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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I hadn't thought about the challenges with states rights and SCOTUS. This makes way more sense. I think that she could expand on this more if she's going to use it to attack Bernie's "promises he can't keep."
Yeah tbh she hasn't made that quite clear. It's a miracle that the ACA has held up as much as it has with all the challenges.

Now from what I understand, Bernie has in his plan said that he will allow people in republican states that they can go directly to the federal government for coverage if the states deny it, but that confuses me because then what's the insentive for states to take on financial burden if the federal government will cover people if they turn it down, and also I think even a liberal Supreme Court will rule that is just circumventing states authority and I don't think it will hold up.

These sorts of uncertainties need to be better highlighted. An unfavorable decision here or a certain aspect that doesn't make it through congress there can completely throw the balance of the plan in the garbage. And millions of people could suffer from it. Sure it is sort of "concern trolling" but with something like this I think there is a reason to be concerned.
Joe Scarborough's twitter said:
Trump expressed concerns several months after the Iraq War began, while 60% of Americans still supported the war.

Goddamn, Joe Scarborough may as well be Trump's PR person by now. He's legit claiming that questioning the Iraq War in September of 2003 counts as opposing it.


Speaking of chat, I won't make it for Nevada because I have work soon but I'll be there for South Carolina. Please don't get drunk until then guys.


Whatever the Obama administration's victories and defeats, its achievements and its failures -- and those that remain to come -- one look at this little boy standing behind a White House rope line, shirttails un-tucked, jacket buttoned and tie somehow looped over said rope, really makes one thing clear: Our collective notion of what is feasible in the United States forever changed between February 2007 and February 2016.


Trump will end up taking SC but Rubio will do better than expected at 2nd. Things will be different for the Republicans in Nevada since you have to be a registered Republican to vote in the primary. I expect Rubio to have a big win there.

I'm torn about the Democrats in Nevada. Hillary will probably win by a similar margin as Iowa but Bernie has a very good shot. She'll destroy him in SC though.
Speaking of chat, I won't make it for Nevada because I have work soon but I'll be there for South Carolina. Please don't get drunk until then guys.

Don't tell me what to do. <3

I think I'll want to be good and drunk during the NV results. :(

Also, no one judge me, but I loved Knack. One of my favorite PS4 games.

Shut up. :(


I'm worried about Rubio now because of you PEOPLE. COME ON TED CRUZ, DESTROY TEH RUBIO

Those last 2 post-Haley polls make it look very bad for Cruz. I don't think Trump will have a problem, but maybe his ground game is still shit and something bad happens. I'm definitely Diablosing.


All these freakouts about Rubio in here are proof that we need a steady hand like Jeb! to guide us.

even if he is a big fat mess
Don't lose hope, adam...we can both be good and drunk ;)

There we go :D See? We're building bridges between radical socialist wackos and neo-liberal corporate shrills. There's hope for us all yet!

I just assume you're always smashed anyway so you're good.

I mean, not always.....just...sometimes. :p

Plus, I'm getting my tattoo next weekend, (I think) so I can't drink for a few days before that per the artist. Dude's good. Real good. Really picky too, which I like. Plus, I'm getting my eyebrow pierced again.
Sorry for the late reply.
holes all the way through the room with really long drill bits. I completely agree.


really long drill bits are surprisingly prone to breaking, fwiw.

BTW, where do you guys chat? I've never been a part of one them before.


You want receipts?! Here are your receipts.

The receipts he mentioned were for hills being a she-banshee werewitch, mate.


There are roving bands of old people on the streets, heading to the local polling place.

There are youths knocking on doors telling people to go vote.

I feel like the apocalypse is nigh.


Living on the NC/SC stateline, I looked across the way and saw only devastation as packs of rampant voters swarmed their polling places, the desire for democracy burning in their eyes. And I feared. This is coming for me soon, and I know that time is running out.

I'm helping run my local polling place for the first time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
maybe telemundo is a better surveyor of latinos than surveymonkey

which I thought was an online poll?
Living on the NC/SC stateline, I looked across the way and saw only devastation as packs of rampant voters swarmed their polling places, the desire for democracy burning in their eyes. And I feared. This is coming for me soon, and I know that time is running out.

I'm helping run my local polling place for the first time.

Do you happen to live in the Charlotte area? I regret not going to any of the events Sanders had in Rock Hill. I hope you have fun today.
The receipts he mentioned were for hills being a she-banshee werewitch, mate.

I know, and I gave him receipts that substantiate the argument that I was ACTUALLY making.

Me criticizing Hillary's personality is completely subjective; you can't print any receipts for that. However, the fact that I could produce actual evidence to suggest that Bernie would endorse Hillary if he lost the nomination clearly demonstrates just how different of an argument that is, which he doesn't seem to understand.

Basically, he was making a false equivalency and the receipts prove it because if it wasn't a false equivalency, I wouldn't have been able to produce any receipts :)


Hispanics will probably be more pro-Clinton today than on average because I figure there will be a bigger share of older ones coming out to caucus instead of younger ones.


And then Telemundo puts this out today. Sponsored by NBC.


Mixed messages. Who knows what's going on.

This is a two person race at this point. Conventional wisdom is find the average and work with that. Tracking most polls Clinton still has a distinct advantage among the hispanic vote, and I will believe that until proven otherwise. (
which might be later this evening BUT FUCK IT
anyone have a link to the petyon, jeb is a mess debate

i only see the edited videos. Not sure what to search for for all the mess I see in here. mess as in quotes of it ;)


Do you happen to live in the Charlotte area? I regret not going to any of the events Sanders had in Rock Hill. I hope you have fun today.

I live roughly 30 minutes out of Charlotte. It's a pretty small town so I should already know alot of the people.

Also, Thanks, I plan on having a good time.
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