Okay, world building thought exercise:
You know how the minorities are always in danger whenever a regime change occurs? What would be the downside to giving somebody like the Kurds their own state? Wouldn't a culturally homogenous state more likely to be a rational actor?
But didn't that poll posted a few days ago show that there was plenty of crazy in the younger generation, too?
Boehnercare, lol. I couldn't be happier about this.
Don't fall for it man.
This is clearly a republican conspiracy to associate the ACA with the republican party now that it's looking like it's going to be a success.
How many of the current liberals/moderates are going to become more conservative as they get older, though? Isn't that the usual trend as people get older?
How many of the current liberals/moderates are going to become more conservative as they get older, though? Isn't that the usual trend as people get older?
That's always sounded like a myth to me. I think it's more likely that attitudes which are considered "liberal" when you're 18 might just be the status quo when you're 70, and thus "conservative".
I don't think millennials will ever be remotely as racist or homophobic as the current white senior population is... and the stupid social issues are the only thing that has kept the Republican party alive as support for their actual policies poll very poorly. That's the real threat to the party. It used to be they could rely on the dumb social issues, but it just doesn't resonate with Americans born after 1980.
Nobody likes it when you frame it like that but myths about the government being the worst way to solve problems are alive and well in this generation. The GOP and its underlying ideology and ideas about limited government aren't dying.That's always sounded like a myth to me. I think it's more likely that attitudes which are considered "liberal" when you're 18 might just be the status quo when you're 70, and thus "conservative".
I don't think millennials will ever be remotely as racist or homophobic as the current white senior population is... and the stupid social issues are the only thing that has kept the Republican party alive as support for their actual policies poll very poorly. That's the real threat to the party. No one likes austerity, endless tax cuts for the wealthy, climate change denial and so on. It used to be they could rely on the dumb social issues, but it just doesn't resonate with Americans born after 1980.
Cuccinelli has his own vision for what to do about it. Help Americans have access to affordable care so they won't have to wait for a crisis and show up at the E.R. for expensive treatment? No, of course not. In Cuccinelli's vision, we'll just scale EMTALA back so emergency rooms won't have to treat the uninsured facing medical emergencies.
Nobody likes it when you frame it like that but myths about the government being the worst way to solve problems are alive and well in this generation. The GOP and its underlying ideology and ideas about limited government aren't dying.
I will never understand how anyone can just openly not care about other people. It's really quite phenomenal.So Ken Cucinelli saw that "let him die!" video and wondered why no one has made that into actual policy:
How many of the current liberals/moderates are going to become more conservative as they get older, though? Isn't that the usual trend as people get older?
edit: I mean, not for everyone, of course, but some non-zero percentage.
I think the benefits you get from these type of scenario are so marginal that it's really not worth it, I mean, those types of action aren't exactly helping to build trust and good diplomatic relationship, which is what successful UN action are about.As for an example of how this information helps the US act. Let's say our one of our ally go to the media and talk about how they support a hypothetical sanction against Iran over their nuclear program. They tell our diplomats that they are completely being it. However there are factions inside their own gov't that don't support it and they're using the talks in the UN to delay the sanctions to help Iran. If spying gleamed this information, the US can avoid sanctions that go through the UN and do it either unilaterally or in conjunction with countries that really do support sanctions.
Historically, it is absolutely not true that spying can't hurt the US interests, the most famous case is the u-2 incident, but there are many other instances. I wouldn't put spying on the UN on that level, but it certainly doesn't help.I don't see how it really hurts the US's standing in the world or hurts diplomacy. Spying has never not existed but at the same time peace and international cooperation has increased (even through periods such as the cold war were spying was maybe at an all-time high). The two can coexist.
Your assumptions are based in counterfactual assumptions, we've never seen world free from spying on things like the UN.
The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama's ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama's national field director admitted, shortly before last year's election, that "early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election."
The Obama technocrats have developed an efficient system of identifying prospective Obama voters and then nagging them (some might say harassing them) until they actually vote. It may take several days to accomplish this, so early voting is an essential component of the Democrats' get-out-the-vote campaign.
Nobody likes it when you frame it like that but myths about the government being the worst way to solve problems are alive and well in this generation. The GOP and its underlying ideology and ideas about limited government aren't dying.
Yes if they fail they aren't good. But we also discovered missiles in Cuba because of spying program. It some times helps. You want to find the bad while not even imagining positives. I don't think its marginal but if your going to keep insisting that based on nothing but your desire to magically promote trust by not doing something (how could we prove this? BTW people will always suspect spying because its what states do) then its a really silly argument because no progress will be made. You've made up your mind.I think the benefits you get from these type of scenario are so marginal that it's really not worth it, I mean, those types of action aren't exactly helping to build trust and good diplomatic relationship, which is what successful UN action are about.
Historically, it is absolutely not true that spying can't hurt the US interests, the most famous case is the u-2 incident, but there are many other instances. I wouldn't put spying on the UN on that level, but it certainly doesn't help.
Also, I think it's really problematic to justify something because we always did it, we used to "always did" pretty terrible things.
I completely agree. Resolving the social issues alone would cause a lot of young people to shift right thanks to fiscal issues, and even more would fiscally turn right as they become more independent.
America is set for same sex marriage and marijuana legalization and never turning back, but is the current generation really going to protect us from an ever growing power gap between the rich and poor, or the employer and employee?
I completely agree. Resolving the social issues alone would cause a lot of young people to shift right thanks to fiscal issues, and even more would fiscally turn right as they become more independent.
America is set for same sex marriage and marijuana legalization and never turning back, but is the current generation really going to protect us from an ever growing power gap between the rich and poor, or the employer and employee?
I dunno. I like to remain positive about liberal views getting more popular as time went on, but who would have guessed that the country would be even more skeptical of evolution now than it did 30 years ago?
So Ken Cucinelli saw that "let him die!" video and wondered why no one has made that into actual policy:
these are the 30% of Americans who still approved of Bush when he left office. They're the True Believers and have been the GOP base since Nixon, or Reagan at the very latest.
Washington - The Obama administration has classified the 1967 Freedom of Information Act, according to intelligence officials. The landmark piece of legislation, often referred to as FOIA, was signed by President Lyndon Johnson and guaranteed access to previously unreleased information and documents controlled by various branches of the U.S. government. It had a wide-ranging impact on the ability of advocacy groups, journalists and the general public to obtain information which they would otherwise likely have been unable to obtain.
Anyone know what's up with this?
More at the link.
You miss the giant word Comedy at the top?
Anyone know what's up with this?
More at the link.
Nah, Tea Partiers hate Bush because he put us trillions into debt, created the Patriot Act, and the No Child Left Behind Act, among other things. He's just a "progressive", just like every other president in the past 100 years that wasn't Reagan or Coolidge.
Again, I'm not saying that you should never spy (although I would use a different example then the Cuban middle crisis) I was just trying to point out that spying can have negative impact on a country's interests and as such, the risks need to be weighed against the potential benefits.Yes if they fail they aren't good. But we also discovered missiles in Cuba because of spying program. It some times helps. You want to find the bad while not even imagining positives. I don't think its marginal but if your going to keep insisting that based on nothing but your desire to magically promote trust by not doing something (how could we prove this? BTW people will always suspect spying because its what states do) then its a really silly argument because no progress will be made. You've made up your mind.
We have shown that part-time work is not unusually high relative to levels observed in the past, most notably in the aftermath of the early 1980s recession. However, while the availability of young workers age 16 to 24 in the labor force is declining, the prevalence of part-time work has increased in that group. In addition, part-time work has been rising among selected groups of prime-age workers age 25 to 54, primarily those with limited education. Moreover, involuntary part-time work, that is, part-time work for economic reasons, remains high. These factors have fueled speculation that elevated rates of part-time work may be here to stay. However, it is more probable that the continued high incidence of individuals working part time for economic reasons reflects a slow recovery of the jobs lost during the recession rather than permanent changes in the proportion of part-time jobs.
An alternative interpretation of the persistent high level of involuntary part-time work due to an inability to find full-time work is that it reflects employer anticipation of the 30-hour cutoff for mandatory employee health benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. Media stories have suggested that some employers are only hiring part-time workers to minimize the cost of expanded health coverage. This phenomenon will probably continue, although perhaps at a slower pace due to the recently announced delay in implementation of the employer mandate to 2015.
In any event, both the impact of the law so far and the ultimate effect are likely to be small. Before the law was passed, most large employers already faced IRS rules that prevented them from denying available health benefits to full-time workers. These rules gave employers an incentive to create part-time jobs to avoid rising health benefit costs. Moreover, recent research suggests that the ultimate increase in the incidence of part-time work when the ACA provisions are fully implemented is likely to be small, on the order of a 1 to 2 percentage point increase or less (Graham-Squire and Jacobs 2013). This is consistent with the example of Hawaii, where part-time work increased only slightly in the two decades following enforcement of the states employer health-care mandate (Buchmueller, DiNardo, and Valletta 2011).
The GOP isn't going to change until after the crippling loss they have coming up in 2016. Thanks to gerrymandering, they won't take a hit in 2014, but the national election is going to be an even more brutal beating than last time, Hillary or not. The Tea Party will end up shrinking and becoming more radicalized, and some up and coming Republican will see his chance to gain fame by jumping into the more moderate position. If not, they can kiss the White House good-bye until 2024.
I don't think the country moves so much in partisan directions, but there is a certain ideological movement. Reagan's rhetoric was all about less government, even if he didn't really enforce it. And that was a playbook even Democrats had to follow until Obama was elected.I don't think the country changed as much as people think. Political change isn't always driven by cultural changes or ideological changes. But by those that effectively can marshal support at the right times. I don't think the country really got conservative with Reagan just that the conservative movement capitalized and marginalized opposing forces. I'm highly skeptical of people who claim the country moves in political directions as if they are really fickle and schizophrenic bunch.
Yeah just saw that a minute after I posted it lol.. oh well. Some crazy posted it on my twitter TL.
Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the link.
I gotta admit that I've personally kind of bounced back and forth from one election to the next, so my own N=1 data point doesn't clarify much
(Also, this is my first PoliGAF conversation, but I wanted to say that I've enjoyed lurking these threads, and they've been very educational about a lot of economic issues. I'll try not to say anything stupid and get banned)
New Fed article on part-time workers. ACA not to blame, duh.
Honest question. Is there any real reason that a thinking breathing human being would vote republican? They just seem horrible for the country.
Some people are stupid. Also some are greedy. Most are both.Honest question. Is there any real reason that a thinking breathing human being would vote republican? They just seem horrible for the country.
I don't think the country changed as much as people think. Political change isn't always driven by cultural changes or ideological changes. But by those that effectively can marshal support at the right times. I don't think the country really got conservative with Reagan just that the conservative movement capitalized and marginalized opposing forces. I'm highly skeptical of people who claim the country moves in political directions as if they are really fickle and schizophrenic bunch.
I my opinion no. There is no desire to push for a new labor movement, no desire to really fix racial disparities besides superficial things (AA is extremely unpopular among millennial), no movement towards joining the government and to top it off they favor privatization of SS and Medicare.
Instead we seem to have this strong believe that the gates/Clinton/facebook foundations and non-profits will fix the world. There is no desire to come together to solve things instead there is this belief that if everybody does their own thing and things will fix themselves
...watOne way to ensure that plan completely fizzles is to bomb Syria. Not saying that would be the White House's goal but it would kill any GOP plan of fucking with the government or debt ceiling. And I'm sure Fox News will make the connection!
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but actually, they did a study, and the thing that lined up most with being a Tea Party supporter, more than race, religion, or anything else, was support for George W. Bush in 2004.
Yes.Assuming we start bombing late this week or next week, it could lead to a lot of things escalating. Does anyone think the republican party will shut the government down during a wartime operation? Of course not. I'm not advocating intervention, just pointing out it could ensure the government isn't shut down.
http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-punitive-strikes-20130827,0,5176333.storyPunitive strikes ineffective, even counterproductive, analysts say
WASHINGTON — The type of limited, punitive military campaign now being contemplated against Syria has failed to deter U.S. adversaries in the past, and at times emboldened them, military analysts say.
In two major episodes in 1998, the U.S. government unleashed a combination of bombs and cruise missiles against its foes — Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. In a more distant third case, in 1986, the U.S. bombed Moammar Kadafi's Libya.
The bombs and missiles mostly hit their targets, and the U.S. military at the time declared the attacks successful. But in the end, they achieved little.
Two years after the U.S. bombed Tripoli, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 passengers and crew. Investigators later concluded that the U.S. attack was a primary motive for Kadafi to support the Lockerbie bombing.
Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people in attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. Hussein kicked out international weapons inspectors and survived despite sanctions until a U.S.-led invasion deposed him in 2003. The benefit to the U.S. of that costly war and the occupation that followed remains in dispute.
In a paper reviewing the 1998 attack on Iraq, Mark Conversino, associate dean of the U.S. Air War College, cited the unease of some military experts about the use of air power within tight constraints.
"Many air power theorists had long cautioned against using air power in penny packets or in hyper-constrained political environments," he wrote in the 2005 paper.
Yet presidents confronting limited options continue to consider such action. President Obama is said to be contemplating a limited series of cruise missile strikes in response to the apparent chemical weapons attack last week on civilians by the Syrian government of Bashar Assad.
Military analysts are warning about the limits of such an approach.
"If the U.S. does something and Assad is left standing at the end of it without having suffered real serious, painful enough damage, the U.S. looks weak and foolish," said Eliot Cohen, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and a former State Department official in the Bush administration, who has long been skeptical about reliance on air power.
"Can you do damage with cruise missiles? Yes," said Anthony Cordesman, military analyst with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. "Can you stop them from having chemical weapons capability? I would think the answer would be no. Should you limit yourself to just a kind of incremental retaliation? That doesn't serve any strategic purpose. It doesn't protect the Syrian people, it doesn't push Assad out."
Previous such punitive attacks were aimed at countries that had targeted or threatened American personnel or facilities. If Obama authorizes action against Syria, he would be striking a country that has posed no clear threat to the United States.
However, Obama did authorize U.S. participation in a U.N.-approved mission to protect civilians in 2011 that ultimately led to the fall of Kadafi's government. Secretary of State John F. Kerry, in a toughly worded statement Monday, cited what he called "the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians" in the attack last week in Syria.
In 1986, after officials concluded that Kadafi had ordered a bombing that killed two U.S. service members in a Berlin disco, President Reagan authorized an airstrike of 60 tons of munitions in 12 minutes on targets in Tripoli. Among the targets was Kadafi's residential compound, but he had fled after having been warned.
In August 1998, days after Al Qaeda bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killed 224 people, including 12 Americans, President Clinton signed off on plans to target Bin Laden with cruise missiles, and the U.S. fired 75 of them into terrorist training camps in Afghanistan.
Clinton's operation also targeted a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan that U.S. officials thought was making chemical weapons. Later evidence cast doubt on that claim.
Bin Laden canceled a planned meeting at one of the bombing sites, and he and many of his top lieutenants escaped unharmed. Documents declassified in 2008 suggested the strikes may have brought Al Qaeda and the Taliban closer politically and ideologically. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan after the 2001 attacks when the Taliban refused to hand over Bin Laden.
A few months later, in December 1998, Clinton ordered an operation designed to "strike military targets in Iraq that contributed to its ability to produce, store, maintain and deliver weapons of mass destruction," according to a Pentagon history.
Later evidence showed Hussein had shelved his banned weapons programs by then, but the attacks were at the time considered a military success, having inflicted serious damage on Iraq's missile development program.
However, Hussein's government survived, and he ended United Nations weapons inspections. The attacks also weakened the international sanctions against him, analysts say, because some countries in the coalition were opposed to the operation and became less committed to the penalties afterward.
Medicare made waves earlier this year by releasing the prices that hospitals charge for the most common procedures.
North Carolina now wants to take a step further: Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed legislation last week that will require hospitals to publish the prices that they negotiate with insurers.
This data has the potential to be significantly more useful for consumers. The prices that hospitals charge are, essentially, sticker prices. Insurance plans usually negotiate a rate lower than that opening bid. The data that North Carolina will make public is the actual amount that hospitals end up charging health plans for their services. Beginning in June 2014, the states Health and Human Services Web site will post that information.
That means that, in North Carolina, someone undergoing surgery could comparison shop between hospitals before making an appointment, seeing where he or she might get the best deal.
This data could become especially important given the trends were seeing in the health insurance market: Employers are asking employees to take on a bigger share of their premiums, in the form of much larger deductibles. When individuals are paying out-of- pocket for their care, or even a hefty co-insurance fee, the incentive to shop on price becomes a whole lot stronger.
Owned. You're all jealous!
If they somehow reign in people like Hannity and Rush it would help a lot, but this type of thing is ratings gold for them, so that maybe very hard.
But even then, I do think a lot of this comes from the internet and facebook. If this movement was born of people living in Fox News echo chambers with absolutely no filters, then the lawlessness of the internet is going to allow that to happen to even further extreme levels.
Hannity and Rush maybe quick to completely distort facts by quoting them out of context, but there doesn't need to be even a small drop of truth for things to catch fire on the internet.
I do wonder what would happen if they somehow disassociated themselves with those type of people. You think their fear of democrats will make them turn out for republicans anyhow?