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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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mckmas8808 said:
I'm okay with it if they "THEN" decide not to ask for public funds after that. You can't have Budweiser or Ford naming the field while asking for the public to give you $250 to rebuild or fix up the stadium.

And IF you do why not give the local government 10% of the year cut of those naming rights and other sponsors?

Some people think culture is important in its own right. Not everything has to be an advertisement. Some things can just ... be enjoyed for what they are.

Do you really find life as a constant stream of advertisement to be enjoyable? Is looking at an outfield fence plastered with ads pleasing to you? If you could freely choose a wall without ads--say a wall covered with ivy--or a wall plastered seamlessly with ads, which would you choose?

You know, I suppose it's possible for somebody to really not care about being bombarded with corporate and manipulative messages all day long or even (gag) prefer it ... actually, no I can't. I really can't.


empty vessel said:
If you could freely choose a wall without ads--say a wall covered with ivy--or a wall plastered seamlessly with ads, which would you choose?
I hate ads, I really really do.
But not enough to become a Cubs fans.
That's cruel and unusual.


Chichikov said:
I hate ads, I really really do.
But not enough to become a Cubs fans.
That's cruel and unusual.

No issue, their wall is covered in more than ivy:



Black Republican said:
i just realised they kicked off savannah guthrie off the daily rundown show on msnbc :( why?

She wasn't kicked off, she got promoted to network. She's on the Today show and NBC News Chief Legal Analyst.
They had stories about it on the local AZ news the week it happened because she's from Tucson.


Chichikov said:
I love sports, I would gladly help finance a sport team.
But if we pay so much for it, we better get a controlling stake, or even better, ownership, Green Bay Packers style (which obviously would be illegal in the NFL, as the other owners are scared shitless of this proposition; and they have every right to be, can you imagine a league without Robert Kraft or Zygi Wilf? fuck that shit, I'd rather watch the WNBA).

But no, we give them money and in exchange, they don't take their talents to Oklahoma city (can you guess where I live? and can you tell I'm still bitter?), unless the city police does not provide enough parking arrangement, or maybe they don't like the taxes, or maybe someone built a stadium with even more luxury boxes, but what's important is that those millions of tax dollars bought you at least another year of joy.
Smart investment!
I have long been intrigued by the idea of publicly-owned sports teams. I think fans would be even more invested if they had a monetary interest in the team.

empty vessel said:
Frankly, that sounds ominous, and my knee jerk reaction to anything done in the name of aiding somebody else's democracy is to run the other way.

The recognition of the MB is realpolitik. The MB now has some power in Egypt, and the US has to work with them. Of course, it isn't going to work with them to enhance Egyptian democracy, but to undermine it, because the US wants Egypt to do what the US wants, not what Egyptians want. And, for purposes of foreign policy, what the "US" wants is whatever its business and financial elite want. Democrats have never been any better than Republicans when it comes to foreign policy in this regard. (The one exception may be that I'm not sure that Gore would have invaded Iraq, although there would have been tremendous pressure on him to do so and it was a Democrat who maintained the low grade war against Iraq during the 90's (which was always intended to keep it weakened for future invasion and conquering).
I understand your trepidation. I actually share it. Aid can engender unintentionally deleterious effects. Moreover, it is often inconsequential. I envision a broader, less intrusive concept of aid. And usually it is best to aid democratization by not interfering; it must be an endogenous occurrence. Nevertheless, there are actions that will facilitate democratization. Conducting bilateral relations and incorporating Egypt into the international order will facilitate their democratization. If we normalize relations with a government that will include the MB, it will legitimize them. And I think that aids Egypt's democratization.

I do not dispute that. But I do not think that analysis is wholly adequate. The MB only has power insofar that the Supreme Council delivers on its promise to institute elections. Recognizing the MB applies pressure to the Supreme Council. Thus, I think it is a combination of realpolitick and a genuine liberal preference for democracy.


Jackson50 said:
I have long been intrigued by the idea of publicly-owned sports teams. I think fans would be even more invested if they had a monetary interest in the team.
Don't worry, the leagues made it ilegal.
The Packers got grandparented in, but it's completely against NFL rules to have public ownership.
Yeah, you heard it right, you got to have a single person with at least 1/3 of a stake in the team.
Because fuck you, that's why.

And have you noticed how pretty much no one in the sports media talk about it?
Remember the last Superbowl?
Every storyline that can be thought of was covered, every angle was reported in a million different ways.
Outside the fact the Packers is a publicly owned non-profit team, whose charter looks like a pinko commie wet dream.

That's not interesting.

Also, let's all call the elected chairman of the Green Bay Packers Board of Directors "the owner", we don't want to confuse the public.

Sure, making it "the people's team" vs. "rich owner's toy" is overly simplistic, but you're telling me it's less relevant than the "Flozell Adams Returns To Dallas In Search Of His First Super Bowl Ring" or "Big Ben in search for rape redemption" storyline?
Have you ever watched Media Day?
You're telling me that story just happened to fall between the cracks?
Chichikov said:
Don't worry, the leagues made it ilegal.
The Packers got grandparented in, but it's completely against NFL rules to have public ownership.
Yeah, you heard it right, you got to have a single person with at least 1/3 of a stake in the team.
Because fuck you, that's why.

And have you noticed how pretty much no one in the sports media talk about it?
Remember the last Superbowl?
Every storyline that can be thought of was covered, every angle was reported in a million different ways.
Outside the fact the Packers is a publicly owned non-profit team, whose charter looks like a pinko commie wet dream.

That's not interesting.

Also, let's all call the elected chairman of the Green Bay Packers Board of Directors "the owner", we don't want to confuse the public.

Sure, making it "the people's team" vs. "rich owner's toy" is overly simplistic, but you're telling me it's less relevant than the "Flozell Adams Returns To Dallas In Search Of His First Super Bowl Ring" or "Big Ben in search for rape redemption" storyline?
Have you ever watched Media Day?
You're telling me that story just happened to fall between the cracks?
The answer is to get rid of the Packers altogether and strip them of their Super Bowl titles.


Chichikov said:
Don't worry, the leagues made it ilegal.
The Packers got grandparented in, but it's completely against NFL rules to have public ownership.
Yeah, you heard it right, you got to have a single person with at least 1/3 of a stake in the team.
Because fuck you, that's why.

And have you noticed how pretty much no one in the sports media talk about it?
Remember the last Superbowl?
Every storyline that can be thought of was covered, every angle was reported in a million different ways.
Outside the fact the Packers is a publicly owned non-profit team, whose charter looks like a pinko commie wet dream.

That's not interesting.

Also, let's all call the elected chairman of the Green Bay Packers Board of Directors "the owner", we don't want to confuse the public.

Sure, making it "the people's team" vs. "rich owner's toy" is overly simplistic, but you're telling me it's less relevant than the "Flozell Adams Returns To Dallas In Search Of His First Super Bowl Ring" or "Big Ben in search for rape redemption" storyline?
Have you ever watched Media Day?
You're telling me that story just happened to fall between the cracks?
Yeah, I am aware. And I think MLB also prohibits public ownership. I am uncertain about the NBA. Legislation was introduced in the late 90s in Congress to allow for public ownership. But it never made it to committee. I would love it. I salivate at the thought of deposing William Clay Ford.
Plinko said:
I've stated repeatedly that this is the main problem with oil right now. Traders are buying it and storing it offshore, driving up the price of oil.
Well, that is part of capitalism. Not much you can do . . . I guess they should make the margin requirements for trading high.

But it is not illegal for me to stock up on a year's supply of toilet paper when the local store has a sale. Assuming there are people filling up tankers to sell later, they are taking a speculative risk . . . who knows, maybe Libya will be solved soon.

I think the fact that people are so confident in rising oil prices that they are willing to rent tankers and fill up is what should really be scaring people and make them pay attention. Oil prices are going up, period. Is there some extra froth on the price from speculators? Probably, but the price is high even without them. And there isn't much you can do to stop them.

And I'll make my usual pitch . . . Obama & the Dems should make a deal to open up ANWR for drilling!
1) Might be a psychological boost for the country
2) Gets rid of an issue that constantly comes up and favors the GOP.
3) Gets idiots to shut up about ANWR so we can start moving on addressing real policies instead of a band-aid that won't even work.
4) Is actually environmentally more friendly than the tar sands oil we are putting in our cars right now.
5) Revenue for the government that can be used to reduce deficit, pay for alt-energy, or whatever deal they strike.
speculawyer said:
Yeah, it is pretty fucked up how lots of people become all fucking socialist for the rich when it comes to sports teams.

And who is one of the biggest socialist beneficiaries of that tax-payer funded scams? Why none other than two-time GOP president George W Bush.

Its completely messed up.

Using taxpayer money for education, healthcare and the elderly?


Cut government! Starve the beast!

Using taxpayer money to give an asset to a billionaire?



Setec Astronomer
I totally did not know the Packers were a public football team. Knowing this along with the removal of Brent makes me respect them so much more.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
empty vessel said:
Some people think culture is important in its own right. Not everything has to be an advertisement. Some things can just ... be enjoyed for what they are.

Do you really find life as a constant stream of advertisement to be enjoyable? Is looking at an outfield fence plastered with ads pleasing to you? If you could freely choose a wall without ads--say a wall covered with ivy--or a wall plastered seamlessly with ads, which would you choose?

You know, I suppose it's possible for somebody to really not care about being bombarded with corporate and manipulative messages all day long or even (gag) prefer it ... actually, no I can't. I really can't.

Actually yeah! lol I never looked at life in that way or was never asked that before, but I honestly don't mind it.

Now a outfield fence with a few ads aren't bad to me, but I'd prefer the non-ad one better. But for the stadium as a whole I'd rather see some advertising around than none. I like the green TD Ameritrade on the green Celtics floor. I just hate the teams that get stupid companies to represent their stadium.


Clevinger said:
Somewhere, Rick Perry has a shit-eating grin on his face.

Actually, he had back surgery today, so I suspect not. Well, he might be in recovery by now, doped to the gills.
Measley said:
WTF is wrong with that guy? Is he incapable of not flip-flopping?

Pawlenty seems too shook to question Romney, but there's no way Bachman will let him get away with that quote in the next debate. Conceding the economy is better than it was at the beginning of Obama's term undercuts Romney's entire economic message.

This could be Perry's opening too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Pawlenty seems too shook to question Romney, but there's no way Bachman will let him get away with that quote in the next debate. Conceding the economy is better than it was at the beginning of Obama's term undercuts Romney's entire economic message.

This could be Perry's opening too.


Romney seriously has a problem just shooting it straight. Maybe he won't win the nom nom.


Hitokage said:
I totally did not know the Packers were a public football team. Knowing this along with the removal of Brent makes me respect them so much more.
And yet I bet you know who this guy is -

See what I mean?

But I guess that's understandable, it's not like they have a dedicated channel with 7 months of off-season to fill, you just can't get to get to EVERY story.

What's that?
Brent played flag football with his cousins/brothers?




eznark said:
Chichikov celebrating Independence Day a bit early it seems. Got a whole weekend brother, easy on the sauce!
I'm stepping away from the keyboard in exactly 4 minutes.
I donno, it's a glorious day here and posting outdoors just brings the stupid in me.
And that's a good thing.

Happy 4th!

Also, happy Canada day, go celebrate the day you became one bigger colony, from several smaller ones, with some domestic powers or whatever, man, your independence day sucks, did no one died? like, not even indigenous people? no wonder you guys keep losing the Stanley Cup


Incognito said:
I didn't say what I said a few weeks ago!

does mitt really want to win the nomination? saying the economy hasn't gotten worse is ad material. now he's gonna have to triple-dog backflip to explain himself... the stars are aligning for bachmann..
The weakness of the field is quite astonishing. It truly is remarkable. I have previously noted the unusual lack of currently elected officials running. That is usually a troubling omen for the challenging party. Well, so is the quality of the current candidates. Goodness. The establishment are probably wetting their pants. Even if the stars align, Bachmann will not win the nomination. Yet I fail to see a candidate that pleases the establishment. Pawlenty and Romney have received tepid receptions. That is why I assign Perry good prospects.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Right when they are on the cusp of winning their first Super Bowl? How short-sighted of you. Lions fans can never be pleased.
We were in a similar situation in 1992, and then the next two decades transpired-never underestimate the destructive powers of WCF. I think he should be drawn and quartered for the Millen era. Still, I am excited about our current team.
Hitokage said:
You know, I'm actually glad you posted a living human as an example of a current NFL franchise owner.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
how did my rant lead to this discussion? I was simply countering the implied use of the "LOL like government could actually build an awesome stadium, we all know taxes are wasted!" notion in eznark's post, the idea that government can't do anything right.

But yeah, the whole build stadiums publically for private organiations thing is bullshit, I agree.
Perry probably wouldn't lose to Obama as badly as Bachmann would, but would still be disastrous for the GOP.

PPP had him trailing Obama by 2 points in Texas. 47-45. Sure, within the margin of error (and most of the undecideds disapproved of Obama), but I can't imagine many Texans not knowing who Perry is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think Mitt's fucked with that quote. It's pretty much his 'right-wing social engineering' moment.


Incognito said:
I didn't say what I said a few weeks ago!

does mitt really want to win the nomination? saying the economy hasn't gotten worse is ad material. now he's gonna have to triple-dog backflip to explain himself... the stars are aligning for bachmann..

Mitts already have a reputation of being "unauthentic". His inevitable backtracking of those comments will only strengthen that notion.
Averon said:
Mitts already have a reputation of being "unauthentic". His inevitable backtracking of those comments will only strengthen that notion.
Then again . . . he does already have a reputation of being inauthentic so why would this change things all for him? Just more Mitt flip-flopping, as usual.
Fundraising numbers are in for the second quarter 2011:

Mitt Romney - Less than $20 million
Ron Paul - $4.5 million
Tim Pawlenty - $4.2 million
Jon Huntsman - $4.1 million (half donated by himself)


Here was the break down in the second quarter of 2007:

Obama - $33 million
Clinton - $27 million
Edwards - $9 million


Romney - $20.9 million
Giuliani - $17.5 million
McCain - $11.5 million (won nomination)
Ron Paul - $2.3 million
Huckabee - $765,000 (won Iowa)


Reasons why it's so low:
This is a much slower-starting presidential race than 2008, or even 2004, and the economy's worse than it was in either of those years. The candidate's own numbers are going to matter less than they ever have, because of the attractive nature of 527s and Super PACs that are springing up to bracket certain candidates. Mitt Romney's team suggests that he's raised less than $20 million. If so, that's less than American Crossroads GPS is spending on one national ad campaign blaming the economy on Barack Obama.
Plus in 08 there was a general assumption that a democrat would win, hence lots of establishment money pouring in pretty quickly. This time the establishment isn't sold on any of the GOP candidates or their chances of beating Obama.

Meanwhile he's about to raise 60mil lol


Unconfirmed Member
jamesinclair said:
gas prices dropped ever so slightly, so america is back on the truck train.

toot toot
Speaking of truck trains... There is this guy that droves this giant lifted pickup by here sometimes and he has damned train horn installed. Sounds like an Amtrak train driving down the street, no joke
PhoenixDark said:
Plus in 08 there was a general assumption that a democrat would win, hence lots of establishment money pouring in pretty quickly. This time the establishment isn't sold on any of the GOP candidates or their chances of beating Obama.

Meanwhile he's about to raise 60mil lol

also, why donate to a specific candidate that you have to hold you nose for when you can just send unlimited amounts of $$ to a 3rd party group (anonymous, to boot) that is less bound by campaign restrictions.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
scola said:
Speaking of truck trains... There is this guy that droves this giant lifted pickup by here sometimes and he has damned train horn installed. Sounds like an Amtrak train driving down the street, no joke

A buddy of mine used to work with had the exact same thing. He thought it was hilarious.


The Republicans have been on such an extreme attack streak against Obama that they can't find a candidate for themselves that can actually win support from their base.

They are 100% guaranteed to lose. Their only hope is crashing the economy.
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