Bernie Sanders did an interview with David Weigel.
Bernie Sanders did an interview with David Weigel.
You need to look at leaving the law alone...Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the number four ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, says the Affordable Care Act likely won't be repealed.
In an interview with The Spokesman-Review published Friday, McMorris Rodgers said President Barack Obama's signature health care law is probably here to stay, so Republicans should focus on other issues.
“We need to look at reforming the exchanges,” the Republican conference chairwoman said.
People are against internet regulation with 51% opposing and 18% support. I guess people don't want net neutrality after all...
Seriously though, I don't think people understand what regulation is, other than that it's just a blanket bad word. I guess it'd help if we got more people to know what net neutrality even is.
3* Should the Federal Communications Commission regulate the Internet like it does radio and television?
Ryan’s visit to Emmanuel Missionary is his 12th such venture into the world of urban poverty since last year. Over the past 14 months, the former running mate to Mitt Romney has toured the country, praying with heroin addicts in San Antonio, and hanging out with former gangbangers in Milwaukee. Like any savvy politician, he began this chapter of his career with a happy ending pre-written: On April 30 he will chair a House Budget Committee hearing loftily titled “A Progress Report on the War on Poverty: Lessons from the Frontlines,” and sometime this summer he plans to release a package of conservative anti-poverty proposals that will be trumpeted as the culmination of his work with the poor. His admirers will no doubt use the occasion to celebrate him as a forward-thinking Republican visionary. He will make the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows. Political reporters will write stories about his rising stock in the 2016 campaign.
Does the Progressive Caucus not exists? Does the CBC not exist?But for all the partisan fanfare that awaits, Ryan does not exude the confidence of a man who has it all figured out. His immersion into a world that few in the D.C. political class dare to visit has left him humbled and a bit unnerved — uniquely aware of the scale of his project, and not entirely certain of the way forward.
You were the VP and chair an important committee, the shtick is oldThis is Ryan’s trademark Midwestern modesty on full display, the same characteristic that requires him to express aw-shucks puzzlement at the strong feelings his politics inspire. “I don’t see why people give such a flip about me,” he says. “I’m just a guy in Congress!” But he is also a deeply polarizing figure in Washington and beyond, a fact that has largely filtered the responses to his newfound passion for the poor into two categories: swoons and sneers. The reality is that Ryan, like most politicians, operates in the reality somewhere in between House of Cards and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and his political transformation — from right-wing warrior-wonk crusading against the welfare state, to bleeding-heart conservative consumed with a mission to the poor — is one of the most peculiar, and potentially consequential, stories in politics today.
Wow, real life poor people!!!!! Imagine that he spends time with his constituents!Ryan is doing something rather unprecedented for a Republican: He is spending unchoreographed time with actual poor people. He is exposing himself to the complexities of low-income life that don’t fit in the 30-second spot, the outlay spreadsheet, or the stump speech applause line. He is traveling well outside his comfort zone — and it has been uncomfortable.
Baseless?But a month later, Ryan still chafes at the assertions that he is a bigot. While he is accustomed to being labeled a granny-killer for his proposal to overhaul Social Security, this was the first time in his career he had been stamped with the scarlet-letter “R.”
“I thought I had been called every name in the book until now,” he says, smiling morbidly. “I know who I am and I know who I’m not. And Barbara does too. She does.” He adds, “If we’re going to get to fixing this problem, we need to allow a good conversation to happen without, you know, throwing baseless charges at people.”
Bullshit.“Dog whistle… I’d never even heard the phrase before, to be honest with you,” he says. The admission isn’t meant as a dodge, or an excuse. He hails from a state where “diversity” means white people swapping genealogical trivia about their Polish and Norwegian ancestry — his hometown of Janesville, Wis., is 91.7% Caucasian, according to the 2010 census — and he is coming to terms with the fact that he is not equipped with the vocabulary of a liberal arts professor. The fallout from his gaffe has been a “learning experience,” he says, one that he predicts conservatives will have to go through many more times if they are serious about building inroads to the urban poor.
Missing the point, its not if its what he thinks. It's what his base thinks.“We have to be cognizant of how people hear things,” he says. “For instance, when I think of ‘inner city,’ I think of everyone. I don’t just think of one race. It doesn’t even occur to me that it could come across as a racial statement, but that’s not the case, apparently… What I learned is that there’s a whole language and history that people are very sensitive to, understandably so. We just have to better understand. You know, we’ll be a little clumsy, but it’s with the right intentions behind it.”
Jesus McKay, Ryans been in politics and in the House of Representatives since he was 29 years old. Drop the naive characterization.It would be easy to use stuff like this to ridicule him for his tone-deafness, his white-guyness, his sheltered cluelessness. But Ryan, by his own admission, is receiving his sensitivity training in real time. He has charged headfirst into the war on poverty without a helmet; zealously and clumsily fighting for a segment of the American public that his party hasn’t reached since the Depression-era shantytowns that lined the Hudson River were named after Herbert Hoover. It is frequently awkward and occasionally embarrassing, but it is also better than staying on the sidelines.
Nice euphemismChait is just the most prolific soldier in an army of liberal political writers whose wonkery came into vogue at the same time Ryan’s profile began to rise in Washington. The congressman’s budget, which called for dramatically restructuring entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicaid in order to reach a balanced budget, made him a natural villain in their writing, and over the years they have relentlessly prosecuted him with critiques that range from petty and hysterical, to serious and substantive.
Does anyone think he's actually gonna take up a real policy proposal here?“We need to try to get those Fortune 500 companies to lower their expectations on background checks to hire these guys,” Travis says, as his peers nod in agreement. Ryan is nodding too, suddenly energized by a tangible problem that public policy might be able to address. “You ask any one of these cats out on the street, do you want to work? They don’t want to work ‘cause they’re gonna be making $7 an hour on pump four.”
Ryan is still transfixed by the problem of getting jobs for ex-cons when his rental SUV pulls out of the church parking lot after the meeting. “There’s a lot to that,” he says from the passenger seat. “But the key is that you have to have a validator. Some trusted person who can say to the employer, ‘No, no, this dude, this guy is really good.’”
Woodson encourages the congressman’s enthusiasm. “This is an area of public policy where we can have an impact,” he says. “Because it’s true across the country. There are insurance and risk factors but there must be solutions somewhere.”
Wonder why? Looks like you don't even care.Woodson nods, and supplies an example. “There are issues that are very pedestrian but very important,” he tells Ryan. “Like, helping people like this keep more of the money that they earn. For instance, my daughter lives in Costa Rica. It costs me practically nothing to call her. It costs me a dollar a minute to call to federal prison.”
Woodson waits for a response, but none comes, so he reiterates the point. “These families pay a dollar a minute, Paul.”
“Just to call into prison?”
“Yeah!” Woodson says. “I mean, there’s a huge rip-off of people in prison, families of people in prison. I have to give my credit card to a company and they come and tell me, ‘You have $100 on your account, you have talked for X number of minutes, this is what’s left on your card.’ And it’s about a dollar a minute. I’m telling you, it’s crazy!”
“Geez,” Ryan mutters.
For a moment, it seems as though this will mark the end of the conversation, but Woodson keeps pressing. “So, that is something, Paul, that we really need to look into. It would reach thousands and thousands of families around this country.”
As it turns out, the Federal Communications Commission last year actually banned price-gouging by private companies that provide telephone service for inmates, though prison reformers remain concerned that the same shady practices could be applied to email access and video chat services. But Ryan isn’t aware of that now, and while he clearly wants to move on, Woodson seems intent on pushing him just a little bit harder, making him just a little bit more uncomfortable.
“I mean, this is the kind of issue that politicians just don’t pay attention to,” Woodson says.
“Or even know about,” Ryan adds.
So the same thing you've been proposing since forever. So much for new ideas.Ryan’s broad vision for curing American poverty is one that conservatives have been championing for the last half-century, more or less. He imagines a diverse network of local churches, charities, and service organizations doing much of the work the federal government took on in the 20th century. Rather than supplying jobless Americans with a never-ending stream of unemployment checks, for example, Ryan thinks the federal government should funnell resources toward community-based work programs like Pastor Webster’s.
Yup the problem is branding.Still, Ryan admits he hasn’t quite figured out how to paint a compelling picture of his vision for the public. George H.W. Bush memorably likened local volunteer organizations and charities to “a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.” Ryan, by contrast, has been working on a metaphor that involves pollination, but he hasn’t quite nailed it down. In the meantime, he has fallen back on the familiar vocabulary of politics past, describing his vision as “civil society.” But he adds, “We need to find a better term. Nobody knows what that means.” Meanwhile, one of his favorite lines — “We need to make redemption cool again” — seems stale and sort of confusing. Has redemption become uncool?
What is he going on about?At one point in our discussion, I ask him about a pair of Supreme Court cases that seek to settle how the Obamacare contraceptive mandate should apply to religious nonprofits like the Little Sisters of the Poor, and private companies owned by religious individuals, like Hobby Lobby. The debate has become a classic culture war battle, with the right framing it as an assault on religious values, and the left crying “war on women.” Ryan is sympathetic to social conservatives’ arguments, but he sees the issue primarily as another dire example of civil society’s unraveling — an attempt by the state to crowd out certain charities and private employers from the public square.
“That’s a big deal to me,” he says. “What I think is happening is an assault on the First Amendment in this case, which will dramatically shrink civil society. It’s all interconnected.”
Maybe you could have said something back then?Ryan is a good soldier, and so he declines to take the bait and bash the nominee who made him a national name. But there’s no question Ryan’s recent efforts have been at least partly defined in opposition to the way Romney carried the Republican banner in 2012. Indeed, in the past year Ryan’s work has helped inspire a number of GOP all-stars, including Sens. Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul, to start talking about how a conservative agenda might serve the nation’s poor. At least in rhetoric, the party has come a long way since, “I’m not concerned about the very poor.”
Ryan says he wishes their campaign had spent more time appealing to low-income voters, but that the problem started well before the last election.
So I'll pretend to care, but when push comes to shove there are more important things. Like lowering taxes.“I think that by the time it got around to 2012, it was a little too late,” he says. “It wasn’t, ‘Oh gosh, four months to go, let’s get this right now!’ It’s not a box-checker at the end of a campaign. It’s a consistent and continual thing. It just atrophied in our party. And I was part of that atrophy. I focused on budgets and economics, macroeconomic policy, because that was sort of the crisis in front of us.”
“I think we all, as a party, just fell away from that.”
People are against internet regulation with 51% opposing and 18% support. I guess people don't want net neutrality after all...
Seriously though, I don't think people understand what regulation is, other than that it's just a blanket bad word. I guess it'd help if we got more people to know what net neutrality even is.
He imagines a diverse network of local churches, charities, and service organizations doing much of the work the federal government took on in the 20th century
They completely understand it. You think the goal of such a policy is to help more people?How on earth does the party of big business not understand the advantages of "buying in bulk"?
They completely understand it. You think the goal of such a policy is to help more people?
It's solely to demolish the welfare state, reduce taxes, then if you choose to help people you only help the "good ones" that you want to through highly targeted giving to the charity or religion of your choice. You likely won't be feeding many "urban drug addicts" if you give to the Mormon church.
I guess voting to repeal 50 something times isn't really fully fighting it?
They completely understand it. You think the goal of such a policy is to help more people?
It's solely to demolish the welfare state, reduce taxes, then if you choose to help people you only help the "good ones" that you want to through highly targeted giving to the charity or religion of your choice. You likely won't be feeding many "urban drug addicts" if you give to the Mormon church.
Right, it's ultimately about reducing the bargaining power of labor. A "diverse network of local churches, charities, and service organizations" will be less effective at empowering working people than robust government programs. More desperate poor people = lower wages = higher share of revenue going to profits = higher share of power going to owners of capital.
I think this is the moment we will look back on when the Randian energy transferred from the white man to the black man.
They might stick with 'repeal' for the 2014 election cycle as it still works with their red-meat base and the old farts that think it takes away from their medicare who always show up to vote.I think the GOP is seeing the same thing as everyone else (well, except PD). Obamacare repeal is no longer a winner. Hell it wasn't a winner in 2012 before most people were even benefiting from the law, but there was reason to believe that it would serve them better in a midterm election and gum up their base, especially after the initial rollout was somewhat disastrous. But now they want to "reform" the law. "Reform" being a vague, nice-sounding word politicians like to use to avoid rustling any jimmies by proposing specific policy, but I digress. That's as close to surrender as they could have gotten. They're trying to stem the damage before campaigning begins in earnest, too bad all of their incumbents are on record saying they want to take healthcare away directly from ~15 million people.
PPACA is going to be a defining element in the 2014 elections, and not the way the GOP wants.
Why is Ryan and the GOP even paying lip service (as poorly as that is) to poverty? Are they they trying to head off Democrats using income inequality as an issue in the future?
I can't figure out what the ultimate end will be. I kinda assumed it would have been approved by now. I guess they've just gone with a delay, delay, delay strategy . . . but I still don't know the ultimate decision. And I've heard 'insider' reports saying they'll approve it and 'insider' reports saying they'll reject it.Totally missed the WH's indefinite delay of the Keystone XL pipeline. I think this finally means its dead. No sense in firing up conservatives and then approving it anyway after the election. It's not getting built, at least not in the next 2 years. Has Obama ever given a speech as President solely on climate change? Announcing the rejection of the pipeline would be a very good way to underline the US's commitment to a post-oil energy policy.
While the full context of Sasse's remarks paint a clearer picture of the spirit of his words, the ad is a reminder that Republicans must be very careful how they speak about Obamacare in public setting, lest they fall victim to an attack from a fellow Republican at some point.
We saw this play out in the Georgia Senate race this year when Rep. Paul Broun (R) went after Rep. Jack Kington (R) with a web ad hitting him for saying it's not "the responsible thing to do" for Republicans to let Obamacare fail without trying to fix it.
Why is Ryan and the GOP even paying lip service (as poorly as that is) to poverty? Are they they trying to head off Democrats using income inequality as an issue in the future?
I think Ryan actually does give a fuck, but he's firmly, firmly committed to the idea that government spending can't do anything to help the problem (and actually makes it worse).
Has anybody come across the racial breakdown of the Michigan's 2006 Prop 2 anti-affirmative action referendum votes? I'd really love to see it. All of the conservative pundits are crowing that "the people have spoken" when I'm pretty sure that "the white people have spoken" would be more accurate.
Of those Michigan voters who said they had participated in the election, 65.2 percent of whites, but only 13.8 percent of blacks, reported that they had voted for Proposal 2. The gap between white and black support for Proposal 2 was thus 51.4 percentage points. This difference far outstrips the difference between other pairs of groups that had differing views towards Proposal 2, including men and women, Catholics and Protestants, and those with relatively little formal education and those with relatively extensive formal education. No other social factor comes close to race in dividing the Michigan electorate over Proposal 2.
http://news.yahoo.com/democrats-tro...where-else-thanks-demographics-165200020.htmlIn North Carolina, the problem for Democrats is younger voters, as Nate Cohn reports at the Times' new blog The Upshot. When incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan won in 2008, she did so by winning 71 percent of the vote from 25-and-under voters who comprised 10 percent of the electorate. She won handily, but that strong support from young voters puts her reelection at risk. Young people tend to vote less frequently in midterms; in 2010, the last midterm, only 4 percent of the electorate in North Carolina was 25-and-under. But the split for Hagan in 2008 leads Cohn to conclude that the problem "is twice as damaging to Democrats in North Carolina than it is nationally."
It's interesting because it sounds like he really genuinely is interested in understanding poverty and in talking about how to fix it.
It's interesting because it sounds like he really genuinely is interested in understanding poverty and in talking about how to fix it. But given his Randian predilections, I'm not convinced we'll see any result from this but "churches need to do better, and we need to cut welfare so people are motivated to get jobs." Business as usual, in other words.
This is pretty great stuff, Republicans are playing a game of one-upmanship with anti-Obamacare rhetoric against a backdrop of an increasingly pro-ACA public. It's absolutely going to backfire on them eventually. Some "retired" grandma is going to ask why they want to make her go back to working at Wal-mart so she can afford health insurance.
It's interesting because it sounds like he really genuinely is interested in understanding poverty and in talking about how to fix it. But given his Randian predilections, I'm not convinced we'll see any result from this but "churches need to do better, and we need to cut welfare so people are motivated to get jobs." Business as usual, in other words.
Well hopefully OFA will be able to crank up its voter turnout machine for 2014. IIRC they didn't try very hard in 2010 because Obama didn't really care about the midterm election results.Bad news for Kay Hagan. No, really . . .
Bad title for the article . . . it is not the demographics, it is the lazy Dem voters.
Like clockwork we got another "Paul Ryan Cares about Poor/Black people" article by McKay Coppins
Don't worry, I am not.Why are we giving this tool the benefit of the doubt?
Could Merkley's seat be put into play? I know he probably has a lead now but a combination of the massive fuck up with the Oregon exchanges and the poor turnout from Democratic voters could really hurt him in the general election.
you're putting Diablos to shame right now, there's no way Merkley will lose his seat
NPR had something like that on this morning. In Florida I think, a rep or senator was asked about repeal without offering any alternative. And he acknowledged that it was a significant problem, to speak of repeal but offer nothing concrete as an alternative to the millions who now have insurance due to ACA. He chalked it up to the various interested conservative groups having different priorities, so no unified alternative was ever agreed upon to be presented.
The only argument that they have that people might latch onto is just pretending like free market is not an economic concept, but a philosophical one, where the free market is moral and anything that goes against the free market, like redistribution, is immoral because it impedes on the rich man's freedom. Likewise, anything that goes with the free market is moral, such as a rich man using his economic power to repress a poor person looking for work. That's why you see way more republicans acting like they are the victims and that poor people are the devil. It's the only reason they or anyone else even believes in this Randianism themselves..
Wait, really? How was that even supposed to work? The Bundy thing didn't get coverage because "ZOMG a conservative turns out to be racist" (let's be real, that's a dog-bites-man story), but because he was getting backing from prominent Republicans all over the place. It backfired on them spectacularly, and now they want to cry about the biased lamestream media? Give me a fucking break.
Bernie Sanders did an interview with David Weigel.