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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Oblivion said:
Does anyone else know people who love the Daily Show, but would never ever vote Democrat? I've met a surprisingly large amount of people that feel that way.
My mother is stupidly conservative when it comes to economics (believes all that welfare queen bullshit) and watches Fox news every day, but she enjoys the daily show clips i show her because Jon Steward is known to call out people regardless of political party and because people have a much easier time taking in information that attacks their beliefs if it is done so in humorous way so as to come off as more benign.

If you ever want to convince a conservative friend of yours that a view that has been repeated on fox news is bullshit, humor makes for an easier pill to feed.


TestOfTide said:
My mother is stupidly conservative when it comes to economics (believes all that welfare queen bullshit) and watches Fox news every day, but she enjoys the daily show clips i show her because Jon Steward is known to call out people regardless of political party and because people have a much easier time taking in information that attacks their beliefs if it is done so in humorous way so as to come off as more benign.

If you ever want to convince a conservative friend of yours that a view that has been repeated on fox news is bullshit, humor makes for an easier pill to feed.

My mother's the opposite. She used to be completely conservative - watched Fox News every day, had Coulter and Hannity books etc. - and she's become more and more liberal lately, but she (still) absolutely hates Stewart and The Daily Show.
Clevinger said:
My mother's the opposite. She used to be completely conservative - watched Fox News every day, had Coulter and Hannity books etc. - and she's become more and more liberal lately, but she (still) absolutely hates Stewart and The Daily Show.

People actually read Coulter? I figured her book sales were simply from Republican and conservative groups purchasing books en mass.


Mortrialus said:
People actually read Coulter? I figured her book sales were simply from Republican and conservative groups purchasing books en mass.

I don't really understand how anyone can enjoying reading a book by someone that is so filled with hate and contempt
scola said:
I have a new thread meme idea.

Instead of "GAF" threads I am going to start posting headlines followed by "The Onion or Fox News"


Make it so.


Gonaria said:
I don't really understand how anyone can enjoying reading a book by someone that is so filled with hate and contempt

If you regularly watch Fox News, I don't think it's hard to understand. Liberals are evil and destroying our great country, and Coulter just throws more fuel on that fire.


Clevinger said:
If you regularly watch Fox News, I don't think it's hard to understand. Liberals are evil and destroying our great country, and Coulter just throws more fuel on that fire.

Thankfully I have enough sense not to do that


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
LBJ's legislative record shits on just about any US president outside of FDR.
Are we just looking at Vietnam as a "blip on the radar"? That alone should be a huge black mark on his presidency.


reilo said:
Are we just looking at Vietnam as a "blip on the radar"? That alone should be a huge black mark on his presidency.
It doesn't have much to do with his legislative record, but certainly his willingness to sink deeper and deeper into Vietnam is a black mark on his Presidency.

Obama's prosecuted a war he also inherited, including increasing the number of troops and increasing the number of civilian deaths, and few people are treating it as anything other than par for the course.

If Vietnam is a black mark on LBJ's Presidency, then certainly Afghanistan (including illegal drone attacks into Pakistan) is one on Obama's, with considerably less legislative success to compare it against.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
besada said:
It doesn't have much to do with his legislative record, but certainly his willingness to sink deeper and deeper into Vietnam is a black mark on his Presidency.

Obama's prosecuted a war he also inherited, including increasing the number of troops and increasing the number of civilian deaths, and few people are treating it as anything other than par for the course.

If Vietnam is a black mark on LBJ's Presidency, then certainly Afghanistan (including illegal drone attacks into Pakistan) is one on Obama's, with considerably less legislative success to compare it against.
I don't hold Obama's increase in forces/action in Afghanistan to the same regard as Vietnam. I think those two wars are several levels apart.


reilo said:
I don't hold Obama's increase in forces/action in Afghanistan to the same regard as Vietnam. I think those two wars are several levels apart.

As are their abilities to get things done legislatively.


what do you do when you are Michelle Bachmann and you are being marginalized out of the race?

Ratchet up the crazy!

"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/62217.html#ixzz1WPtFAnkb


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
besada said:
As are their abilities to get things done legislatively.
"The Talk" wouldn't work today, not when the leverage from one-on-one negotiations and discussions pales in comparison to the leverage gained from spouting your bullshit on fox news and rush limbaugh.

People would cower while talking to LBJ and then just run back and continue spouting the same bullshit on TV and on the senate/house floors.

Plus LBJ had much larger majorities in congress and didn't need to deal with the abuse of the fillibuster procedure, or the new fillibuster which allows you to fillibuster without doing anything.


Santorum is the worst


Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said the gay community has "gone out on a jihad" against him for his stance against gay marriage.

"So the gay community said, 'He's comparing gay sex to incest and polygamy, how dare he do this,' and they have gone out on a, I would argue, jihad against Rick Santorum since then," the former senator said at a campaign stop in Spartanburg, S.C., on Friday.


gcubed said:
what do you do when you are Michelle Bachmann and you are being marginalized out of the race?

Ratchet up the crazy!
Man, after 9/11 and Katrina failed to grab our attention, God should have known something unprecedentedly calamitous is required.
GaimeGuy said:
"The Talk" wouldn't work today, not when the leverage from one-on-one negotiations and discussions pales in comparison to the leverage gained from spouting your bullshit on fox news and rush limbaugh.

People would cower while talking to LBJ and then just run back and continue spouting the same bullshit on TV and on the senate/house floors.

Plus LBJ had much larger majorities in congress and didn't need to deal with the abuse of the fillibuster procedure, or the new fillibuster which allows you to fillibuster without doing anything.
Further, while he was president, elite polarization was near its historical nadir. The legislative milieu was especially congenial to passing legislation. The era is diametric to today's environment.
eznark said:
Beautiful. Employing Islamophobic tropes against homosexuals.


Why do these people insist on spraying all of their bullshit in South Carolina? I know my state is pretty ignorant, but we don't need outside people shitting it up... Our own people do that just fine.


balladofwindfishes said:
apparently unions are stopping Republican governors from walking in labor day parades.

Good for the unions

ha, where? Up north Wisconsin they told a couple state legislators and the Real World Rep that they weren't invited. Haven't heard a governor though.

I'm sure the local businesses and charitable organizations who use the parades as fund raisers and marketing opportunities appreciate the parade organizers alienating a large chunk of their audience.
RustyNails said:
God is angry at spending so he destroys NE so we spend more there to fix things

MetaPoliGAF: Gotta say, I'm pretty glad that the last week or two has been as slow as it has. I don't know how much more debt-ceiling level freneticness my psyche would have been able to tolerate.
eznark said:
ha, where? Up north Wisconsin they told a couple state legislators and the Real World Rep that they weren't invited. Haven't heard a governor though.

I'm sure the local businesses and charitable organizations who use the parades as fund raisers and marketing opportunities appreciate the parade organizers alienating a large chunk of their audience.
maybe it wasn't governors then.

I don't really know much about it, it was kind of one of those things I heard in passing conversation.


Jackson50 said:
Man, after 9/11 and Katrina failed to grab our attention, God should have known something unprecedentedly calamitous is required.

I'm curious why she doesnt use the Texas drought as reasons why God doesn't want Rick Perry to be the republican nominee

Dude Abides

eznark said:
ha, where? Up north Wisconsin they told a couple state legislators and the Real World Rep that they weren't invited. Haven't heard a governor though.

I'm sure the local businesses and charitable organizations who use the parades as fund raisers and marketing opportunities appreciate the parade organizers alienating a large chunk of their audience.

Why would the allies of virtuous job creators want to participate in a parade celebrating lazy ungrateful plebes in the first place?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Most politicians, no matter what shitty things they do or the slimy positions they take, can at least pass themselves off as impassioned idealouges.

Cantor just strikes me as a fucking asshole who enjoys it. A younger, feistier Mitch McConnell.


Dude Abides said:
Why would the allies of virtuous job creators want to participate in a parade celebrating lazy ungrateful plebes in the first place?

Everyone likes a parade (though at least two of the contacted reps who were supposedly "uninvited" said they were never invited in the first place and have never attended in an official capacity in the past).


eznark said:
Everyone likes a parade (though at least two of the contacted reps who were supposedly "uninvited" said they were never invited in the first place and have never attended in an official capacity in the past).

the people are just making sure!


scola said:
I have a new thread meme idea.

Instead of "GAF" threads I am going to start posting headlines followed by "The Onion or Fox News"

Just like this one... The Onion or Fox News?


Fox Nation's headline right now


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Complaining about shit being posted on Fox Nation is like right-wing-GAFfers complaining about PoliGAF's liberal bias.
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