Jesus Christ..
Stay classy, Erick.
The man needs to be castrated and nuked from orbit.
Jesus Christ..
Stay classy, Erick.
The man needs to be castrated and nuked from orbit.
Stay classy, Wilsongt.
MT, WV, SD are all Lean R seats or worse. The rest are tossups. NC will not "almost certainly" flip, it's probably one of the better red state seats for Democrats.
I still think the Democrats will hold the Senate, but damn, Schweitzer not running is terrible news. That doesn't make Montana hopeless (Democrats have a strong state bench), but it definitely makes it tough.
I also think Georgia will be much more competitive than people pay attention to it, but I'm not going to factor that into any predictions.
Don't worry, when Chris Christie gets the nomination in 2016 he'll have his own Sista Soulja moment with Erick Erickson, calling him out and winning support from wavering democrats.Jesus Christ..
Stay classy, Erick.
Well, this should keep the jokes flowing.CHEEZMO;70174356 said:
Hahaha oh man. Perfect cannon fodder.CHEEZMO;70174356 said:
CHEEZMO;70174356 said:
You follow gg I assume. He's about a week late.CHEEZMO;70174356 said:
It'd make it even harder to break filibusters, though, which is almost always used these days.Disappointed on the Montana news. But if NJ goes blue the dems have to lose 6 seats no? They'd have 55 and a 50 50 tie gives it to Biden. Wasn't the senate 50 50 at the turn of the millennium?
You follow gg I assume.
CHEEZMO;70174356 said:
It should be a great year for Democrats, to be sure.
Arizona (if John McCain retires)
Iowa (if Chuck Grassley retires)
New Hampshire
North Carolina
Are all at least competitive under the right circumstances. Even if Democrats lose the Senate majority in 2014, they'll gain it right back and then some.
Eh? The federal government has no part in that.I guess Obamas judicial system is too busy approving illegal spy warrants to bother with real criminal justice.![]()
Jeb Bush can kiss his Presidential chances goodbye.
He's the one who signed the Stand-your-ground law in Florida.
Eh? The federal government has no part in that.
No, but I think it framed Zimmerman's mindset about how to react to the situation.Stand Your Ground wasn't used in the murder of Trayvon case.
No, but I think it framed Zimmerman's mindset about how to react to the situation.
Justifiable homicides have tripled in Florida since Stand Your Ground was signed into law. That tells me people are now shooting first and thinking later.
Tough on crime, light on justice.The GOP hates due process.
Why go through a judge and jury when one (white) man with a gun is all you need?
Jeb Bush can kiss his Presidential chances goodbye.
He's the one who signed the Stand-your-ground law in Florida.
So a crazy white guy playing Armed Batman doesn't get held accountable for killing a black kid because the kid was wearing a hoodie, so he looked suspicious.
Fucking America.
My Facebook feed has been full of the most disgusting shit all night.
And we all know how it would be if the roles were reversed...
It's fucking disgusting.
I believe that. He probably would have been killed on scene by the responding officers, though I doubt that's what he meant.Zimmerman wouldn't even have been charged if he were black! Said his lawyers... I shit you not.
TeaPartyCat said:That awkward moment when George Zimmerman's brother says the family fears vigilantes who might try to take the law into their own hands.
Why on earth would you go there?Facebook doesn't hold a candle to Stormfront.
Good lord. I don't think I've raged so hard in my life.
The sad part is, I can see people arguing over something like this.
Not surprised at the outcome in the least. The prosecution had witnesses that simply sucked. What's really frustrating is that the racists and assholes celebrating the "victory", who's only interest in the case was the racial context.
Honestly, I knew it was a lost cause the second Zimmerman said he wasn't taking the stand.
"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if were doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if were doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, thats a job for all of us. Thats the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
It was his word against a dead kid's, and his story was full of holes. However, without him taking the stand, the prosecution couldn't question him on the inconsistencies.Wait, WHAT? o_0
Wait, WHAT? o_0
It was his word against a dead kid's, and his story was full of holes. However, without him taking the stand, the prosecution couldn't question him on the inconsistencies.