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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Unconfirmed Member
DOO13ER said:
A buddy of mine used to work with had the exact same thing. He thought it was hilarious.
Yeah, I am sure it's "funny" to this guy too, he honks it while driving exponentially more than the average person.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Campaign Obama continues the attack:


He also renewed his call for Congress to eliminate some tax breaks for the well-off as part of any agreement. Republicans want deep spending cuts without any tax increases while Mr. Obama and Democrats call for what they term a "balanced" approach. That means one that also includes new revenue in the form of higher taxes for some, though Democrats steer clear of using phrases like "tax increases" or "higher taxes."

"Now, it would be nice if we could keep every tax break, but we can't afford them," President Obama said. "Because if we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, or for hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners, or for oil and gas companies pulling in huge profits without our help — then we'll have to make even deeper cuts somewhere else."

"Nothing can be off-limits, including spending in the tax code, particularly the loopholes that benefit very few individuals and corporations," the president said.

Is it too late? I hope not, but i'd rather it be later then never.
Fresh off that garbage radio address.. Man, I wonder when Obama will realize that to truly give the business community the confidence needed to make this economy work and grow he needs to immediately step down from office.
Chichikov said:
You know what's sad?
That this position is now considered bold, principled and playing to the base.
It's none of those.

Once again, the dems completely surrender to the GOP's narrative.

What do you guys think? Over/Under: 1.5 trillion in spending cuts for a debt ceiling increase.

Something else that I haven't really given much thought to: how much are the proposing to raise the debt ceiling by? If Obama gets re-elected but the Republicans maintain control of the House or take the Senate, we're going to have to do this all over again.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Invisible_Insane said:
What do you guys think? Over/Under: 1.5 trillion in spending cuts for a debt ceiling increase.

Something else that I haven't really given much thought to: how much are the proposing to raise the debt ceiling by? If Obama gets re-elected but the Republicans maintain control of the House or take the Senate, we're going to have to do this all over again.

I say 2 trillion in cuts with 200 billion in tax increases.


Ether_Snake said:
The Republicans have been on such an extreme attack streak against Obama that they can't find a candidate for themselves that can actually win support from their base.

They are 100% guaranteed to lose. Their only hope is crashing the economy.
Oh, there are candidates that would satisfy the base. The conundrum arises from the necessity of both satisfying the base and not alienating moderates. Aside from perhaps another economic meltdown, the GOP will need to appeal to moderates to defeat Obama. It is usually a necessity in a general election. That is why the establishment will quash Bachmann, Cain, et al., if they miraculously become viable candidates. This is perhaps an unprecedentedly weak field.
jamesinclair said:
Republicans want ONLY cuts
Democrats want cuts AND higher revenue
We need a 3rd party that promotes ONLY higher revenue

That way the middle can truly be the middle.

I'd prefer the third party prevail. Actually, a fourth party, the one that promotes higher spending and higher revenue.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Chichikov said:
You know what's sad?
That this position is now considered bold, principled and playing to the base.
It's none of those.

Once again, the dems completely surrender to the GOP's narrative.

Pretty much.
Chichikov said:
You know what's sad?
That this position is now considered bold, principled and playing to the base.
It's none of those.

Once again, the dems completely surrender to the GOP's narrative.

Yes. This is why the country has been moving center-right for the past 30 years. GOP takes an extreme position, and democrats are forced to negotiate from a moderately conservative position.

I know Obama blasted the GOP in his news conference the other day but I still think he put way too much credence into the "reducing the deficit will create jobs" meme.


So the US is getting its own austerity measures.

How long before Canada has to do the same.

Oh wait, Harper has a majority, lol...

It's like the whole world wants to cut social services and privatize everything. But it's obvious why. They have given up and want to make us all more "competitive".


Junior Member
jamesinclair said:
Republicans want ONLY cuts
Democrats want cuts AND higher revenue
We need a 3rd party that promotes ONLY higher revenue

That way the middle can truly be the middle.

You wont get a viable third party candidate for president until you get viable 3rd party congress. Basically stacking the congress with independents like Bernie Sanders.

Problem is that progressives are lazy bums during midterms, so that will never happen.
Measley said:
You wont get a viable third party candidate for president until you get viable 3rd party congress. Basically stacking the congress with independents like Bernie Sanders.

Problem is that progressives are lazy bums during midterms, so that will never happen.

I for one, would vote for Bernie Sanders for every office in every state.

Secretary Comptroller of Shitsville Nebraska? Bernie fucking Sanders.

Someone should organize a write in campaign
The Wageless, Profitable Recovery
By Steven Greenhouse

Economists at Northeastern University have found that the current economic recovery in the United States has been unusually skewed in favor of corporate profits and against increased wages for workers.

In their newly released study, the Northeastern economists found that since the recovery began in June 2009 following a deep 18-month recession, “corporate profits captured 88 percent of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1 percent” of that growth.

The study, "The ‘Jobless and Wageless Recovery’ From the Great Recession of 2007-2009," said it was "unprecedented" for American workers to receive such a tiny share of national income growth during a recovery. ...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average real hourly earnings for all employees actually declined by 1.1 percent from June 2009, when the recovery began, to May 2011, the month for which the most recent earnings numbers are available. ...

“Aggregate employment still has not increased above the trough quarter of 2009, and real hourly and weekly wages have been flat to modestly negative,” the report concludes. “The only major beneficiaries of the recovery have been corporate profits and the stock market and its shareholders.”​

More: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/the-wageless-profitable-recovery/


empty vessel said:
The Wageless, Profitable Recovery
By Steven Greenhouse

Economists at Northeastern University have found that the current economic recovery in the United States has been unusually skewed in favor of corporate profits and against increased wages for workers.

In their newly released study, the Northeastern economists found that since the recovery began in June 2009 following a deep 18-month recession, “corporate profits captured 88 percent of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1 percent” of that growth.

The study, "The ‘Jobless and Wageless Recovery’ From the Great Recession of 2007-2009," said it was "unprecedented" for American workers to receive such a tiny share of national income growth during a recovery. ...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average real hourly earnings for all employees actually declined by 1.1 percent from June 2009, when the recovery began, to May 2011, the month for which the most recent earnings numbers are available. ...

“Aggregate employment still has not increased above the trough quarter of 2009, and real hourly and weekly wages have been flat to modestly negative,” the report concludes. “The only major beneficiaries of the recovery have been corporate profits and the stock market and its shareholders.”​

More: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/the-wageless-profitable-recovery/

It's the great balancing act. I've predicted this in early 2009 once the "recovery" started. For as long as the US has a significant trade deficit with China, it will average out with China.

As long as trade continues massively between both countries, the trend won't reverse until each country meets one another along the way.


Ether_Snake said:
The Republicans have been on such an extreme attack streak against Obama that they can't find a candidate for themselves that can actually win support from their base.

They are 100% guaranteed to lose. Their only hope is crashing the economy.

That's exactly what the GOP is trying to do then turn around and blame it on Obama.

The GOP doesn't care about this country or the people in it. They only care about the corporations and the fact that they can't stand there's a black man in the white house.


The fact that Obama is okay with prosecuting people who stream illegally is unbefuckinglievable. Adding this to the Patriot Act is way too Big Brother, it shouldn't be legal in any circumstance.

It makes me just want to give up on the whole system. Extremely disappointed in him.


Guys, they don't want to crash the economy. Come on. Even if they have the most abhorrent intentions, a large portion of their motivation still comes from greed. They would be heavily hurting themselves financially if the economy crashed.

What they're actually doing is playing chicken. Only they know for certain that the other side will inevitably swerve, being the cowards they are, so they feel completely safe with waiting until the very last second.


mj1108 said:
That's exactly what the GOP is trying to do then turn around and blame it on Obama.

The GOP doesn't care about this country or the people in it. They only care about the corporations and the fact that they can't stand there's a black man in the white house.

Good god, Thinkprogress needs people like you.


mj1108 said:
That's exactly what the GOP is trying to do then turn around and blame it on Obama.
Entirely correct, and anyone paying one iota of attention should realize this. It is their objective to obtain and retain power at all costs. The damage done to the country and most of its citizens are secondary.
GhaleonEB said:
Entirely correct, and anyone paying one iota of attention should realize this.

I don't disagree, but neither Obama nor the Democratic party is exactly trying to help either. It seems to me like they're all in favor of attacking working people.
Imagine if dems had decided to play games with TARP and the other financial legislation of late 08, or hold the process hostage over a list of ridiculous demands. I'm not going to say democrats have never attempted to stall or worsen the economy for short term political benefit, but I certainly can't think of one as brazen as what's going on right now.
GhaleonEB said:
Entirely correct, and anyone paying one iota of attention should realize this. It is their objective to obtain and retain power at all costs. The damage done to the country and most of its citizens are secondary.
I'd say their objective would be to be the whores they are for corporations and the rich, but that's just me.
empty vessel said:
The Wageless, Profitable Recovery
By Steven Greenhouse

Economists at Northeastern University have found that the current economic recovery in the United States has been unusually skewed in favor of corporate profits and against increased wages for workers.

In their newly released study, the Northeastern economists found that since the recovery began in June 2009 following a deep 18-month recession, “corporate profits captured 88 percent of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1 percent” of that growth.

The study, "The ‘Jobless and Wageless Recovery’ From the Great Recession of 2007-2009," said it was "unprecedented" for American workers to receive such a tiny share of national income growth during a recovery. ...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average real hourly earnings for all employees actually declined by 1.1 percent from June 2009, when the recovery began, to May 2011, the month for which the most recent earnings numbers are available. ...

“Aggregate employment still has not increased above the trough quarter of 2009, and real hourly and weekly wages have been flat to modestly negative,” the report concludes. “The only major beneficiaries of the recovery have been corporate profits and the stock market and its shareholders.”​

More: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/the-wageless-profitable-recovery/

I think banning unions should solve this problem.


empty vessel said:
I don't disagree, but neither Obama nor the Democratic party is exactly trying to help either. It seems to me like they're all in favor of attacking working people.
True in part, but I think your statement implies and equivalency that does not exist. The wildly imbalanced recovery described in the article you posted is in part a result of Obama (and Congress') policies. But they're not proposing abolishing the minimum wage, gutting regulations, dissolving Medicare, etc. In areas such as Pell grants, food stamps, unemployment insurance, etc. they tried to provide supports to the vulnerable, and partly succeeded. Their greatest failing was one of inadequacy, followed by political timidity.

They seek to do the right thing so long as it does not run afoul of their corporate sponsors. With the GOP, they don't have any such pretenses.

As you said, we need a third (or fourth) party. The Dems in policy are now moderate Republicans, and the Republicans have become extremists.


empty vessel said:
I'd prefer the third party prevail. Actually, a fourth party, the one that promotes higher spending and higher revenue.
I prefer a fifth party that decreases revenue and increases spending (preferably, military). Deficits don't even matter.


Invisible_Insane said:

McCotter might be angling for that "generic Republican" spot on the ballot. He's actually s very bright guy, has a great sense of humor, no baggage, and coming from the Detroit area, was in favor of the auto bailouts and might win some union support.

Oh, and LOL at anyone trying to dismiss him for having done nothing in Congress, because we know that's a nonstarter, right?

I don't see how he can raise enough money, though.
there's no way to have more than two parties with our voting system. the only hope you guys have is to change the democratic party from within, competing against corporate money with your voices and your votes.

read: there is no hope.


balladofwindfishes said:
except everything he said is true.

The GOP's opposition to Obama is based on race? Prove it to me.

Can you point to a specific piece of legislation they are proposing that is intended to 'tank' the economy? Which I assume means to send it back into a recession (which would be difficult to prove since we are trending that way anyways).
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