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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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scola said:
As pointed out by others GE lobbied for CFLs, my giess would be patents etc probably played into it more than per bulb margins.

On the contrary, many (electric) utility providers , and municipal utilities explicitly encourage conservation, and often reward their customers for using less energy. Thats why they often offer rebates on new appliances, windows etc.

Power plants of any variety are expensive, and what is really really expensive is maintaing and starting up back up plants that are used infrequently. To the extent the utility can continue to using their existing facilities and extend them to more customers because of reduced demand per customer makes them more money than increased demand for all customers.

I probably am not making sense :(
So it seems we have established that our corporate gods lobbied for the light bulb law, will profit from it and US workers will lose jobs as a result. Is that fair to say?


ToxicAdam said:
bu bu Wisconsin and Ohio throwing away 'free money' ...

It's worth remembering that transit expansion projects (new starts) with federal fundng support typical have a 50% federal / 50% local cost split, whereas highways are 90% / 10%.

mr. puppy

wow Perry is going to be hilarious when he finally runs:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry met Tuesday with former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to exchange ideas about improving the economy and discuss the strained relationship between the U.S. and Pakistani governments.
Musharraf has been critical of the White House's recent suspension of $800 million in U.S. aid to the Pakistani military, saying the decreased aid will hurt his country and hinder its fight against terrorism. Perry did not directly criticize the federal decision, but he said he hoped the two governments could work their way through the conflicts and get "on the same page of the hymnbook."


GaimeGuy said:
Something to be proud of. </sarcasm>

Despite the fact that it's a not uncommon tactic by both parties in Wisconsin as a result of the open elections (no party affiliation for voters) I think my exact post when the Fitzgerald's announced this was "fucking gross."


Aaron Strife said:
dems held ca-36

This makes it even sweeter:

The National Republican Congressional Committee, which is charged with getting Republicans elected to the House and keeping them there, sent out a press email overnight on the results of the CA-36 special election titled "Statement on Janice Hahn's Entry Into Democrats' Swamp of Corruption":

Washington --- National Republican Congressional Committee Communications Director Paul Lindsay today made the following statement in response to the special election results in California's 36th Congressional District:

"Janice Hahn is now Nancy Pelosi's problem. Between her pattern of unethical behavior and close ties to LA's most dangerous gang members, Hahn is adding to the pollution in the swamp of Washington corruption built by Nancy Pelosi's Democrats."​

The official NRCC response reads like a redstate.com page comment.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GhaleonEB said:
This makes it even sweeter:

The official NRCC response reads like a redstate.com page comment.

Is this the close ties to gangs they are talking about?

The Councilwoman is also a longtime advocate of keeping children out of gangs. She believes that the way to do this is through early prevention. She has worked diligently to get the Gang Alternatives Program, which works to keep children as young as the 4th grade out of gangs, implemented throughout the 15th District, most recently in Watts. She is currently leading the way to fund gang prevention, intervention, job training and after-school programs throughout the City.


I mean, to throw out such an accusation, wow, such sore losers.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
US seems to be preparing a third stimulus package for the economy.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
eznark said:
Despite the fact that it's a not uncommon tactic by both parties in Wisconsin as a result of the open elections (no party affiliation for voters) I think my exact post when the Fitzgerald's announced this was "fucking gross."

I don't remember the Democrats ever being so brazen about it. I may be wrong though.


quadriplegicjon said:
I don't remember the Democrats ever being so brazen about it. I may be wrong though.

Depends on what you mean by brazen, I guess? In the past state parties have spend significant dollars propping up the placeholder candidates to try and get them traction. This time the GOP essentially announced what they were doing and never mentioned it again. A couple got some tepid support over the weekend but there was no real campaign on their behalf.

This is the first time the media has made it into an issue, if that's what you mean by brazen?
Plinko said:
US seems to be preparing a third stimulus package for the economy.
Bernanke Says Fed ‘Prepared to Respond’ If Stimulus Needed

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told Congress the central bank is prepared to take additional action, including buying more government bonds, if the economy appears to be in danger of stalling.

“The possibility remains that the recent economic weakness may prove more persistent than expected and that deflationary risks might reemerge, implying a need for additional policy support,” Bernanke said in prepared testimony before the House Financial Services Committee in Washington today. “The Federal Reserve remains prepared to respond should economic developments indicate that an adjustment of monetary policy would be appropriate.”
thefro said:

$86 million donations for Obama in Q2, avg. donation $69

How does Obama's fundraising compare to his GOP rivals? Here's how they fared in the second quarter: (Source: The Atlantic)

Here's how the GOP candidates have fared:

•Mitt Romney: $18.25 million
•Ron Paul: $4.5 million
•Tim Pawlenty: $4.2 million
•Jon Huntsman: $4.1 million
•Herman Cain: $2.46 million
•Newt Gingrich: $2 million
•Rick Santorum: less than $2 million
Obama's $47 million beats their combined total by about $10 million


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Here's how the GOP candidates have fared:

•Mitt Romney: $18.25 million
•Ron Paul: $4.5 million
•Tim Pawlenty: $4.2 million
•Jon Huntsman: $4.1 million
•Herman Cain: $2.46 million
•Newt Gingrich: $2 million
•Rick Santorum: less than $2 million

Anyone want to talk about how we should get money out of elections?
Yep. We should get money out of elections.


DOO13ER said:
The government shouldn't be doing anything for the economy but cutting taxes for ri~ I mean, job creators.

Don't be ironic. You're just advocating job killing policies.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kosmo said:
Interest rates need to rise. When they are essentially at 0%, there is nothing the Fed can do to meet its stated objective.
the discount rate is at .75%, the fund rate is at .25%. not that the Fed can encourage banks to lend more, anyhow.

they can buy more bonds though, which is where Bernake seems to be headed again. i don't expect much though - their board seems afraid (committed?) to take any action, and as such have followed through with half-hearted measures that did little to nothing (QE2).
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Here's how the GOP candidates have fared:

•Mitt Romney: $18.25 million
•Ron Paul: $4.5 million
•Tim Pawlenty: $4.2 million
•Jon Huntsman: $4.1 million
•Herman Cain: $2.46 million
•Newt Gingrich: $2 million
•Rick Santorum: less than $2 million

Anyone want to talk about how we should get money out of elections?

That is the best idea i have seen you come up with. I would like 10%. The presidential election will be around 1 billion dollars in total. all the money could be taxed again, and put to infrastructure and education.
sangreal said:
I replaced all the CFLs in my house with incandescents. I tried so many different brands/color temps/sizes; read lots of reviews, etc. If I'm going to waste so much money, I might as well do it on the light I prefer
During summertime too so your air conditioner can work extra hard to overcome all that extra heat cranked out by the incandescents.

Conservatives . . . building a bridge to the 19 century!
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
CFLs are that cheap now? I've never bought one yet.
I just checked GEs site and it says $3.77/bulb compared to $0.27 for an incandescent.
Anyway, getting off topic I suppose.

So you cited a page that is 100% pro-CFL as for an anti-CFL purpose:

Could you be any more obtuse. BTW, those numbers are way out of date . . . it is a old page. I can tell from the fact that they use $0.10/KWH as typical electricity price. Current numbers reduce the price difference between CFLs and old bulbs.

But LEDs are the future. We need to get away from the inefficient concept of a 'bulb' since why use a point source of light anyway?
Evlar said:
Yep. We should get money out of elections.

and the sooner the better. If campaigns were 100% publicly financed, and ALL lobbying was banned things would improve so much it almost wouldn't matter WHO won the next election.


Manmademan said:
and the sooner the better. If campaigns were 100% publicly financed, and ALL lobbying was banned things would improve so much it almost wouldn't matter WHO won the next election.

whos going to lobby to remove lobbying?
Meadows said:
We went a long way towards kicking Murdoch out of the UK. Jelly?
So is News Corp about to be flooded with thousands of lawsuits? I wonder if closing down that paper was a tactic of limiting payouts to the assets of that one newspaper?


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Anyone want to talk about how we should get money out of elections?
I am genuinely interested to hear your (or any other conservative) ideas on the subject.
I don't think we can start fixing the systemic problems in this country until we address this issue.

I assume you're not going to support public funding.

Meadows said:
We went a long way towards kicking Murdoch out of the UK. Jelly?





speculawyer said:
So is News Corp about to be flooded with thousands of lawsuits? I wonder if closing down that paper was a tactic of limiting payouts to the assets of that one newspaper?

There's speculation buzzing around London that News Int are just gonna up and close down all of their assets in the UK as a kind of 'Get out of Dodge' move before it all goes really tits up. Murdoch doesn't really make that much money from papers here (apart from the Sun, but even that isn't a MASSIVE profit maker), his BSkyB bid was really the way he was gonna make his money here, and now that's been fucked, thrown out of a plane, and then set on fire.

We just don't know how far this whole thing will go, but many signs point to "all the way"


joke here is that Obama is way further right than Cameron!
eznark said:
Lobbyists aren't (generally) corporations. They are people.

No, they aren't. They are acting as agents for corporations. At least, the only ones that I would want to ban are.

Are you suggesting that individuals would lobby Congress (including drafting legislation) on behalf of corporations without being paid by the corporation to do so? If there are any such morons, then, I agree, they are free to lobby to their heart's content. I suspect the number of such people is approximately 0.


empty vessel said:
At least, the only ones that I would want to ban are.

The root. We don't want to ban lobbyists, just the ones we don't like. After all, were it not for lobbyists we'd still have a choice of which light bulb to purchase.
Efforts to expose the practice of excluding job applicants from consideration based solely on their being unemployed got a major boost yesterday. Representatives Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Hank Johnson of Georgia introduced the Fair Employment Opportunity Act of 2011 in the U.S. House of Representatives -- legislation that would ban discrimination against unemployed workers in hiring and help end the perverse catch-22 that requires workers to have jobs in order to get jobs.

The new legislation coincides with the release of a new report from the National Employment Law Project (NELP) showing that employers and staffing firms continue to expressly deny job opportunities to job-seekers who are unemployed. The report documents numerous recent online job postings specifying that job-seekers "must be currently employed."

The results of new polling, included in the report, show that 90 percent of the public believes these exclusionary practices are unfair. And, by a 2-to-1 margin, nearly two-thirds support federal legislation to prohibit this kind of discrimination in hiring.

Got that in an email.


eznark said:
Lobbyists aren't (generally) corporations. They are people.
And as people, they are free to write to their congressperson, start a rally or call talk radio and shout.

But personally, I think we should focus on campaign finance first.
You fix that, and a lot of lobbying issues will go away.
eznark said:
The root. We don't want to ban lobbyists, just the ones we don't like. After all, were it not for lobbyists we'd still have a choice of which light bulb to purchase.

No, the ones who are agents of corporations. It's a doctrinal issue rooted in popular sovereignty, not a partisan or political issue. (It isn't political because it was settled during the revolution. Saying a preference for popular sovereignty is 'political' is like saying a preference for democracy over monarchy is 'political.')
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