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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
“The Muslim Brotherhood can’t even penetrate the Egyptian government,” said a Brotherhood leader in Egypt’s Daqheleya province, Ibrahim Ali Iraqi, in response to the accusations his group had infiltrated top US agencies.

Which would make them the PERFECT infiltrators. Nobody would be expecting it!
lol lol and lol

The guy in Romney ad who said he built his own business without any help took $800k in tax-exempt revenue bonds from the government.


(CNN) – A man who starred in a television ad for Mitt Romney's campaign received government help while building his family's small business, despite implying in the commercial that he did so without assistance, according to a report Monday by the Union Leader in New Hampshire.

Jack Gilchrist of Gilchrist Metal Fabricating said in the ad that he and his father created the company.

But the Union Leader reports that in 1999, Gilchrist Metal received $800,000 in tax-exempt revenue bonds issued by the New Hampshire Business Finance Authority to set up a manufacturing plant and buy new equipment.

In the TV ad released Friday, Gilchrist took issue with a comment President Barack Obama made earlier this month at a campaign stop in Virginia. Making the case that businesses succeed with collective help, Obama said, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that."
Here's the money quote:
Gilchrist told the Union Leader that his argument is not "compromised" by the fact that he received the bonds and added that his legal fees for the bonds amounted to $12,000.

"It was a loser and I wish I had never done it," he told the paper. "I bought some equipment with it."

In addition, he said that his company received a U.S. Small Business Administration loan totaling "somewhere south of" $500,000 in the late 1980s, according to the Union Leader.
What a bunch of raging imbeciles. "I bought some equipment with it" lol. Epitome of 'gubmint out of my medicare' idiocy.


Team Obama Sees Pattern In Romney Taking Obama Out Of Context
Back in November, 2011, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign proudly took President Obama out of context in one of its first web ads. Now, with the Romney campaign on air with a new ad based around an out-of-context Obama quote, the Obama campaign sees a pattern. Team Obama’s new web video pushing back on the latest Romney spot:

New web ad.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The worst part about that dude who took that loan was that not only does he not see any contradiction with what he did, but that the fact that the reality of the situation, people pointing it out, actively makes him angry.


Obama running negative ads against Romney = voter suppression?


When a top Pennsylvania Republican remarked last month that the state’s new voter ID law would help Mitt Romney win Pennsylvania in November, which no Republican presidential candidate has done since 1988, he reignited a debate over whether the law is intended to curb fraud, as Republicans say, or to depress Democratic turnout, as critics charge.

Mike Turzai, the House majority leader in Pennsylvania, made the remark when he spoke to a meeting of the Republican State Committee. He ticked off a number of recent conservative achievements by the Republican-led legislature, including, as Turzai put it, “Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

Arthur Lupia, a political scientist at the University of Michigan, has demonstrated that in 2008, even if Obama had failed to boost turnout among key Democratic groups, he would have won because of the failure of many 2004 George W. Bush supporters to vote for John McCain. “Bush voters’ decisions not to vote or to support Obama were a sufficient condition for Obama’s victory,” Lupia wrote in “Did Bush Voters Cause Obama’s Victory?” a paper published in PS, the journal of the American Political Science Association.

Romney and the Republican Party must achieve the highest possible turnout level among whites. Republicans, including Romney, have adopted anti-immigration stands that have extinguished the possibility of boosting margins among Hispanics. Asian Americans have become increasingly Democratic, self-identifying in public opinion surveys as Democratic rather than Republican by a 52-32 margin. African Americans remain reliably loyal to the Democratic Party by an 86 to 8 percent margin.

Romney is particularly vulnerable to a campaign designed to suppress turnout because his support is more tepid than Obama’s.

A New York Times/CBS poll released on Wednesday found that 52 percent of Obama voters back their candidate strongly, compared to 29 percent of Romney voters. In addition, a third of Romney’s voters say they are voting for him because of their dislike of Obama, while only 8 percent of Obama voters are primarily motivated by their hostility to Romney.

Vote suppression is important for Obama because his numbers among whites without degrees are worsening, despite the omnipresence of anti-Romney ads in the battleground states. Obama’s 29 percent level of support among non-college white men in the Quinnipiac poll cited above is a drop from 32 percent in its April survey, and the 28 percent level in the ABC/Washington Post poll is a drop from 34 percent in their May survey.

With his margins in this group falling, Obama directly benefits from every white non-college voter who stays home and does not vote for Romney. The importance of vote suppression in a close contest can be seen in the following hypothetical: say there are 1,000 voters evenly split, 500 to 500. Candidate A persuades just one of the voters backing his opponent to fail to go to the polls. Candidate A wins 500 to 499.

Unbeliveable that this kind of shit can make it into the NYT


That's the claim the letter is responding to. PLEASE don't make it look like Kosmo is right.
I assumed he posted the letter we were debating. My bad.

Here's her original letter that sparked it all http://bachmann.house.gov/uploadedfiles/ig_letter_dept_of_state.pdf

She claims that Abedin has ties with the muslim brotherhood and that the actions and policies of the state department have been influenced in a way to benefit the muslim brotherhood. She demands to know "how the muslim brotherhood is active" within the state department. She even goes on to say that anybody with ties to the muslim brotherhood should be removed from their positions or be forced to publicly condemn the muslim brotherhood.

It's McCarthyism all over again and it's sickening. Now she's trying to backtrack and say wasn't accusing Abedin of acting on the muslim brotherhood's behalf? Pathetic.

edit: This is the website she bases her letter on: http://muslimbrotherhoodinamerica.com/


I had to do a google search for this guy before I could even parse what the hell he was on about.

Is he seriously trying to say that this guy shot people because he learned about evolution in school?


Seriously, though, ridiculous quote.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I had to do a google search for this guy before I could even parse what the hell he was on about.

Is he seriously trying to say that this guy shot people because he learned about evolution in school?


What is with the religious right and blaming everything bad in the world on science?

Mike M

Nick N

What is with the religious right and blaming everything bad in the world on science?
The thought process isn't that complex. All that is good is derived from their particular branch of Christianity, anything that contradicts it must therefore be bad.


I had to do a google search for this guy before I could even parse what the hell he was on about.

Is he seriously trying to say that this guy shot people because he learned about evolution in school?

This is not a new or novel thought process. I went to a lutheran college, and during one of the mandatory religious classes they refuted evolution. One of the bigger bullet points was something like evolution teaches people to devalue human life, which leads to violence and murders. I don't remember it precisely, but it was pretty close to this stupid ass logic.

I remember turning to a friend of mine, and he looked back at me in complete and utter disbelief. Yeah, that friend started out that class still lutheran. I'm pretty sure he ended up nearly atheist by the end of it.
I don't support Bachman's statements, but the "closing ranks" that has been done around Huma is pretty hilarious. People are talking of her like she is some super important political figure, when in fact she is just a former intern, now State Dept. "confidant" who is married to an ex-Congressman who was tweeting his dick around.

Rumors of her being Hillary's secret lover aside, of course

Will you take a stand against ANY of this bullshit? C'mon. You're basically lock step with anything the republican party says. Fear mongering isn't cool, on ANY scale, regardless of who's doing it. Your ability to write shit off has to be trolling. you honestly can't be this dense.

Wasn't the shooter wearing a bullet-proof vest?

Gee, ineffective crossfire sure would've been helpful.

I shit you not. I've seen "if only they had a gun," as a joke here, but I've seen it about five times out in the wild these past couple of days.
Mitt Romney's Twitter account is creating controversy not because of any actual tweets, but because of a sudden and dramatic spike in followers. The presidential hopeful gained more than 135,000 new followers over the weekend; prior to that, he'd been racking them up at a rate of 3,000 to 4,000 per day. The Twitter tracking site 140elect.com noticed the extraordinary growth, and folks in the Twitterverse immediately began tweeting their own theories. Here's one: "That awkward moment when people notice Mitt Romney has been buying followers."

Others suggest the followers aren't even human. Certain signs point to the possibility that some new arrivals could be "Twitter bots," as they have trouble spelling certain words and have no followers of their own. The Romney campaign's digital director, Zac Moffatt, rejects that theory, saying, "We have reached out to Twitter to find out additional information regarding the rapid growth. "

Oh Mittens. This campaign is all kinds of hilarious.


This “why didn’t a hero rise” argument is maddening. Is the senator not aware that tear gas was thrown? That it was a dark, crowded, chaotic theatre? That people would have just made straight for the exit, creating a scene of utter chaos? And to compare it to Flight 93 … really? Two completely different situations.

Anything to divert the conversation away from gun control, I guess.
Why do conservative organizations advertise on Talking Points Memo? Right now I'm seeing one for impeaching Holder, the other day one about Romney. I'm sure Josh likes the free money but it just seems counter productive to their interests to waste money on a site that openly ridicules them as much as they do.


Why do conservative organizations advertise on Talking Points Memo? Right now I'm seeing one for impeaching Holder, the other day one about Romney. I'm sure Josh likes the free money but it just seems counter productive to their interests to waste money on a site that openly ridicules them as much as they do.

I thought it was just Google Ads, those would tend to gravitate towards the conversation.

I mean, I get a lot of World of Warcraft ads on TPM. Kinda wasted on me as I already play it, lol.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Btw, not to be a partisan hack or anything, but is anyone else disgusted by the media's treatment of ABC's Brian Ross for mistakenly accusing some tea party guy for being the Colorado shooter? Even Jon Stewart's on the band wagon:


Look, he made a mistake, we all agree, but it seems everyone, including the so called liberal media, is blowing it out of proportion.

Wasn't the shooter wearing a bullet-proof vest?

Gee, ineffective crossfire sure would've been helpful.

Yes, the shooter was wearing body armor and a riot helmet. Not only would have people shooting back at him been ineffective, but it would have made the situation worse. His statement is all kinds of idiocy.



Some choice quotes:
It’s a great American story that is being smeared by vicious hate speech and intolerant bigotry from the left.
Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant.

Damn you, Karl Rove. Damn you!
Btw, not to be a partisan hack or anything, but is anyone else disgusted by the media's treatment of ABC's Brian Ross for mistakenly accusing some tea party guy for being the Colorado shooter? Even Jon Stewart's on the band wagon:


Look, he made a mistake, we all agree, but it seems everyone, including the so called liberal media, is blowing it out of proportion.

brian ross has a long and storied history of committing journalistic malpractice. all the heap and scorne that's raining upon right now is not only deserved, but long overdue.
I had to do a google search for this guy before I could even parse what the hell he was on about.

Is he seriously trying to say that this guy shot people because he learned about evolution in school?

It is a popular GOP meme. It came up after Columbine as well. Of course if teaching evolution & being athiest caused mass shootings then why don't they happen in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, etc.? Well, we did have have Norway shooter . . . but he turned out to be a Christian. (But not a true Scotsman I'm sure.)
Will you take a stand against ANY of this bullshit? C'mon. You're basically lock step with anything the republican party says. Fear mongering isn't cool, on ANY scale, regardless of who's doing it. Your ability to write shit off has to be trolling. you honestly can't be this dense.

He really is that dense. He's proved it over and over.


I'm working on a piece regarding "You Didn't Build That"-gate, and I have a question that hopefully someone can answer.

Basically the idea of the piece is that saying, "If you have a business, you didn't build that business," is ridiculous, and it's painfully obvious that Obama was referring to the American system that helps make success possible. If you acknowledge that the quote was misinterpreted, but still argue that it shows that Obama's attitude is anti-business, then I argue that his policies to this point have been pro-business.

My question is regarding s-corps. As I understand it, an s-corp's profits flow through the owner and are taxed at the personal income rate. The argument I'm seeing the most is: "Just because $250,000 of company profit is treated as your personal income doesn't mean that you actually take home $250,000." Can Obama's proposal to raise taxes on households making over $250,000 reasonably be construed as an unfair tax hike on households who are actually closer to middle class than to upper class status? Is there any truth to this argument whatsoever?


Btw, not to be a partisan hack or anything, but is anyone else disgusted by the media's treatment of ABC's Brian Ross for mistakenly accusing some tea party guy for being the Colorado shooter? Even Jon Stewart's on the band wagon:


Look, he made a mistake, we all agree, but it seems everyone, including the so called liberal media, is blowing it out of proportion.

You really should read up on Brian Ross's track record. The fact that he still somehow is a prominent journalist is disgusting.

Wasn't the shooter wearing a bullet-proof vest?

Gee, ineffective crossfire sure would've been helpful.

He brings up Flight 93 passengers, but they fought back hand-to-hand and died as, uh, martyrs. The senator is blatantly calling the males in that theater "cowards." I would love to see him say it to their faces.
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