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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Normally I don't pay much attention to day to day movement because the overall (downward) trajectory is more important, but given the events of the past few days this is disappointing.

36% was his floor the last few months, but it's probably the ceiling for him at this rate.


Well I guess there's the number

G Elliott Morris📈🙂 @gelliottmorris
25% of Americans say they can't think of anything Trump could do to make them disapprove of him.

#new Monmouth poll
1:13 PM · Aug 15, 2017
That Hillary speech about the alt right is probably gonna end up the most important speech she's ever given. It was easily the one thing her campaign got completely right. They saw the writings on the wall and the news didn't care.
Sekulow tells @adamdavidson that a potentially problematic Trump deal in Georgia should be off-limits to Mueller
http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/21/trumps-business-of-corruption …

Nice to see Trump's high powered lawyers going for the ol' "point at a map and shrug" defense.


The chair of Oklahoma's Democratic Party is 24 years old -- and super-optimistic

But since Langthorn has taken office, Democrats in Oklahoma flipped two state legislative seats in special elections, and over the last two months she’s begun the work of rebuilding the Democratic Party in a state in which President Trump won all 77 counties and the state overall by 36 points.

I definitely think that in 2018 we have a real shot at taking the governor's seat. [Editorial Note: An Morning Consult poll from April to July said Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin had a disapproval rating of 51 percent, making her one of the top 10 least popular governors in the country.]

Like you said, we had a Democratic governor as recently as 2010 and we've always had a big division between national politics and local politics when it comes to the Democratic party in Oklahoma. We tend to be more successful locally than we do federally. I think we can win the governor's seat and I think we can make our legislature veto-proof which requires us getting more than 1/3 of the state house, which I think we would be able to do. Those are our big top goals.

Then going into 2018, we have already started having this conversation and its a conversation that's gonna be focused on Oklahoma politics, not necessarily national politics about the fact that we're in the midst of a budget crisis, in the midst of an education crisis, in the midst of a health care crisis and that our economy, particularly in rural Oklahoma, is not doing as well as Republicans like to pretend it is.

People don't realize that Oklahoma was a solidly Democratic state, a blue state, into my lifetime. It wasn't that long ago, the early '90s and really the early 2000s that we lost control of the legislature — I frequently say, and I might get in trouble for saying this, at our own fault.

It was the fault of the Democratic Party that things changed in Oklahoma. I don't know if that makes us super unique because I know that there are other states that are dealing with that, but it has sometimes surprised people how far the pendulum can swing and how quickly memories can fade.
I think Sekulow wants Trump to go to jail.

I'm sure "your honor, this was clearly out of Mueller's jurisdiction" is really going to hold up in court.

I think the goal is to make the case for Mueller's dismissal in that he's going beyond the declared intention of the investigation. It's still spurious at best, but that will likely be the narrative when they try to fire Mueller once the fire gets too hot to handle.
Sekulow tells @adamdavidson that a potentially problematic Trump deal in Georgia should be off-limits to Mueller
http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/21/trumps-business-of-corruption …

Nice to see Trump's high powered lawyers going for the ol' "point at a map and shrug" defense.

Actually hold on a goddamn second. When did the dossier say the FSB was trying to recruit Trump?

"For at least 5 years"




No Scrubs
That Hillary speech about the alt right is probably gonna end up the most important speech she's ever given. It was easily the one thing her campaign got completely right. They saw the writings on the wall and the news didn't care.

It's going to be one of those things that comes up in history class and when the kids ask why no one listened the teacher is just going to shrug and say "I don't know, but they should have."


It's going to be one of those things that comes up in history class and when the kids ask why no one listened the teacher is just going to shrug and say "I don't know, but they should have."

Actually, I think they're more likely to say "because America was super racist."
lol at the "sharia law" at the end like a verbal tic. I know it's probably just a cut off transcript, but still.

For some reason, it reminds me of how Trump would go up to a podium, say "Radical Islamic Terrorism" with little context, and the crowd would cheer.


The idea that things should be confined to mainland Russia is pretty god damn stupid considering they have operatives in many parts of the world.
Frankly, I don't care whether he set one foot out of Trump Tower.
If he accepted their money and laundered their money under the guise of being an asset, that's enough of a conflict of interest on its own.
But it's nice to know there's a problematic deal in the Georgian republic to investigate.

For some reason, it reminds me of how Trump would go up to a podium, say "Radical Islamic Terrorism" with little context, and the crowd would cheer.
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.



1. BREAKING: CBO score of Trump cutting CSR payments is official.

The results ahow devastating impact.

2. Insurance premiums would rise by 20%. Consider that a new tax, courtesy of Trump.

But it's also a tax to taxpayers...

3. The deficit would jump by ~$200 billion if CSR payments aren't made.

That's right, CSR payments save the govt & consumers money.

4. Insurance will be unavailable in 5% of America if CSRs don't get paid per CBO.

5. This massive increase in the deficit doesn't include the cost of and sure loss of lawsuits from the Federal government.

6. Paying CSRs is not bailout for insurers. Will end up same.

Consumers pay more & will be disrupted. & be pissed since its all avoidable.

7. The big impact of not paying CSRs is on taxpayers. Let me put it in political terms...

8. Not paying CSRs is a sizable tax increase to pay for care for low income ppl.

GOP can try running on that in 18.

9. There is no reason not to pay CSRs. Paying them saves consumers money & taxpayers billions.

There are few no brainers in life. Here's 1.

10. Now that CBO has scored, If Trump doesn't pay, he is willfully hurting America.

If Congress doesn't fix, they go down in history.

11. CBO says CSR crisis created by Trump has already increased premiums for Americans.

The "moderate" stance here is to call out bigotry and racism as evil.

That's the amusing/depressing thing about it, really. It's been said time and time again but this about as political a softball as you can get. A band of fucking Neo-NAZI's just exacted a domestic terror attack.

You're response should be.........(FUCKING DUH!)

Only this President could bungle such a thing this badly.
When it comes right down to it Trump has no interest in being a President for all, or even most Americans. He wants his base to cheer him wherever he goes and thinks the rest can fuck off.


When it comes right down to it Trump has no interest in being a President for all, or even most Americans. He wants his base to cheer him wherever he goes and thinks the rest can fuck off.
Can't he just get one of those studio audience applause tracks to play for him everywhere?
Seems like a lot less effort.
Trying to talk to Trumpers about Charlottesville is making me question my own sanity. I just don't understand how their brains work. Makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It's so infuriating.
Trying to talk to Trumpers about Charlottesville is making me question my own sanity. I just don't understand how their brains work. Makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It's so infuriating.
It's really simple

Liberals have to always be wrong and they refuse to admit the guy that they said was the worst for eight years was significantly more competent than the guy they put in the White House. They will twist themselves in whatever way they can in order to avoid having to admit it.
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