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Well, the article does go into more detail:

It's certainly not a sure thing that Republicans would work with her, but she should at least make the attempt. And if that fails, she can resort to executive actions that will hopefully stand up in court after she fills Scalia's seat.

People talking about GOP obstruction are making the same mistake that people do when looking nationally instead of regionally. Democrats don't need 100-0 votes on legislation, they just need at most 10 people to step across the aisle. There are enough GOP people who don't live in Cantor districts that can basically say and do whatever they want and still get elected. Their seats are safe as hell, and so they can just stay on legacy watch and make sure they don't go down as "Trump Republicans."

Also, I don't really even understand the point in arguing otherwise. If the GOP is completely and totally unwilling to budge on anything, then what's your plan? Elect the Bern-man and somehow convince the people that elect Sessions that they really actually like socialism so that our government can function?

Please. The real strategy is to find a few Judas types, give them their pittance of silver, and then use that group to ram through whatever they can stomach. Basic income? Nope. Immigration reform? Absolutely.
I'm sure she knows that, she is more politically savvy than Obama was his first term. But, you always make the attempt, before abandoning it. Plus, making the attempt and getting votes on things gives down ticket something to campaign on.

An attempt is fine, as long as she doesn't expend nearly as much political capital as Obama did on things like watering down the stimulus and the Gang of 6 negotiations.


Obama used a lot of political capital, but he also had a much different first 100 days than most incoming presidents due to the economic climate at that point.

Barring anything dramatic happening again, in addition to the Clintons' political skill, I'm sure Hillary will have a strong first year.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This is a really elementary economic question, but why is our current reserve system better than a national bank or even the gold standard?

Why do many libertarians wish to return to the gold standard?

Gold standard is bad because there's a set amount of gold in the world that doesn't increase (or increases only very slowly). Meanwhile, the amount of goods in the world is constantly rising, so the value of other goods in terms of gold is always falling - so you have deflation. Deflation has all sorts of economic problems, but the main one is that it kills investment - why invest in something with your $100 now when you can wait a year, have that $100 be worth even more, and get a better investment? You end up with Keynes' paradox of thrift.

I think most libertarians want to return it to it because they're under the impression it removes government control over the economy. The central bank can offer whatever discount rate (what determines the interest rate) it likes because it can create money out of nowhere to finance it if necessary. Under the gold standard system, the central bank's ability to influence the interest rate is dependent on the amount of gold it owns - it sells gold to increase the rate and buys it to decrease it, but it can't do that ad infinitum because it eventually runs out of gold/can't buy more gold. It's mostly based on bad economics, though. There's no real economic school that seriously advocates it; Friedman made his career on constant expansion in a fiat money reserve (monetarism) and that's about as extreme as you get, even he had repented by the end of his career.




This is a really elementary economic question, but why is our current reserve system better than a national bank or even the gold standard?

Why do many libertarians wish to return to the gold standard?

Poor economic theory and a lack of realization that gold is mostly (beyond the intrinsic value it holds) an economic bubble like bitcoin.

Why, I'm hopeful a liberal supreme court would take cases that would allow them to slowly whittle away the ability to gerrymander effectively. I am hopeful! Like so!

I'm hopeful for this too, but I doubt it saves us in 2018. More of a long term sort of thing

Bams probably endorsed her just hoping for the right coin flip!

lol, these idiots.
When is the last time a VP carried over from a previous administration?

John C. Calhoun was the last. He was Vice President from 1825 through 1832, first under John Quincy Adams and then under Andrew Jackson.

The only other VP to serve under two presidents was George Clinton, who served from 1805 through 1812 under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.


Mitt says he would vote for the Libertarian party if the VP nominee were at the top of the ticket. Needs to learn more about Gary Johnson before giving his support.
I think Hillary will win by 15 points in the end so we she'll just have to worry about getting 6 Republican Senators to vote for cloture on an amnesty bill.

Hispanics are going to run out against a guy that has a >25% chance of being a Nazi.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
An attempt is fine, as long as she doesn't expend nearly as much political capital as Obama did on things like watering down the stimulus and the Gang of 6 negotiations.

I still think the concept of "Political Capital" is bullshit.


Sidhe / PikPok
we don't want that

If that happened, assuming the GOP had resigned themselves to Trump being the nominee, wouldn't that throw them into complete disarray?

They'd have to scramble to find a candidate over the course of the convention wouldn't they? With no consensus on who Not Trump should be, the usual suspects would throw their hat into the ring, and stabbing each other in the back to seize the nomination. It would be beautiful chaos.

I'm not saying it would be better for Democrats than them running with Trump, but boy what a show!


I thought you lived in Utah. You mean you went to Smith's?

Yeah, but I thought Kroger was the more common name so I used it instead.

Hmm, have no idea if Smith's or Kroger is more well known nation wide actually...

Kroger goes by a different name in Utah? That's so weird. It's Kroger in the Southeast, and I know it's Kroger in Ohio since their headquarters are there

fake edit: Ah I looked it up, they acquired some other companies and just didn't change all their names everywhere.

Kroger trivia in Atlanta:
Years ago in 1991 there was a murder at this Kroger in Atlanta, and it got the nickname "Murder Kroger". And although in the past few years some people thought, eh that name is silly it's not accurate anymore and then a guy got fatally shot in broad daylight in 2015. Crazy.


My dream is Trump is nominated on the floor, and then when he gives his big speech, he just lays into it in Full Racist mode. Let his moment of nationally televised triumph be the moment that the GOP shits their pants and has "Dear God, what have we done" written across their faces.

Seriously, Trump's speech at the convention is the biggest moment of his life. Do we genuinely think he's gonna let anybody make him use a teleprompter then? He hates teleprompters and speeches. He doesn't care if it's sloppy or not; he's gonna just live in that moment and ramble about himself for as long as he can.
See I had a dream last night that it was election night and I was watching with a bunch of people. I woke up before the polls closed though.

Kroger goes by a different name in Utah? That's so weird. It's Kroger in the Southeast, and I know it's Kroger in Ohio since their headquarters are there

fake edit: Ah I looked it up, they acquired some other companies and just didn't change all their names everywhere.

Kroger trivia in Atlanta:
Years ago in 1991 there was a murder at this Kroger in Atlanta, and it got the nickname "Murder Kroger". And although in the past few years some people thought, eh that name is silly it's not accurate anymore and then a guy got fatally shot in broad daylight in 2015. Crazy.

It's pretty common in the grocery industry. It seems like the tendency is for the new owners to preserve the old brand when they buy it out. Kroger is the biggest, but Albertsons also owns a ton of different supermarkets (Safeway, Jewel, Shaw's, etc.)

I would think that Kroger would be the best known of their brands, but then again I grew up in a Kroger market.
See I had a dream last night that it was election night and I was watching with a bunch of people. I woke up before the polls closed though.

It's pretty common in the grocery industry. It seems like the tendency is for the new owners to preserve the old brand when they buy it out. Kroger is the biggest, but Albertsons also owns a ton of different supermarkets (Safeway, Jewel, Shaw's, etc.)

I would think that Kroger would be the best known of their brands, but then again I grew up in a Kroger market.

Makes complete sense. People are at their core creatures of habit. Many have a preferred grocery store for xyz reasons, changing the name means they might not have faith in that store and seek to shop elsewhere.
I had a politically related idea for a thread on OT I figured posting would get me into trouble. It was about how shitty political memes are bad. O well

It could have been interpreted as mean and passive agressive
I still think the concept of "Political Capital" is bullshit.
In some cases, maybe, but 9-11 gave GWB a lot of leeway and maneuvering room for things that just wouldn't have been able to be done otherwise. They were (mostly) bad things, but the boon isn't always used for evil.


Kills Photobucket
My dream is Trump is nominated on the floor, and then when he gives his big speech, he just lays into it in Full Racist mode. Let his moment of nationally televised triumph be the moment that the GOP shits their pants and has "Dear God, what have we done" written across their faces.

Seriously, Trump's speech at the convention is the biggest moment of his life. Do we genuinely think he's gonna let anybody make him use a teleprompter then? He hates teleprompters and speeches. He doesn't care if it's sloppy or not; he's gonna just live in that moment and ramble about himself for as long as he can.

He'll use a Teleprompter. He's used them before, and I don't see why he wouldn't use it then. He knows it won't be the speech to his base, it will be a speech to people he wants to try and convince to vote for him.
Makes complete sense. People are at their core creatures of habit. Many have a preferred grocery store for xyz reasons, changing the name means they might not have faith in that store and seek to shop elsewhere.

Maybe it has something to do with how often one shops at a given grocery store, but I feel like people seem to identify particularly strongly with their supermarket brands. I can think of multiple instances where a supermarket has changed names and people still refer to it by its former name years or even decades after the name has changed.

For how much Chicagoans love to complain about Jewel, I feel like there would be riots if anyone ever tried to change the name of the stores.


My dream is Trump is nominated on the floor, and then when he gives his big speech, he just lays into it in Full Racist mode. Let his moment of nationally televised triumph be the moment that the GOP shits their pants and has "Dear God, what have we done" written across their faces.

How much more racist can he get? He's already gone full racist mode and we've only seen a select few GoP members go "uhhhh wtf I'm not voting for you" and most just not care
How much more racist can he get? He's already gone full racist mode and we've only seen a select few GoP members go "uhhhh wtf I'm not voting for you" and most just not care

the most you're getting is calling Clinton a bitch

which is a real possibility before this election is over


How much more racist can he get? He's already gone full racist mode and we've only seen a select few GoP members go "uhhhh wtf I'm not voting for you" and most just not care
I think when he drops a slur, like the n word or wetback will people go into shock. I have a feeling he'll fold even further.
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