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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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I fully endorse chichikov-eznark candidacy. Who's the candidate for president and who's the VP again?

Muslim Brotherhood: Good move by the administration. They realize that they simply cannot afford another Democratic Hamas situation like in Gaza, where they advocate democracy and the voters pick the organization that Israel doesn't like. MB is the oldest socio-political body in the Arab world, probably 80 to 90 years old now. Every political group which is that old is bound to undergo incredible changes and MB is no different. They have renounced their violent ways long ago and are accepting of two state solution for the peace deal. As for their domestic policy itself, that is a concern for no one other than Egyptians. If Egyptians want to select religious candidates, they will vote for them. If they want secularists, they will vote for them.

Dickgate: There is a fine line between criticizing or lampooning a sitting president and outright calling him a dick, and that too, by mainstream media. I don't mind criticism and lampooning, but I don't like insults when they are directed at POTUS. I would've said the same thing if in the alternate universe Halperin called President Hillary Clinton a bitch. Sure, some countries will execute you for even mildly insulting the brother leader/dear leader. We are definitely not that (and no one is saying we are), but we are also not kids with microphones yelling on XBL. This is just bad for business. Chinese, Indian and Russian diplomats and state officials are probably incredibly amused at the situation; a country that can't pay it's bills and doesn't respect it's leader. Yet they have the gall to set the agenda in our turf? el oh el.
PantherLotus said:
Hey guys -- I need to recruit my GLBT community to help me word this as inoffensively as possible, but I'll get to the point: has anybody heard Michele Bachman's husband's rant about gays and barbiarians?

No, I mean HEARD it! My gaydar is at level freaking 5, full-on sirens and glitterball flashing lights and fucking everything. THAT DUDE is hiding something.

A little on the nose don't you think?


RustyNails said:
but I don't like insults when they are directed at POTUS.
And what if the president deserves it?
I mean seriously, what if he start death camps for gypsies, can we insult him then?

You see, the issue is not the insult, you can fucking talk any way you want about the president, this is America, he's not a fucking Windsor.

The issue is the context, and whether or not calling him a dick was appropriate.
And I don't know, I guess it depends on the type of show it was, I gather it was not the most professional thing to do, but really, that's between him and his boss.

RustyNails said:
I fully endorse chichikov-eznark candidacy. Who's the candidate for president and who's the VP again?
Does the VP need to be born in the US too?
<check wikipedia>
And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling founding fathers!


I think Carney should have called him a prick and moved on.

Note: I was going to say cocksucker up there and suddenly realized using that as a pejorative might be offensive to gay people. Which is a shame, because it's so much fun to say. One of my favorite curse words.


besada said:
Note: I was going to say cocksucker up there and suddenly realized using that as a pejorative might be offensive to gay people. Which is a shame, because it's so much fun to say. One of my favorite curse words.

I refuse to let cocksucker go.
This will not stand.
I will rally my cocksucking gay friends for this too!

And at least from the way they talk, they have quite fond feelings about sucking cock.

Also, cocksuckers.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
PhoenixDark said:
Just what we need, more "Jews to abandon Obama in 2012?!?!?!" stories. The answer is the same as it's been since 08: no.
Haha I read that and I was like "Huh?" (I'm Jewish)

Talk about creating a narrative.


Chichikov said:

I refuse to let cocksucker go.
This will not stand.
I will rally my cocksucking gay friends for this too!

And at least from the way they talk, they have quite fond feelings about sucking cock.

A man with "Chichi" in his username is automatically on good terms with a whole bunch of gay folks, I would imagine.


so due to american politicians being complete fucking idiots, Minnesota State Government has shut down, completely jeopardizing my international studies here.. if theres no college for fall 2011 then I am in breach of my visa and have to go home and wait before jumping through hoops again.
painey said:
so due to american politicians being complete fucking idiots, Minnesota State Government has shut down, completely jeopardizing my international studies here.. if theres no college for fall 2011 then I am in breach of my visa and have to go home and wait before jumping through hoops again.

I doubt you have anything to worry about. If they are still shut down by the fall, there will be some serious concerns for everyone in that state. Only things you have to worry about are sign up times and hope your tuition doesn't rise because of it.
probably will :\


PantherLotus said:

Forget the voice - the first 10 seconds with the hands in the air and the walk perked my gaydar. If I was a betting man, I say this is how Bachman's campaign goes down.


Holy shit, what a breath taking interview...

Haha, the perfect answer would have been "Well Eliot, making prostitution legal, for one - I think there's no doubt you'd agree with that one."

I forget who else Spitzer was interviewing, but they made a similar remark about delving into people's past and Spitzer immediately backed the fuck down.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ether_Snake said:
Well look at this:

U.S. Reserve Oil May Be Stored by Traders

So they benefit from the speculation part of the pie being eaten away by the announcement that the US will tap its strategic reserve (which lowers oil prices), and then buy the oil and keep it for later days when prices will be higher.


I've stated repeatedly that this is the main problem with oil right now. Traders are buying it and storing it offshore, driving up the price of oil.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
painey said:
so due to american politicians being complete fucking idiots, Minnesota State Government has shut down, completely jeopardizing my international studies here.. if theres no college for fall 2011 then I am in breach of my visa and have to go home and wait before jumping through hoops again.
It seems like, here in America, every time Republicans gain control of a legislature with a Democrat as the head executive official, there's a government shutdown (or it is narrowly avoided)

(Minnesotan here)


eznark said:
I'll be redirecting the funding used in the War on Drugs into a new and more appropriate War on the Dropkick Murphy's. Once they are eradicated, Boston will surely (and mercifully) kill itself.

you have my vote


painey said:
so due to american politicians being complete fucking idiots, Minnesota State Government has shut down, completely jeopardizing my international studies here.. if theres no college for fall 2011 then I am in breach of my visa and have to go home and wait before jumping through hoops again.

And they didn't even have to flee the state to get it done! American politics is "improving"

you have my vote

There is a place in my administration for you.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
And they didn't even have to flee the state to get it done! American politics is "improving"

There is a place in my administration for you.
Screw you for comparing preventing quorum with shutting down a state government, and cheering it on.


GaimeGuy said:
Screw you for comparing preventing quorum with shutting down a state government, and cheering it on.

Unfortunately for all of us, Minnesota will survive this shut down like they survived the one a few years ago.

Maybe Dayton should put the people of Minnesota ahead of his 4th of July plans and call a special session.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
Unfortunately for all of us, Minnesota will survive this shut down like they survived the one a few years ago.

Maybe Dayton should put the people of Minnesota ahead of his 4th of July plans and call a special session.
Unforutnately for me, idiots like you live.

I wish people like you would stop trying to sabotage civilization from the inside out and just pack up and move to an island.


Just shut the hell up.


GaimeGuy said:
Unforutnately for me, idiots like you live.

I wish people like you would stop trying to sabotage civilization from the inside out and just pack up and move to an island.


Just shut the hell up.

It's ok. Someday maybe Minnesota will get lucky and elected a governor like Walker. No shut down in Wisconsin. In fact...surplus!

Head over to Door County til the government grows up. Beautiful this time of year. Or go watch the Brewers destroy the Twins in Tax-Payer Funded Stadium. You need to relax a bit, enjoy yourself. I sense an aneurism.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
eznark said:
It's ok. Someday maybe Minnesota will get lucky and elected a governor like Walker. No shut down in Wisconsin. In fact...surplus!

Head over to Door County til the government grows up. Beautiful this time of year.
The deficit is becuase of pawlenty's awful policies. Th eonly reason there's a shut down is becuase republicans are closed minded and have a completely one sided view of everything that rationality is removed from any course of action.

The only thing conservatives in politics seem to do in this country is say "Herp a derp, lower taxes, kill unions, cut spending, shut down government, SHAZAM! PERFECT SOCIETY!"

Democrats on the other hand say "Have people contribute more to their health plans, cut spending in some areas, raise taxes on those who can afford it, when problems are found, anlyze them, study them, discuss them, and come to a conclusion about what the best solution for that problem is. React to societal crisis as needed." It's a mixed approach that takes context into consideration and changes according to the needs of society.

Republicans paint dems as "tax and spend" when there's no instance where a democrat says "NO SPENDING CUTS, ONLY TAX INCREASES!"

You lie, you are unreasonable, and on top of that, you think the problem with society is that democrats are wrong, not that you're so close-minded and convinced that there's a one-size fits all solution to everything that you ignore experiences and evidence and make up crap about everyone that disagrees with you.

I have no problem with a view that government should be limited, but I do have a problem with child-like irreconciliability and making sabotage your number 1 course of action.

There is no god damn reason why republicans should be shutting down the government over a tax inrease on the top 1.9%. NONE. It's just stubbornness at this point.


gcubed said:
its gotten hostile in here. Its a holiday weekend, people should be happy.

Already got in a argument with my HOA prez over a few bottlerockets I lit. That's a pretty good start to what should be a great 4th of July weekend. :)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
gcubed said:
its gotten hostile in here. Its a holiday weekend, people should be happy.
I'm pissed off because any time there's even a MINOR tax increase proposed as a component of a larger budget resolution that includes the re-evaluation and elimination of wasteful spending, at any level of government in this country, republicans throw a hissy fit about it and shut down the government over it.

The 2005 partial government shutdown occured over a cigarette tax. A CIGARETTE TAX. How god damn petty do you have to be? And then to cheer as sabotage occurs and people lose their jobs, it's just rage-inducing.

Same thing happens when the matter of raising the taxes on the wealthiest of individuals (who own a significantly larger share of the wealth than their share of the taxes, by the way, and who also have lower tax rates overall than those making a fraction of what they do) comes up.

Look at Obama, he lowered taxes by, what, $4.6 trillion over two years, and cut spending by over $4 trillion over 10 years, and republicans are going to let the US default instead of raising additional revenues.

God damn conservatives are impossible to deal with and have a match lit near a tank of gas at all times.

Dude Abides

gcubed said:
its gotten hostile in here. Its a holiday weekend, people should be happy.

How can we be happy on Independence Day when the Kenyan usurper and his gay union thugs are raping Lady Liberty?


PantherLotus said:
Hey guys -- I need to recruit my GLBT community to help me word this as inoffensively as possible, but I'll get to the point: has anybody heard Michele Bachman's husband's rant about gays and barbiarians?

No, I mean HEARD it! My gaydar is at level freaking 5, full-on sirens and glitterball flashing lights and fucking everything. THAT DUDE is hiding something.

Oh yes. In fact, I made a comment about it a few pages back.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
BotoxAgent said:
GaimeGuy -- I feel your pain man
While I'm raging, did you vote? Please tell me you did, because every time a presidential election occurs and it comes out that only 70% of eligible voters vote (that's the norm here in minnesota, which is the highest in the nation), and like 50% of eligible voters under the age of 30 (make that like 10% as opposed to 50% in a midterm), part of me dies.
GaimeGuy said:
While I'm raging, did you vote? Please tell me you did, because every time a presidential election occurs and it comes out that only 70% of eligible voters vote (that's the norm here in minnesota, which is the highest in the nation), and like 50% of eligible voters under the age of 30 (make that like 10% as opposed to 50% in a midterm), part of me dies.

Yes I voted...and I also canvassed :)


Dude Abides said:
How can we be happy on Independence Day when the Kenyan usurper and his gay union thugs are raping Lady Liberty?

Michelle Bachmann is riding in on her independence day rocket with her husband dancing behind her to ensure that Lady Liberty doesnt abort the Kenyan baby


GaimeGuy said:
I'm pissed off because any time there's even a MINOR tax increase proposed as a component of a larger budget resolution that includes the re-evaluation and elimination of wasteful spending, at any level of government in this country, republicans throw a hissy fit about it and shut down the government over it.

The 2005 partial government shutdown occured over a cigarette tax. A CIGARETTE TAX. How god damn petty do you have to be? And then to cheer as sabotage occurs and people lose their jobs, it's just rage-inducing.

Same thing happens when the matter of raising the taxes on the wealthiest of individuals (who own a significantly larger share of the wealth than their share of the taxes, by the way, and who also have lower tax rates overall than those making a fraction of what they do) comes up.

Look at Obama, he lowered taxes by, what, $4.6 trillion over two years, and cut spending by over $4 trillion over 10 years, and republicans are going to let the US default instead of raising additional revenues.

God damn conservatives are impossible to deal with and have a match lit near a tank of gas at all times.

Very conservative Republicans tend to shoot themselves in the foot by being too conservative. See Robert A. Taft (Ohio senator until 1953) and Goldwater. Folks will remember their cancelled cookouts at the state parks and the cancelled kids' trips to the zoo. They will remember the governor as being reasonable and the Republican legislators as being on the rich folks' side.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Oh, and I'm not done, eznark:

Maybe Dayton should put the people of Minnesota ahead of his 4th of July plans and call a special session.

It's ok. Someday maybe Minnesota will get lucky and elected a governor like Walker. No shut down in Wisconsin. In fact...surplus!

Head over to Door County til the government grows up. Beautiful this time of year. Or go watch the Brewers destroy the Twins in Tax-Payer Funded Stadium. You need to relax a bit, enjoy yourself. I sense an aneurism.

Let me tell you something:

During pawlenty's term, he vetoed countless tax increases while cutting funding and jobs from every single part of the state except for the Governor's Office. Tuition increased fivefold under him. People in other states through reciprocity agreements pay less in tuition than local residents. The oldest ford plant in the nation closed up shop. We went from a $2B surplus to a $5B deficit when he left and Dayton had to come in to clean up his mess. He delayed expansion of the lightrail by years, perhaps ruining progress by decades.

I'm going to skip over talking about Walker in Wisconsin for now because I have a lunch meeting in a few minutes, but regarding Target Field:

It is one of the best,s if not the best, stadiums in the country, and both fans and experts agree. It has a state of the art design, and the revolutionary water drainage system is going to be used as a model for years to come for other projects across the world, earning the state millions, perhaps billions. Everyone is pleased with the stadium, and it has provided benefits for all kinds of jobs and industries locally. So you can take your "LOL TAXES" stance and shove it.


GaimeGuy said:
Oh, and I'm not done, eznark:

Let me tell you something:

During pawlenty's term, he vetoed countless tax increases while cutting funding and jobs from every single part of the state except for the Governor's Office. Tuition increased fivefold under him. People in other states through reciprocity agreements pay less in tuition than local residents. The oldest ford plant in the nation closed up shop. We went from a $2B surplus to a $5B deficit when he left and Dayton had to come in to clean up his mess. He delayed expansion of the lightrail by years, perhaps ruining progress by decades.

I'm going to skip over talking about Walker in Wisconsin for now because I have a lunch meeting in a few minutes, but regarding Target Field:

It is one of the best,s if not the best, stadiums in the country, and both fans and experts agree. It has a state of the art design, and the revolutionary water drainage system is going to be used as a model for years to come for other projects across the world, earning the state millions, perhaps billions. Everyone is pleased with the stadium, and it has provided benefits for all kinds of jobs and industries locally. So you can take your "LOL TAXES" stance and shove it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
A Mark Halperin blast from the past

From TPM Reader KB ...

Josh, I don't know if you have anyone back in NY running the Tivo machines today, but on the ABC roundtable today Mark Halperin made the point (obviously whispered to him by McCain folks) that the houses flap of last week will end up being "worse" for Obama because it "opened the door" to Rezko, Ayers, Wright. But even Cokie Roberts and George S. seemed puzzled saying that the Houses story relates to the economy while the other stories are about past associations. Halperin seemed to be saying that the aggressiveness with which the Obama people drove the Houses story was a mistake because it woke a sleeping giant. He seemed to be arguing that Obama shouldn't be too aggressive because then McCain will go after him (he even used the word "machisomo." You have got to get this clip. Run it all the way through Roberts and Steph's disagreeing.
It's like a comic parody of the mentality I described a few days ago. Don't get in McCain's face because it'll just be so much worse for you if you. By God, just keep your head down and try to muddle through! If you're nice maybe he won't hit you.

Is the Limbaugh, Drudge, McCain IV really so deep in Halperin's arm that he thinks the McCain camp feels like it needs an opening to get into the Obama/Terrrorist/Scary Black Man menagerie? They were holding back on Rezko? Really?

Late Update: Wow, we've got the video coming shortly. And I have to say, far worse than KB describes. It's a very tough standard, but I think this may be the stupidest thing Halperin has ever said. (Yes, I know, I know ...) The McCain folks must be both loving and laughing at the guy at the same time.

Here's the video:


Damn I didn't realize Mark was so stupid during the 08 election. He seemed to have calmed down some, but I slightly remember people saying Politico was full of shit at times during the election. Now I see why.
GaimeGuy said:
Oh, and I'm not done, eznark:
It is one of the best,s if not the best, stadiums in the country, and both fans and experts agree. It has a state of the art design, and the revolutionary water drainage system is going to be used as a model for years to come for other projects across the world, earning the state millions, perhaps billions. Everyone is pleased with the stadium, and it has provided benefits for all kinds of jobs and industries locally. So you can take your "LOL TAXES" stance and shove it.
both fans and experts agree. Paying $300 million in taxes to build a stadium for a billionaire who will gladly charge you $20 for nachos and a glass of beer while upping the ticket prices, reducing the seating so only the wealthiest can afford to go, and promising the usual, unfulfilled economic benefits is a wonderful idea.
GaimeGuy said:
It is one of the best,s if not the best, stadiums in the country, and both fans and experts agree. It has a state of the art design, and the revolutionary water drainage system is going to be used as a model for years to come for other projects across the world, earning the state millions, perhaps billions. Everyone is pleased with the stadium, and it has provided benefits for all kinds of jobs and industries locally. So you can take your "LOL TAXES" stance and shove it.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with a government building a public stadium, but there is something very wrong with the particular way it is done in the US, in which the public pays for something that is in name public but in practice private. It's not entirely surprising in our modern cultural environment that public facilities get handed over to wealthy individuals and corporations to use for their private profit, but it's definitely not a good thing.


empty vessel said:
There isn't anything inherently wrong with a government building a public stadium, but there is something very wrong with the particular way it is done in the US, in which the public pays for something that is in name public but in practice private. It's not entirely surprising in our modern cultural environment that public facilities get handed over to wealthy individuals and corporations to use for their private profit, but it's definitely not a good thing.

Citizens view funding stadiums as giving them enough joy, despite the costs, in order to keep their beloved teams around versus the loss they would feel if the team left and saving that money. Utilitarianism, my friend.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Kosmo said:
Citizens view funding stadiums as giving them enough joy, despite the costs, in order to keep their beloved teams around versus the loss they would feel if the team left and saving that money. Utilitarianism, my friend.

And I don't blame the people of that city. Losing a team is horrible and it drives jobs away from the area.
mckmas8808 said:
A Mark Halperin blast from the past

From TPM Reader KB ...

Josh, I don't know if you have anyone back in NY running the Tivo machines today, but on the ABC roundtable today Mark Halperin made the point (obviously whispered to him by McCain folks) that the houses flap of last week will end up being "worse" for Obama because it "opened the door" to Rezko, Ayers, Wright. But even Cokie Roberts and George S. seemed puzzled saying that the Houses story relates to the economy while the other stories are about past associations. Halperin seemed to be saying that the aggressiveness with which the Obama people drove the Houses story was a mistake because it woke a sleeping giant. He seemed to be arguing that Obama shouldn't be too aggressive because then McCain will go after him (he even used the word "machisomo." You have got to get this clip. Run it all the way through Roberts and Steph's disagreeing.
It's like a comic parody of the mentality I described a few days ago. Don't get in McCain's face because it'll just be so much worse for you if you. By God, just keep your head down and try to muddle through! If you're nice maybe he won't hit you.

Is the Limbaugh, Drudge, McCain IV really so deep in Halperin's arm that he thinks the McCain camp feels like it needs an opening to get into the Obama/Terrrorist/Scary Black Man menagerie? They were holding back on Rezko? Really?

Late Update: Wow, we've got the video coming shortly. And I have to say, far worse than KB describes. It's a very tough standard, but I think this may be the stupidest thing Halperin has ever said. (Yes, I know, I know ...) The McCain folks must be both loving and laughing at the guy at the same time.

Here's the video:


Damn I didn't realize Mark was so stupid during the 08 election. He seemed to have calmed down some, but I slightly remember people saying Politico was full of shit at times during the election. Now I see why.

He has always been a complete idiotic, a Beltway savant of stupidity. Kind of puzzling when you remember he worked for (candidate) Bill Clinton back in the day. He continues to try his hardest to thread needles to criticize Obama, or claim he's in political danger. Although most of the media was doing that throughout the 08 election with every story suggesting McCain was going to capitalize on some Obama mistake/"this is good news for McCain!"

Obama should just respond to this shit by saying "during the campaign we used to joke around that the opposite of whatever Mark said tended to be true, so I'll take his word here that I'm just a really nice guy."


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
both fans and experts agree. Paying $300 million in taxes to build a stadium for a billionaire who will gladly charge you $20 for nachos and a glass of beer while upping the ticket prices, reducing the seating so only the wealthiest can afford to go, and promising the usual, unfulfilled economic benefits is a wonderful idea.
I agree with you 100%, and this is a subject I always thought that conservatives and liberals can get behind together.
But they don't.
Because politicians these days love to pit the electorate against each other, to turn it into us vs them; it helps with job security, you don't need to fulfill campaign promises, I mean, I know I suck, but have you seen the other guy? would you rather have a communist/fascist in office?

But the citizenry gets nothing from that.
So I strongly disagree with conservatives about the role of government in healthcare, does that mean that I cannot work with them to end the war on drugs or to combat corporate welfare?
It's stupid and counterproductive.
People always say in polls they want less partisan bickering in Washington, well, maybe they should walk the walk.

Like the time when me and eznark took pictures of Brent's junk and sent it to the Jets organization.

Things eznark is wrong about -
  • Brent Favre
  • Congressional confirmation
  • The appropriate temperature for coffee
  • Public financing of stadiums.
  • The Dropkick Murphys
  • How to spell The Dropkick Murphys
  • The economy
  • Taxation
  • National security
  • Healthcare
  • Climate change

mckmas8808 said:
And I don't blame the people of that city. Losing a team is horrible and it drives jobs away from the area.
I don't blame the people of the city for giving in to extortion.
I blame the system that allow for billionaires to hold a team hostage until they get what they fucking want.

Kosmo said:
Citizens view funding stadiums as giving them enough joy, despite the costs, in order to keep their beloved teams around versus the loss they would feel if the team left and saving that money. Utilitarianism, my friend.
I love sports, I would gladly help finance a sport team.
But if we pay so much for it, we better get a controlling stake, or even better, ownership, Green Bay Packers style (which obviously would be illegal in the NFL, as the other owners are scared shitless of this proposition; and they have every right to be, can you imagine a league without Robert Kraft or Zygi Wilf? fuck that shit, I'd rather watch the WNBA).

But no, we give them money and in exchange, they don't take their talents to Oklahoma city (can you guess where I live? and can you tell I'm still bitter?), unless the city police does not provide enough parking arrangement, or maybe they don't like the taxes, or maybe someone built a stadium with even more luxury boxes, but what's important is that those millions of tax dollars bought you at least another year of joy.
Smart investment!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
He has always been a complete idiotic, a Beltway savant of stupidity. Kind of puzzling when you remember he worked for (candidate) Bill Clinton back in the day. He continues to try his hardest to thread needles to criticize Obama, or claim he's in political danger. Although most of the media was doing that throughout the 08 election with every story suggesting McCain was going to capitalize on some Obama mistake/"this is good news for McCain!"

Obama should just respond to this shit by saying "during the campaign we used to joke around that the opposite of whatever Mark said tended to be true, so I'll take his word here that I'm just a really nice guy."

"A Beltway savant of stupid" lol I like the sound of that. I didn't know Mark was the one that started the "this is good news for McCain" meme.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
I'd be happier if naming rights for both teams and stadiums weren't as whored out as they are now.
You're not intrigued to go watch a game at the Power Balance Pavilion in Sacramento?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hitokage said:
I'd be happier if naming rights for both teams and stadiums weren't as whored out as they are now.

I'm okay with it if they "THEN" decide not to ask for public funds after that. You can't have Budweiser or Ford naming the field while asking for the public to give you $250 to rebuild or fix up the stadium.

And IF you do why not give the local government 10% of the year cut of those naming rights and other sponsors?


mckmas8808 said:
"A Beltway savant of stupid" lol I like the sound of that. I didn't know Mark was the one that started the "this is good news for McCain" meme.

And don't forget his "How Matt Drudge Rules Our World".
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