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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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balladofwindfishes said:
Reagan won with similar unemployment
Presidents have won with higher unemployment.
The direction unemployment is moving in is more important than the actual level. Reagan was reelected because the economy was improving.
GhaleonEB said:

Republicans want this President to fail (and as a result America to suffer). Anybody who doesn't believe that is kidding themselves.
cartoon_soldier said:
Republicans want this President to fail (and as a result America to suffer). Anybody who doesn't believe that is kidding themselves.

Obama should have put a stop to it on day one.

But every time he compromised, it made it even easier.

Right now, not a single word coming from his mouth has any strength behind it.

He can come out and say whatever the fuck he wants in his speech, and the GOP will laugh because it doesnt matter. Obama has no backbone, so whatever the GOP wants, they get.
You guys are the smart guys. You are as good as it gets, and you have nothing.

GhaleonEB, quote this post and tell me to fuck off. It's the least you could do.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dan said:
I think he was talking about Obama, not Perry.

Oh that makes sense. It came after a post about Perry so I just made the connection.


Passing metallic gas
jamesinclair said:
Obama should have put a stop to it on day one.

But every time he compromised, it made it even easier.

Right now, not a single word coming from his mouth has any strength behind it.

He can come out and say whatever the fuck he wants in his speech, and the GOP will laugh because it doesnt matter. Obama has no backbone, so whatever the GOP wants, they get.

That is the part that makes me furious. In face of insane opposition he tries to maintain some kinda misplaced veil of civility. These people aren't interested in governing with you. That should have been clear a looong time ago.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
slidewinder said:
You guys are the smart guys. You are as good as it gets, and you have nothing.

GhaleonEB, quote this post and tell me to fuck off. It's the least you could do.
It doesn't need to be Galeon that says it...


slidewinder said:
You guys are the smart guys. You are as good as it gets, and you have nothing.

GhaleonEB, quote this post and tell me to fuck off. It's the least you could do.
Not even sure what you're talking about. I tend to stay in the reality-based side of the conversation.

slidewinder said:
It is not enough to be right, you shitheads. It is not enough to be right.

It is not enough to be right.
Keep it classy.
So Huntsman believes in global warming and evolution, and wants to close loopholes and get rid of deductions while lowering rates. Unless I'm missing something about him since I hardly follow politics anymore, he seems to be the most sane GOP candidate out there. If so, it's ashame he doesn't stand a chance.
slidewinder said:
It is not enough to be right, you shitheads. It is not enough to be right.

It is not enough to be right.
Reading stuff like this in this thread makes me nostalgic for whatever mod banned me for making an innocuous post in this thread.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So Huntsman believes in global warming and evolution, and wants to close loopholes and get rid of deductions while lowering rates. Unless I'm missing something about him since I hardly follow politics anymore, he seems to be the most sane GOP candidate out there. If so, it's ashame he doesn't stand a chance.
huntsman is trying to triangulate to be the "moderate" choice, but he's quite in lockstep with pretty conservative, and even libertarian views. He's on the record to repeal dodd frank and "obamacare" for two examples.


elrechazao said:
Reading stuff like this in this thread makes me nostalgic for whatever mod banned me for making an innocuous post in this thread.
We're light on mods willing to patrol the place at the moment, and the one who's offered is offline at the moment. Frankly, the best solution to a tantrum is to ignore it.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So Huntsman believes in global warming and evolution, and wants to close loopholes and get rid of deductions while lowering rates. Unless I'm missing something about him since I hardly follow politics anymore, he seems to be the most sane GOP candidate out there. If so, it's ashame he doesn't stand a chance.

He also supports eliminating the capital gains tax.


That seems pretty insane, IMO.


Gr1mLock said:
I understand that and Im aware of the situation he is in as far as getting anything done. My apathy stems from watching republicans day in day out stomp their feet drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Every position they take is pretty much 'its all or nothing'. They continuously get 90 percent of what they want while obama 'runs the country'. There has to be a point where the guy who ran as a progressive has to be held accountable for not disputing the garbage from the other side. You're the most powerful man in the free world for crying out loud. No sane liberal will take an unreasonable position that we need to get everything and we need to 'win it all'. No one is suggesting he goes up to the podium and starts calling out names. Just take a firm stand on something and fight for it. I literally cringe every time he says 'with bi partisan support'.

Yet that is what many people on this very forum are calling for. Look I'm not saying you shouldn't be disappointed or angry with the president or angry with him, all I'm saying is put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely with the lawmakers. Obama can't wipe his ass without congressional approval and calling him weak for trying to get them to vote with him is stupid. the reason he says bi partisan support is because in this congress nothing will pass without bi partisan support. Congressional dems have to just sit and take it and hope that voters understand the republican strategy.


Huntsman established a flat tax in Utah?

That article makes him out to be a pretty decent guy at heart, but he's read Atlas Shrugged a few too many times.


Passing metallic gas
J said:
Yet that is what many people on this very forum are calling for. Look I'm not saying you shouldn't be disappointed or angry with the president or angry with him, all I'm saying is put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely with the lawmakers. Obama can't wipe his ass without congress and calling him weak for trying to get them to vote with him is stupid.
the reason he says bi partisan support is because in this congressional approval nothing will pass without bi partisan support. Congressional dems have to just sit and take it and hope that voters understand the republican strategy.

Nothing that you're saying is wrong. The issue is that he isn't helping the situation. He should be the mouthpiece that conveys everything you just said to the people. Instead in the public eye he's seen as inept and ineffective and he takes the brunt of the blame. That is the reality of the situation and also his fault. He's done the whole higher road thing to what effect? Its great to hear a president speak hopefully about the nation but you cant dismiss that there is an entire half of the government who's entire purpose at the moment is to tear him down. The base needs to see that there is a leader willing to fight for them. He cannot afford to not be confrontational any longer.
Byakuya769 said:
Well carry on, guy.
Thank you. Will do.

Puddles: I apologize for swearing at you and/or being abusive to you at some time in the past in I THINK it was this thread. I'm pretty sure it was you I was rude to, though, and I'm sure that was wrong. Sorry.


Gr1mLock said:
Nothing that you're saying is wrong. The issue is that he isn't helping the situation. He should be the mouthpiece that conveys everything you just said to the people. Instead in the public eye he's seen as inept and ineffective and he takes the brunt of the blame. That is the reality of the situation and also his fault. He's done the whole higher road thing to what effect? Its great to hear a president speak hopefully about the nation but you cant dismiss that there is an entire half of the government who's entire purpose at the moment is to tear him down. The base needs to see that there is a leader willing to fight for them. He cannot afford to not be confrontational any longer.

I don't understand. In 2009 we were cheering this president for "owning the republicans" on national tv during the healthcare debate and now that the voters put him in a position where he can't "win" we expect him to continue to shit on the very people he needs? I understand why the president trys to coddle republicans because frankly he needs them. A president is only as powerful as the votes he can wrangle. I know I'm probably not changing minds but shit like "the president is weak he's no worse than another republican!" or "hell Obama's just slightly more liberal than Romney" is fucking idiotic and deserves to be called out for how stupid and blatantly harmful to liberal objectives as it is. Peace.


slidewinder said:
Thank you. Will do.

Puddles: I apologize for swearing at you and/or being abusive to you at some time in the past in I THINK it was this thread. I'm pretty sure it was you I was rude to, though, and I'm sure that was wrong. Sorry.

No problem, man. I told half of GAF to fuck their mothers when they thought I was being a bitch about some girl defriending me.


Passing metallic gas
J said:
I don't understand. In 2009 we were cheering this president for "owning the republicans" on national tv during the healthcare debate and now that the voters put him in a position where he can't "win" we expect him to continue to shit on the very people he needs? I understand why the president trys to coddle republicans because frankly he needs them. A president is only as powerful as the votes he can wrangle. I know I'm probably not changing minds but shit like "the president is weak he's no worse than another republican!" or "hell Obama's just slightly more liberal than Romney" is fucking idiotic and deserves to be called out for how stupid and blatantly harmful to liberal objectives as it is. Peace.

Well it certainly didn't pan out the way everyone thought it would. I personally wouldn't make the case that he's only slightly more liberal than romney. The way i see it the only way he's going to get rebulican support is if the republican districts hear in a very clean and concise manner just how badly the reps are screwing them and the rest of the country. He hasn't been able to bridge the gap with diplomacy and good will. Hell look at what he did just for olympia snowe. The answer isn't to withdraw and keep doing the same shit he's been doing that hasn't worked and will continue to not work.
I still don't understand what BigSicily's goals were when he did that. Did he actually think it wouldn't be noticed? Can he not read dates? Such a classic display of arrogance and/or trolling.


Byakuya769 said:
I still don't understand what BigSicily's goals were when he did that. Did he actually think it wouldn't be noticed? Can he not read dates? Such a classic display of arrogance and/or trolling.

I think BS honestly think we're all idiots. That attitude certainly radiates from his posts. And when you have that mentality, doing something like what he did with that picture makes sense.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Wolf Blitzer is taking questions to ask Cheney for an interview soon.

Everybody here spam a question asking about Cheney saying that "deficits don't matter".


Junior Member
Gr1mLock said:
Well it certainly didn't pan out the way everyone thought it would. I personally wouldn't make the case that he's only slightly more liberal than romney. The way i see it the only way he's going to get rebulican support is if the republican districts hear in a very clean and concise manner just how badly the reps are screwing them and the rest of the country. He hasn't been able to bridge the gap with diplomacy and good will. Hell look at what he did just for olympia snowe. The answer isn't to withdraw and keep doing the same shit he's been doing that hasn't worked and will continue to not work.

Yep, by blocking the president's agendas, stoking the fears of the TEA Party, blaming the poor for the economic disaster, and calling every reform communist (even programs they created), the GOP has gone from a party on life support in 2008 to being on the brink of retaking the White House and the congress in 2012.


Well done GOP.


Measley said:
Yep, by blocking the president's agendas, stoking the fears of the TEA Party, blaming the poor for the economic disaster, and calling every reform communist (even programs they created), the GOP has gone from a party on life support in 2008 to being on the brink of retaking the White House and the congress in 2012.


Well done GOP.

To be fair, corporate and Blue Dog Democrats--and Obama--helped them out.


more money than God
jamesinclair said:
How many super majorities have existed in american history?

Why is it that every other president managed to get shit done?

How the fuck did Bush pull all his crap without a super majority?
Because Congress naturally leans towards Conservative ideals, the Constitution practically guarantees that. Furthermore, there are very few TRUE liberals in the Democratic party.


Aaron Strife said:
not for nothing but i recall reading that the 111th congress+obama was the most productive congressional/presidential team since LBJ.
It was by far.

I would say this to those who are saying Obama didn't do enough from 2009-2010 (which I agree with generally, but find more complicated):
- After the 1932 elections, FDR had 76 Democratic Senators. Let that number wash over you. 76. Whenever I hear people say "we need a new New Deal," my response is, "well then elect 76 Democrats to the Senate"
- After 1936, FDR had 69 Dem Senators
- After 1940, 66 Dems.
- Even after his weakest election, FDR had 57 Dem Senators after 1944.
-When JFK was elected, he had 63 Democratic Senators.
-His first midterms ended with 66 Dems (after which he was killed). LBJ inherits this majority.
-After LBJ's landslide victory, he comes in with 68 Democratic Senators (This is where we get Medicare/Medicaid and the Voting Rights Act, ).
- Even after his 1966 midterms, LBJ has 64 Dems. Some of these Democrats were Southern ones, that much is true. But there were also many more moderate, Rockefeller Republicans.
- Barack Obama initially had 59 Dems, and eventually 60. The bare minimum "filibuster-proof" majority.

But keep this mind whenever people say "If only Obama had the legislative prowess of FDR and LBJ!" Yes, LBJ's accomplishments certainly outweigh those of the 111th Congress. And if Barack Obama had 8 more Democratic Senators in 2009, we would have gotten a lot more of what we wanted.
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