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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I was raised Independent, Fundamental King James Version only Baptist.

So this is always so weird slash interesting to me. The whole idea of transubstantiation just baffles me. I mean, I understand it, but for us it was completely symbolic and we'd just open up a bottle of Welch's and call it a day.

Also, I'm very particular with where I put my mouth. I do not drink after people.


I was raised Independent, Fundamental King James Version only Baptist.

So this is always so weird slash interesting to me. The whole idea of transubstantiation just baffles me. I mean, I understand it, but for us it was completely symbolic and we'd just open up a bottle of Welch's and call it a day.

I'm used to Scottish funerals. About an hour of solemnity followed by an absolutely legendary piss-up.
I was raised Independent, Fundamental King James Version only Baptist.

So this is always so weird slash interesting to me. The whole idea of transubstantiation just baffles me. I mean, I understand it, but for us it was completely symbolic and we'd just open up a bottle of Welch's and call it a day.

Also, I'm very particular with where I put my mouth. I do not drink after people.

I still have a hard time believing that people actually believe in transubstantiation. I always figured that it was just a ceremonious thing, but I guess I'm showing my ignorance, considering I've never been Catholic.


This American Life has a segment on this week about a gay black college student who is organizing for Trump. He was adopted into a white evangelical Christian family (Cruz supporters) when he was in third grade. Pretty amazing stuff, give it a listen if you're interested (it will be available online Sunday night if you can't catch it live).
I still have a hard time believing that people actually believe in transubstantiation. I always figured that it was just a ceremonious thing, but I guess I'm showing my ignorance, considering I've never been Catholic.

Is it that hard of a leap if you already are a convinced Christian though? I can't imagine from the outside it looks any more or less extreme than the main tennets of Chrsitianity.
I still have a hard time believing that people actually believe in transubstantiation. I always figured that it was just a ceremonious thing, but I guess I'm showing my ignorance, considering I've never been Catholic.

Come to S.A. and you won't.

Fwiw, people usually just look at it as a "pay your respects" kinda deal. It's considered awfully rude and downright sacrilegious to go against it, but ain't no one believing they legit practicing cannibalism. Just eating holy bread is all. Same deal as with holy water.

You guys should actually be catholic and then tell me you like catholic mass.

Word. Boggled the mind how errybody was willing to wake up early on a freaking sunday and bend the knee on top of a piece of hard wood.
When pops asked us if we wanted to keep going to mass or just stay home, every single brother chose cartoons.


My family is originally from Scotland. Dean Castle in Kilmarnok was tied to my family for quite a while. My dad was big into genealogy.

Ooh cool. My family are mostly from Glasgow and Ayrshire originally, but I think I've got relatives everywhere at this point. Scottish families and their tendency to have a million children makes putting a family tree together a right pain in the neck :p
Clinton and Sanders were both supposed to be on Univision this morning to get out the vote for Hispanics in Nevada. Sanders apparently cancelled.

If he wins, it's in spite of his campaign.
Ooh cool. My family are mostly from Glasgow and Ayrshire originally, but I think I've got relatives everywhere at this point. Scottish families and their tendency to have a million children makes putting a family tree together a right pain in the neck :p

Most of my family is pretty small, so it was pretty easy for him to get a lot of it together. From what I remember, they came to the US in the late 178s. Settled in Ohio. One of my ancestors was part of the group that helped come up with Ohio's state constitution and such. He was responsible for getting a provision in the law that said a woman who was divorced or widowed was entitled to keep her spinning wheel and household things. It was protofemisim that sounds disgusting but I'd like to think it was meant in a positive way.

I hope.
Is it that hard of a leap if you already are a convinced Christian though? I can't imagine from the outside it looks any more or less extreme than the main tennets of Chrsitianity.

Uhh, yes? Plenty of Christians don't believe that the miracles from biblical times exist today. I would imagine the same is true of Catholics concerning transubstantiation.

But then again, lots of Catholics believe in profound miracles (like the blood tears on the Virgin Mary statues), or better yet, Marian apparitions, so you might be right.


It makes me want to play Bloodborne again, if that's what you mean.

Now I want to play Bloodborne too. Dammit :p

Most of my family is pretty small, so it was pretty easy for him to get a lot of it together. From what I remember, they came to the US in the late 178s. Settled in Ohio. One of my ancestors was part of the group that helped come up with Ohio's state constitution and such. He was responsible for getting a provision in the law that said a woman who was divorced or widowed was entitled to keep her spinning wheel and household things. It was protofemisim that sounds disgusting but I'd like to think it was meant in a positive way.

I hope.

I'd say that was positive, particularly for the time. I do enjoy exploring family history, you learn all sorts of interesting things.
The transubstantiation thing just makes no sense to me. The Bible actually says do this in remembrance of me. Catholics acknowledge Jesus used object lessons and parables, why in the world is this the thing that is 100% literally happening. I mean, do they have an explanation as to how the wine/blood changes without actually seeming to change?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Come to S.A. and you won't.

Fwiw, people usually just look at it as a "pay your respects" kinda deal. It's considered awfully rude and downright sacrilegious to go against it, but ain't no one believing they legit practicing cannibalism. Just eating holy bread is all. Same deal as with holy water.

Word. Boggled the mind how errybody was willing to wake up early on a freaking sunday and bend the knee on top of a piece of hard wood.
When pops asked us if we wanted to keep going to mass or just stay home, every single brother chose cartoons.

Catholics love Tradition with a capital T. Of course they do, obviously, because it is the second source of divine revelation. But seriously the elaborateness and artificiality of mass always put me off compared to some of the sacraments, which is why even Luther was unable to give up confession.

The church really exists in spite of itself.

Oh and don't forget mass is slow as molasses and long as hell.


And then Telemundo puts this out today. Sponsored by NBC.


Shows that Hispanics would vote:

Clinton 56
Sanders 39

Mixed messages. Who knows what's going on.

Something to consider: most polling is done in English-only. They miss a key segment of the electorate that speaks mostly Spanish. This segment of voters usually tends to be older.

You can guess which candidate that group favors.


I went to Catholic school from K-12. I don't miss Catholic mass; it's droll. Although I do enjoy hearing it in Latin once in a while. And at least I can admire some of the buildings' architectural features.
See, I'm used to going to Sunday School, Church then Sunday night service than weekly prayer meeting. Each of these things were an hour at a time. So, I spent 4 hours a week in church. Plus, I went to a christian school so I had Bible everyday and chapel on Fridays.
The transubstantiation thing just makes no sense to me. The Bible actually says do this in remembrance of me. Catholics acknowledge Jesus used object lessons and parables, why in the world is this the thing that is 100% literally happening. I mean, do they have an explanation as to how the wine/blood changes without actually seeming to change?

Transubstantiation is one of the most significant issues in the whole of the Catholic church. Your best answer is probably to read early church fathers' writings.
My family is originally from Scotland. Dean Castle in Kilmarnok was tied to my family for quite a while. My dad was big into genealogy.

Ooh cool. My family are mostly from Glasgow and Ayrshire originally, but I think I've got relatives everywhere at this point. Scottish families and their tendency to have a million children makes putting a family tree together a right pain in the neck :p

As a black person, the size of the family doesn't even matter. Most of us can't even trace back further than our great-great grandparents, and even that's a stretch. The Atlantic Slave Trade really fucked us over.

DNA is our only hope now.

Come to S.A. and you won't.

Fwiw, people usually just look at it as a "pay your respects" kinda deal. It's considered awfully rude and downright sacrilegious to go against it, but ain't no one believing they legit practicing cannibalism. Just eating holy bread is all. Same deal as with holy water.

That makes sense. That's pretty much what I figured.

As a black person, the size of the family doesn't even matter. Most of us can't even trace back further than our great-great grandparents, and even that's a stretch. The Atlantic Slave Trade really fucked us over.

DNA is our only hope now.

That makes sense. That's pretty much what I figured.

I'm sorry. I'm always surprised when areas of privilege hit me in the face, you know? My best friend is AA, and she was able to go back to 1741 but that was it. It was a dead end at that point, because the plantation owners purged all records prior to that date. It was a total shock to me to see something like that. She was able to find out where she thinks her family originated, and spent a few weeks in Kenya where she has distant relaives, but it was definitely eye opening for me.


Can't believe Jeb said he was an introvert in that Town Hall Thursday. Nobody wants that in a president lol

Agreed. While I liked his answer and certainly respect him for it, it just doesn't play well in a presidential election. It's like Hillary's answer to Scott Pelly on "will you ever lie to the American public?" She had a good answer which is probably pretty accurate (there will always be times when a leader has to either omit information or downplay information), but it just sounded so poor for a presidential candidate. The only correct answer, politically at least, is "No, I won't lie to the American public".
Agreed. While I liked his answer and certainly respect him for it, it just doesn't play well in a presidential election. It's like Hillary's answer to Scott Pelly on "will you ever lie to the American public?" She had a good answer which is probably pretty accurate (there will always be times when a leader has to either omit information or downplay information), but it just sounded so poor for a presidential candidate. The only correct answer, politically at least, is "No, I won't lie to the American public".
Her answer wasn't a lie. Therefore, the perfect answer.
And then Telemundo puts this out today. Sponsored by NBC.


Shows that Hispanics would vote:

Clinton 56
Sanders 39

Mixed messages. Who knows what's going on.

The Telemundo poll asked Democratic Hispanics only, which are probably older. A big majority of Hispanics identify as Independent and they skew younger too, which is why I would believe the SurveyMonkey poll is more descriptive.


The Telemundo poll asked Democratic Hispanics only, which are probably older. A big majority of Hispanics identify as Independent and they skew younger too, which is why I would believe the SurveyMonkey poll is more descriptive.

you spin anything in Bernie's favor. I love it.
I'm sorry. I'm always surprised when areas of privilege hit me in the face, you know? My best friend is AA, and she was able to go back to 1741 but that was it. It was a dead end at that point, because the plantation owners purged all records prior to that date. It was a total shock to me to see something like that. She was able to find out where she thinks her family originated, and spent a few weeks in Kenya where she has distant relaives, but it was definitely eye opening for me.

I appreciate your sympathy. I'm sure you can relate in other areas, like with the shit we have to deal with for being gay. People who don't live that experience just don't really have to think about it, so they can take a lot of things for granted.

I think it's cool that you can dig so far into your family history and heritage, but I must confess, as a child, I was very embarrassed whenever this topic came up in school, because it would inevitably lead to a racial divide in the classroom, where the white kids would talk about their centuries of family history, and the black kids would kinda just sit there and shrug their shoulders.

I actually used to hate/blame my mom for a brief time as a child, because I thought that she was purposefully hiding my family history from me. I was simply too young to understand the gravity of the situation. I've since then apologized to my mother for blaming her, and I'm very proud of her for being patient with me.

Anyway, it's been a lifelong dream of mine to one day know my family history, and I'm still hopeful. I don't know when that day will be, but hopefully it'll come before I draw my last breath.
The Telemundo poll asked Democratic Hispanics only, which are probably older. A big majority of Hispanics identify as Independent and they skew younger too, which is why I would believe the SurveyMonkey poll is more descriptive.

Has SurveyMonkey branched out from online polling?
The Telemundo poll asked Democratic Hispanics only, which are probably older. A big majority of Hispanics identify as Independent and they skew younger too, which is why I would believe the SurveyMonkey poll is more descriptive.

Hispanics Democrats are going to give Trump 21% and Cruz 27% of their vote?
you spin anything in Bernie's favor. I love it.

Data has a well known Bernie-bias.

As is the case with whites, Hispanics are more likely to describe themselves as independents (44%) than Democrats (34%) or Republicans (13%). More than twice as many Hispanics either affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic than identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP (56% vs. 26%), based on interviews conducted in English and Spanish in 2014.


A Pew Research Center study released Tuesday shows that millennials born in 1981 or later will account for 44% of the record 27.3 million eligible Latino voters projected for 2016, up from 37% in 2012


Hispanics Democrats are going to give Trump 21% and Cruz 27% of their vote?

This is how Telemundo decided to word it:

If the Democratic primaries were held today, 56 % of Democratic Hispanics would vote for Hillary Clinton and 39 % for Bernie Sanders.

So it is fair to make assumptions based on that.
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