Well, the article does go into more detail:
It's certainly not a sure thing that Republicans would work with her, but she should at least make the attempt. And if that fails, she can resort to executive actions that will hopefully stand up in court after she fills Scalia's seat.
People talking about GOP obstruction are making the same mistake that people do when looking nationally instead of regionally. Democrats don't need 100-0 votes on legislation, they just need at most 10 people to step across the aisle. There are enough GOP people who don't live in Cantor districts that can basically say and do whatever they want and still get elected. Their seats are safe as hell, and so they can just stay on legacy watch and make sure they don't go down as "Trump Republicans."
Also, I don't really even understand the point in arguing otherwise. If the GOP is completely and totally unwilling to budge on anything, then what's your plan? Elect the Bern-man and somehow convince the people that elect Sessions that they really actually like socialism so that our government can function?
Please. The real strategy is to find a few Judas types, give them their pittance of silver, and then use that group to ram through whatever they can stomach. Basic income? Nope. Immigration reform? Absolutely.