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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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You're missing the point here, yes racist, not racist, the dude is pro-England, we can't let that shit stand.

Seriously, fuck the depth that lies between the countries.
Shared heritage?

I'll list the countries' shared heritage -

1776 - kicked their asses.
1812 - nothing happened.
1917 - saved their asses from the Germans.
1942 - saved their asses from the Germans, again.
1950 -

-------protected them from the Russians-------

2010 -
Telegraph article said:
“Obama is a Left-winger," said another. "He doesn’t value the Nato alliance as much, he’s very comfortable with American decline and the traditional alliances don’t mean as much to him. He wouldn’t like singing ‘Land of Hope and Glory'.”
What the god damned fuck.

This has to be GAF's favorite way to flat out call people a racist without getting banned.
It doesn't mean Romney is racist, only that he's pandering to racists.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You're missing the point here, yes racist, not racist, the dude is pro-England, we can't let that shit stand.

Seriously, fuck the depth that lies between the countries.
Shared heritage?

I'll list the countries' shared heritage -

1776 - kicked their asses.
1812 - nothing happened.
1917 - saved their asses from the Germans.
1942 - saved their asses from the Germans, again.
1950 -

-------protected them from the Russians-------

2010 -

So much ignorance in this post.

PS: Britain won the war of 1812. They even occupied Washington and set fire to many public buildings, including the white house and the treasury.


So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16


Edit: but seriously, no. I have no idea why you're saying there shouldn't bee any income tax.
So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one?

consumption taxes are generally really regressive. Unless they have exemptions for stuff like rent, food, non-designer clothes.

If you want to replace our current income/FICA/corporate taxes with a consumption tax, it will take at least a 60% rate.

I know Huckabee, a conservative, pushed the fraudulent "fair tax" but you don't see many on either side push for a national sales tax, though conservatives are the ones who generally do when it happens.
So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.
It's an insanely regressive tax, so the right-wing loves it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.

Make food exempt, and refund x amount per year for each person.
I prefer it only because it discourages consumption, which considering we have finite resources, it's a good thing. However, it won't happen because of that.
This has to be GAF's favorite way to flat out call people a racist without getting banned.

You won't get banned for calling someone racist. You become overly concerned and you might just get the label too.

It was a clear instance of a "dog whistle." Get over it, save your requisite comebacks for things that are at least marginally colorable.

So much ignorance in this post.

PS: Britain won the war of 1812. They even occupied Washington and set fire to many public buildings, including the white house and the treasury.

Not sure if serious.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So much ignorance in this post.

PS: Britain won the war of 1812. They even occupied Washington and set fire to many public buildings, including the white house and the treasury.

That may be so but we made up for it by winning the Civil War.

You're missing the point here, yes racist, not racist, the dude is pro-England, we can't let that shit stand.

Seriously, fuck the depth that lies between the countries.
Shared heritage?

I'll list the countries' shared heritage -

1776 - kicked their asses.
1812 - nothing happened.
1917 - saved their asses from the Germans.
1942 - saved their asses from the Germans, again.
1950 - http://i.imgur.com/9EVdb.jpg[IMG]

-------[b]protected them from the Russians[/b]-------

2010 - [IMG]http://i.minus.com/ibwy02lV0NY88I.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]

If we are going by football, then you missed the most important one.

Probably the greatest soccer movie ever made.


So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.
I never understood the benefits of consumption taxes.
They're regressive, they're hard to enforce, they're easy to avoid (which creates a system that rewards those who cheat the best) and they're taxing an economically useful activity.

I honestly can't think of a single reason to support them.

I prefer it only because it discourages consumption, which considering we have finite resources, it's a good thing. However, it won't happen because of that.
In the context of a capitalist free market economy, consumption is a very good thing for society.
Also, most of the stuff that we consume is renewable.
If we are going by football, then you missed the most important one.


Probably the greatest soccer movie ever made.
Damn, you're right!

Let me rectify that -
1944 - Sylvester Stallone single handedly force a tie with the Nazis, which for some reason won World War II.


Professional Schmuck
I know I've been explicitly banned several years back because I had the audacity to shorten "racist policy supporter" to "fucking racist scumbag redneck," or something. Trust me, I won't do that again!
It's funny how, in some respects, this thread NEVER changes. Years later, and the same people are the ones panicking about Obama's chances, despite the fact that the polling pretty clearly indicates that Obama's going to, at least, win, and probably come out ahead by a fair margin in the Electoral College. Good times.
So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

Against. But ask me if I would support abolition of the corporate income tax in exchange for (1) re-establishment of popular sovereignty (i.e., abolition of corporate rights); (2) prohibitions on all corporate political activity; and (3) massive tax hike on high marginal incomes, and I'd listen. Consumption taxes are just regressive, so I'm opposed. Income tax policy is helpful for ensuring relative egalitarianism (i.e., taxing the shit out of high marginal income), and there is no way in hell I would ever give that up. It's a license for corruption and a ticket to democratic degradation.


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned. What the hell is dis shit all about:

Well, I'm pretty sure it's about the truth.
I just wish she took the opposite angle of attack here and call Obama for his hypocrisy, since he's extremely aggressive in prosecuting leakers and whisteblowers.

It's funny how, in some respects, this thread NEVER changes. Years later, and the same people are the ones panicking about Obama's chances, despite the fact that the polling pretty clearly indicates that Obama's going to, at least, win, and probably come out ahead by a fair margin in the Electoral College. Good times.
You're the worst prophet of doom ever.


So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.

I have seen various editorials advocating something along these lines (though maybe not to this extreme) from the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, and Forbes. The Wall Street Journal might have run an opinion piece that barked up this tree, but I can't remember.
So who is for and who is against the abolition of the income tax and corporate tax (i.e. reduce them to 0%), while creating a consumption tax?

I'm not suggesting that's politically feasible, I'm just not sure who considers that a good idea regardless. Do conservatives like that idea? Do liberals? No one? I suppose I don't know which side of the fence a consumption tax supposedly falls on.

Consumption tax is like a flat tax, its very stupid and very punishing. Nobody really benefits from it. Also its the right wing that likes it.


Boehner wants to re-do the debt ceiling battle cause it was so much fun last time:


Come on, Kosmo. Defend this shit, you know you want to.

This, for me, would be reason enough not to vote GOP even if I leaned conservative.

I can't imagine how ignorant and oblivious one would have to be to believe that this is in any way a good thing. The debt ceiling fight was an absolute embarrassment.

This is one of those issues where things really are black and white. One side is right, and one side is 100% in the wrong. The idea of middle ground is not applicable here.

Dude Abides

New WSJ/NBC poll:

In the presidential horserace, Obama leads Romney by six percentage points among registered voters, 49 percent to 43 percent.

In a smaller sample of registered voters living in 12 battleground states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin), the incumbent president’s lead over Romney is eight points, 49 to 41, which is essentially unchanged from June.​

A bunch of polling on the effect of negative campaigning and so on, but the overall picture is pretty stable. Which is great news for Mitt Romney!

The NPR battleground poll shows a tie. No state by state breakdown that I can find though.



Tuesday Nov. 6th if you're voting Republican, Wednesday the 7th for Democrats (can't wait for the Dems to roll this old accusation out again).

Either that, or make robocalls saying Dems already won, so Democrats don't need to vote.

Former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.’s campaign manager was spared jail time Thursday for approving a controversial robocall to black voters, but he was sentenced to home detention, community service and a lengthy term of probation.

The Baltimore City judge who sentenced Paul E. Schurick said he hoped the combination of punishments would serve as a warning to political campaigns about the acceptable boundaries on influencing voter turnout.

Schurick, who had been an aide to leading Maryland Democrats before working for Ehrlich, a Republican, could have been sentenced to as little as three months’ probation under state sentencing guidelines. But Circuit Court Judge Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill said the punishment for Schurick’s approval of automated calls that told black voters to “relax” and not worry about voting on Election Day 2010 needed to send a lasting message.

“The offense committed in this case strikes at the heart of some of the most important values of this nation,” Fletcher-Hill said. “This case needs to serve as a message to anyone who would interfere with any person’s opportunity to vote; that it is absolutely unacceptable.”

A weeklong trial that ended with Schurick’s conviction late last year revealed that the robocall had been placed to the homes of 112,000 voters in Baltimore and Prince George’s. The call was placed in the hours before polls closed, as Ehrlich appeared to be trailing in a rematch with Gov. Martin O’Malley (D).

The calls told recipients who answered to “relax” because O’Malley had already been successful and that there was nothing left to do but to watch television.

Schurick was convicted of trying to influence votes through fraud, failing to identify the source of the robocall as required by law, and two counts of conspiracy to commit those crimes.
I think it's interesting that more Democrats approve of Congress than Republicans, but I guess the Senate's a factor in that too. The numbers are abysmal either way. I can't believe 80% of these congresscritters are still guaranteed re-election with numbers like that (I can but you know).

"Battleground polls" aren't as useful as individual state polls, and Obama's doing well there. I think it's so weird PPP can show a tied race nationally but like, he's up 7 in Colorado, 5 in Iowa, 6 in Nevada, 8 in Virginia, 3 in Ohio... And supposedly their numbers tomorrow for Michigan and Pennsylvania are going to show him with commanding leads over Romney. So what gives?

They also mention Condi as VP would chop off 6 points from Obama's lead. I kind of figured she'd poll well in theory but if Romney actually picked her it would piss off a lot of right-wingers.

He should be put behind bars for a long long time for that shit. WTF @ no jail time.
Ah well, it's just a boyish prank. No harm done.

Alright, who wants to impeach Obama for Solyndra


“The offense committed in this case strikes at the heart of some of the most important values of this nation,” Fletcher-Hill said. “This case needs to serve as a message to anyone who would interfere with any person’s opportunity to vote; that it is absolutely unacceptable.”

"And that's why I'm giving him a slap on the wrist."

fucking hell


Also, some really good news. Remember how Nikki Haley cut half a million in domestic abuse and sexual assault programs/rape crisis centers and her insanely stupid reasoning for doing so? Well, the South Carolina state legislature unanimously told her to fuck off and reversed it.
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