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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Hylian7 said:

Has this been posted yet? In THEORY it sounds fine and normal, but that was what Bush did too..........
What I find most noteworthy there is that in 2011 people still believe that the Vietnam war was lost because leaders in Washington didn't have the will to win.

Other than that it sounds like generic non-committal early primary talk to me.
Nothing to get worked over either way.


Averon said:
The GOP's jobs plan sounds horrendous.


Cantor Jobs Memo Calls For Repeal Of Health, Environment, Labor Rules — And For More Tax Cuts
That is essentially what they campaigned on: 1) repeal the PPACA; 2) repeal Dodd-Frank; 3) kill cap and trade; 4) tax cuts. Obviously, cap and trade was included to remind everyone of the evils of regulation. Otherwise, that legislation was DOA.
Oblivion said:
He would be expropriating Obama's optimal campaign strategy. Shrewd. I suppose that signifies its attractiveness.
Hylian7 said:

Has this been posted yet? In THEORY it sounds fine and normal, but that was what Bush did too..........
"We must renew our commitment to taking the fight to the enemy wherever they are, before they strike at home. I do not believe that America should fall subject to a foreign policy of military adventurism," he said at the annual convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars in San Antonio.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Texas Gov. Rick Perry offered the broad outlines of his foreign policy philosophy at an annual gathering of veterans Monday, telling attendees that he opposes "military adventurism" while also advocating for "taking the fight to the enemy" and decrying indecision by "multi-lateral debating societies" at times of international crisis.

This is like a weatherman telling you that it could be sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. He said absolutely nothing here.


Plinko said:
This is like a weatherman telling you that it could be sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. He said absolutely nothing here.

Well, he did say one thing, and that is if we get in a war with Rick Perry as our President, we will doing it alone, like real men, since a real, tough awesome country like the US doesnt need no stinking namby pamby allies who don't do much of anything anyways.



Jon Huntsman, looking for a way back in the GOP primary, lands the endorsement of South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson.

"It does no good to be a conservative if you can't sell a conservative message in a general election," Wilson said at the press conference.

Look at that SC AG spitting truth. Huntsman's going to get 3 percent in SC now.



ToxicAdam said:
Look at that SC AG spitting truth. Huntsman's going to get 3 percent in SC now.

"It does no good to be a conservative if you can't sell a conservative message in a general election," Wilson said at the press conference.


Hah. He should have endorsed Romney, then.


Plinko said:
This is like a weatherman telling you that it could be sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. He said absolutely nothing here.
Which is pretty much the goal at this point of the campaign -
Don't be on the record on anything that can come back and bite you in the ass.


Plinko said:
This is like a weatherman telling you that it could be sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. He said absolutely nothing here.

Actually what it sounds like is him saying "If elected, I'm going to find us a war to get into".


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
PhoenixDark said:
CNN's latest poll

Rick Perry: 32 (18)
Mitt Romney: 18 (23)
Michele Bachmann: 12 (9)
Newt Gingrich: 7 (8)
Ron Paul: 6 (14)
Herman Cain: 3 (5)
Gary Johnson: 2 (n/a)
Jon Huntsman: 1 (5)
Rick Santorum: 1 (2)
Thad McCotter: 1 (n/a)
(MoE: ±4.7%)


Still stunned that Gingrich has 7%. That's insanity.

I still think Romney comes back to take this. WAY too early and nobody has taken public shots at Perry yet.


I was feeling out my tea party co-worker today about how he felt about Perry. He called him unelectable. I nearly fell out of my chair!

He's still holding out for Chris Christie to get in the race. He feels he would be a shoo-in with the current field.
ToxicAdam said:
I was feeling out my tea party co-worker today about how he felt about Perry. He called him unelectable. I nearly fell out of my chair!

good shit. and i was wondering why the VFW post down the road from me was so crowded today; now i know!
If Romney truly goes nuclear on social security against Perry, I think he'll retaliate with some Mormon baiting. The south is going to go for Perry, so the fight will be about the rest of the country imo. I think we're going to see a lot of culture/social wars going on, not only on religion but abortion, with Romney's past positions being called into question.

The next debate is going to be amazing.


Romney would make a big mistake to overplay his hand so soon. No need to get nasty until right before Super Tuesday. Keep letting Perry say dumb things and the left-wing media drive his negatives up. Being a front-runner this early in the process is not really a good thing, to be honest.

If my tea party co-worker already thinks Perry is a loose cannon, wait until the rest of America finds out.


Gonaria said:
Well, he did say one thing, and that is if we get in a war with Rick Perry as our President, we will doing it alone, like real men, since a real, tough awesome country like the US doesnt need no stinking namby pamby allies who don't do much of anything anyways.

Of course. The primary difference between liberal interventionists and neoconservatives is multilateralism. Neoconservatives loathe it; liberal interventionists view it as a means to legitimize American interests.
Plinko said:
This is like a weatherman telling you that it could be sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. He said absolutely nothing here.
Indeed, that speech was not particularly lucid. Otherwise, his choice of advisers presages his foreign policy. And, well, I hope this man never inhabits the White House.
Kusagari said:
lmao at Ron Paul having the biggest drop. Did all his fanboys go for Perry?
It is because the media is ignoring him. Or so Ron Paul supporters think.
Kusagari said:
lmao at Ron Paul having the biggest drop. Did all his fanboys go for Perry?

As it turns out, many of Paul's supporters are actually authoritarian Texans. Who'd've thought?

Yeah, I used a double contraction.
ToxicAdam said:
Romney would make a big mistake to overplay his hand so soon. No need to get nasty until right before Super Tuesday. Keep letting Perry say dumb things and the left-wing media drive his negatives up. Being a front-runner this early in the process is not really a good thing, to be honest.

If my tea party co-worker already thinks Perry is a loose cannon, wait until the rest of America finds out.
Yeah, Perry seems like the kind of guy that could implode. He's probably going say some dumbass thing that would go over fine in Texas but will make him look ridiculous to the rest of the country.


ToxicAdam said:
Romney would make a big mistake to overplay his hand so soon. No need to get nasty until right before Super Tuesday. Keep letting Perry say dumb things and the left-wing media drive his negatives up. Being a front-runner this early in the process is not really a good thing, to be honest.
I think Romney is pretty savvy to play McCain's 'last man standing' approach to the primary. He's just laying low while everyone else tries to out crazy one another, and then step up his game amidst the wreckage.

Unfortunately, the base loves crazy this cycle. I'm not sure it will work.


GhaleonEB said:
I think Romney is pretty savvy to play McCain's 'last man standing' approach to the primary. He's just laying low while everyone else tries to out crazy one another, and then step up his game amidst the wreckage.

Unfortunately, the base loves crazy this cycle. I'm not sure it will work.
You mean fortunately.

Obama could beat Perry. He cannot beat Romney. Well, he could, but it would be the most challenging scenario.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I will not vote for Perry. I wouldn't vote for Obama, either, but I would still go to the ballots for other elections. Not for Perry, though. I do not need scuzz like that in the White House with any help from me.


AlteredBeast said:
I will not vote for Perry. I wouldn't vote for Obama, either, but I would still go to the ballots for other elections. Not for Perry, though. I do not need scuzz like that in the White House with any help from me.
So who would you vote for?

GhaleonEB said:
I meant, unfortunately for Romney. Obama's chances are much slimmer the less crazy the candidate.
Yep. Obama looks crazy depressed though. I swear, he looks older every time I see him.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Diablos said:
So who would you vote for?

Yep. Obama looks crazy depressed though. I swear, he looks older every time I see him.

Nobody in the presidential election.

Obama is definitely looking like the last three years have worn on him considerably.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Diablos said:
You mean fortunately.

Obama could beat Perry. He cannot beat Romney. Well, he could, but it would be the most challenging scenario.
I'm hoping it gets vicious between Romney and Perry, like with Obama and Clinton except with significant policy differences and personal attacks.


I just hope the Tea Party:

a. Nominates a complete loon that can't win in the general even if unemployment was at 20%
b. Employs the Preot Method and divides the conservative vote leaving Romney (and the Tea Party candidate) in the dust

Obama at this point needs to depend on the Tea Party unknowingly trolling their own Presidential hopes into oblivion.


Nominating ex-lobbyists for important positions, supporting moneyed interests over progressive interests, and generally being a spineless shadow of his campaign incarnation may get him some fundraising dollars, but if 27% of Democrats want to run a primary opponent against him, he may have already lost.

To be honest, I can't say that I'm not among that 27%. If the alternative is someone like Perry or Bachmann, I'll vote Obama. But more and more I feel like four years of Romney isn't an intolerable price to pay to send the message that if you deviate THIS hard from your campaign promises and anger your base THIS much, you will lose the next election.


Puddles said:
But more and more I feel like four years of Romney isn't an intolerable price to pay to send the message that if you deviate THIS hard from your campaign promises and anger your base THIS much, you will lose the next election.

I want to believe that, but I wonder if that's really worth even more conservative Supreme Court Justices. I don't know which one is worth more.


PhoenixDark said:
CNN's latest poll

Rick Perry: 32 (18)
Mitt Romney: 18 (23)
Michele Bachmann: 12 (9)
Newt Gingrich: 7 (8)
Ron Paul: 6 (14)
Herman Cain: 3 (5)
Gary Johnson: 2 (n/a)
Jon Huntsman: 1 (5)
Rick Santorum: 1 (2)
Thad McCotter: 1 (n/a)
(MoE: ±4.7%)


No surprise. I said months before Perry jumped in that he would coast to the nom if he ran. The base loves him, and he will have no problems rasing funds. Romney only had his wealth, and the Repub primary structure, on his side. The base was never thrilled with him. And it wouldn't surpise me if Bachmann catches up to Romney soon.


RustyNails said:
Did you see eznark's head explode? If not, then no, Perry does not have this in the bag.

Why would my head explode? I called Perry winning the nomination the second he entered.

Un-sourced fun rumor time: supposedly a liberal Wisconsin SC Justice will be stepping down soon, giving the conservatives (assuming Walker appoints a conservative...duh) a 5-2 majority.


Diablos said:
You mean fortunately.

Obama could beat Perry. He cannot beat Romney. Well, he could, but it would be the most challenging scenario.

he can beat Romney, it'd be just that much harder. There is over a year until the election, if the economy recovers, even slowly but consistently, no one will beat him.

Mike M

Nick N
gcubed said:
he can beat Romney, it'd be just that much harder. There is over a year until the election, if the economy recovers, even slowly but consistently, no one will beat him.
Even if the economy improves, all it takes is for the right to just say it's NOT improving enough times, and people will believe them (I.e. they're still calling HCR a "government takeover of medicine" when it can in no way be described as such, and they never get called on it at all.)


RustyNails said:
Sorry, I meant TA.

Yea, I think it's a bit premature to call the race for Perry. I think people are underestimating the effect the 'old guard' conservatives and liberal media can have on tearing down a candidate they despise. You look at what happened to Palin after the 2008 election and a similar thing is about to happen to Perry. The effects just don't take place overnight, it's a slow drip.

--- /// ---

Consumer confidence now as low as it was in April 2009.



Mike M said:
Even if the economy improves, all it takes is for the right to just say it's NOT improving enough times, and people will believe them (I.e. they're still calling HCR a "government takeover of medicine" when it can in no way be described as such, and they never get called on it at all.)

you are being a little too pessimistic. For the most part, the people that will vote between R and D don't get as taken in with the mythical soundbite machine as people think.

Swing voters mindset...
Is my situation improving? Yes? Keep the guy in office
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