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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Haha, that dipshit WSJ guy who argued about that the government didn't create the internet seems to be getting repeatedly humiliated, by both the author he cites, and the scientist he actually tries to give credit to!

Oh wow, I never read the actual article until now.
It's fucking hilarious.

Also, ARPANET gave us the router, seriously, if you know anything about networking, all arguments should end there.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Actually, now that I think about it, it's kind of funny that a distortion of what Obama said led to this moronic internet article, since that's exactly what happened to Al Gore.

The difference was that the Al Gore misquote was funny and so spread quickly, and also fed an already existing narrative about Gore. The same isn't true for the Obama distortion.

Yeah, somebody mentioned that yesterday too.

Seriously, where's Kosmo to defend the honor of the WSJ?


The fact that Romney's numbers haven't changed despite the barrage of attacks tells me Obama is in trouble. This was thewindow to hit Romney hard, pre-convention before Romney can get his campaign into gear 100%/spend money.

Expect Romney to get a 2-3% lead in late August

Obama has been leading the entire time, despite being out spent, and most voters have already made their minds up. If Romney wins, it will be an electoral squeaker.
Yeah. Obama's really been putting his ads out there, but... nothing. And we're not even into the fall yet. Someone's going to start breaking away as we get closer, and at this rate it might be Romney.

Not sure how close you and Phoenix Dark were paying attention to the 2004 election back then, but John Kerry was also beating Bush all the way through August even though the Swift Boating began in May and went into high gear in August.

But it took time for all the negative attacks to sink in. So even though Kerry was ahead in the polls during the negative onslaught, the damage was being done and became clearly apparent in the fall shortly after the Republican convention.

So we won't really know the full impact of the Bain attacks until sometime in September. When voters start paying attention, they may very well have a sub-conscious impression that Romney is a flip-flopping secretive tax evader who is out of touch with the everyday man.

Also considering how weak the job numbers have been lately, I'd be worried if I was in the Romney camp that Obama is still leading their candidate by a few percentage points. With the unemployment numbers still very high, Obama should really be trailing right now. At the very least, the negative attacks may be helping to keep Obama afloat. It really doesn't make sense otherwise that he's winning right now.
Btw, not to be a partisan hack or anything, but is anyone else disgusted by the media's treatment of ABC's Brian Ross for mistakenly accusing some tea party guy for being the Colorado shooter? Even Jon Stewart's on the band wagon:


Look, he made a mistake, we all agree, but it seems everyone, including the so called liberal media, is blowing it out of proportion.

Absolutely not. Just as I was absolutely not upset with everyone's treatment of CNN/Fox for getting the Healthcare verdict wrong. The thing that bums me out is how little any of these mistakes will change anything or improve our incredibly broken and pathetic media.


Junior Member
Fun with 270towin.com: A plausible 269 tie.

John Boehner's House gets to pick the president! Yay!


LoL@ Ohio going red.

Ain't happening. In fact, Obama will more than likely win the state with a higher margin than he did in 2008.


New WSJ/NBC poll:

In the presidential horserace, Obama leads Romney by six percentage points among registered voters, 49 percent to 43 percent.

In a smaller sample of registered voters living in 12 battleground states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin), the incumbent president’s lead over Romney is eight points, 49 to 41, which is essentially unchanged from June.​

A bunch of polling on the effect of negative campaigning and so on, but the overall picture is pretty stable. Which is great news for Mitt Romney!
But among high-interest voters across the country – those indicating a “9” or “10” in interest on a 10-point scale – Romney edges Obama by two points, 48 percent to 46 percent.

This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh
Despite my disappointment with Obama, I really love the fact that he grants me the bitter years of corporatist democrats. As if Obama is leading the green revolution. And Clinton can still EAD for his hurt feelings over playing himself out of his saxophone playing schtick.
This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh

i wouldn't say this means anything at all.

People who hate Obama are more interested. No surprise. This type of poll has a lot of variable bias built in to it, so it's not to be taken as anything of value.


About that PA voter ID law:

So why pass the law?

Not shocking. Hopefully the law gets tossed.
Oh, we know the purpose. Unfortunately, I'm uncertain it will be sufficient to overturn the law. A similar law in Indiana was upheld in 2008.
I disagree that polling has zero value. Perhaps it has little value to November, but it absolutely has value to which messages are working, which aren't, and how deep message penetration is reaching. It's just that you're not going to see that kind of analysis here.
Presently, polling has modest predictive value. There's still too much time intervening the election to make a confident projection; although, this will soon change as we approach the conventions. Nevertheless, polls are informational. It's difficult to reduce movement to a single cause. But they can help distinguish which messages are resonating or the import of economic data.
This is really bad news for the President, no matter how you try to spin it. Obama's going for the jugular and Mittens is still sitting pretty on economic issues, and that's what this election is all about.
The only people spinning are the typical defeatists. Neither Obama nor Romney's position has changed. How exactly is that bad news for Obama? He still retains a moderate advantage.
New WSJ/NBC poll:

In the presidential horserace, Obama leads Romney by six percentage points among registered voters, 49 percent to 43 percent.

In a smaller sample of registered voters living in 12 battleground states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin), the incumbent president’s lead over Romney is eight points, 49 to 41, which is essentially unchanged from June.​

A bunch of polling on the effect of negative campaigning and so on, but the overall picture is pretty stable. Which is great news for Mitt Romney!
im tellin u ppl, romney was sent to die, crappy economy, decent numbers for obama still. Even the gop pollster said these are numbers u see on october.

obama will enjoy his 303-333 EV, first time in 100 years an incumbant will win reelection with less evs but i doubt they'll care.

and im no far lefty
This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh

Oh come on. The anti-Bush sentiment was just as strong if not stronger in '04 and we all know how that election turned out.
im tellin u ppl, romney was sent to die, crappy economy, decent numbers for obama still. Even the gop pollster said these are numbers u see on october.

obama will enjoy his 303-333 EV

What GOP pollster said that...

Romney is right where wants to be. Within striking distance waiting for the inevitable decline of Obama due to the economy. IE next month

whereas Obama is still <50%


This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh

Tuesday Nov. 6th if you're voting Republican, Wednesday the 7th for Democrats (can't wait for the Dems to roll this old accusation out again).
Tuesday Nov. 6th if you're voting Republican, Wednesday the 7th for Democrats (can't wait for the Dems to roll this old accusation out again).

You mean actual robo calls that have been made that actually tell people the wrong date that there is actual proof of?


Boehner wants to re-do the debt ceiling battle cause it was so much fun last time:


Come on, Kosmo. Defend this shit, you know you want to.

In fairness to him, it's a campaign promise. Boehner can hardly say "If Obama wins, I guess we'll start cooperating with him and allowing the government to function." A debt crisis in January of 2013 isn't an entertaining prospect for anybody -- I don't see it happening.


This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh

Add to that the release of Halo and CoD the same week to suppress the youth vote, and it makes you wonder "why even have an election?".
This report makes me slightly less panicky about the current polling situation:


Obama could lose every state on that list where his lead is less than 4.7 points (his margin in Ohio), and he'd still get 271 EVs.

And man, my Dad won't stop listening to Hannity no matter how many examples of the dude making shit up I show him. Today he was going on about Obama outspending Romney 2:1 over the past several months, and I just shook my head. Yeah, let's pretend SuperPACs don't exist.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Obama could lose every state on that list where his lead is less than 4.7 points (his margin in Ohio), and he'd still get 271 EVs.

And man, my Dad won't stop listening to Hannity no matter how many examples of the dude making shit up I show him. Today he was going on about Obama outspending Romney 2:1 over the past several months, and I just shook my head. Yeah, let's pretend SuperPACs don't exist.

I'm guessing your dad thinks he's a socialist, right? Ask him how someone like him who hates businesses would be able to rack up that much money against Romney?
Judging by Obama's ad momentum (sharpness of ads and their frequency), I doubt he will have much trouble going up against Romney and his sugardaddy superpacs. You can have all the money in the world but if you can't build a strong narrative about your opponent, you're worthless. Good luck trying to stick Solyndra.


I don't know their allegiances, but if they are Clinton Democrats, they probably want Obama the fuck out (Bill has never forgiven Obama for playing the race card on him according to many insiders) so Hillary might have one more chance in 2016 and they know if Obama gets re-elected and fucks things up even more Democrats won't have a chance in 2016.

lol, ok.


This is bad news for Obama. Romney voters are more focused on the race, whereas Obama voters are not paying attention - they might not even know what day the election is on tbh

Where do you get that from? How would you know this?


Boehner wants to re-do the debt ceiling battle cause it was so much fun last time:


Come on, Kosmo. Defend this shit, you know you want to.
I'm still incredulous at last year's furor. That doubtlessly curtailed growth just as the economy had finally gained traction. Really, given the insufficient fiscal stimulus and that galling nonsense, it's miraculous the economy's recovered even to this degree.
Exactly. What you guys don't realize is that it's actually better for Romney to be behind.

This is exactly where he needs to be.
Hey, everyone loves a good underdog story.


Seriously, fuck Glenn Grothman. This stupid piece of shit better get voted out next time. I swear I will volunteer as much time as I can for whoever runs against guy...

KEYES: If it were upheld and in place in time for the November election, do you think — polls have shown a pretty razor-thin margin — do you think it might ultimately help Romney’s campaign here in the state?

GROTHMAN: Yes. Right. I think we believe that insofar as there are inappropriate things, people who vote inappropriately are more likely to vote Democrat.

KEYES: So if these protections are in place of voter ID, that might ultimately help him in a close race?

GROTHMAN: Right. I think if people cheat, we believe the people who cheat are more likely to vote against us


Professional Schmuck
Actually the fact that Obama is leading in basically every category, even if only barely, with all these peripherals that would have any other incumbent on the ropes, is testament to just how terrible of a candidate Romney is for this cycle.

Seriously, the GOP is giving this one away, just like they did the last. It's embarrassing and you should be embarrassed for them.

Obama 310+
Actually the fact that Obama is leading in basically every category, even if only barely, with all these peripherals that would have any other incumbent on the ropes, is testament to just how terrible of a candidate Romney is for this cycle.

Seriously, the GOP is giving this one away, just like they did the last. It's embarrassing and you should be embarrassed for them.

Obama 310+

It is one poll
In remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.
&#8220;We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,&#8221; the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: &#8220;The White House didn&#8217;t fully appreciate the shared history we have&#8221;.
Is the writer just stirring shit or did Romney actually mention Obama's father? The sentiment sounds bad enough, but holy shit.
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