This begs the question of how you do you feel about how Rwanda was handled?
I do not support military interventions that have nothing to do with the US' national interests or protection. Preventing genocide has never been a national interest of the United States, and falls in the U.N.'s ballpark. Speaking of Rwanda, the United States actively worked to thwart U.N. activity there, including trying to get them to withdraw troops. We should have let the U.N. do its job.
Iraq was not better off before the death of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of civilians during a decade of occupation and terror attacks? Iraq was not better off under Saddam than ISIL?This comes off as very patronizing and is easy to say from your armchair in the US. You clearly are ignorant about why this is all happening. If people where so better off before in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, etc., then why have the green revolution at all? Clearly the people who live there did not like what they had and wanted reforms. I guess it's their fault they had autocratic regimes. For all your talk of the West meddling, Assad was not backed by the West and neither was Gaddafi.
Libya is worse off, as most countries tend to be after a vacuum is created within. I'm not saying the people of these countries shouldn't rebel against oppressive governments, it's their right to do so obviously. But I want no part in another country's civil war or rebellion. We have a century of evidence to suggest it doesn't fucking work, especially in the Middle East.
Who is talking about a complete solution? Why should that define our objectives? Please spell out for me why we should sacrifice the good for the perfect.
What is our objection? Without a larger military involvement, ISIS will continue to ransack the country. They're exterminating groups of people everywhere, and will continue to do so until someone takes them out. It's not our job to take them out, and I continue to ask those advocating intervention: how far are you willing to go. Save the people on the mountain and declare victory, and pat yourselves on the back while thousands more die elsewhere?