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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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TacticalFox88 said:
Or when his name comes up.

I always enjoy when the rest of the nation gets to hate a Texas governor as much as I have. First it was Bush and now it's Perry. Let the hate flow through you.

Still haven't seen the debate, but I've now read a metric shit-ton of debate reactions, both in the mainstream press and over at good old Free Republic. Sounds like Perry held it together well enough to keep his lead, although Romney got in some shots. And Perry got to use a line from Ron White's comedy tour.

Huntsman continued to seal his doom, apparently. I like him more and more. Something lovable about a guy who doubles down on a failed tactic.
Romney is the greatest slime ball for dodging that inequality question. I know that certain people don't care but damn, at least address it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Observation on the death penalty debate: it's fundamentally corrupted IMHO by the fact that there's a strong element of retribution in giving the government power to execute its own citizens after they've been detained and neutralized from causing further potential harm.

"Justice" cannot be blind in circumstances where so many of the people involved with supporting and carrying out state execution view it with relish and self-righteousness. The very fact that so many people are bloody minded and choose to ignore a few bodies in the foundation of their "tower of retribution" inserts a dangerous human element. The system *will* be corrupted by those determined to "get their kills in".

It's human nature that makes giving a state the power to kill its own people when they're not an immediate and clear threat, a bad idea.

But sure enough, if rational points are brought up, you'll inevitably get some person sneering "what about this horrible mass murdering child molester who just got caught with blood literally on his hands and is proud he did it and says so? It's a good thing we got death penalty!"

In point of fact, I think there's a solid argument that such a person is beyond help and is better off dead - in principle. But giving a state the power to kill him after he's no longer a threat sets up that slippery slope once again. A lot of people may not be in control of themselves, or responsible, enough, to bear the weight of allowing someone horrifying to live so that the lives of innocents can be safeguarded. It's easier to give in to retributive impulses.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Milabrega said:
PoliGaf 2011: Each new post must be offset with spending cuts elsewhere

PoliGaf 2011: Each new post must be offset with tax cuts elsewhere.



As usual, British pundits prove they're a thousand times better than their American counterparts. This really stood out for me:
The Guardian said:
Here's how George Bush senior and St Ronald Reagan debated illegal immigration back in 1980 – not just another era but possibly another planet, in terms of the humanity.

(Referencing this 2-minute video clip)

Something is very different about our politics today than it was even 30 years ago.


While titles are certainly an important part of the OP, submissions with actual content are more likely to be chosen. I'm aware that requires actual effort beyond a clever blurb.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Opiate said:
While titles are certainly an important part of the OP, submissions with actual content are more likely to be chosen. I'm aware that requires actual effort beyond a clever blurb.

I think we were just joking around, hehe.


Why is there a contest for thread-naming rights? Why not just make the first thread to appear the official thread? One and done.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
besada said:

I would love to know what was being said right there.

This photo needs a caption contest.
Rick Perry is obsessed with getting up in people's faces and pointing/stabbing fingers.
Tristam said:
As usual, British pundits prove they're a thousand times better than their American counterparts. This really stood out for me:

(Referencing this 2-minute video clip)

Something is very different about our politics today than it was even 30 years ago.

Heres the problem:

Lifetime republican voters. Someone who started voting GOP for these people doesnt realize their party has become the Taliban of the west.

How did "these are good people, strong people" +"rather than building a fence"...become "they took are jerbs! build dem walls!"


So not only is Rick Perry grabbing Ron Paul, but he's pointing his finger in his face? What is this the 5th grade asshole?
You guys have seen the terrible Prstine fire thread?


Jesus christ, thats absolutely terrible. Feel bad for the guy. Cant imagine losing everything like that. Fuck, even things like computer backups are usually kept in the same home.

But bringing it to poligaf...

-He lived in an area with only a single in/out road. Government shouldnt allow that, for this very reason. Its a huge safety hazard. Thats why zoning and urban planning is absolutely necessary.
-He wasnt told to evacuate, no guidance, no help.

This alone is a major government fail, and heads should roll. But in a bootsrap state like Texas, is incompetence like this just accepted?

Government is useless....so lets weaken government and accept that government is useless...? I really dont get the train of thought, its like the divide in the debate today.

Perry = SS is a fail, so lets abolish it.
Everyone else = SS is a fail...so let's fix it.

Seems like the second choice makes more sense though? if government is unresponsive, you put measures in place to make it better...not weaken it to the point it cant respond at all.

For fucks sake, people have died in these fires. How much is the lack of strong government to blame here? Fires are fast....but theyre not so fast that warning cant go out. Its not like an earthquake. Sound the godamn sirens or something.


Not Wario
I just got a job after a year of searching out of college and I can't speak for everyone searching obviously, but the fear that was really starting to develop in me towards the end of my search was that unemployment was going to compound itself. The interviewer(s) in every single interview I had commented on my time since graduation, and asked what had I been doing/why I thought I hadn't been hired/etc. I was seriously scared that, at a certain point, that timespan was going to be the single biggest black mark I could have on my record. So, yeah, there's plenty of openings out there, but there's even more people searching for those openings and, furthermore, I get the sense employers won't even necessarily fill all of them due to fears about their potential hires. (To elaborate on that last point- another thing I saw during the search were multiple positions where the company actually said outright that they wouldn't hire anyone for the position if none of the applicants thoroughly met their standards.)
traveler said:
I just got a job after a year of searching out of college and I can't speak for everyone searching obviously, but the fear that was really starting to develop in me towards the end of my search was that unemployment was going to compound itself. The interviewer(s) in every single interview I had commented on my time since graduation, and asked what had I been doing/why I thought I hadn't been hired/etc. I was seriously scared that, at a certain point, that timespan was going to be the single biggest black mark I could have on my record. So, yeah, there's plenty of openings out there, but there's even more people searching for those openings and, furthermore, I get the sense employers won't even necessarily fill all of them due to fears about their potential hires. (To elaborate on that last point- another thing I saw during the search were multiple positions where the company actually said outright that they wouldn't hire anyone for the position if none of the applicants thoroughly met their standards.)



ShOcKwAvE said:
Just wow.

When we say the country has moved to the far right over the last thirty years, we aren't kidding. And keep in mind that Reagan himself was seen as being on the right-wing fringe at his time.

Also, that is what politics in a more egalitarian society looks like.


ShOcKwAvE said:
Just wow.

Direct evidence of how far right the country has moved in just thirty years. I grew up in a different America than the one I now live in and it's a goddamn shame, because that America was a kinder, more compassionate place.
traveler said:
I just got a job after a year of searching out of college and I can't speak for everyone searching obviously, but the fear that was really starting to develop in me towards the end of my search was that unemployment was going to compound itself. The interviewer(s) in every single interview I had commented on my time since graduation, and asked what had I been doing/why I thought I hadn't been hired/etc. I was seriously scared that, at a certain point, that timespan was going to be the single biggest black mark I could have on my record. So, yeah, there's plenty of openings out there, but there's even more people searching for those openings and, furthermore, I get the sense employers won't even necessarily fill all of them due to fears about their potential hires. (To elaborate on that last point- another thing I saw during the search were multiple positions where the company actually said outright that they wouldn't hire anyone for the position if none of the applicants thoroughly met their standards.)
Yea companies are definitely in no rush to hire. They all think they can sit around and wait on a desperate Rhodes Scholar, it seems. These companies are playing a fool's game. Before going back to school, I was working for a company that hired many vastly overqualified people. That company is now losing them left and right. Serves them right.
Atilac said:

I sense a lot of hostility.

Geez, that photo made it worse . . . he is literally holding Ron Paul. WTF? Grabbing people, sticking your finger in their face, and looking down on them? Fuck you, asshole.
Opiate said:
The competition is on again, for those interested. Compete to create the new OP (and Title) of the PoliGaf thread!

I would be particularly interested in submissions from conservative leaning individuals on this board.

If your submission is chosen, you will receive a PoliGaf champion tag for the remainder of the year.

Please post your submissions here. The winner will be chosen both by popular consensus and by my own personal discretion.
Opiate can I puweeeeeze keep my tag? :3
empty vessel said:
Money that should have been appropriated as taxes and spent more wisely by the public. Fucking waste.

Listen to yourself. "Appropriated"

Really? It was her money to do with as she pleases. Silly of you to think the government (or as you so softly refer to as the public) would spend it more wisely. Nothing about our government has proven to me that they know the best way to spend money.


testicles on a cold fall morning
JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
Really? It was her money to do with as she pleases. Silly of you to think the government (or as you so softly refer to as the public) would spend it more wisely. Nothing about our government has proven to me that they know the best way to spend money.
i agree, which is why we need to remove as many Republicans as we can from both the House and Senate. i'm hoping Obama he'll do so by Executive Order tonight.
scorcho said:
i agree, which is why we need to remove as many Republicans as we can from both the House and Senate. i'm hoping Obama he'll do so by Executive Order tonight.

I think they should ALL be fired. By the actual people. They don't know what the fuck they're doing. Bow to the lobbyists. I don't care what party it is. Any blind loyalty to any party and/or ideology is foolish.

It's just a vicious circle. Ultimately, the only thing that happens is personal attacks, and keeping the people divided in meaningless pissing contests. We have real problems that will never be solved by politicians.

Our government is basically like high school on steroids. It's shameful. We as a nation are capable of so much greatness. But we are too foolish to take advantage of it.

It's not a republican problem, it's not a democrat problem. It's shameless self serving nature of those that get in power.
Byakuya769 said:
Oh lord, it's the "everyone is equally bad, fire the bums" guy. Who did you vote for last time around, JohnnyPhatsaqs?

I didn't vote for President last time. I didn't like either candidate, and I'm not a lesser of two evils person. If I don't believe in them, I won't vote for them. And before you start with the "you didn't vote, you can't comment" shit. I'm a tax payer, and my opinion is just as valid as yours.

You can roll your eyes and try to pin it on one party all you like. But it is a two party problem.

Yeah Reps suck. But you act like Dems approach everything with pure hearts.

example - Universal Healthcare. If it is so wonderful for EVERYONE, and EVERYONE must participate....why are unions, members of congress/senate and states/businesses that played ball exempt. Again, just favoritism and you rub my back, I'll rub yours.

I wholeheartedly agree the med system is a joke and needs reform. but that shit piece of legislation isn't the answer. It cannot be sustained.
JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
Listen to yourself. "Appropriated"

Really? It was her money to do with as she pleases.

It's her money at our discretion. That is the very basis of the tax authority.

JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
Silly of you to think the government (or as you so softly refer to as the public) would spend it more wisely. Nothing about our government has proven to me that they know the best way to spend money.

That's because you're ignorant. And I would agree that, should you continue to vote professional government saboteurs like Republicans into the government, then it is indeed the case that the government may not spend the money wisely. But that's your fault, and entirely within your control. Don't blame the government for your fuck ups. Accept responsibility.
JohnnyPhatsaqs said:
I didn't vote for President last time. I didn't like either candidate, and I'm not a lesser of two evils person. If I don't believe in them, I won't vote for them. And before you start with the "you didn't vote, you can't comment" shit. I'm a tax payer, and my opinion is just as valid as yours.

You can roll your eyes and try to pin it on one party all you like. But it is a two party problem.

Yeah Reps suck. But you act like Dems approach everything with pure hearts.

example - Universal Healthcare. If it is so wonderful for EVERYONE, and EVERYONE must participate....why are unions, members of congress/senate and states/businesses that played ball exempt. Again, just favoritism and you rub my back, I'll rub yours.

I wholeheartedly agree the med system is a joke and needs reform. but that shit piece of legislation isn't the answer. It cannot be sustained.

I asked that question to garner your position on anything beyond "they both suck, fire the bums!" Sadly, it didn't work.

More directly: what's your policy desire for health care? How would you envision the system fixed?
balladofwindfishes said:
Not voting for president is technically helping the republican get into office. They make out as winners when less people vote.

Just thought I'd let you know that.

And? I don't give a shit about democrats either. If my not voting helps reps get in to office as you imply, that seems to be a problem with the Dems "base" not really believing in them either. At least no enough to get out and vote.

You also act like a Dem NOT being president is a bad thing
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