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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I'm finding it hard to come up with decent responses to the Gallup polls besides "lol." Their tracking system is ridiculous and doesn't seem to tell us anything on a day to day basis. Maybe an analysis based on how numbers improve/get worse over the course of a month would make more sense.


Actually, he's pretty brazen about pandering. He rarely attempts to conceal it. I'd say he's pretty brave.

The noise of a Daily tracking poll. Wheeee.
Romney might as well just come out and say "I'm going to be a President for the 1%".

There's always noise in daily tracking, but Gallup is bi-polar at this point.


So I would like to hear the opinions of some of the notable right leaners here on Poligaf about the Curt Schilling fiasco.

Anyone wanna defend Schilling's honor? Ezsnark? Bulbo? Kosmo-chan? Anyone?

Lol. This is pretty pathetic.

If you are going to troll a group of people or a person, you need to reframe your original post to be ambiguous and allow people to feel comfortable to voice their opposing opinion.

Like the way I trolled EV on the last page

To come back and blatently beg for attention is just sad.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Lol. This is pretty pathetic.

If you are going to troll a group of people or a person, you need to reframe your original post to be ambiguous and allow people to feel comfortable to voice their opposing opinion.

Like the way I trolled EV on the last page

To come back and blatently beg for attention is just sad.

But...but I thought making people angry would make them MORE willing to provide their opinion?

That's not the case? :(


I'm finding it hard to come up with decent responses to the Gallup polls besides "lol." Their tracking system is ridiculous and doesn't seem to tell us anything on a day to day basis. Maybe an analysis based on how numbers improve/get worse over the course of a month would make more sense.
It's useful when analyzed in the proper context of long-term trends. But the daily fluctuations are decidedly less informative. The noise generated by, not only the stochastic components of polls, but Gallup's demographic corrections are considerable. Of course, the trend is positively boring because it's been stagnant for a while.


So I would like to hear the opinions of some of the notable right leaners here on Poligaf about the Curt Schilling fiasco.

Anyone wanna defend Schilling's honor? Ezsnark? Bulbo? Kosmo-chan? Anyone?

Ez was shitting on him pretty hard in the gaming side thread. It was pretty funny.


So I would like to hear the opinions of some of the notable right leaners here on Poligaf about the Curt Schilling fiasco.

Anyone wanna defend Schilling's honor? Ezsnark? Bulbo? Kosmo-chan? Anyone?
Wow. I had no idea he had founded a video game development company let alone that it collapsed. The More You Know.
Here's the last poll PPP did in Michigan:

PPP said:
There's been some talk about Rick Snyder as a potential running mate but he wouldn't help the ticket any- with him as the VP pick Obama's lead actually expands slightly to 53-38. That's because Snyder continues to be an unpopular Governor with only 37% of voters approving of him to 52% who disapprove. That's a regression for Snyder compared to February when he was at 40/47, largely because he's seen a drop with independents.
Snyder wouldn't benefit Romney more than any other candidate. If he wants two boring white guys he has plenty of other options.


Here's the last poll PPP did in Michigan:

Snyder wouldn't benefit Romney more than any other candidate. If he wants two boring white guys he has plenty of other options.

I have to wonder about these polls. Wouldn't things change after they're nominated and the media and campaign start highlighting/hyping them? That's why I think he'll pick Portman. Once his exposure increases, he'll become more of an asset. He doesn't even have to do that much to be hugely important in Ohio if things are close, and they probably will be.


Helping drive (albeit from the back seat) the Supreme Court toward what amounted to a victory for the Obama administration in the Arizona immigration case was a man often seen as one of Obama's chief antagonists at the court – Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.

Roberts did not write the majority opinion, but he joined without recorded reservation the strongly worded opinion of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy saying regulating immigration was the province of the federal government, as Obama has argued.



Wow. I had no idea he had founded a video game development company let alone that it collapsed. The More You Know.
He was posting on the gaming side.
Kurt Schilling, posting, on GAF.
My mind was full of fuck.

Anyway, seem like a pretty regional story to me, I try to stay away from those, as the national media tend to cover them in a very incomplete way.

The only thing of note I see there is this quote -
"I’m not sure how that correlates to this," he said. "The program was there for local businesses to use. ... That money was literally coming out of the budget into our company, going right back into the local economy."
Once again, that sweet sweet cognitive dissonance, the good old "no one helped me when I was on food stamps".
But I guess that's just how people are wired, when you're being helped, it's never a handout.

Also, where do people like him think welfare go to?
Does he thinks poor people put it in saving accounts?




Can we go back and reiterate what a mindfuck it is that a Tea Bagger like Scalia is on the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR LIFE?


Pretty sure this was posted/mentioned already, but dear fucking god. The man is so blatantly backwards.
Hey, another considerable difference between Republicans and Democrats. Yeah, we're not the most liberal. But at least we won't appoint another Antonin Scalia to the SCOTUS.
Can we go back and reiterate what a mindfuck it is that a Tea Bagger like Scalia is on the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR LIFE?


Pretty sure this was posted/mentioned already, but dear fucking god. The man is so blatantly backwards.
Man, I really hope Kennedy retires during a second Obama term (with a Dem Senate). The conservative justices are nothing more than Republican shills.


I asked this of PD some days back and I think the answer was quite illuminating. I'll ask you the same:

How do you think Romney has a chance at 270?
Simple: The economy crashes and burns thanks to Europe and puts states like MI/PA/WI in play, enough to tip the balance for Mittens. Gains made in Obama-made strongholds like, say, CO could also be erased.

Beyond that, the amount of outside interest groups thanks to CU will be beating the public over the head with distortions if not complete lies at a level never before seen.

It seems like a bit of a long shot right now, but depending on what happens it could be reality by the time November creeps around.

I'm not outright saying that this will happen, but you cannot just put your faith in electoral math 100% and ignore the real world. If it gets bad enough, at some point it'll change the math.
Can we go back and reiterate what a mindfuck it is that a Tea Bagger like Scalia is on the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR LIFE?


Pretty sure this was posted/mentioned already, but dear fucking god. The man is so blatantly backwards.

Scalia: "If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State."

Fine by me! I'm all for eliminating state sovereignty!
Q & A with Romney's spokesman about today's immigration law. It is HILARIOUS.

GORKA: "The governor supports the states' rights to craft immigration laws when the federal government has failed to do so. This president promised as a candidate to address immigration in his first year and hasn’t, and waited actually ‘til four and a half months before the election to put in place a stopgap measure."

QUESTION: So does he think it's wrongly decided?

GORKA: "The governor supports the states' rights to do this. It's a 10th amendment issue."

QUESTION: So he thinks it's constitutional?

GORKA: "The governor believes the states have the rights to craft their own immigration laws, especially when the federal government has failed to do so."

QUESTION: And what does he think about parts invalidated?

GORKA: "What Arizona has done and other states have done is a direct result of the failure of this president to address illegal immigration. It's within their rights to craft those laws and this debate, and the Supreme Court ruling is a direct response of the president failing to address this issue."

QUESTION: Does (Romney) support the law as it was drafted in Arizona?

GORKA: "The governor supports the right of states, that's all we're going to say on this issue."

QUESTION: Does he have a position on the law, or no position?

GORKA: "The governor has his own immigration policy that he laid out in Orlando and in the primary, which he would implement as president which would address this issue. Whereas Obama has had four years in the office and has yet to address it in a meaningful way."

QUESTION: But does the Governor have a position on the Arizona law besides supporting the right of states?

GORKA: "This debate is sprung from the president failing to address this issue, so each state is left and has the power to draft and enact their own immigration policy."

QUESTION: But the Arizona law does very specific things, does the governor support those things that the Arizona law does?

GORKA: "We've addressed this."

QUESTION: What is his position on the actual law in Arizona?

GORKA: "Again, each state has the right within the Constitution to craft their own immigration laws since the federal government has failed."

QUESTION: But does he think about the law in Arizona? You're just talking about the states right to have a law but you're not giving any position on the actual law.

GORKA: "Ultimately this debate comes back down to the federal government and the president failing to address this. If the president followed through on his campaign promise to address illegal immigration in the first year, this debate wouldn¹t be necessary."

QUESTION: Is it fair to say that he has no opinion on the Arizona law?

GORKA: "Look, again, I¹ll say it again and again and again for you. The governor understands that states have their own right to craft policies to secure their own borders and to address illegal immigration."

QUESTION: You're not answering – what does he think about the policy in Arizona? Is it fair to say he has no opinion? You're refusing to give us an answer.

GORKA: "Arizona, like many other states in this nation, take it upon themselves to craft policies for their own specific states. Governor has said repeatedly that states are a laboratory of democracy, what one state crafts may not work in others but ultimately this, again, goes back to the president failing to deliver on his campaign promises. As candidate Obama, he said he would address immigration in the first year and hasn’t and instead put in a stopgap measure four and a half months before the election."

QUESTION: The statement that Mitt Romney released this morning doesn't say one way or another whether he agrees with the Supreme Court decision. Does he have a reaction as to whether he agrees with this decision?

GORKA: "Again, Jim. The states have the right to craft their immigration policy when the federal government has failed to do so."

QUESTION: But the Supreme Court just said three out of four of those, the states didn’t have the right to do that, so how does that square with the governor’s statement?

GORKA: "States have the right to craft their own immigration policies….and those [inaudible] went through the process."

QUESTION: But we don't have a statement one way or the other whether he agrees with this decision today by the Supreme Court-the statement itself doesn't say.

GORKA: "This country would be better served if the president wasn’t suing states but the president was actually fulfilling his campaign promises to enact an immigration policy."

QUESTION: So if your statement stands as you expressed it then, you want to remain silent as to whether or not Romney accepts today’s decision.

GORKA: "Arizona has the ability under the 10th amendment to address an issue that the federal government—"

QUESTION: But that wasn’t part of – the judges were not ruling whether or not the 10th amendment exists today. They were ruling on an Arizona statute. And you’re saying that his support for the 10th Amendment is effectively silent on today’s discussion, are you not?

GORKA: "The bottom line, Carl, is that if the president followed through on his campaign promise and addressed this issue, we’d be better off. The governor’s put forward his own proposal."

QUESTION: But it’s safe to say he sides with the state of Arizona in this case before the court today.

GORKA: "I think states have a tough job. The federal government has failed to secure the borders and to enact policy on this issue, and the states are left to protect their own borders and to work within their own system and to come up with a policy that works for them."

QUESTION: Can states do anything, even if it defies the Constitution?

GORKA: "That’s not what I was saying."

QUESTION: But tell me where the distinction is.

GORKA: "The bottom line, the fundamental problem of this debate is that the president has failed to enact a policy, has failed to address this, has failed to live up to his campaign promise again and again and again. This stems from states having to deal with an issue like illegal immigration, and come up with a policy that actually works for them."

QUESTION: Can you -- (overtalk)

GORKA: "We have to get going. I'm more than happy to talk about-- I'm with you guys all afternoon at the hotel. We can--"

QUESTION: Why isn't the governor up here talking about this. He's not addressed any of this.

GORKA: "The governor has issued a statement and if there is ah" (Overtalk: The statement doesn't explain...) GORKA: "It’s still a long day. And there's still an opportunity."

Politics is awesome!


edit: I was beaten :(
Can we go back and reiterate what a mindfuck it is that a Tea Bagger like Scalia is on the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR LIFE?


Pretty sure this was posted/mentioned already, but dear fucking god. The man is so blatantly backwards.

Added Scalia: “What I do fear—and what Arizona and the States that support it fear—is that ‘federal policies’ of nonenforcement will leave the States helpless before those evil effects of illegal immigration that the Court’s opinion dutifully recites … but leaves unremedied in its disposition.”

What the hell... hes really gonna go with Evil?


Can we go back and reiterate what a mindfuck it is that a Tea Bagger like Scalia is on the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR LIFE?


Pretty sure this was posted/mentioned already, but dear fucking god. The man is so blatantly backwards.
Meh, we had worse, much worse.

But this is working, let's keep rolling that dice, after all, lawyers are the smartest most moral people amongst us, and it's not like they're trained to put the interests of those who pay them above justice and morality.


Professional Schmuck
Crazy optimistic narrative: SC strikes down mandate, leaves the rest; Euro survives; jobs trend upward in August; Romney picks a boring and un-ready VP candidate; Romney support drops through the floor; Obama wins in a landslide.

It is possible. Between the Supreme Court, Health Care, demographic trends, the extremely unpopular congress, and the terrible candidate that is Romney (and his rated-R inability to take a stand on anything), we might just see the unthinkable.

It all comes down to the Tea Party, I think. They are the worst possible thing true conservatives could have ever wanted. The establishment rode them to wins in 2010, and will have rode them right into political oblivion. Huzzah!
ppppolls has ohio and oregon prez numbers tomorrow

oh and they just tweeted obama is down 22 points with independants in oregon

also down with ohio white voters by 8 points


Pennsylvania GOP Leader: Voter ID Will Help Romney Win State


Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R) said that the voter ID law passed by the legislature would help deliver the state for Mitt Romney in November.

“Pro-Second Amendment? The Castle Doctrine, it’s done. First pro-life legislation - abortion facility regulations - in 22 years, done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done,” Turzai said at this weekend’s Republican State Committee meeting , according to PoliticsPA.com.

A spokesman for Turzai confirmed the accuracy of the quote for TPM but argued that people were reading too much into it.
I like when GOP leaders open their mouths on voter ID. Like that guy in New Hampshire who said college students shouldn't vote anyway because they "vote with their hearts" for liberals.

Crazy optimistic narrative: SC strikes down mandate, leaves the rest; Euro survives; jobs trend upward in August; Romney picks a boring and un-ready VP candidate; Romney support drops through the floor; Obama wins in a landslide.

It is possible. Between the Supreme Court, Health Care, demographic trends, the extremely unpopular congress, and the terrible candidate that is Romney (and his rated-R inability to take a stand on anything), we might just see the unthinkable.

It all comes down to the Tea Party, I think. They are the worst possible thing true conservatives could have ever wanted. The establishment rode them to wins in 2010, and will have rode them right into political oblivion. Huzzah!
A little bit of power is the worst thing the GOP could have had with the tea party.

If they didn't win the House in 2010, they could continue bitching about Democrats.

If they'd won the House and Senate in 2010, they would have been able to pass and enact more legislation.

By just having the House, they only pass crazy bullshit in the House that has no chance of going anywhere in the Senate. They look bad and they don't even get anything out of it.

PhoenixDark said:
Obama losing Oregon? Might as well give the election to Romney right now
"I don't think Obama's at risk of losing Oregon but this will be 2 public polls in a row with him up single digits after winning by 16 in 08" - PPP. Today.

Obama's not losing Oregon. Get those silly thoughts out of your head.


Professional Schmuck
That didn't say "losing Oregon," that said, "losing independents."

My understanding of Oregon is that there are two types of people there, Liberals, and people afraid to call themselves Republicans. Obama ain't losing Oregon.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I doubt he'll offer a real alternative. And if he does, it will just be vague platitudes like his immigration "plan."

Vague platitutes basically sum up his entire campaign so far.
"I'm going to make America great again!"
"By helping hard-working Americans!"
"By making America great again!"


President Obama ran HARD against Bush in his campaign, but he at least did it with plans and policies, not just "I'm not Bush, that guy's an asshole"

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Obama voters knocking someone running a campaign on platitudes. That's rich.

You know, I constantly heard during the 2008 campaign how Obama was all talk and no substance, but whenever I encountered someone like that in person, oddly enough, I was the only person able to give details of actual plans of the candidate I supported.
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