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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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It's unsurprising to me that Berniecrats and Times reporters seem to be the two groups with an almost pathological need to talk about how bad Hillary was, demand endless apologies, refuse to hear a basic accounting of what went wrong during the election, etc. As long as it can be all Hillary's fault, they can avoid having to take a serious look at their own roles as bad actors in 2016.

I see this as less of a slam on Hillary (well, I guess it is, but it's a fairly deserved one) and more of a warning shot to 2020 contenders: if you can't articulate what you stand for and why you should be president on your own, don't bother running. And I agree with that!
Someone please hit the reset button.

The US was a mistake. It'a nothing but trash.
"Negotiate our way back into Paris"


How can we make healthcare bills even more unpopular?



Everyone with an "R" after their name just lost their goddamn minds today jesus fucking christ if you're going to self-destruct this bad stick to putting bleach in your morning cereal to blunt the damage to society.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How can we make healthcare bills even more unpopular?



I cannot fathom what the reasoning is behind this other than keeping the lower classes in their same position. This hurts the paychecks of millions of Americans. Paul Ryan's idiotic "bu bu but the free market people are unfairly discriminated against!!!" line is infuriating.

I'll say this: If this somehow got passed, I think it would pretty much guarantee a blue wave in 2018. If the democrats cannot finally flip the message around and show that republicans are the real tax-and-spend part when it comes to screwing over anyone that isn't rich, I'll run for office and do it myself. This is ludicrous.
Wait, I think I've seen this story before...

Bush kills global warming treaty

The Bush administration yesterday appeared to end all hope of reviving the Kyoto treaty on global warming, declaring it had "no interest" in its implementation and taking the first steps towards withdrawing the US signature on the accord.

Kyoto's death warrant, announced by Christine Todd Whitman, head of the environmental protection agency (EPA), represented a blunt rebuff to European hopes of establishing a global programme to slow down the emission of greenhouse gases, amid startling new evidence of rapid climate change.

Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, privately told European ambassadors last week that the US considered the Kyoto accord "dead", but the German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, had hoped to convince Mr Bush not to abandon the agreement altogether when the two leaders meet today in Washington.

"It is important that the US accepts its responsibility for the world climate. They are the biggest economy in the world and the heaviest energy consumers," Mr Schröder told the Los Angeles Times.

Ms Whitman's remarks represent a snub to the German chancellor on the eve of his arrival. Asked whether the Kyoto deal had any chance of survival, she told journalists: "No, we have no interest in implementing that treaty."

In a letter to Republican senators earlier this month, Mr Bush said he opposed the Kyoto deal - under which the US would have to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane by 7% below 1990 levels by 2012 - because it exempted developing countries and would harm the US economy. He said he would not impose controls on emissions of carbon dioxide, despite an election pledge to do so.

A European diplomat called the hardline attitude depressing and marked a significant divergence between European and US views on how to deal with the problem. It cast a pall over an international meeting in Bonn in June, where a fresh attempt is to be made to establish a consensus.

Amy Kreider, director of the global warming campaign at the US National Environmental Trust, said: "This is no way to conduct policy.

"It looks like amateur hour at the White House as regards foreign policy."

Just in case you think this hurts Trump, you might be surprised to know Bush continued to be president for 7 1/2 years.
That this "three-decade high" is still less than 50% is infuriating.
tbh a lot of people hear "global warming" and think wearing shorts in February. People aren't going to grasp the consequences until it's too late, but if a significant majority is concerned now we can at least blunt some of the pain.

How can we make healthcare bills even more unpopular?


lol just fucking gift wrap 2018 for us if this passes. GOP is going to raise your taxes AND take away peoples' health insurance?

People like low taxes and free shit. This is like the direct opposite of that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
lol just fucking gift wrap 2018 for us if this passes. GOP is going to raise your taxes AND take away peoples' health insurance?

People like low taxes and free shit. This is like the direct opposite of that.

When I hear proposals like this, I can't help but think the GOP knows a power swing is coming and they're trying to cram through every dumb thing they can to line their own pockets before it happens.

Wait, I think I've seen this story before...

Bush kills global warming treaty

Just in case you think this hurts Trump, you might be surprised to know Bush continued to be president for 7 1/2 years.

9/11 and a horrible democratic candidate surely had something to do with that.
5 of the top 10 top global Twitter trends are related to this currently. 5 of the top 7 in the US.

Trump lives on cable news, and he has to know this is comically unpopular. We'll surely see a Twitter rant by tomorrow morning after he has to watch an entire night of people shitting on him... More than usual, that is. It amuses me greatly watching countries you know he considers weak (hi France, Germany) talk shit to the US and be 100% justified in doing so.


tbh a lot of people hear "global warming" and think wearing shorts in February. People aren't going to grasp the consequences until it's too late, but if a significant majority is concerned now we can at least blunt some of the pain.

lol just fucking gift wrap 2018 for us if this passes. GOP is going to raise your taxes AND take away peoples' health insurance?

People like low taxes and free shit. This is like the direct opposite of that.

Which means it'll pass and Republicans will still control the house and White House in 2019.

I don't share that optimism or hope that voters will turn out in 2018 to "teach the GOP a lesson".


Looking forward to all the grudging endorsements of Joe Manchin from pragmatic PoliGAF now that he's endorsed leaving the Paris climate accords.


Senate Rs are just trying to kill AHCA. They know FC wont vote for tax hike. They just dont want to deal with it.
They'll vote for it if they have to should the Senate finally send it back. Don't be fooled. Priority #1 is erasing Obama's biggest accomplishments like they never happened
Looking forward to all the grudging endorsements of Joe Manchin from pragmatic PoliGAF now that he's endorsed leaving the Paris climate accords.
We've covered this. Literally any 'D' who might vote against the President even 1% of the time is better than any 'R' that would in lockstep. Fortunately he's a lot more reliable than just 1%.


Sure, Manchin is still better than a hard R sitting there. Next?

Exactly. He'll vote for Schumer as majority leader. Captain Coal Roller wouldn't.

Edit: Dubya was only worse than Trump (so far) because he at least surrounded himself with competently bad people and listened to them most of the time.


May contain jokes =>
Okay. Catch you later when he votes for the Senate health care bill!

Pretty shit comparison considering whatever he says about the Paris accord has literally zero actual effect on anything.

This is 100% on Trump and nobody else.


What the fuck
It's a complete political loser but it's actually necessary as part of the transition to a car insurance model for health care.

This is why if we have the GOP pass this horribly unpopular part of it for us, it's a big net win for us going forward. We get a necessary but unpopular change added to the books, and we get to run against them on it while not actually changing it once in power. Right out of the GOP playbook!

The reason we have our shitty employer-sponsored health care system in the first place is that during WWII wages were capped while benefits were not. So instead of offering more cash, they offered paid-for insurance. Once people got home, and the wage caps were lifted, people didn't want to give up the benefits. And so it eventually became formalized even though no economist or policymaker would actively want to set up this shitty system.

We need to get off this system into one w/ an individual mandate and where you go and pick out your own insurance options, so you're no longer insurance-locked depending on your employers' whims. An important part of this is that we need the funds that your employer spends on your monthly health care premium sent to you directly so you can spend them as you please! However, those funds are currently not taxed like normal income, and are thus not something you are allowed to mix together. By taxing them like normal income, they are now intermixable, and it allow you to start the process of converting those benefits to direct salary for employees.


Manchin has been pretty consistent in his thoughts. He's always been against a lot of Obama's climate and environment initiatives and he's been consistent in crapping on the GOP's healthcare plans.

So if he does vote for the healthcare bill he should be savaged for it. And I don't care whether he did it "to appeal to his constituents" or not.
Manchin has been pretty consistent in his thoughts. He's always been against a lot of Obama's climate and environment initiatives and he's been consistent in crapping on the GOP's healthcare plans.

So if he does vote for the healthcare bill he should be savaged for it. And I don't care whether he did it "to appeal to his constituents" or not.

He's not going to vote for the AHCA, WV will get hit hard by it.


This is just a random thought, but would it be possible for other countries to seize or kick out Trump businesses as a response to this. That seems like it would do a better job than the idea of sanctions.


It's interesting watching Fox News descend into another reality where the climate is magically okay, the poor live like kings, and jobs pour forth like shit from an asshole that just ate a month's worth of Chipotle.

They make a professional contortionist jealous with the amount of back breaking bending they do to support whatever comes out of that bleeding hemorrhoid's mouth.
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