But old people are immune to enthusiasm...they like their bingo and their republicans.The Dems have been going hard with theirs, so I think Ossoff might edge it out. Handel doesn't seem like a candidate to get too excited about...
The Dems have been going hard with theirs, so I think Ossoff might edge it out. Handel doesn't seem like a candidate to get too excited about...
Fox News: Some Dems turn on Hillary, tell her to move on.
They must read GAF.
Also, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
They'll be attacking Hillary for decades to come.Fox News: Some Dems turn on Hillary, tell her to move on.
They must read GAF.
Also, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
Fox News: Some Dems turn on Hillary, tell her to move on.
They must read GAF.
Also, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
Fox News: Some Dems turn on Hillary, tell her to move on.
They must read GAF.
Also, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
MACKINAC ISLAND — Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan offered a stinging rebuke to the Democratic Party on Thursday, warning that its disarray could give rise to a third national political party and that he was "so frustrated with the Hillary Clinton campaign, I could have screamed."
"They never articulated a vision for why there would be more opportunity for people willing to work hard and get new schools," he said. "Detroit is a lot of blue-collar folks, and they never could articulate why (people should choose them).
"'He's terrible. Vote against him,' Duggan said, citing the party's mantra against Donald Trump. "They left themselves vulnerable and look what happened.
"I don't see the Democratic Party solving that right now. Some of the things the president is doing are so damaging, (but the party) seems perfectly happy to attack him. If the Democratic Party doesn't come up with a set of principles and policies that create opportunity for people who haven't had it, I think a third party is going to emerge."
Fox News: Some Dems turn on Hillary, tell her to move on.
They must read GAF.
Also, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
Scathing article about the democratic party with comments from Michigan democrats:
Way more at the link. Well worth the read. I don't necessarily agree a third party will emerge, but I do think if they don't get their act together people just won't vote.
I can get behind this. "I've said my piece, let's talk about [whatever the event is about] now."She doesn't have to disappear but she needs to stop talking about the election.
Scathing article about the democratic party with comments from Michigan democrats:
Way more at the link. Well worth the read. I don't necessarily agree a third party will emerge, but I do think if they don't get their act together people just won't vote.
I can get behind this. "I've said my piece, let's talk about [whatever the event is about] now."
NBC Nightly News‏Verified account @NBCNightlyNews
BREAKING: CA, NY and WA governors reject Pres. Trump's decision; will convene alliance of US states that want to uphold climate agreement
From what I gather, the media, and people on the left alike, feel Hillary having lost the election should fall off the face of the earth, and if she does not and speaks candidly about her experience, if she doesn't say all my fault and I suck as a human/candidate then EXCUSES!!!11!!
Um... That bolded part is pretty far-reaching, isn't it? I mean, it's not generally the "done thing" for states to form an alliance, right?
I agree that it's massively unfair. It also seems to be necessary. Literally anything she says about the election that in any way implies that she's not wholly responsible gets picked up, twisted, and broadcasted, overriding whatever else she wanted to say.I just think that's unrealistic and in a lot of ways unfair. The election was clearly grueling and one of the most significant periods of her life. Denying her the right to talk about it isn't fair. I don't see why any of it matters, she's not running for anything and is speaking as herself. No one should be putting any stock into it besides their own curiosity of her experience.
Its Friday guys. You know what that means......![]()
Um... That bolded part is pretty far-reaching, isn't it? I mean, it's not generally the "done thing" for states to form an alliance, right?
Um... That bolded part is pretty far-reaching, isn't it? I mean, it's not generally the "done thing" for states to form an alliance, right?
Um... That bolded part is pretty far-reaching, isn't it? I mean, it's not generally the "done thing" for states to form an alliance, right?
some dudes got mad then deleted their tweetsAlso, why talk about Hillary? She's not even an issue for the GOP anymore.
But according to sources close to Clintons inner circle, shes yet again failing in her quest to win over motivated Democrats. POLITICO reports that her top aides are getting frustrated that they simply cant force progressives to adopt Clinton as their leader.
Reportedly, Clinton had planned to lay low through the winter, studying her campaign postmortems in order to re-emerge on the political scene with a strong message in the spring. They apparently expected her to be warmly received, and cast into the role of a central resistance figure.
”It's unlikely that we will get a health care deal, which means that most of my time has been spent trying to figure out solutions to Iowa losing all of its insurers," he told WXII 12 News, describing the bill passed in the House last month as ”not a good plan" and ”dead on arrival" in the Senate.
”I don't see a comprehensive health care plan this year," Burr said.
That'd be an interesting strategy for the book tour.So it's time for her to just refuse to speak on the subject.
ACHA probably not passing senate this year
Also fat chance they pass this in an election year, so yea...
I don't think they've even done any serious writing of this bill at all.
ACHA probably not passing senate this year
Also fat chance they pass this in an election year, so yea...
I don't think they've even done any serious writing of this bill at all.
Well, formal compacts are unconstitutional without Congressional approval, but there is nothing they can do to stop states from informal alliances. Another example is the push to subvert the electoral college
It's explicitly forbidden in the Constitution but the SC ruled that it can be done if it doesn't take usurp federal power. These states could just agree to follow the agreement without needing to negotiate a foreign deal.
an alliance of states?...hmmm...by definition would that not be a Confederation?
They still won't say if Trump believes in climate change. They have no answer.
ACHA probably not passing senate this year
Also fat chance they pass this in an election year, so yea...
I don't think they've even done any serious writing of this bill at all.
ACHA probably not passing senate this year
Also fat chance they pass this in an election year, so yea...
I don't think they've even done any serious writing of this bill at all.
Like I mentioned before, the whole bit about them taxing employer sponsored healthcare means they just want to kill the AHCA outright. No one is fucking touching healthcare in 2018.
that would basically kill Trump's entire legislative agenda so we'll see
I understand that "don't vote for the other guy" isn't a winning GOTV strategy. But I also don't understand why not! If you're not a Trump voter, why doesn't "vote for the other major candidate because Trump is fucking crazy" but a stirring enough message to get you off your ass?
What agenda?
Tax breaks depends on freeing up budget through healthcare reform.
Under the Healthy California Act, Californias total spending on health care, with savings of 18 percent produced by reductions in administrative costs, the use of state bulk purchasing power, and improved patient care delivery, would drop to $331 billion. But that figure includes $225 billion of current taxpayer funded spending on Medicare, Medicaid, tax subsidies paid to insurers for health expenses of families and households.
With the savings produced by a single payer financing system, and the transfer of the 71 percent of taxpayer funded spending currently by Medicare, Medicaid and taxpayer subsidies to insurers for partial payment private insurance costs for families and households, an additional $106 billion will be needed
The study proposes achieving that added revenue through two modest taxes, a 2.3 percent on gross business revenue receipts exempting the first $2 million in receipts to eliminate the cost for small businesses and a new 2.3 percent sales tax that would exempt all spending on housing, utilities, services, and food at home, to mitigate the impact for low and moderate income Californians. The lowest income Californians would receive a tax credit, fully offsetting their tax share.
Those weren't going anywhere anyway. He wasn't even seriously working on it.
I understand that "don't vote for the other guy" isn't a winning GOTV strategy. But I also don't understand why not! If you're not a Trump voter, why doesn't "vote for the other major candidate because Trump is fucking crazy" but a stirring enough message to get you off your ass?
What agenda?
Indeed many northern states had these provisions. Indiana, Illinois, etc.When West Virginia seceded, the original constitution called for not allowing any black people, slave or free, within her borders
He can be kicked out of the caucus, stripped of his seniority, etc. You know, all the things they didn't do to Joe Lieberman.Ok so how do we kick Joe Manchin out of the Democratic Party exactly? It's not like Chuck Schumer has the ability to just take away any democratic senator's D-membership.
The only people who get to decide who represents West Virginia's Senate Seat as a democrat are the democratic voters of west Virginia. And unfortunately most of them are just racist piece of shit Dixiecrats who LOVE Trump's racism.
Tax breaks/reform depends on freeing up budget through healthcare reform.
What agenda?
McConnell knows taking ownership of healthcare would cost him the Senate and that's his chief concern.
Good point.
Now we see what happens when you structure a legislative agenda like a row of dominoes. You need to address healthcare before you can handle tax reform, but if the first domino won't fall or falls in the wrong direction, nothing gets accomplished.
Everything already feels borderline paralyzed. If Ossoff wins, we might see total immobility of the legislature except housekeeping business.