Dat bounce
In the Twitter thread, Nate says they are new but had accurate metrics during Missouri Primaries.
Ahh, thank you my friend
Dat bounce
In the Twitter thread, Nate says they are new but had accurate metrics during Missouri Primaries.
Has a R ever won Ohio and NOT become president?
On the poignant appearance of Muslim lawyer Khizr Khan and his wife, whose son, Humayun, an Army captain, posthumously received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery after he was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. As his wife, Ghazala, stood silently by his side, Khan held up a copy of the Constitution and asked Trump if he had ever read it and said, You have sacrificed nothing.
Id like to hear his wife say something.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy?
I see. I know Obama got 34% in 08 which I would assume is the ceiling, so a 34-33-33 win for Clinton would be very tight and unrealistic (although one for the history books, just like a Johnson win would be). Bill is down there campaigning soon so maybe if the Clinton's actually show interest...
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy?
Don't forget, the polls that matter won't be out for another three weeks.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 17m17 minutes ago
We are suffering through the worst long-term unemployment in the last 70 years. I want change - Crooked Hillary Clinton does not.
(for those who don't want to do math 70 years ago was 1946)
I have found the nomination of a woman for president this week to be an emotional experience in ways I did not expect.
And its not just me I heard from lots of people who didnt expect to cry during a roll call vote but all of a sudden found tears coming down their faces. I started asking people to tell me about it. Where were they? What happened?
"I wasn't sure how I'd feel this week as I've been lukewarm on Hillary in the past," Andrea Coleman told me. Shes 35 and lives in Colorado. "However, as I was watching the roll call, I started getting oddly emotional. Each announcement I found my lip quivering and my eyes welling up. Then when she crossed over the 1,382, I immediately burst into tears."
The research happened in West Bengal, India, which mandated a certain number of positions of "pradhan" (essentially city council chief) be given to women. Each election cycle, a certain number of villages would be chosen, at random, to fill this quota.
This created a perfect natural experiment in which economists could compare cities where girls grew up with female leaders to those where they didnt.
The results were stunning and suggest that when women took leadership positions, the community started to view other women in fundamentally different ways. In villages assigned female pradhans, parents became more aspirational in what they expected of their daughters.
The fraction of parents who believed that a daughters occupation (but not a sons) should be determined by her in-laws declined from 76 percent to 65 percent.
I'm not really sure why you would think that Trump is not a white nationalist. He's behaved pretty consistently in support of it for many years and he was clearly raised in it. It runs in his family, after all.
Also I'm kind of unsure what the difference is between "nationalism and racism", which you are fine identifying with him, and white nationalism. I think paleoconservatism is pretty clearly inaccurate since Trump demonstrates zero interest in limited government and in fact explicitly wants to expand it in a bunch of ways in order to put his white nationalist goals in practice.
Meanwhile the Fed sent signals last week that they think we might actually be at FULL employment (stopped mentioning "underutilization of labor resources").
http://fox13now.com/2016/07/26/bill-clinton-scheduled-to-visit-utah-to-campaign-for-his-wife/Wait what? Willy is coming to town? I'm gonna have to show up to that.
why is Nate keeping Nevada toss-up and having Trump ahead by a few % probability?
yeah Nevada lacks polls, but do we honestly believe that Trump has a chance there?
That's what he temperasaid, but that's not what he temperament.The temperature in one of his luxury apartments, duh
why is Nate keeping Nevada toss-up and having Trump ahead by a few % probability?
yeah Nevada lacks polls, but do we honestly believe that Trump has a chance there?
Don't forget, the polls that matter won't be out for another three weeks.
Wait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?Dat bounce
In the Twitter thread, Nate says they are new but had accurate metrics during Missouri Primaries.
Was listening to NPR Politics reporting on the convention in the car with my kids. My son (11) asked why they had a sound of glass shattering, so I explained the concept of the glass ceiling to him. It brought me to tears - I wasn't prepared to feel so strongly about what this means for women in this country, and the acknowledgment of the glass ceilings and double standards that we live with every day.
For every woman who has pondered how aggressive to be in a work meeting.
For every woman who has received the feedback that they are "shrill"
For every woman who's been asked to take notes in a meeting, regardless of her actual role
For every woman who has watched the relentless criticism of female politicians - how they speak, how they dress, how they run their families, when a male would never receive the same criticism.
For all the women who came before me, who fought to actually have choice in their profession.
For women who yearned for STEM professions but were told teaching was their only option.
For my mom, who has lived this fight.
For our daughters, who see new possibility.
For their daughters, who will know all this as only an academic subject, part of their history class.
It's time.
+6 but it wasn't post-DNCWait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?
Wait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?
Wait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?
Dat bounce
In the Twitter thread, Nate says they are new but had accurate metrics during Missouri Primaries.
Touching story, thanks for sharing.My wife and a lot of my female facebook friends had a similar reaction. The gender aspect of this has been overshadowed by a lot of stuff, but it hit them all this week.
Here's what she wrote on Facebook:
Disgusting, Hillary should literally be in prison and you are going to vote for her
This would be awesome and not too far outside the realm of possibility.can john kasich come out and endorse hillary clinton for president please.
Wait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?
Wasn't that one post-RNC, but pre-DNC?
Where do we see Tom Perez going in a Clinton administration? Word leading up to the VP pick was that he was now friends with the family, but I don't just think he was sitting next to Bill because they're friends. Given his experience, could we see him taking over DOJ or getting the SCOTUS nod? Solicitor General if he's truly interested in lawyering?I don't know, maybe he was
Wait, didn't reuters/ipsos also come out yesterday and showed hillary +5?
according to the new July 25-29 online poll of 1,043 likely voters, which overlapped with the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
It did but that's essentially unchanged from their last poll and that poll has been absurdly Clinton-tilted and probably garbage. (It was +10 or +11 before the FBI report and no lower than +4 after).
It was during the DNC. It's a super noisy poll. It's gonna need to be like +15 Clinton to support a trend.
The richest and most powerful country in the world, the government still uses Windows.
How are we not using some forked build of Linux focused on privacy and encryption? How are all emails and messages not using ete encryption?
It was wacky ass shit poll. Hillary leads trump, but obama is underwater and hillary is more unfavorable. I guess thats because it was conducted during the DNC and those are unreliable...we can ignore it.+6 but it wasn't post-DNC
The richest and most powerful country in the world, the government still uses Windows.
Re: Russia
I try to not be conspiracy theorist but there is something with the new DCCC hacks and that the old hacks also went into Clinton's campaign analytics. This two targets are seemingly the weakest parts of Trumps campaign. He is sorely behind on the money front but we have Wikileaks and Russia going after donor lists and releasing donor personal info. Like this was an attempt to dissuade people from donating to her campaign and Dems in general, seems oddly convenient no? Then we just learned they got into the voter analytics of the Clinton campaign, somewhere where the GOP says he doesn't have. Again this seems oddly specific to go after being a gig weakness of Trump's campaign. Pair that with the timing supposed to be to negatively effect the DNC before convention and it the whole thing seems very coordinated precisely to help with Trumps weaknesses.
Good luck getting Congress to approve the spending for such a thing.
I should note there is a special system for classified information though.
Republicans are always trying to increase the military budget, and that spending would likely trickle down to their donors anyways.
The richest and most powerful country in the world, the government still uses Windows.
How are we not using some forked build of Linux focused on privacy and encryption? How are all emails and messages not using ete encryption?
I don't follow. I agree Trump lacks good data on GOP voters, but how does Dem data help him?