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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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So you don't think I'm pretty?!

Wait, what the hell did I just walk into?


I wasn't commenting on looks! i said you being 5'10 explains so much about you, which was a nonsense comment just to make your tires spin.

Somehow, this is backfiring, lol.
I can see the press conference:

"I have no recollection on commenting on Dax's physical attractiveness but rather on her height. I appreciate the help and understanding of my colleagues and wish to get to the issues at hand and not my personal life. This has been a difficult time and I have used this to learn about myself and humility."
I can see the press conference:

"I have no recollection on commenting on Dax's looks but rather on her height. I appreciate the help and understanding of my colleagues and wish to get to the issues at hand and not my personal life. This has been a difficult time and I have used this to learn about myself and humility."

Black Mamba doesn't think I'm pretty. *cries*


Unconfirmed Member
What is all this nonsense about the US and Syria? My friend just texted me that we are going to war with Syria. Really?

Well I guess it depends on how you define war.


In Washington, several lawmakers said on Sunday that they now expected limited military action to punish Syria or deter chemical attacks.

But lawmakers who appeared on Sunday talks show said it would be reckless to insert ground troops into a war in a region already in turmoil, and there was a general call for any action to be taken under the broadest possible international auspices.

There's been some comparisons made to the Yugoslavia bombing under Clinton in 1999.
You boys are so mean!

Take it as a sign of respect. As all my close friends and I agreed, the more you can make fun of someone, the more you respect them.

So clearly, you're the most liked person here.

PS: I don't even believe that's you. Where's your photo ID and long form birth certificate to confirm? Seems fishy...

Bish - we may bomb them for crossing Obama's "red line" on chemical warfare. I highly doubt we'll ever put boots on the ground. We put ourselves in an unfortunate pickle. Again...
on a lighter note, I found this hilarious


favorite part

While arguing against wind energy tax credits, Hamm cast special treatment for oil giants as fair, because they help propel his company’s earnings. “The industry doesn’t like to put ourselves in a situation of us against them,” he said for why tax breaks should be kept for the top corporations. “Because we need them. I need them to refine our oil.” He claims even the giants, ExxonMobil and Chevron, don’t necessarily earn “obscene profits” (which were $71 billion in 2012).


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of Syria


The Obama administration has concluded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime probably used chemical weaponry against civilians, calling an agreement today to let United Nations inspectors review the area not credible.

Syria and the UN agreed to the inspection of the Ghouta area outside Damascus starting tomorrow, a UN spokesman said in a statement today. The agreement five days after the purported attack is too late because constant shelling of the area could have corrupted or destroyed evidence, according to a senior U.S. administration official in an e-mailed statement.

You can't help but have serious deja vu.
Cruz was on CNN SotU today.

"President Obama, Harry Reid, will scream and holler that the mean, nasty Republicans are threatening to shut down the government. And at that point, Republicans have to do something we haven't done in a long time - stand up and win the argument," he said.

"We have voted to keep the government open, to fund the government," Cruz continued. "Why is President Obama threatening to shut the government down to force Obamacare down the the throats of the American people?"

They really think will still work, eh?

More idiocy:

“But what about, you lost?” Crowley asked. “This has been put into law. It’s already law. Why not just get on board and try it?”

“Because it’s not working and it’s hurting Americans,” Cruz insisted. “And by the way, the people that it’s hurting the most are the most vulnerable among us are the more vulnerable among us. The people who are losing their jobs are young people, are Hispanics, are African-Americans, are single moms. I don’t think that’s fair, I don’t think that’s right.”

Now Obamacare is hurting the poor!

Also, why doesn't the interviewer challenge his so-called "facts." Come on, Crowley. There is zero evidence Obamacare is causing any job losses. Confront him with the actual data. You know what he's going to say before you interview.

I swear, if I could interview Ted Cruz for 30 minutes, his political career might be over.

edit: lol Cruz feeding his base more BS.

"The president is never going to sign the bill that defunds Obamacare," Crowley told Cruz in the interview.

"You know, you may be convinced of that," Cruz said.

"You're not convinced of that? This is what they consider his signature achievement of his administration so far," Crowley responded.

"I am not at all convinced of that," Cruz told Candy Crowley in an interview on CNN's "State of the Union.

"We don't have the votes right now," Cruz said. "This fight is likely to heat up in the month of September."

I really can't wait to see the GOP base's reaction when the GOP can't deliver on anything it promises. When it folds on gov't shutdown, debt ceiling, and Obamacare is still here. Will they become apathetic or will they punish the party?


Unconfirmed Member
They really think will still work, eh?

No, they know that it doesn't even have a chance at happening in the first place. There's not enough Republican support for it.

This is just free publicity for Cruz and Paul to gain credentials with the base for the primaries while not risking any action at all.

Edit: Oh and I almost forgot the benefit of a phoney debate that makes for good ratings for the news networks even though the outcome is already obvious and dull.
No, they know that it doesn't even have a chance at happening in the first place. There's not enough Republican support for it.

This is just free publicity for Cruz and Paul to gain credentials with the base for the primaries while not risking any action at all.

Sorry, I meant that line of argument, the one that says "why is Obama willing to shut down the gov't to ram through obamacare."

I'm a bit perplexed how they still think this is a winning argument when it comes off as whiny as fuck.

I agree they know they won't shut down Obamacare.
Cruz was on CNN SotU today.

They really think will still work, eh?

More idiocy:

Now Obamacare is hurting the poor!

Also, why doesn't the interviewer challenge his so-called "facts." Come on, Crowley. There is zero evidence Obamacare is causing any job losses. Confront him with the actual data. You know what he's going to say before you interview.

I swear, if I could interview Ted Cruz for 30 minutes, his political career might be over.

edit: lol Cruz feeding his base more BS.

I really can't wait to see the GOP base's reaction when the GOP can't deliver on anything it promises. When it folds on gov't shutdown, debt ceiling, and Obamacare is still here. Will they become apathetic or will they punish the party?
But he's so PRINCIPLED!

Certainly a hippie commie liberal like yourself can see the value of not backing down in the face of reality.

Hopefully 2014 will be a reverse of 2010 where conservatives, having expected a pony from tea party leaders, will stay home or vote third party because fuck the RINOs (such as Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Paul Ryan) while Democrats are energized.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sorry, I meant that line of argument, the one that says "why is Obama willing to shut down the gov't to ram through obamacare."

I'm a bit perplexed how they still think this is a winning argument when it comes off as whiny as fuck.

I agree they know they won't shut down Obamacare.

In a sane world, this moronic "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I" argument would be ridiculed by anyone with more than one functioning brain cell, and yet I'm reminded that Romney/Ryan tried to attack Obama by attaching their own medicare killing ideas to him, and wound up getting MORE support from seniors than before!

So nothing would really surprise me at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, I meant that line of argument, the one that says "why is Obama willing to shut down the gov't to ram through obamacare."

I'm a bit perplexed how they still think this is a winning argument when it comes off as whiny as fuck.

I agree they know they won't shut down Obamacare.

No, I mean they won't even get close to shutting down the government over it. The two most powerful house Republicans, Boehner and Cantor, both say it's a bad idea, so I think it'll be really easy to find 17 other republicans to join the democrats in passing a budget with Obamacare in it with those two are on board.

So Cruz doesn't have to care about if a shutdown will work or not, because a shutdown's 100% not going happen period. He can even make as outrageous claims as he wants about the success of a shutdown because there won't be one to prove him wrong.


Sidhe / PikPok
Cruz was on CNN SotU today.
Cruz said:
"We have voted to keep the government open, to fund the government," Cruz continued. "Why is President Obama threatening to shut the government down to force Obamacare down the the throats of the American people?"

Only so long they can keep suggesting Obama is doing something outside the system or rules. The more attention the put on it, the more obvious this isn't the case to a wider and wider set of people.

Cruz said:
"You're not convinced of that? This is what they consider his signature achievement of his administration so far," Crowley responded.

"I am not at all convinced of that," Cruz told Candy Crowley in an interview on CNN's "State of the Union.

I have to wonder, if by some miracle the House actually passed this, whether vetoing would impact Obama's approval ratings negatively at all, to the point where I wonder whether a veto would actually improve his standing given the general level of support for the legislation and the increasing number of stories coming out which are giving practical examples of the benefits.

That Cruz would suggest he thinks Obama would actually bow down and sign off on defunding the ACA is just ridiculous anyway. Obama would veto regardless of the political fallout.
I really can't wait to see the GOP base's reaction when the GOP can't deliver on anything it promises. When it folds on gov't shutdown, debt ceiling, and Obamacare is still here. Will they become apathetic or will they punish the party?

I think Cruz is clearly setting this up to benefit him. All his statements boil down to "if republicans were only as brave as me, we would end Obamacare." So when the plan fails, the blame will already be placed on republican leadership, allowing Cruz to truly catapult himself to being The 2016 candidate.

Interesting note: Rand Paul is curiously absent from this battle. I've been wondering for months how Cruz and Paul will differentiate themselves from each others, considering both haven't really accomplished much in the senate (although to be fair, Paul has worked with democrats on some issues). This could be the major thing that Cruz points to and says "I was on the front lines against Obamacare while you sat on the sidelines."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It seems Noam Chomsky is trying his hand at this whole shark jumping thing:

Noam Chomsky, who’s written over 100 books, has said the former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee was right about Barack Obama’s 2008 election slogans.


The Autumn Wind
Even if you're disappointed with Obama's accomplishments in regards to his campaign promises, willingly hitching yourself to Sarah Palin's wagon is a very poor move.
I think Cruz is clearly setting this up to benefit him. All his statements boil down to "if republicans were only as brave as me, we would end Obamacare." So when the plan fails, the blame will already be placed on republican leadership, allowing Cruz to truly catapult himself to being The 2016 candidate.

Interesting note: Rand Paul is curiously absent from this battle. I've been wondering for months how Cruz and Paul will differentiate themselves from each others, considering both haven't really accomplished much in the senate (although to be fair, Paul has worked with democrats on some issues). This could be the major thing that Cruz points to and says "I was on the front lines against Obamacare while you sat on the sidelines."

But this to me seems like more short-term thinking. You're right that it might help Cruz, but does it help the party?

Here is how it could be bad for the party:

A. The leaders look useless. Cruz and the far right can claim they stood up and the leaders wernen't good enough but this can cause the base to become apathetic. "Even with our guys like Cruz, the establishment won't cater to us so why bother?" This could lead to less voter enthusiasm in 2014.

B. On the flip side, this could get them super-energized in the primary process to stack the deck with super-conservatives. And what if by pushing these morons to the forefront, it costs them the actual seats? Gerrymandered and all, if a few districts were to flip anyway, a few end up losing as a result of apathy, and now a few lose because of a few Akins opening their mouth once the party's nom, goodbye House.

Yes, I'm saying both could happen.

Furthermore, it may not be so great for Cruz. He can't get anything done despite his rhetoric. "Cruz talks a big talk but he can't get the establishment to go along with him, so what use is he?

Now, I don't know how the GOP base will react. All I'm saying is this could be a misguided effort for both Cruz and the GOP in general. I get the strategy that Cruz gets to come home and say he "fought the good fight" and put blame on party leaders/establishment but it also runs the risk of turning off voters if they think they'll always cave or put forward unelectable people.

Which is why I'm so curious to see the reaction. After all this time of being fed they're going to win the 2012 election, that Obamacare will be made illegal by SCOTUS, will be repealed, they'll shut down, etc at some point I'd like to think the party base is going to realize they've being swindled in some fashion. And IF that happens, I have no idea which way they'll go about it.

It probably helps Cruz for 2016 but hurts the party. And Cruz is unelectable in a general election, anyway.
I think Cruz is clearly setting this up to benefit him. All his statements boil down to "if republicans were only as brave as me, we would end Obamacare." So when the plan fails, the blame will already be placed on republican leadership, allowing Cruz to truly catapult himself to being The 2016 candidate.

Interesting note: Rand Paul is curiously absent from this battle. I've been wondering for months how Cruz and Paul will differentiate themselves from each others, considering both haven't really accomplished much in the senate (although to be fair, Paul has worked with democrats on some issues). This could be the major thing that Cruz points to and says "I was on the front lines against Obamacare while you sat on the sidelines."

Pauls smarter politically. He knows Obamacare isn't going to be a winning issue in 2016 in the general so he's not going to hard on it (he'll oppose the law but not vote to get rid of it.) but he's still got his on the record opposition.
But this to me seems like more short-term thinking. You're right that it might help Cruz, but does it help the party?

Here is how it could be bad for the party:

A. The leaders look useless. Cruz and the far right can claim they stood up and the leaders wernen't good enough but this can cause the base to become apathetic. "Even with our guys like Cruz, the establishment won't cater to us so why bother?" This could lead to less voter enthusiasm in 2014.

B. On the flip side, this could get them super-energized in the primary process to stack the deck with super-conservatives. And what if by pushing these morons to the forefront, it costs them the actual seats? Gerrymandered and all, if a few districts were to flip anyway, a few end up losing as a result of apathy, and now a few lose because of a few Akins opening their mouth once the party's nom, goodbye House.

Yes, I'm saying both could happen.
You're right, it's not good for the GOP. But I think Cruz has proven that he isn't concerned about the healthy of the GOP, he's solely interested in his own personal gain. I'm not sure I've ever seen a senator who is as arrogant and completely self centered as Cruz. He has shat on senate republicans multiple times, including calling them cowards. On a side note I think Cory Booker is going to be like this as well.

Furthermore, it may not be so great for Cruz. He can't get anything done despite his rhetoric. "Cruz talks a big talk but he can't get the establishment to go along with him, so what use is he?
Have you ever heard a conservative make that argument? Republicans have completely fallen in love with people who don't accomplish anything in government - because republicans are not interested in governing. That's why Christie will struggle: he has a record of doing shit, and it can be nitpicked and attacked. Meanwhile Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Mike Lee, etc haven't accomplished anything and are the darlings of the party. As is Sarah Palin.

Everyone is auditioning to be 2016's Goldwater IMO.

I don't get this. Its seems really lazy or ignorant to try to say this is anything like Iraq. Everything about that case was the white house pushing for war. The fit the story to meet their desired end, using crappy evidence, downplaying disagreements, outing spys etc. Everything Obama has done has shown a reluctance to start a new war. He's always been the last to jump on board.


The Autumn Wind
You're right, it's not good for the GOP. But I think Cruz has proven that he isn't concerned about the healthy of the GOP, he's solely interested in his own personal gain. I'm not sure I've ever seen a senator who is as arrogant and completely self centered as Cruz. He has shat on senate republicans multiple times, including calling them cowards. On a side note I think Cory Booker is going to be like this as well.
I've said it before, but Cruz is essentially a House member that's in the Senate.


I don't understand this latest round of outrage that the NSA was hacking the UN's communications. Isn't that its job in the first place? Can someone give a rational counterpoint to why the NSA shouldn't be hacking the UN outside of naive "we shouldn't hack our allies!"
I don't understand this latest round of outrage that the NSA was hacking the UN's communications. Isn't that its job in the first place? Can someone give a rational counterpoint to why the NSA shouldn't be hacking the UN outside of naive "we shouldn't hack our allies!"

Its a way to vent frustration at the US's superpower status. Or naive international idealism.
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