eznark said:
Individuals would be cheaper to employ (as there is no longer an incentive to provide the most expensive compensation beyond salary), you'd be able to demand a higher salary (in a good economy obviously) and individuals would set market prices for insurance.
you might be able to demand a higher salary, but you certainly wouldn't get it.
My dad's work cut 10,000 dollars from each employees health benefits and gave them some shoddy 5,000 HSA account which is like not having insurance at all. They did this with the promise that they needed to do it in order to continue giving raises and bonuses at the rate they were.
The next month they announced they canceled bonuses and put raises on hold.
It's been 3 years since then. They now only contribute 500 dollars towards their employees HSA accounts.
Employees tried to fight for their benefits back and were told no. The human resources rep is the secretary for the CEO and is useless. People have threatened to leave and have been told to leave.
This is why I hate corporations and never, ever trust them for anything. It's why I hate the health care system.
My brother has a minor heart condition. He should have a 2,000 dollar scan every year. Doing this every year instantly drains our 2,000 dollar HSA account, leaving us with nothing. Because of this, he cannot however, have this test done.
My HSA will no longer allow for 12 month prescriptions. They have to be for one month or 3.
Every time my mom needs her anxiety pills refilled, the doctor has to check her. With a 12 month supply, this is done on her yearly check-up (which, thanks to the evil "Obamacare" is now covered cost free by our HSA). With a 3 month supply that the HSA requires she does, it costs 25% more, and requires a 100 dollar doctor visit every 3 months.
Now you see why I am bitter, distrusting and outright disgusted at conservatives, corporations, and America in general. They have abused my family the last 10 years, and I am growing extremely tired of it.
And now people discuss how buying insurance on the market will "encourage responsibility" or whatever. Give me a break. I don't need a lesson in responsibility. I need medicine. And I need medicine NOW