazy fuck wins the gop nomination

I don't know why. Hillary was a very similar candidate to Obama, maybe even more right leaning. And she's much more polarizing.

This is all despite the fact that primarying an incumbent in our current system would never work in the way you'd want it.

TacticalFox88 said:
Hope you realize there was a vote in the Senate approving the action. Based on that I can only assume it's highly flawed.

Congress voted to fund the war, but against authorizing it. Why they're allowed to fund an unauthorized war? I don't know.


Jaladinozozo said:
so wait, no other democrats are allowed to run against an incumbent? why arent any other dems running against obama? is it like going against your base type of thing and would be looked down upon?


I'd have to double check but I don't think it's ever been done (or almost never) that a party runs against its own incumbent. The President IS the leader of the Democratic party at the moment. There would have to be a mutiny and a very very strong candidate to even consider running against the power that comes form the bully pulpit when campaigning.

edit: oh chit just saw I was badly beaten.


Hitokage said:
Obama is pretty much presidential damage control at this point. :/

Well, on the plus side, he pretty much has to get rid of the Bush tax cuts now if he hopes to get any support from the left in the election
Also, I think anyone who thinks that Hillary's chummy relationship with some Republicans would have helped in her presidency is just as naive as Obama. Their political strategy was set in stone no matter who was in office.


Byakuya769 said:
Also, I think anyone who thinks that Hillary's chummy relationship with some Republicans would have helped in her presidency is just as naive as Obama. Their political strategy was set in stone no matter who was in office.

Pretty much.
With a Hillary presidency, you'll get more tough talk, but the results would largely be the same.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Byakuya769 said:
Also, I think anyone who thinks that Hillary's chummy relationship with some Republicans would have helped in her presidency is just as naive as Obama. Their political strategy was set in stone no matter who was in office.

I hate to jump on the Hillary bandwagon but I do think she at least would not have shared Obama's frustrating reluctance to call Republicans out publicly on their bullshit.
DOO13ER said:
I hate to jump on the Hillary bandwagon but I do think she at least would not have shared Obama's frustrating reluctance to call Republicans out publicly on their bullshit.
Considering the campaign is coming up, I don't think Obama has a choice. He'll HAVE too, if he wants to compete
Hitokage said:
Obama is pretty much presidential damage control at this point. :/

Which is why this election is gonna get ugly. Obama won't take the high road (not a lot there to ride on). It's gonna be a down & dirty mudslinger.
TacticalFox88 said:
Considering the campaign is coming up, I don't think Obama has a choice. He'll HAVE too, if he wants to compete

you gonna continue reading the link i posted about obama now that i showed you that you were wrong?


DOO13ER said:
I hate to jump on the Hillary bandwagon but I do think she at least would not have shared Obama's frustrating reluctance to call Republicans out publicly on their bullshit.

And she has to be a better negotiator than him. I mean, pretty much anyone else would be.
DOO13ER said:
I hate to jump on the Hillary bandwagon but I do think she at least would not have shared Obama's frustrating reluctance to call Republicans out publicly on their bullshit.

Likely. Though unfortunately, she'd quickly get labeled a "bitch", have high unfavorables, and present the same center-right policies that wouldn't move us far enough away from the prior recession. Then we're left with the prospect of her being a one-term President.
Byakuya769 said:
Likely. Though unfortunately, she'd quickly get labeled a "bitch", have high unfavorables, and present the same center-right policies that wouldn't move us far enough away from the prior recession. Then we're left with the prospect of her being a one-term President.

Yeah, but she would listen to Bill, whom Obama shuns.

Averon said:
I disagree. The tea party was going to happen regardless if it was Obama or Hillary sitting in the oval office.

It would be a different animal though, probably not as race-rage-filled and they probably wouldn't be as hardcore about calling her an illegitimate president.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i think the biggest improvement in a potential Clinton presidency would be that the lines of communication between the WH and Congressional Dems would be handled better. especially of late, it seems as if Obama's team is content with giving their statements first without any vetting or consideration from other Dems.

how that would inform policy, especially the health care bill, is debatable.


teruterubozu said:
Yeah, but she would listen to Bill, whom Obama shuns.

It would be a different animal though, probably not as race-rage-filled.

There would be less of a race angle, true, but I don't think their message and actions would be much different at all. They would still be crying socialism and Marxism, implying death panels, and risking the US to default. I don't see how Hillary being tougher on the GOP would change things all that much. She would still have to deal with Blue Dogs, a 41>59 Senate, and the public's short term memory.
Averon said:
There would be less of a race angle, true, but I don't think their message and actions would be much different at all. They would still be crying socialism and Marxism, implying death panels, and risking the US to default. I don't see how Hillary being tougher on the GOP would change things all that much. She would still have to deal with Blue Dogs, a 41>59 Senate, and the public's short term memory.

But the Blue Dogs actually like her. Obama has like, zero friends.
quadriplegicjon said:
You keep posting that link. Is the page yours?

no, im just genuinely shocked to find out all of these things about obama, i looked at every source too, everything seems legit and from trusted news/media, not some basement blogger
teruterubozu said:
But the Blue Dogs actually like her. Obama has like, zero friends.

And she'd be less toxic in some of their home states. Obama is so easily demonized in party due to his race. That wouldn't work as effectively with Hillary, someone everyone has been familiar with for years. It's true there are many people who hate her, and the right would have no problems attacking her viciously, but I think many rural and working class democrat and independent voters wouldn't abandon her, or tepidly support her.

She's not afraid of starting a fight, even if it results in a loss. Obama's entirely presidency has been clouded by his refusal to fight battles that may result in losses. Everything is calculated to appeal to one group while expecting democrats to be content. 2012 is going to be about turn out, and as I see it there's really not much of a reason for certain demographics to come out in mass for someone who hasn't fought for them.

I'm not saying Hillary is any less of a corporate democrat than Obama is. But there's no doubt in my mind she would handle the opposition better, and make her positions known. Obama constantly shows up once the PR war has been lost on an issue. That happened with healthcare and the various debt deals that followed. He's an effective speaker, so why deploy him only when it's Damage Control time? He's NEVER seen on the offensive. I'm not suggesting a magical speech from him will solve these issues, but I find it odd the WH only uses their ace to close losing games.


I love watching progressives curse themselves for supporting Democrats after hoping for unabashed progressivism from a decidedly centrist party, then calling for putting someone even more aligned with centrism in power. Surely this will lead to more progressive outcomes.

After effectively losing the democratic nomination, Hillary re-branded herself as simply "a fighter" by continuing the race (since there was little permanent political cost), and many liberals bought it hook line and sinker. Being "a fighter" must outweigh having your political power firmly rooted in the centrist wing of the party. Being "a fighter" also means you can assume all you like about an alternate presidential scenario too, it seems.

Surely Hillary would have fixed the economy in two years, where Obama could not. Evidence: well, she's fighter. Maybe she wouldn't have compromised on things like the stimulus. Because after all, Republicans will back down if you call their bluffs, right? It's not like they'll let the country burn to the ground if given the chance to stick their fingers in a Democratic president's eyes. If the national Republican Party has shown anything in the last three years, it's that they are rational actors playing by established political courtesies and rules, right? And we have all sorts of proposals that Hillary would have gone through with had she been elected, that we could use to compare with Obama's, correct? It's not like we're just fantasizing or anything.

Surely Hillary would have passed a better healthcare bill than Obama. Evidence: Well, she failed back in the nineties, and antagonized just about every interested party... but Obama didn't get us a public option, so Hillary surely would have passed this proposal which she herself never talked about.

And Hillary obviously would have gotten us out of the Middle East faster. Evidence: I mean, she voted for going into Iraq, and gave no indication of doing anything differently from Obama in terms of actual policy, and of course she is in fact his Secretary of State, his top foreign policy person. These facts of course lead me to believe she would do things differently and get far better results.

Hillary would have done better than Obama on social issues too. Evidence: Obama does not publicly support marriage equality, despite supporting civil unions and working to give gay couples benefits, and ending things like DADT which Hillary's husband signed into legislation (along with ending enforcement of DOMA, also signed by Clinton). This must mean that Hillary supports gay marriage, and would have done more than Obama on this front. I remember a lot of people calling Obama out on not supporting gay marriage, but for some reason I didn't see people confronting Hillary on that, despite never supporting gay marriage. I wonder why?

There would have been no Tea Party if Hillary was elected, right? I mean, all those Republicans calling for supporting Hillary must really have meant it. It's not like they're trying to divide and conquer or anything, that would be silly.

That grass is looking mighty green.

The thing is, I actually like Hillary Clinton. I really like her. I wouldn't have been sad if she had won the nomination, and she's done a fine job as SoS. In fact, I think she's about one of the few public figures who handled her loss without bitterness, and without using every moment of Obama's vulnerability to say "heh, told ya we shoulda voted for Hillary."

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Jaladinozozo said:
no, im just genuinely shocked to find out all of these things about obama, i looked at every source too, everything seems legit and from trusted news/media, not some basement blogger

Some of those things are taken a bit out of context though and completely ignore other things he has done. But yes, Obama has generally continued some of Bush's policies that many liberals were not happy about.
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