zero shift
Five Thirty Eight had a great write up on the participation rate. Basically there are missing workers but the lion share of the decline is due to college students and retirees.
U3 is bleh but compact, that's why it's the only one anyone ever reports on. If you're not going to use the participation rate then at least use U6 and add 2-3 points for the prison population.I can get behind looking at other numbers to show the state of the economy as not all there yet, like wages or participation rate or U6 unemployment, but it does seem you guys are putting too high of standards on the normal U3 unemployment numbers.
Except, the batshit craziness has been cranked up to 15 nowadays.
What complexities are you thinking of here? So far all I'm getting from your posts is that you feel strongly about adjectives. What do you think about the economy?
Personally, while I think this represents a real albeit slow recovery, I can appreciate Chichikov's perspective. Zero unemployment is a practical (but not political) possibility today, so accepting 6% because of the trendline is pretty unfortunate.
They probably thought that more about Paine, especially after he nearly got himself killed in France like five times and almost blamed it all on a jealous George Washington.The chief opponent of the original plan, Patrick Henry, had a big hand in the Bill of Rights. I'm sure Federalists thought he was nutsoid destructoid, albeit using a more formal, flowery language.
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
There never did, there never will, and there never can, exist a Parliament, or any description of men, or any generation of men, in any country, possessed of the right or the power of binding and controlling posterity to the "end of time," or of commanding for ever how the world shall be governed, or who shall govern it; and therefore all such clauses, acts or declarations by which the makers of them attempt to do what they have neither the right nor the power to do, nor the power to execute, are in themselves null and void.
Great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of government. It has its origin in the principles of society and the natural constitution of man. It existed prior to government, and would exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has upon man, and all the parts of civilised community upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it together. The landholder, the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant, the tradesman, and every occupation, prospers by the aid which each receives from the other, and from the whole. Common interest regulates their concerns, and forms their law; and the laws which common usage ordains, have a greater influence than the laws of government. In fine, society performs for itself almost everything which is ascribed to government.
They probably thought that more about Paine.
My former college professor posted this Media Matters clip of Reza Aslan responding to a rant from Bill Maher, the comedian liberals adore right up to the minute he starts talking about Islam the same way he talks about Christianitywith disdain. Aslan is an associate professor of creative writing at the University of California, Riverside, but hes also regarded as an expert on religion, apparently, and judging by the 7.4 million views for this particular clip, he also seems to be a minor intellectual celebrity.
The Media Matters headline reads: You need to watch this: Reza Aslan calls out the media for generalization and bigotry when reporting on Muslims. Salon made it the video of the week: Reza Aslan takes down Bill Mahers facile arguments on Islam in just 5 minutes.
Basically, Aslan wants the media to stop using Saudi Arabia to make generalizations about violence and womens rights in Islamic societies. He calls that the definition of bigotry. There are plenty of Muslim countries, he argues, that are less violent and more respecting of womens rights than Saudi Arabia, and its wrong to generalize.
Because his CNN arbiters dont really know what theyre talking about, Aslan appears to be DEMOLISHING his opposition, and striking a decisive blow for all who oppose bigotry. This explains why so many liberals loved the video, and proceeded to wet themselves in the Facebook comments section.
|OT| So PD, Benji, and Metalloprotein walk into a bar...
PhoenixDark' said:I'm just concerned that Obama is squandering whatever good will remains on the left. Between the golfing, the Secret Service fiasco, ebola, and the new war in Iraq, he seems to not realize the consequences of his inaction.
benjipwns' said:
Metaphoreus' said:bartender said:Why the
"The"? You must misunderstand. There were three long posts in rapid succession. To which do you refer?
bartender said:long post?
The problem we're having here is that you don't understand what "long" means in this context. Here's how my good friend and faithful patron Antonin Gregory Scalia put it in his seminal opinion in Whothefuckcares v. Whyareyoudoingthis--
I was gonna intentionally use bacon but with my history of horrible spelling and typing I figured people wouldn't know it was intentionalYou forget something incredibly important.
If you only look quickly you think the url says FREE BACON.
The articles actually a pretty funny confusing mess of writing. So is this one about how we need to panic about ISIS killing us with Ebola thanks to President Obola:
No worries, my post came across as too aggressive anyway.Fair enough, I'm not here to diminish the very real pain of those needing economic relief. If that's how it's coming off, I apologize. I don't mean to be misunderstood. And I certainly don't think I'm on a caps locked crusade so much as I'm digging for more insight than bite-sized, bullet point rhetoric when discussing the complexities behind all that economic hardship and suffering.
Say what you want about the fisking, but it did conjure a more robust explanation of your point of view, Chichikov, which I appreciate. Thank you.
Then, the bartender takes his gun out and says "I'm gonna count to 3...."...and the bartender asks, "Why the long post?"
To which they reply:
At which point Metaphoreus' transforms into a mastodon and tramples the bartender and the bar, PhoenixDark' theory-crafts an impenetrable troll fortress, and benjipwns' grows a goatee and posts funny comments on a mirror-universe forum, leaving the other members of PoliGAF shaken to their core.
No worries, my post came across as too aggressive anyway.
Then, the bartender takes his gun out and says "I'm gonna count to 3...."
I was hoping the mastadon would engage in discussion on 2nd amendment with the bartender.The bartender was trampled, and what will a gun do against a mastodon or impenetrable troll fortress, anyways?
I was hoping the mastadon would engage in discussion on 2nd amendment with the bartender.
I want this to be the new PoliGAF headline
PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| Nate Silver is Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos all in one
I have no idea what this is a reference too.jpg
I think full employment is around 3 or 4%
The fact that ANYONE in America still thinks that Republicans are better at running the economy then Democrats is just proof at how bad Dems are at actually playing the politics game.
GDP has a whole host of other problems, but the governments "revised" those figures decades later, almost always upwards.
I'd also like to see the government have to follow accounting law. Or at least just publish a GAAP version of their finances.
The fact that ANYONE in America still thinks that Republicans are better at running the economy then Democrats is just proof at how bad Dems are at actually playing the politics game.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) A judge struck down part of Missouri's gay marriage ban for the first time on Friday by ordering the state to recognize same-sex marriages legally performed in other states, saying state laws banning the unions single out gay couples "for no logical reason."
The order means such couples will be eligible to sign up for a wide range of tax, health insurance, veterans and other benefits now afforded to opposite-sex married couples. Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster, who has defended the state's ban on gay marriage, said his office was reviewing the ruling.
The decision comes in a lawsuit filed by 10 same-sex couples who legally married outside the state, including Arlene Zarembka and Zuleyma Tang-Martinez. The St. Louis couple, who married in Canada, said Friday's ruling could boost their household income, and they plan to apply Monday for Zarembka to receive Social Security benefits as Tang-Martinez's spouse.
"To me, it's a real validation by the judge of our relationship and our commitment to each other," Tang-Martinez said.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which is helping the couples, noted the ruling was a first in the state.
"We're gratified that the court recognized that married same-sex couples and their families are no different than other couples, and that the Constitution requires them to be treated equally," ACLU attorney Tony Rothert said. "This is not the first court to reach this conclusion, but it is the first court to do so in Missouri, so it's a tremendous day for our state."
Jackson County Circuit Judge J. Dale Youngs sided with the couples, who argue that their rights to equal protection and due process are being violated by Missouri's ban on gay marriage. Youngs said the couples deserve the same recognition as opposite-sex couples who married in other states.
"The undisputed facts before the Court show that, to the extent these laws prohibit plaintiffs' legally contracted marriages from other states being recognized here, they are wholly irrational, do not rest upon any reasonable basis, and are purely arbitrary," Youngs wrote. "All they do is treat one segment of the population gay men and lesbians differently than their same-sex counterparts, for no logical reason."
The lawsuit before Youngs only challenges Missouri's refusal to recognize marriages legally performed outside the state, not laws that bar same-sex couples from getting married in Missouri.
Rothert said the ruling means that thousands of Missouri couples can now qualify for spousal government benefits and, on a smaller level, change their last names to match their spouse's on their Missouri driver's license.
The case is among at least three challenging Missouri's ban: There is a federal challenge in Kansas City, and a St. Louis case focuses on city officials who issued marriage licenses to four same-sex couples to trigger a legal test of the ban.
The lawsuits are based on the same arguments that led the U.S. Supreme Court last year to overturn part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that denied a tax, health and other benefits to legally married gay couples.
In Missouri, Youngs said he expects the state Supreme Court to "provide the last word on all of the important legal issues presented by this case."
Same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and the District of Columbia. The ACLU has cases pending against 13 other states with such bans, including five cases currently before federal appeals courts.
The economy still sucks. That's why the Dems can't win that message. It's not dictated by an actual message, it's dictated by circumstances and most people in the middle class are still worse off right now. New grads are worse off.
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with messaging. Most people think the 90s economy was awesome because Bill Clinton. Oh man, if we only had Bill Clinton. Dems must be great at messaging, right?
The "economy sucks" compared to what? It's a hell of a lot better than 1935 I can tell you that. It's even better than this far into Reagan's administration. It's a hell of a lot better than 2008.
Most Americans think Reagan lowered the debt and that unemployment was non existent in his term, that's pure messaging. The idea that we're in more danger today then before or after 9/11 is also absurd.
Americans being woefully misinformed with opinions that the GOP is selling isn't an accident man.
So the Supreme Court isn't taking up King v Burwell?
Really good news if so. The DC Circuit that Harry Reid packed will overturn Halbig, and the 10th Circuit should easily overturn Pruitt. And all will be well. And Metapod will cry tears of impotent rage.
The bartender was trampled, and what will a gun do against a mastodon or impenetrable troll fortress, anyways?
Does anyone have the current net job total since Obama came into office?
(if you have both for the overall numbers [public + private] and just private, that would be great)
you weren't supposed to transform into actual mastadon damn you
January 2009 total nonfarm: 133,768; private: 111,196; gov't: 22,572
Sept. 2014 total nonfarm: 139,435; private: 117,524; gov't: 21,911
Differences - nonfarm: +5,667; private: +6,328; gov't: -661
Based on Establishment data.
Household data had 141,748,000 million workers in Jan of 2009.
For September of this year, it's 146,368,000
That's a 4.6 million difference (of course, since the economy was cratering, the household data almost certainly was lagging in layoffs)
And this is why I love you, BM. <3
Unlike some people...
So Obama's got 6.3 million net private sector jobs under his belt so far. For comparison, Bush had under 1 million by the end of his term, if I'm not mistaken.
it's a pity he doesn't have net positive government jobs under his belt
Just end this this term, SCOTUS.
gay marriage is de facto legal is Missouri now, lolz.
That's how West Virginia formed. They pretended they were the Virginia legislature (they weren't, the other guys just didn't show up) and voted to let west Virginia go which congress, now without southern congressmen present consented to! Democracy!
Participation rate fell to a 36 year low, wages are stagnat. Good news is that full time/skllled jobs are increasing but we're still in a huge hole.
But can you imagine the response if Romney was president during this period of jobs increases? Thank god he lost.
Not sure I buy that. In the end, we worship the Almighty Dollar no matter who's the boss.Actually, I do think electing Romney would have resulted in a huge amount of jobs. I don't think the number of "job creators" who are deliberately not hiring while Obama is president is insignificant.