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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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ezekial45 said:
So you're just gonna not vote in 2012? Like at all.

I'll vote for other offices, for sure.

As for president, maybe a third party. Depends if any of them are good.

But again, I do not want to see Obama win and say "hey look, the people like what Im doing!"


Passing metallic gas
TacticalFox88 said:
What the fuck? Again? He caved AGAIN? Jesus Christ. It's not even the fact that he's caving it's the fact that theirs no LOGICAL reason TO cave. I want to know WHY. WHY DAMMIT! I seriously want to know what the FUCK goes in his head when he gives in.

That's his MO at this point. As much as it bothers me to hear 'obama is all talk' as much as i wanna argue that point is just dont know how to anymore. Im tired of using the 'grown up in the room' excuse. Just for once just ONCE id like to see him stand up for something. Seeing the other side froth at the mouth as they're regurgitating talking points non stop and then when its our turn the guy who i voted for to stand up and say something just grabs his ankles. If nothing else the GOP has conviction. Obama may as well just be a fucking empty suit.
Gr1mLock said:
That's his MO at this point. As much as it bothers me to hear 'obama is all talk' as much as i wanna argue that point is just dont know how to anymore. Im tired of using the 'grown up in the room' excuse. Just for once just ONCE id like to see him stand up for something. Seeing the other side froth at the mouth as they're regurgitating talking points non stop and then when its our turn the guy who i voted for to stand up and say something just grabs his ankles. If nothing else the GOP has conviction. Obama may as well just be a fucking empty suit.
What the fuck is he going to do in the debates when XXX calls him out on his policies. "Governor Perry is absolutely right..."


He did that in 08.....FUCK.


Passing metallic gas
TacticalFox88 said:
What the fuck is he going to do in the debates when XXX calls him out on his policies. "Governor Perry is absolutely right..."


He did that in 08.....FUCK.

He's probably going to point out how policy x was originally a republican idea to begin with.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
bsb said:
" Palin spoke for 40 minutes and spent a good chunk of her address outlining what she said were her own “real solutions” to the country’s economic problems. “My plan is a bona fide pro-workin’ man’s plan and it deals in reality,” she said. “It deals in the way the world really works.”

Palin’s chief economic proposal: total elimination of the corporate income tax."


Holy fucking shit.

Another Republican running on something the general public is overwhelmingly against. It is like nobody in the GOP wants to win.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gr1mLock said:
That's his MO at this point. As much as it bothers me to hear 'obama is all talk' as much as i wanna argue that point is just dont know how to anymore. Im tired of using the 'grown up in the room' excuse. Just for once just ONCE id like to see him stand up for something. Seeing the other side froth at the mouth as they're regurgitating talking points non stop and then when its our turn the guy who i voted for to stand up and say something just grabs his ankles. If nothing else the GOP has conviction. Obama may as well just be a fucking empty suit.
stop paying attention to mindless political theater. there's already enough reasons to dislike this administration based on its policy stances. there's no point adding to that by getting sucked into the bullshit narratives drawn by cable news stations and their idiotic pundits.
2012 is going to be so weird. No one wants to vote for Republicans since their proposed policies are strongly opposed, most of their candidates are Tea Party-aligned (also hated), so Romney, the one anti-Tea Party candidate, is going to have to look different from Bush and the Republican mindset in order to win.

Then you have Obama, whom most Americans sympathize but detest his lack of leadership, courage, and inability to create jobs. Even I think he sounds like Carter, but at least Obama has a lot more accomplishments until recently. I wish that he reports something good this Thursay, but he hasn't made any bombshell speeches since Bin Laden Shouts May Day. No one's in good shape to be elected, but someone's gonna anyway because of the fucked-up election system. Why can't we start over with two generic candidates aligned to neither party and have competitive job creation solutions? WHY CAN'T THIS COUNTRY GET BACK AND WORK?
speculawyer said:
Yeah, that is where I should be. And probably where I will end up.
LOL no, I didn't mean you. I meant people who talk like Palin, who you were referring to in third person in your post. Haha, sorry.
Yeah. How many of you crazed, rabid, fellow liberals think Perry isn't going to be our next President? Seems inevitable to me, but I'm an idiot.


Gr1mLock said:
That's his MO at this point. As much as it bothers me to hear 'obama is all talk' as much as i wanna argue that point is just dont know how to anymore. Im tired of using the 'grown up in the room' excuse. Just for once just ONCE id like to see him stand up for something. Seeing the other side froth at the mouth as they're regurgitating talking points non stop and then when its our turn the guy who i voted for to stand up and say something just grabs his ankles. If nothing else the GOP has conviction. Obama may as well just be a fucking empty suit.

If you want to know why then you'll have to learn the functions of government. Obama can't do anything without congress, period. If the repubs in the house don't want legislation passed then it wont be passed simple as that. Some of you have forgotten that the "weak HCR bill" only passed by a legislative quirck called reconciliation that was pushed by this president. There was never a true super majority and Obama never had a definitive legislative mandate as far as republicans were concerned. 41>59 in the senate and you guys should know that. He is trying to get something he believes into law period. If he has to get reps on it then he will. Everything has been watered down in "your" eyes because not watering it down means nothing gets done at all. We're the tea party to this president, don't become apathetic just because he's trying to get laws passed. I'm going to vote for Obama in 2012 and all of you should too. Ask yourself do you wan't to reward a party for sitting on their hands for the past year or do you want to actually empower the president you ellected to carry out your will. If you honestly believe that we'd be better off with a republican as pres then you should vote as you see fit. but if you understand how Americas political system works then you will vote for obama and your most liberal representatives.

P.S. Obamas biggest gamble was voting in HCR via reconciliation. for that vote dems lost 2010 and we're in the situation we're in now.
J said:
If you want to know why then you'll have to learn the functions of government. Obama can't do anything without congress, period. If the repubs in the house don't want legislation passed then it wont be passed simple as that. Some of you have forgotten that the "weak HCR bill" only passed by a legislative quirck called reconciliation that was pushed by this president. There was never a true super majority and Obama never had a definitive legislative mandate as far as republicans were concerned. 41>59 in the senate and you guys should know that. He is trying to get something he believes into law period. If he has to get reps on it then he will. Everything has been watered down in "your" eyes because not watering it down means nothing gets done at all. We're the tea party to this president, don't become apathetic just because he's trying to get laws passed. I'm going to vote for Obama in 2012 and all of you should too. Ask yourself do you wan't to reward a party for sitting on their hands for the past year or do you want to actually empower the president you ellected to carry out your will. If you honestly believe that we'd be better off with a republican as pres then you should vote as you see fit. but if you understand how Americas political system works then you will vote for obama and your most liberal representatives.
Real talk.


So, I'm reading Barack The Barbarian: Quest for the Treasure of Stimuli right now. It's a four-issue series written by Larry Hama, based on Obama's comment that he liked Conan as a kid.

Just full of avatar possibilities for fans.

slidewinder said:
Yeah. How many of you crazed, rabid, fellow liberals think Perry isn't going to be our next President? Seems inevitable to me, but I'm an idiot.

I think that if Obama goes up against Romney or Perry, he will lose simply out of voter frustration with the lack of progress, unless the economy takes a significant turn for the better, which given the nature of the House is not going to happen.

besada said:
So, I'm reading Barack The Barbarian: Quest for the Treasure of Stimuli right now. It's a four-issue series written by Larry Hama, based on Obama's comment that he liked Conan as a kid.

Just full of avatar possibilities for fans.


Is Boehner a Thulsa Doom type villain with Cantor as the scheming evil chancellor?


Mortrialus said:
Is Boehner a Thulsa Doom type villain with Cantor as the scheming evil chancellor?

It's set during the election run-up, so instead we have Hilaria, High Priestess of the Cult of Biil, Palin as Red Sonja, a weaselly advisor named Manny, and an evil Vizier at the top of the Tower of Elephants, who leads a simpleton that's chained to his leg.

It's basically a Mad Magazine parody of the election. They just got through the Pit of Pundits. Coulter was a lizard woman.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
besada said:
Nevada poll has Perry beating Romney in a state Romney won in 2008, which also happens to be full of Mormons.

It's one of Romney's strongest states, in term of organization and boots on the ground.

Yeah, Perry is taking this thing... and it scares me. I know you guys say he doesn't have a chance in the general, but I don't know. Whatever you guys say, there is a chance that someone as disgusting as him can make it to the white house. I really hope someone more reasonable takes the republican ticket. :(


quadriplegicjon said:
Yeah, Perry is taking this thing... and it scares me. I know you guys say he doesn't have a chance in the general, but I don't know. Whatever you guys say, there is a chance that someone as disgusting as him can make it to the white house. I really hope someone more reasonable takes the republican ticket. :(

I think some here are in major denial about Perry. He has at least a decent shot in the general.
Perry is no political joke, he's a threat. Parts of the GOP establishment seem to think differently, hence the sabotage efforts, but his jobs "record" alone makes him a credible threat. The question is whether his social security and medicare comments will sink him. Although personally I tend to think old white people in Florida will trust his southern charm over Obama next year no matter what.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Clevinger said:
I think some here are in major denial about Perry. He has at least a decent shot in the general.

He's got a decent shot, but several things are working against him:

1. Hasn't been "publicly exposed" yet, meaning he hasn't been in the public eye long enough for his challengers to start taking shots. Wait until he gets through a couple debates before crowning him the winner. Right now, it looks as if Palin has her sights set on him and that's trouble for Perry.

2. He took a MAJOR shot at Social Security in his recently-released book.

"Like a bad disease," he wrote, New Deal-era initiatives have spread. "By far the best example of this is Social Security." The program "is something we have been forced to accept for more than 70 years now."

There is absolutely no way he can get around that comment and the GOP challengers will be using it against him mercilessly. There's one thing you DON'T do when running for the GOP presidential candidate, and that is take jabs at Social Security. Comparing it to the New Deal while trying to appeal to to elderly GOP voters? HUGE mistake. My guess is that most GOP voters have no clue he said this and, once it hits the media full force, his approval ratings plummet.

3. I think some tend to underrate how important this actually is, but he is incredibly similar to George W. Bush in speech, look, and mannerisms. Again, this is a colossal negative that will hurt him during the general election. W is one of the least popular presidents of all time and even more republicans still blame him for the current state of the country than Obama.

Putting all three of these together and I still don't see him taking the general election over Obama.

The way people are fawning over Perry right now reminds me a bit of the way democrats were fawning over Wesley Clark when he entered the race for the 2008 election. Give it time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Remember when Palin was a really huge hit right when she was introduced, and then people heard her talk on national television?


jamesinclair said:
I'll vote for other offices, for sure.

As for president, maybe a third party. Depends if any of them are good.

But again, I do not want to see Obama win and say "hey look, the people like what Im doing!"

I'm pretty sure I'll be voting for whomever the Greens nominate (a first for me), but I have the luxury (ha!) of doing so since I'll be voting in Louisiana.

If I were in a swing state? Damn. The realist/doomer in me and the old/sleepwalking me would have a battle of the ages.

{cue the fantasy/dream sequence music and fuzzy clouds around the screen..}

Realist HylianTom: "Sure. Let's let Perry win. We're driving this fucker right over a cliff, and it doesn't matter in the end if we're going 60mph or 120mph. Better that those asswipe GOPers get the blame anyway! I think I'll vote Green and leave it to fate. Fuckit!"

Old HylianTom: "Hmm.. that's what the GOP wants you to think. Believe it or not, there's a difference, and you shouldn't be rewarding the likes of Cantor and Bachmann for their antics. Hold your nose and vote for Obama."

RHT: "OOhh... got me right in the weak spot! I hate the little Cantor douche! He can die in a flood for all I care!"

OHT: "Uh-huh!"

RHT "But then if Obama wins, he'll see it as a stamp of approval on his actions. And his actions as of late have been, to borrow from Mad Dog Tannen, those of a gutless, yellow turd! And again.. what exactly has he done to address the big issues? Yeah.. exactly.. nothing of consequence."

OHT: "Truuue... but there's still the Supreme Court - Justice Ginsburg says hi! If the court takes a sharper right turn, you can say goodbye to it until you're an old, old man, at best. Plus, you never know what Obama will do when he's no longer faced with another re-election campaign. And just think of the great right-wing meltdowns you'll get to see - that'd be worth the price of admission alone!"

RHT: "Pssht. This assumes that the court and the country are still around when I'm an old man. But still, I'll vote for him. It doesn't matter in the end. You do know we're still royally fucked as long as he ignores our energy predicament, right? But I'd rather him in charge as the lights are going out - Perry with emergency executive power is a scary prospect."

OHT: "Good man!"

RHT: "Hmph. Four more years.. of sleepwalking into the future. Great."
Another negative on Perry is that he doesn't seem to be comfortable getting attacked or questioned. He won't be able to stuff his mouth full of food and run out the door at a nationally televised debate, which is why I can't wait to see what happens next week.
PhoenixDark said:
Another negative on Perry is that he doesn't seem to be comfortable getting attacked or questioned. He won't be able to stuff his mouth full of food and run out the door at a nationally televised debate, which is why I can't wait to see what happens next week.
Thin skinned obama vs thin skinned perry would at least make for an amusing campaign.
elrechazao said:
Thin skinned obama vs thin skinned perry would at least make for an amusing campaign.

You're becoming more and more of a FUD thrower. When has he seemed thin skinned about criticism from anywhere other than the left?
Byakuya769 said:
You're becoming more and more of a FUD thrower. When has he seemed thin skinned from criticism from anywhere other than the left?
More and more? As opposed to what? Obama is notoriously thin skinned, and gets flustered with criticism. Don't take my word for it, ask noted conservative hacks like Maureen Dowd.
Yeah, good point. They don't call him the "Raging Commie Godzilla President of Armageddon" for nothing, after all.

What were people saying about how Perry's record on anything was going to matter whatsoever? Let's be realistic. Thank you, elrechazao.
Calling Obama thin skinned is fair. He doesn't respond to criticism well at all. When he's not allowed to respond with a simple, Brooks-esque "well...some people believe x, some people believe y..." comparison and is actually persistently challenged, he laughs it off or gets visibly frustrated. Tapper gets him riled up at every other press conference.
Perry's book is going to be a huge problem for him, especially since it just recently came out. He either has to stick with what's in his book (some of which will probably make him unpalatable to a large chunk of the population, re:Soc Sec) or he's got to say what's in his book doesn't reflect his beliefs, which makes him a liar, a bandwagon opportunist and/or a flip-flopper in political terms.

Even if people vote him in, they might regret it. Maybe when we're invading Pakistan.
And yet he's held himself up remarkably well on several nationally televised occasion where he was in a room full of people criticizing him. Interesting.
PhoenixDark said:
Calling Obama thin skinned is fair. He doesn't respond to criticism well at all. When he's not allowed to respond with a simple, Brooks-esque "well...some people believe x, some people believe y..." comparison and is actually persistently challenged, he laughs it off or gets visibly frustrated. Tapper gets him riled up at every other press conference.
It's the nicotine. If he was allowed to smoke in his conferences, he'd be fine.
About Obama...

What has he done this past year? He has the senate, and yet it seems every major decision has gone the GOP way. Every single one.

The fact is, when he had the House and the Senate, and overwhelming numbers at that, he didnt do much. Yes, we got healthcare, but what else?

You guys know that if a transportation bill isnt extending in the next few weeks, the gas tax, unchanged since 1993, will go away? Meaning zero money for roads and transit?

Obama had the full house and Senate and he could have passed a 6 year bill. But he didnt. One was written, it invested in infrastructure, and yet he said "lets wait".

Amazing idea Obama.

Now, the tea party will say "we either get zero gas tax, or you cut billions somewhere else. Whatever happens, we win"

So Obama will compromise away. Whats going to be cut this time? A federal ban on funding rail projects?

Being the "adult in the room" doesnt mean shit if the children get their way every single time. That makes you a shit parent, because your 6 year old weighs 200lbs because you cant say no.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Byakuya769 said:
And yet he's held himself up remarkably well on several nationally televised occasion where he was in a room full of people criticizing him. Interesting.

Recently he's been in zero debates and the one time he was confronted about a major issue he stuffed his mouth with food and fled the scene.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Plinko said:
Recently he's been in zero debates and the one time he was confronted about a major issue he stuffed his mouth with food and fled the scene.
I think he was talking about Obama, not Perry.


Junior Member
jamesinclair said:
About Obama...

What has he done this past year? He has the senate, and yet it seems every major decision has gone the GOP way. Every single one.

He doesn't have the senate. Republicans can block any bill that doesn't get a 60 vote majority. Thanks to apathetic voters, they now how more than enough votes in the senate to effectively block any bill that comes to the floor. Then of course the GOP controls the house and thus the purse strings, so the president is effectively hogtied.

This is some of what the Republicans blocked in 2010 when they didn't control either house of congress;


The American public rewarded this behavior by allowing the GOP to control the House.

The only thing that can change this is if the Dems retake the house and get another super majority in the Senate. However since so many Americans are apathetic, that isn't going to happen.
How many super majorities have existed in american history?

Why is it that every other president managed to get shit done?

How the fuck did Bush pull all his crap without a super majority?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
jamesinclair said:
How many super majorities have existed in american history?
Good question.

Why is it that every other president managed to get shit done?
That's relative.

How the fuck did Bush pull all his crap without a super majority?
Same reason Obama couldn't get shit done with his "60" in the senate: cowardly corporatist democrats. It's the pitfalls of actually having some diversity among its congregation.
Help me out here: if Perry does get the nomination, how exactly is it that the optimistic among you see him losing to Obama?

Do you guys really think Cameron Todd Willingham or those bits about SS from Perry's recent book are going to have any kind of impact on his chances for election against a guy presiding over 9+% unemployment?

WTF else is there?


jamesinclair said:
How many super majorities have existed in american history?

Why is it that every other president managed to get shit done?

How the fuck did Bush pull all his crap without a super majority?
slidewinder said:
Help me out here: if Perry does get the nomination, how exactly is it that the optimistic among you see him losing to Obama?

Do you guys really think Cameron Todd Willingham or those bits about SS from Perry's recent book are going to have any kind of impact on his chances for election against a guy presiding over 9+% unemployment?

WTF else is there?
Reagan won with similar unemployment
Presidents have won with higher unemployment.


Passing metallic gas
J said:
If you want to know why then you'll have to learn the functions of government. Obama can't do anything without congress, period. If the repubs in the house don't want legislation passed then it wont be passed simple as that. Some of you have forgotten that the "weak HCR bill" only passed by a legislative quirck called reconciliation that was pushed by this president. There was never a true super majority and Obama never had a definitive legislative mandate as far as republicans were concerned. 41>59 in the senate and you guys should know that. He is trying to get something he believes into law period. If he has to get reps on it then he will. Everything has been watered down in "your" eyes because not watering it down means nothing gets done at all. We're the tea party to this president, don't become apathetic just because he's trying to get laws passed. I'm going to vote for Obama in 2012 and all of you should too. Ask yourself do you wan't to reward a party for sitting on their hands for the past year or do you want to actually empower the president you ellected to carry out your will. If you honestly believe that we'd be better off with a republican as pres then you should vote as you see fit. but if you understand how Americas political system works then you will vote for obama and your most liberal representatives.

P.S. Obamas biggest gamble was voting in HCR via reconciliation. for that vote dems lost 2010 and we're in the situation we're in now.

I understand that and Im aware of the situation he is in as far as getting anything done. My apathy stems from watching republicans day in day out stomp their feet drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Every position they take is pretty much 'its all or nothing'. They continuously get 90 percent of what they want while obama 'runs the country'. There has to be a point where the guy who ran as a progressive has to be held accountable for not disputing the garbage from the other side. You're the most powerful man in the free world for crying out loud. No sane liberal will take an unreasonable position that we need to get everything and we need to 'win it all'. No one is suggesting he goes up to the podium and starts calling out names. Just take a firm stand on something and fight for it. I literally cringe every time he says 'with bi partisan support'.
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