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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, the WSJ posted this today before the jobs numbers came out:

What's needed now is a return to policies that put growth as the country's highest economic priority. The wealthy may get richer as a result, but so will the middle class and poor who haven't benefitted from Mr. Obama's focus on inequality.

The good news is that the public may be ahead of the politicians in seeking this change, and it is certainly ahead of the media. A survey this year by the Global Strategy Group found that by 59% to 37% Americans prefer a political candidate who focuses on economic growth to one who focuses on fairness. Thus is Mr. Obama creating, albeit unintentionally, a new opening for the politics of growth.



No Scrubs
Actually, I do think electing Romney would have resulted in a huge amount of jobs. I don't think the number of "job creators" who are deliberately not hiring while Obama is president is insignificant.

I don't buy this at all. I've been covering investors and business for the last 6 months and the one thing I can tell you for sure is that if there is money to be made, these people will try to make it. Politics doesn't factor in, neither do taxes, it's like one VC told me a few weeks ago "It's all about the exit."

If they can make money, they will, regardless of who is president.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, I'm sure there's a few ideologues like those morons who moved to that real life Galt's Gulch, but the vast majority of "job creators" only care about their bottom line.
The only time big shots will sabotage there businesses in attempt to destroy a president's chance of getting re-elected is if the president is very radical left. The only time I've seen a case of this was in Venezuela in 2002. Corporate heads aren't going to take a loss over a fear of a single digit tax increase because the money they would lose from the sabotage would greatly exceed the proposed tax plan.
The court is explicitly not taking the case.

The states are doing the work currently anyway. Only a few more states before it crosses into more than half the states in the country.
We'd be wellll over halfway when the states that have stayed pro-marriage (fuck homophobes, I want liberals to start defining themselves as "pro-marriage") rulings are upheld. Which would require Supreme Court action in many such cases.

Currently states that have it outright legal are 43.5%, states with stayed rulings are at 30.8%, which notably includes Florida and Texas.

Once New York legalized it I saw it as just a matter of time. The response was universally positive.
Right now the hope is that the likely voter models is underrepresenting Dems. I'm not going to sit here and "unskew polls," but the last 2 midterms, including the GOP 2010 wave, underrepresenting Dems by an average of 2 points. And Senate polls on average are 5 points off.

Now, I'd also expect (and hope) these polling firms are getting better at their jobs but this isn't like a presidential election. Midterms are harder and while I would never say "R up 1, therefore Dems really leading," hopefully they are still underestimating the Democrat vote.

We'll see.

Mind linking me to these numbers?


Now Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.

Shipped out. Sent back. Removed.

“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.

The petition was sent to Thomas Homan of Enforcement Removal Operations at the Department of Homeland Security, Thomas Winkowksi of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Sarah Kendall of the Office of Fraud Detection and National Security at DHS.

Klayman explained it is based “on the grounds that he has falsified various birth and other documents with regard to obtaining a U.S. passport and other privileges as an alleged American citizen.”

“It is clear, based on a mountain of evidence as set forth in and attached to the petition, that the president and his agents have falsified documents, such as his birth certificate and Social Security number, to qualify for the privileges of American citizenship such that his citizenship, which is based on false pretenses, must be nullified,” Klayman said.

“As set forth in the petition, this includes but is not limited to the fraudulent production of a computer-generated facsimile of an official state of Hawaiian birth certificate. Even if a legitimate birth certificate exists, Obama’s repeated use of a clearly forged birth certificate is still a crime and in violation of the law,” he said.

“While this deportation proceeding may seem to some to be the work of conservatives who are out to get the president, this is not the case. Barack Obama’s propensity to not tell the truth is now well known, even among his leftist supporters. And, his actions while president [reflects] someone whose actions show that he feels more kinship with his foreign roots and Muslim religious schooling and heritage, than the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded.

“I thus urge everyone to read and digest this petition to have him deported and remove him from the United States, before dismissing it,” Klayman said.

The 20-page document points out that his name technically is “Barry Soetoro,” since it was “changed officially in Indonesia and never changed back to his name at birth.”

“The immigration laws of the United States of American are intended in part to ensure that those who become part of the country and particularly those who lead it bear allegiance and loyalty to the United States of American rather than to a foreign country or to interests of other countries generally. It is part of the constitutional design and intention for immigration laws and regulations to regulate those joining the citizenry of the country with the goal of loyalty and allegiance to the country, among other factors,” the petition explains.

“The U.S. Constitution requires that to be eligible to be president (or vice president) a person must be a “natural born citizen” and that all federal elected officials must be citizens,” he wrote.

Then followed a technical description of the problem for Obama;
Klayman explains Obama “inconsistently used different names within the United States,” and sought a U.S. passport with a “clearly forged birth certificate.”

A list of requests includes testimony, records and evidence on the issues of documentation, immigration law, citizenship requirements, birth certificates and more.

Klayman cited the “exacting, professional and exhaustive investigation” that already has been done on the issue, by a “team of experts” assembled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona, at the request of his constituents.

The investigation has concluded that the birth certificate presented by Obama is a forgery.

The petition notes that even if there exists a Hawaii “birth certificate,” the state had only become a part of the U.S. shortly before, and was working out “procedures to operate as a new state.”

“People assume that the existence of a birth certificate from Hawaii proves a birth in Hawaii, when Hawaii law at the time is explicit that a parent could lawfully request a birth certificate from Hawaii for a child born in a foreign country.”

Klayman’s request alleges document fraud, falsely claiming citizenship and willful misrepresentation.


Not only is all his shit disproven, I see there's a new "Hawaii was a newish state", except for the fact that the 14th Amendment granted citizenship for being born in an incorporated territory since 1868, and Hawaii was a territory since 1898. Even if Obama had been born BEFORE Hawaii statehood, he'd still be a natural citizen.


"Hey guys, so... I know it totally didn't work the first 197 times we tried it, but this time it will totally work."

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.
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