Mr.Shrugglesツ;238916850 said:So what do DIMM actually stand for?
He's just insulting Democrats by calling them "dim" (not bright, stupid, dumb).
Mr.Shrugglesツ;238916850 said:So what do DIMM actually stand for?
I've not seen reporting on this. Source?What's with this news of the WH trying to block Comey from testifying? They're shook as fuck.
But why the two Ms
I've not seen reporting on this. Source?
Mike Pence : *For some reason , climate change is important to the left and the rest of the world." (Paraphrasing)
Natasha Bertrand‏Verified account @NatashaBertrand
Wow. @JoeNBC says Steve Bannon bragged about having damaging info about Kushner days before Kushner meeting w/ Gorkov leaked to the NYT.
What's with this news of the WH trying to block Comey from testifying? They're shook as fuck.
Did we talk about this?
I don't even know what to think. It's strange to consider a WH advisor would perpetuate the Russian story, but Bannon's all about the fourth turning or whatever the fuck. Imagine if he's leaking the majority of the Russia stuff.
I just don't see how Trump wants that. Maybe he thinks his support would dive if Bannon was let go and turned against him?
Or maybe I'm overthinking their chess moves and Bannon's just an antisemite who hates Jared.
I don't even know what to think. It's strange to consider a WH advisor would perpetuate the Russian story, but Bannon's all about the fourth turning or whatever the fuck. Imagine if he's leaking the majority of the Russia stuff.
I just don't see how Trump wants that. Maybe he thinks his support would dive if Bannon was let go and turned against him?
Or maybe I'm overthinking their chess moves and Bannon's just an antisemite who hates Jared.
Normally it would be strange but none of these people have any loyalty to each other and they're doing nothing to change that. I mentioned this every now and then before the election but him winning was always going to lead to this nonsense. No one around him is really tied to him or each other by any common thread. It's all competing ideology, competing goals, and assholes.
The IC would revolt. The leaks coming out after that would be like a dam exploding.
The ego's in this administration must be off the charts, which is expected when there are like 10 oligarchs in there.
What's with this news of the WH trying to block Comey from testifying? They're shook as fuck.
Why even try to do it honestly?
Trump's commerce secretary just said Trump's an environmentalist.
Because Trump makes the absolute worst decision in every possible situation. I'm shocked it hasn't happened yet.
What's with this news of the WH trying to block Comey from testifying? They're shook as fuck.
Trump's commerce secretary just said Trump's an environmentalist.
Mentalist: British derogatory slang used to call a person insane, referring to a diminished state of cognition
Mentalist? That's an insult I've not heard in many years! Makes me want to watch reruns of Only Fools and Horses.
For sure. It's all about their own brands; Bannon doesn't care about the GOP, he cares about his following. Kushner doesn't care about the GOP, he cares about his business. Ivanka doesn't care about the GOP, she cares about her business. Etc....
None of them care about an ideology. They don't have actual beliefs.
Give it till Wednesday that is when it will sadly happen.
Exclusive: Special counsel Mueller to probe ex-Trump aide Flynn's Turkey ties
Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible ties between the Trump election campaign and Russia, is expanding his probe to include a grand jury investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, three sources told Reuters.
The move means Muellers politically charged inquiry will now look into Flynns paid work as a lobbyist for a Turkish businessman in 2016, in addition to contacts between Russian officials and Flynn and other Trump associates during and after the Nov. 8 presidential election.
Federal prosecutors in Virginia are investigating a deal between Flynn and Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin as part of a grand jury criminal probe, according to a subpoena seen by Reuters.
Jill Stein is now officially the Ralph Nader of 2016.
Stein votes/Trump margin:
MI: 51,463/10,704
PA: 49,678/46,765
WI: 31,006/22,177
I hope green party voters feel good about how Trump is better for the environment than Clinton.
Give it till Wednesday that is when it will sadly happen.
Some members of Congress have asked the Justice Department to define the scope of Muellers inquiry.
WASHINGTONHouse Speaker Paul Ryan, for the first time since entering Congress, may next year face a Democratic opponent who has a professionally managed campaign and the prospect of significant financial backing.
Randy Bryce, a local labor activist, is preparing a campaign launch in the coming weeks to challenge the Wisconsin House seat and has enlisted staff members including Bill Hyers, a Barack Obama alumnus who ran upset campaigns for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.).
In an interview, Mr. Bryce said he would seek to tether Mr. Ryan to President Donald Trump and argue that their effort to dismantle large parts of the Affordable Care Act has hurt working people in the district.
Theyre handcuffed together, Mr. Bryce said. People are having buyers remorse and theyre seeing whats going on. Trump made a lot of promises that I can see why working people would support, but now theyre waking up.
Since he was first elected in 1998, Mr. Ryan has only once received less than 60% of the vote in his district, which covers parts of six counties in Wisconsins southeast corner. Mr. Ryan, who has built an image as an economic-policy specialist, is also one of the partys most prolific fundraisers and has nearly $10 million in his campaign account. And only one House speaker since the Civil War has been turned out by his own constituents; Democratic Speaker Tom Foley lost his seat in the 1994 GOP wave election.
Mr. Bryces challenge represents a change in the Democratic Partys thinking about what districts to consider competitive in 2018.
Its a winnable district and Paul Ryan has gotten away with being a nice local person that they like, Mr. Hyers said. This is the first time where hes really going to have the face the voters with the fact that hes gone Washington.
An Army veteran who took some college courses but didnt graduate, Mr. Bryce, 52 years old, is a single parent who survived testicular cancer. He conducted an interview on Thursday, in his pronounced Wisconsin accent, during a break from a project in which he is working to build a parking deck at the Milwaukee Veterans Affairs hospital. His Twitter handle is @ironstache, for his bushy facial hair.
I dont think it takes somebody with a law degree or a doctorate to listen to their neighbors, he said.
A Bernie Sanders surrogate in Wisconsin during last years presidential primary campaign, Mr. Bryce lost his two previous runs for office, a 2012 primary for state assembly and 2014 state senate race. His chance to be competitive now, Democrats say, lies in riding what they hope will be a national Democratic wave that sweeps away the 24-seat Republican majority in the Houseand the opportunity to raise millions from party supporters by running against the House speaker.
So open hearings Tuesday with Page, Wednesday with this, and Thursday Comey.
An open hearing with Page??? Holy shit that's going to be something.
His numbers look good.RIP Ossoff.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
This would be EPIC. I don't use that word much.If Gorsuch votes with the rest of the court, expect some serious salt.
I had to look it up too, she's the police chief in this season of Fargo.What is that gif from?
Clever, He's environ mentalHe was using the British definition of mentalist.
Trump is an enviro mentalist.
An open hearing with Page??? Holy shit that's going to be something.
Never mind he backtracked on it.
Carter Page appears to have jumped the gun when he told ABC News he would appear June 6 before the House panel investigating Russias meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
President Donald Trumps former campaign foreign policy adviser backtracked in response to questions from POLITICO, saying the hearing date was not yet finalized. Members of the House Intelligence Committee also declined to say that a firm date had been set.
Details still being worked out, Page said of his testimony next month. Well see.
Too bad. Think I'll just skip Wednesday's at that seems to be "unmasking" day.
Too bad. Think I'll just skip Wednesday's at that seems to be "unmasking" day.
Man, if the first confirmed leaker from the WH is Bannon, it will be delicious to see the fallout.
I think Wednesday will be eventful. Rosenstein is going to provide a timeline for Comey's firing. Coates and Rogers have questions to answer about pressure Tump put on them and McCabe can speak to the existence of Comey's memos.
It's a lot of important groundwork for Comey's testimony.
Speaking of Gorsuch, I was just reminded of how Trump was hinting at another SCOTUS retirement coming up soon and it turned out he'd made those comments to try and nudge Ginsburg into stepping down.
Like Christ, know your audience dude.
Do things still seem up in the air, 50/50 for Ossoff winning?
I'm leaning towards Ossof unless the GOP has just been really good at hiding how good their GOTV game is.