No he's not. Not even fucking close. Bernie has no ode what the fuck he's talking about because hes got his head completely up his own ass.
His ideas range from decent, to laughably fucking terrible. His plans for said ideas are arguably even worse.
When he said he wanted to place farmers on the Board for the Federal Reserve I knew for a fact he had absolutely no clue what to do about our present situation but instead just promise rainbows, unicorns and good old fashioned horseshit to naive youngsters who don't live in the real world
Ditto. It's such a surreal line.Definitely back "We love the poorly educated" for OT title.
Still 20% undecided so I doubt he'll be that low, but still in the 20's would be disastrous for Bernie going into Tuesday.
Since the delegates are passed out proportionally the margin matters. If she walks away with all the delegates then we're done here.
South Carolina
Clinton 64
Sanders 14
Pro-Kasich super PAC: Kasich for president, Rubio for VP
They still believe lmao
Pro-Kasich super PAC: Kasich for president, Rubio for VP
They still believe lmao
South Carolina
Clinton 64
Sanders 14
I think people in the South are breaking towards Clinton in these final days.
I think people in the South are breaking towards Clinton in these final days.
Do you think more than 3/4ths of the undecided will break for Bernie?
Are we concerned by just how strong that is? Or I wonder if their internals are built on various contingencies, ie no Kasich.
Anyway, PPP is basically seeing the same in Florida as today's polling:
And the campaign of internal pressure from the party for him to drop out begins in earnest. If he doesn't have a possible path to nomination he needs to make good on being a member of the party now and get on board.
Ditto. It's such a surreal line.
Megyn Kelly will do her best to try to kill Trump at next week's debate.
We didn't really have widespread primaries/caucuses before 1980.Why ? What benefit do you see from making things as Coronation like as possible ? I mean if its not having a candidate with a bloody nose before the General then why the hell do you have primaries in the first place ? Having primaries and then demanding that the front runner be declared winner as quickly as possibly makes no sense. If you don't want your candidate in a scuffle with someone before the General come up with a different method of selecting them.
Speaking of Trump, someone of Chris Hayes show yesterday used the analogy that Trump was like a Monkey with a Gun. Any Human should be able to beat a Monkey but they have a Gun and who knows what they are going to do with it. Not sure how accurate that is but boy was I laughing.
For future reference, please use this:
Thank You
I still can't believe that's a thing a politician said on national TV. He could have even spun it as "People of all education levels are hard-working, patriotic Americans and I love them all!" But no, he just said that line. Like WOW
It's after March 1st. It may not even matter.
And the nominations were far more contested than after the primaries went national in 1976.We didn't really have widespread primaries/caucuses before 1980. Sanders said:If I were elected president, the foxes would no longer guard the henhouse. To ensure the safety and soundness of our banking system, we need to fundamentally restructure the Feds governance system to eliminate conflicts of interest. Board members should be nominated by the president and chosen by the Senate. Banking industry executives must no longer be allowed to serve on the Feds boards and to handpick its members and staff. Board positions should instead include representatives from all walks of life including labor, consumers, homeowners, urban residents, farmers and small businesses.
"We're losing! ... AHA! NO WE'RE NOT! Oh..."McAdoo and Smith each evolved a strategy to build up his own total slowly. Smith's trick was to plant his extra votes for his opponent, so that McAdoo's strength might later appear to be waning; the Californian countered by holding back his full force, though he had been planning a strong early show.
Obama's trap foiled!!!!Sandoval is taking himself out of consideration for SCOTUS, per Ralston.
And honestly I'm not sure Johnson would've lost the 1968 primaries if he wasn't spooked by RFK.
Oh, no, they totally deserve some of the blame. It's the idea that it's solely on them to vote for the Democrats even if the Democrats offer them a Box of Nothing is where I get grumpy.
So let's make Schumer the Majority Leader and the face of Democrats in the Senate! That'll excite the base in 2018!
Fuck Schumer. Put someone like Gillibrand in that position.