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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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gcubed said:
I'm curious why she doesnt use the Texas drought as reasons why God doesn't want Rick Perry to be the republican nominee
True. She could even liken him to wicked King Ahab. And big government is his Jezebel.
eznark said:
I just uninvited Obama from my 30th birthday party. Suck it, commie!
Sounds momentous. I trust it will be a bash. Perhaps a pig roast?


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gcubed said:
its basically the comments section in blog format.

Which makes FoxNews look worse imo. Why make a comment section look like real news? Unless that's the point.gif


Jackson50 said:
True. She could even liken him to wicked King Ahab. And big government is his Jezebel.Sounds momentous. I trust it will be a bash. Perhaps a pig roast?

Doubtful, we just butchered our fed pigs in June. Chicken fry in the barn for sure though!


The GOP's jobs plan sounds horrendous.


Cantor Jobs Memo Calls For Repeal Of Health, Environment, Labor Rules — And For More Tax Cuts

When Congress returns from recess, House Republicans will begin a continuous assault on a series of health, environmental and labor regulations, which they say are hampering job creation. And they'll twin it with two tax cuts for both large and small businesses. One of those cuts will actually be aimed at preventing a scheduled tax increase -- but it's not the payroll tax cut President Obama has asked Congress to extend.

In a memo to members, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) laid out a list of 10 rules, most of which have yet to be implemented, which they'll seek to prevent week by week. These include regulations that would limit the amount of mercury and other toxins boiler and incinerator operators can burn into the atmosphere; that could make it easier for workers to unionize; and that assure that employer insurance policies exempted from new health care law -- so-called "grandfathered" plans -- meet the law's basic requirements and aren't gamed by employers to reduce workers' existing benefits.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
TacticalFox88 said:
It will. Their masters of spin. SMH.

I think the time for that is over. I have faith in the American public for 2012.




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eznark said:
Fox is biased! Fuck Fox! Why can't they provide un-spun news?

Now read this great article from TPM.

So you're saying TPM constantly reports wrong information to spin the news like Fox News does?


mckmas8808 said:
So you're saying TPM constantly reports wrong information to spin the news like Fox News does?

Nope. I'm not equating the output of TPM and FOX News, I am equating the consumption habits of FN viewers and poligaf. I'm saying the desire for unfiltered news is greatly exaggerated. We just want our filter. My mom likes FOX, my little sister likes the Daily Show, I like CNBC and you guys like TPM and Ezra Klein.

None of us are posting many direct news stories from AP, CSPAN or even CNN.


eznark said:
None of us are posting many direct news stories from AP, CSPAN or even CNN.

I (almost) always source from major publications.

Now, could you please fetch me a step ladder so I can dismount.

--- // ---

Also, if you are worried about e-persona of PatherLotus, he can be reached at BeyondtheBoxscore.
Justin Bopp


Any info yet on Obama's jobs plan? I can't be the only one who's skeptical about the plan, given that the stimulus was a completely missed opportunity.


When Congress returns from recess, House Republicans will begin a continuous assault on a series of health, environmental and labor regulations, which they say are hampering job creation. And they'll twin it with two tax cuts for both large and small businesses. One of those cuts will actually be aimed at preventing a scheduled tax increase -- but it's not the payroll tax cut President Obama has asked Congress to extend.

In a memo to members, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) laid out a list of 10 rules, most of which have yet to be implemented, which they'll seek to prevent week by week. These include regulations that would limit the amount of mercury and other toxins boiler and incinerator operators can burn into the atmosphere; that could make it easier for workers to unionize; and that assure that employer insurance policies exempted from new health care law -- so-called "grandfathered" plans -- meet the law's basic requirements and aren't gamed by employers to reduce workers' existing benefits.






How can anyone believe them? HOW? Their only answer to job creation is to cut anything designed to help the working class. They don't give a fuck about anyone's livelihoods except for the insanely rich that benefit from this.

I still can't believe there are enough simpletons out there that allowed these pigs to take back the House majority.

Hate to quote the Weekly Standard, but this is interesting:

In anticipation that Mitt Romney might be the eventual GOP nominee, Politico reported that "Barack Obama's aides and advisers are preparing to center the president's reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney's character and business background."

"Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,"
a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House is quoted as saying. So much for "changing the tone."

Looks like Obama's going after Romney hardcore. Don't cry, PhoenixDark!


gcubed said:
what do you do when you are Michelle Bachmann and you are being marginalized out of the race?

Ratchet up the crazy!
Came here to discuss this. I'm going to laugh if she's even second after Perry after this, not at the fact that she's behind Perry, but the fact that she still has any support at all.
Diablos said:
How can anyone believe them? HOW? Their only answer to job creation is to cut anything designed to help the working class. They don't give a fuck about anyone's livelihoods except for the insanely rich that benefit from this.

I still can't believe there are enough simpletons out there that allowed these pigs to take back the House majority.
Is it your confidence in our public education systems that motivates your incredulity?

Dude Abides

eznark said:
Everyone likes a parade (though at least two of the contacted reps who were supposedly "uninvited" said they were never invited in the first place and have never attended in an official capacity in the past).

That's good for those two, at least. They certainly shouldn't attend a parade celebrating communism.
If Obama's going on the attack (read: attack ads, mud slinging, uncovering candidate's pasts, ...), that will be quite the departure from his 2008 campaign.

He won back then because he was able to bring in voters who had never voted before and had no affinity to politics in general. And that was because he ran a positive campaign throughout. Funny to see how the campaign strategists think this won't work a second time in 2012.
Souldriver said:
If Obama's going on the attack (read: attack ads, mud slinging, uncovering candidate's pasts, ...), that will be quite the departure from his 2008 campaign.

He won back then because he was able to bring in voters who had never voted before and had no affinity to politics in general. And that was because he ran a positive campaign throughout. Funny to see how the campaign strategists think this won't work a second time in 2012.
Because it WON'T. He's going to seriously have to call out the bullshit for what it is on the campaign trail.
TacticalFox88 said:
SomeDude Alt?

Not sure but at this point even I just wish we would split this country into conservative and progressive halves so I don't have to deal with the idiocy of the current GOP ruining things for everyone.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
SolKane said:
Any info yet on Obama's jobs plan? I can't be the only one who's skeptical about the plan, given that the stimulus was a completely missed opportunity.

Nope not really. It missed on some things (should have had more state relief money and even more infrastucture goals for jobs), but it hit on many others (unemployment/medical relief and good amount of green energy seed money for R&D for future tech and construction).


mckmas8808 said:
Nope not really. It missed on some things (should have had more state relief money and even more infrastucture goals for jobs), but it hit on many others (unemployment/medical relief and good amount of green energy seed money for R&D for future tech and construction).

I meant it was a missed opportunity for a jobs plan... how do you think Obama's going to offer a comprehensive plan with this Congress given the debt ceiling fiasco?


SolKane said:
Any info yet on Obama's jobs plan? I can't be the only one who's skeptical about the plan, given that the stimulus was a completely missed opportunity.

Free-trade pacts (lol)
Extension of payroll tax cut
Infrastructure bank
Upgrading American schools (energy efficiency and technology)
Retraining for long-term unemployed
Tax credits for small businesses to hire

That's my guess.

He knows it will not be passed, so he will include a lot of 'Republican-friendly' ideas and watch them oppose it and then use it for political leverage. Just another day in Washington.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
SolKane said:
I meant it was a missed opportunity for a jobs plan... how do you think Obama's going to offer a comprehensive plan with this Congress given the debt ceiling fiasco?

Well the 2009 Recovery Act did have money in it for job creation. So I'm guessing you're talking about a pure jobs "only" bill? No recovery type stuff in it like unemployment extensions or 65% off your Corba monthly cost if you get laid off from your job type stuff right?


My brain is like a chicken pot pie. His is like a refrigerator that is all very organized — pickles here, salad there."

- Rick Perry on his consultant Karl Rove in 1994, when Rove helped him become agriculture commissioner.

There's a pull quote to run on ...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has this been posted? Cause it's quite delicious:

If Perry fails to implode and continues to surge in the polls, Romney eventually will have to go on the attack — an assault his advisers say will commence “at a time of our choosing.” Romney strategists are quick to note that in his book, “Fed Up!,” Perry writes that “By any measure, Social Security is a failure” and calls the program “something we have been forced to accept for more than 70 years now” that was created “at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government.”

Look at what happened to Paul Ryan when he proposed a plan to save Medicare, they say. Romney’s campaign will argue that Perry is against the very idea of Social Security and Medicare, and that he will use Perry’s book to scare seniors in early-primary states with large retiree populations, such as Florida and South Carolina.



I'm just amused that Romney will actually have to run for President now that Perry is in the race. For the majority of his campaign so far he could barely be bothered to make an appearance.


mckmas8808 said:
Well the 2009 Recovery Act did have money in it for job creation. So I'm guessing you're talking about a pure jobs "only" bill? No recovery type stuff in it like unemployment extensions or 65% off your Corba monthly cost if you get laid off from your job type stuff right?

I'm thinking in terms of a massive project of infrastructure spending, retraining of the inactive labor force, opening and streamlining programs for skilled and unskilled workers, and overhauling of the education system (admittedly a pipe dream). Anything Obama is bringing to the table now won't be nearly lofty enough to make a significant difference, and by the time they've worked out their "bipartisan support" it will be practically crippled.
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