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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Kosmo said:
Right wing hysteria certainly pushed it as a meme, but you're saying that ABC, NBC, and CBS nightly news and the New York Times don't slant left? All media has bias.
Hell no they don't slant left. IRAQ war 2003 remember that?


Clevinger said:
Yes, jump to the defense of the moron who not only started this, and idiotically drew it out, but probably also harassed women online.

puh-fucking-lease. Here's a man as liberal as can be. He's not out campaigning on family fucking values. If he wants to cheat on his wife it's of no consequence to me, and there's hardly any evidence he was HARASSING women online. In fact there's more than enough evidence to say in at least a few cases they were definitely encouraging the man.

The dude wanted to get his dick sucked by someone who is not his wife. Who the fuck cares? He's one of the smartest guys in Congress and now we lost him. FUCK the Democrats and the President for being spineless pussies


Amir0x said:
puh-fucking-lease. Here's a man as liberal as can be. He's not out campaigning on family fucking values. If he wants to cheat on his wife it's of no consequence to me, and there's hardly any evidence he was HARASSING women online. In fact there's more than enough evidence to say in at least a few cases they were definitely encouraging the man.

The dude wanted to get his dick sucked by someone who is not his wife. Who the fuck cares? He's one of the smartest guys in Congress and now we lost him. FUCK the Democrats and the President for being spineless pussies
Not sure how this is spineless?He did it to himself sorry dude I am not happy about it either but he gets the blame.

Suikoguy said:


Loudninja said:
Not sure how this is spineless?He did it to himself sorry dude I am not happy about it either but he gets the blame.

Did what? Sent pictures of his dick to females? Oh no he's a fucking man who wants to have sex with more than one female, THE WORLD IS ENDING

the point is that this shouldn't be a controversy at all. Who the fuck cares if the man is not being faithful to his wife? It's none of my business and it's certainly none of Congress business unless he broke the law in some way, which as far as I can see so far he did not.

Those fucking pussies forced him out because they're a bunch of pathetic hypocrites, the vast majority of them with mistresses of their own, forced to pander because if they didn't THE REPUBLICANS WOULD and who wants to fight those douchebags? Democrats are too spineless to ever stand up against them. Weiner wasn't, though. And we lost him now.


Weiner was forced out because he actually gave a damn. Makes the bought and paid for politicians look bad.

I mean fuck, the CLINTONS want him out? Hypocritical bastards.


testicles on a cold fall morning
he lied to his staff, and more importantly, lied to a media that hammered his ass on the matter once he admitted to his actions in that infamous press conference.

true, his constituents don't seem to care much - which is a somewhat promising sign for his future ambitions - but it's pretty obvious in hindsight that he was done. i should've realized the same.


scorcho said:
he lied to his staff, and more importantly, lied to a media that hammered his ass on the matter once he admitted to his actions in that infamous press conference.

true, his constituents don't seem to care much - which is a somewhat promising sign for his future ambitions - but it's pretty obvious in hindsight that he was done. i should've realized the same.

he lied because they knew they'd turn it into a controversy - and anyway, that's not against the law to lie if it's not the police or something. It's simply instinct to lie so your wife doesn't find out about your infidelity

I don't care. It doesn't impact the way he does his job. It doesn't impact his policies. It doesn't impact how smart he is.

He is a grown-ass adult and if he wants to send pictures of his cock to females he is fucking on the side then allow the man to do so.
Old history but disappointing. I love Juan Cole's writing. He's the white guy with the Latino name who speaks Arabic and was able to explain the world of the mid-East to us dumb westerners. Instead of digging up dirt on Juan Cole they should have hired him and listened to what he had to say. Instead they listened to clowns like Wolfowitz, Feith, and Bill Kristol that had no fucking clue.

Did the Bush White House press U.S. intelligence agencies to gather damaging personal information on a prominent critic of the Iraq war? That's what one former CIA official alleges, in an interview with the New York Times.

Glenn Carle, who was a top counterterrorism official during the Bush administration, charged that in 2005, the White House asked both the CIA and another intelligence agency, the National Intelligence Council (NIC), to dig up dirt on Juan Cole (pictured), a Middle East expert and University of Michigan professor. Cole writes a well-known blog, which has been sharply critical of the Iraq war.

In response, Cole wrote that Carle's allegations "come as a visceral shock," and called for a congressional investigation.

U.S. intelligence agencies are prohibited from collecting information on the activities of American citizens inside the United States. "Obviously, it would be illegal for CIA to collect any non-publicly available information, derogatory or otherwise, on a US citizen … simply because of that person's expressed political beliefs," John Rizzo, who was the CIA's acting general counsel during the period at issue, told The Lookout, via email..



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Amir0x said:
Fuck the Democrats and the President for joining in the ruckus to force Weiner to resign

bunch of gutless goddamn parties this country has
Weiner fucked himself. He should have never lied 40 times on tv.
Amir0x said:
Weiner wasn't, though. And we lost him now.
This is all on him, he should have known this would happen if he acted recklessly and yet he took that gamble.

I'm disgusted that he was so carefree about the whole thing despite the risk of losing his career and marriage.

Amir0x said:
He is a grown-ass adult and if he wants to send pictures of his cock to females he is fucking on the side then allow the man to do so.
You know that's not how this game works.


speculawyer said:
Old history but disappointing. I love Juan Cole's writing. He's the white guy with the Latino name who speaks Arabic and was able to explain the world of the mid-East to us dumb westerners. Instead of digging up dirt on Juan Cole they should have hired him and listened to what he had to say. Instead they listened to clowns like Wolfowitz, Feith, and Bill Kristol that had no fucking clue.

I don't know if it's true, but the thing that pisses me off about the Obama administration is its complete refusal to investigate anything that happened under Bush.
For fuck's sake, remember the mobile chemical labs? remember Valerie Plame? remember the U.S. attorneys dismissals? remember fucking torture?

But it's all good, accountability is for losers, and we must make friends from across the isle.


Amir0x said:
Did what? Sent pictures of his dick to females? Oh no he's a fucking man who wants to have sex with more than one female, THE WORLD IS ENDING

the point is that this shouldn't be a controversy at all. Who the fuck cares if the man is not being faithful to his wife? It's none of my business and it's certainly none of Congress business unless he broke the law in some way, which as far as I can see so far he did not.

Those fucking pussies forced him out because they're a bunch of pathetic hypocrites, the vast majority of them with mistresses of their own, forced to pander because if they didn't THE REPUBLICANS WOULD and who wants to fight those douchebags? Democrats are too spineless to ever stand up against them. Weiner wasn't, though. And we lost him now.
Its kinda annoying how you are trying to blame everyone else but him.He was foolsih to post pics like that over the internet knowing damn well have people will react to this stuff.


SimpleDesign said:
This is all on him, he should have known this would happen if he acted recklessly and yet he took that gamble.

I'm disgusted that he was so carefree about the whole thing despite the risk of losing his career and marriage.

You know that's not how this game works.

how does the game work? Why does it work another way?

I'm sorry I don't live in a world where we have to capitulate because a bunch of fucktard social conservatives have hijacked the narrative. Back in the day a President could fuck a thousand bitches with his wife on the side and nobody even reported about it or made a big deal about it because the media had the respect enough to know it was none of their goddamn business.

Weiner lied to the media, which isn't against the law, and surely he did it only to try to save face and not have to admit he did it so his wife could hopefully not find out. It was also likely a bonus he thought he could avoid it backsliding into a controversy, since the media loves to big up on infidelity and so do the hypocritical Republicans. That is an innocent, obvious move that 99.9% of us would have made.

The dude is a man. He should be allowed to fuck however many consenting chicks he wants. That simple. If it "works" another way, then it is WRONG and it still makes the Dems and Pres out to look like gutless, spineless little cockfaces who refuse to ever stand on the grounds they could very well dominate on. Social conservatism and the values inherrent in the political philosophy are destroying this country and shit like this is just another small step.

NOBODY should have the right to say what you do in the privacy of your bedroom, nor whom you do it with, nor how many you do it with, nor whether it's in a cheating relationship or not. It's none. of. their. goddamn. business.

Loudninja said:
Its kinda annoying how you are trying to blame everyone else but him.He was foolsih to post pics like that over the internet knowing damn well have people will react to this stuff.

I'm not going to blame Weiner for being a fucking MAN who did nothing wrong either lawfully or morally.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
SimpleDesign said:
This is all on him, he should have known this would happen if he acted recklessly and yet he took that gamble.

I'm disgusted that he was so carefree about the whole thing despite the risk of losing his career and marriage.

You know that's not how this game works.
And it's not how the game should work. If you are married then be married. Stop showing your dick to everyone. And if you do cheat and are caught OWN UP TO IT!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
scorcho said:
he lied to his staff, and more importantly, lied to a media that hammered his ass on the matter once he admitted to his actions in that infamous press conference

"Abortion services are well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does."

There have been worse lies.

He was mainly forced out because the media loves sex scandals, not because of his lying.
mckmas8808 said:
Hell no they don't slant left. IRAQ war 2003 remember that?

A couple more.

Journalistic Balance as Global Warming Bias
Creating controversy where science finds consensus

Print Media Coverage of Research on Passive Smoking

These media institutions are like many others. Timid and slow to change. They only appear bias in that after a generation of something being true you can't work the refs anymore so you, the Right most blatantly, must create conspiracies to buttress the lies of past and present.


Amir0x said:
how does the game work? Why does it work another way?

I'm sorry I don't live in a world where we have to capitulate because a bunch of fucktard social conservatives have hijacked the narrative. Back in the day a President could fuck a thousand bitches with his wife on the side and nobody even reported about it or made a big deal about it because the media had the respect enough to know it was none of their goddamn business.

Weiner lied to the media, which isn't against the law, and surely he did it only to try to save face and not have to admit he did it so his wife could hopefully not find out. It was also likely a bonus he thought he could avoid it backsliding into a controversy, since the media loves to big up on infidelity and so do the hypocritical Republicans. That is an innocent, obvious move that 99.9% of us would have made.

The dude is a man. He should be allowed to fuck however many consenting chicks he wants. That simple. If it "works" another way, then it is WRONG and it still makes the Dems and Pres out to look like gutless, spineless little cockfaces who refuse to ever stand on the grounds they could very well dominate on. Social conservatism and the values inherrent in the political philosophy are destroying this country and shit like this is just another small step.

NOBODY should have the right to say what you do in the privacy of your bedroom, nor whom you do it with, nor how many you do it with, nor whether it's in a cheating relationship or not. It's none. of. their. goddamn. business.

I'm not going to blame Weiner for being a fucking MAN who did nothing wrong either lawfully or morally.
Have you not see what ahppen the last months? this shit is toxic and he should have known better.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Ami cheating on your wife is not being a man. It's being a little bitch! If he wanted to phone sex hoes all over the country then he should have taken the Derek Jeter route and never got married.
StopMakingSense said:
Yeah, as always, its the lying that burns ya'
The cover-up is always worse than the crime.

But in this case, even if he didn't try to cover it up he still might have crashed & burned. The drip, drip, drip of stories coming out hurt. And Eznark had a good point in that the existence of pictures may have been part of what really made this story big. "Out of sight, out of mind" the saying goes. It probably is easier to forget about Vitter, Clinton, Ensign, etc. . . . . but with pictures that can be brought up at any time . . . that does make the story harder to go away.
scorcho said:
he lied to his staff, and more importantly, lied to a media that hammered his ass on the matter once he admitted to his actions in that infamous press conference.

true, his constituents don't seem to care much - which is a somewhat promising sign for his future ambitions - but it's pretty obvious in hindsight that he was done. i should've realized the same.

Pretty much.

Though it bothers me that people are acting like Weiner was some kind of deviant and desperately needs to seek treatment. But depending on what statistics you believe, Weiner is no different than 25-60% of married men. Here are some random statistics:

- Up to 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs. Researchers think the vast majority of the millions of people who visit chat rooms, have multiple "special friends”. Dr. Bob Lanier, askbob.com
- Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)
- Only 46% of men believe that online affairs are adultery. DivorceMag
- About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in some marriage "Monogamy Myth", Therapist Peggy Vaugn
- Conservative infidelity statistics estimate that “60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an extramarital affair. These figures are even more significant when we consider the total number of marriages involved, since it's unlikely that all the men and women having affairs happen to be married to each other. If even half of the women having affairs (or 20 percent) are married to men not included in the 60 percent having affairs, then at least one partner will have an affair in approximately 80 percent of all marriages. With this many marriages affected, it's unreasonable to think affairs are due only to the failures and shortcomings of individual husbands or wives."

And so on....

And Weiner supposedly didn't have sex with these other women (though I doubt it), he was just cyber-sexing supposedly. So I find it very annoying that people are trying to make Weiner out to be a deviant or sexual predator when his behavior is pretty much inline with a large minority (majority?) of married men.


testicles on a cold fall morning
quadriplegicjon said:
He was mainly forced out because the media loves sex scandals, not because of his lying.
i meant lying to the beltway media, the results of which is seen in the masturbatory outrage that Chris Matthews displayed on his show in the minutes after the presser was finished.

lying to the press?! how dare he!

lying on the Senate floor? pfft. that's weak shit.


StopMakingSense said:
So the lying was not morally wrong?

Not in this case. He's obviously a bad husband but morally, the dude - and all mankind - is genetically built to want to fuck as many chicks as possible. The social construct of marriage is an unrealistic inhibitor that clearly most people - and Congress - cannot follow anyway. And they are constantly being found out and constantly hypocritical about it. It's ridiculous and absurd. It's also sick how the public pounces on it. it's none of our business, it's none of the media's business.

The only time it becomes their business is if the dude is a pedophile or if he raped someone or if he used his position/campaign funds to give benefits to his mistress.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
quadriplegicjon said:
"Abortion services are well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does."

There have been worse lies.

He was mainly forced out because the media loves sex scandals, not because of his lying.
He was forced out for both. But had he not lied, he more than likely wouldn't have had to step down.

And yeah the pictures really made things so much worse.


Professional Schmuck
It's pretty clearly a sign of terrible decision making on Weiner's part no matter how 'spineless' it was for Obama and Pelosi leave him out in the cold.

More, Democrats went after him because leadership had implicitly signed off on making him quite nationally visible. If this was some nobody from the midwest. Emmanuel Cleaver, despite (or perhaps because of) being the leader of the Black Caucus, would've been treated far differently. No, Weiner was given national prominence and embarrassed the clan.

I'm all for calling Dems spineless -- hey, it fits the narrative -- but there's a lot of politics happening here. Hypocrisy or not, if Weiner keeps his dick off the internet, nobody gives a fuck.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Amir0x said:
Not in this case. He's obviously a bad husband but morally, the dude - and all mankind - is genetically built to want to fuck as many chicks as possible. The social construct of marriage is an unrealistic inhibitor that clearly most people - and Congress - cannot follow anyway. And they are constantly being found out and constantly hypocritical about it. It's ridiculous and absurd. It's also sick how the public pounces on it. it's none of our business, it's none of the media's business.

The only time it becomes their business is if the dude is a pedophile or if he raped someone or if he used his position/campaign funds to give benefits to his mistress.
So if he is genically made to fuck chicks and not be with just one, then why did he get married?


mckmas8808 said:
So if he is genically made to fuck chicks and not be with just one, then why did he get married?

because, and this is a general rule, it looks a lot better politically to be married. The public at large has been shown to often look a bit suspect at politicians who are at a certain age and still not married, it has even been polled to show this in past years.
ViperVisor said:
A couple more.

Journalistic Balance as Global Warming Bias
Creating controversy where science finds consensus

Print Media Coverage of Research on Passive Smoking

These media institutions are like many others. Timid and slow to change. They only appear bias in that after a generation of something being true you can't work the refs anymore so you, the Right most blatantly, must create conspiracies to buttress the lies of past and present.

Yeah . . . I find the press strangely silent on all the crazy weather. This year we have had:
-Texas burning down
-Missippi flooding
-More Tornado deaths than any time since the 1950's
-Arizona burning down
-Missouri river flooding

And I know . . . you pin a single weather event to climate change. But media seems terrified of even bringing up the possibility that . . . . Hey . . . all this crazy weather . . . . well just maybe it is related to climate change. If they say it, they know they'll be accused of being 'teh lamestream drive-by liberal media'!
You know as much as I agree that Weiner is a moron, what Amir is saying does merit some truth.

However, had he admitted it straight up, and the media kept pushing the bullshit issue, oh I would've been on his side 100%
For someone as seemingly media-savvy as Weiner, the degree to which he mishandled the response to it is really pretty shocking. "I'm not sure if that's my dick" is a painfully risible first effort.


So the ultimate test of a politician is how well he covers up a scandal? Not his policy, not his voting record, just have to lie without being caught.
Waste of resources to defend him anyway. In order to keep his office he would need money. Who is going to supply that? Not the DCCC. Why must we take up the sword for Anthony Weiner? What makes him special? It's not like there are other liberal politicians in his district that can represent as well as he. Waste of time and money to mess with this.

Edit: This is a congressional seat too. The lowest man on the totem pole in our federal government. His vote means crap in a minority government. I bet you anything that this would be different if he was a Senator.
Amir0x said:
because, and this is a general rule, it looks a lot better politically to be married. The public at large has been shown to often look a bit suspect at politicians who are at a certain age and still not married, it has even been polled to show this in past years.
I love how you've constructed the wall around him where nothing he's done is his fault, not even his marriage vows, his personal choice to lie about it, any of it. It's all society's fault. Bullshit apologism, and it's pretty embarrassing to read.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Flo_Evans said:
So the ultimate test of a politician is how well he covers up a scandal? Not his policy, not his voting record, just have to lie without being caught.
it's acknowledging the reality of a two-party system and a political press corps that cares shit about policy.
Weiner had to go. I see no logic in defending him. He was a giant distraction and has been a face of the party for some time. He lied to the public, his wife is pregnant...yea, dude had to go and I'm glad. He contributed little to nothing to the house outside of red meet speeches on the floor. Unlike liberals like Sherrod Brown or Al Franken, Weiner was not a legislative work horse and didn't do much; it's not surprising his fellow democrats didn't like him.
mckmas8808 said:
Ami cheating on your wife is not being a man. It's being a little bitch! If he wanted to phone sex hoes all over the country then he should have taken the Derek Jeter route and never got married.

Why do you care? Seriously. Is this really more important to you than the domestic political positions that Weiner advocated?


elrechazao said:
I love how you've constructed the wall around him where nothing he's done is his fault, not even his marriage vows, his personal choice to lie about it, any of it. It's all society's fault. Bullshit apologism, and it's pretty embarrassing to read.

Please, chazao. Don't embarrass yourself.

"marriage vows" mean about as much in reality as the toilet paper I wipe my ass with. They exist essentially as a good financial decision, not as something that, should you fail to adhere to your faithful marital promises, damns you as a person or a politician.

See I can say this because I'm not a hypocrite. See, I think that, and that's the way I feel, and I'd defend anyone in this position who wasn't simultaneously pushing FAMILY VALUES on the world and their warped brand of social conservatism.

Percentage of men who admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they've had: 57%
Percentage of marriages that end in divorce in America: 53%
Percentage of women who admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they've had: 54%


Others roughly put the figure at 30~60%. The point is, humans aren't mean to be caged in marriages. They do it because they were taught to in the society they were raised in. That it was something to aspire to. And that, ultimately, it's a good political decision for someone who is in politics.

It is not morally wrong to fucking stray because THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE DO. It's between him and his wife only. I feel bad for her, it's a dick move, but completely unrelated to anything having to do with politics and none of our business.

I actually have the chutzpah to follow my political stances to their logical conclusion. And I know also that the only reason he lied to ANYONE was because he clearly was trying to avoid having his wife find out about his infidelities, which 99.9% of all cheaters would do the exact same thing. If it's not breaking the law, it also doesn't matter to me since it's only natural.
Amir0x said:
Please, chazao. Don't embarrass yourself.

"marriage vows" mean about as much in reality as the toilet paper I wipe my ass with. They exist essentially as a good financial decision, not as something that, should you fail to adhere to your faithful marital promises, damns you as a person or a politician.

See I can say this because I'm not a hypocrite. See, I think that, and that's the way I feel, and I'd defend anyone in this position who wasn't simultaneously pushing FAMILY VALUES on the world and their warped brand of social conservatism.


Others roughly put the figure at 30~60%. The point is, humans aren't mean to be caged in marriages. They do it because they were taught to in the society they were raised in. That it was something to aspire to. And that, ultimately, it's a good political decision for someone who is in politics.

It is not morally wrong to fucking stray because THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE DO. It's between him and his wife only. I feel bad for her, it's a dick move, but completely unrelated to anything having to do with politics and none of our business.

I actually have the chutzpah to follow my political stances to their logical conclusion. And I know also that the only reason he lied to ANYONE was because he clearly was trying to avoid having his wife find out about his infidelities, which 99.9% of all cheaters would do the exact same thing. If it's not breaking the law, it also doesn't matter to me since it's only natural.
If you're going to go with the "all behaviors are excusable because we have natural impulses towards them", then not much to say, other than how sad it is.


no i'm doing the don't hide behind the social construct of marriage to try to define something as morally reprehensible. And I'm going to further one up it by saying if you're going to try to insult me and then go further by not showing the respect to actually bother contributing, you'll be removed from this thread faster than you could say "another spineless liberal who cannot follow his political positions to their logical conclusion."
I pretty much don't care about it other than him lying repeatedly to his staff, the media, the nation. Makes him even less trustworthy, and as a politician his trustworthiness is already phenomenally low.

I also admit I love seeing politicians lose their jobs ;)


Nice to see that you Americans also have your fair share of political distractions, western politics is such an embarrassment.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
LOL. T-Paw's such a loser:

GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty conceded on Thursday that he missed a prime opportunity to go after Mitt Romney during this week’s presidential primary debate.

The former Minnesota governor initially rebutted his critics, saying the day after the debate that he didn’t back down from the GOP’s front-runner on healthcare reform. While he missed an opportunity, Pawlenty said he is better on substance when it comes to healthcare.

“On seizing debate opportunity re: healthcare: Me 0, Mitt 1. On doing healthcare reform the right way as governor: Me 1, Mitt 0,” he tweeted.

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