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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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From a political stand point, I can't wrap my head around how his inner circle allowed this to happen..

Think about it.. This was the EASIEST SLAM DUNK IN THE HISTORY OF POLITICS. It was fucking simple.. Condemn Racists.. Done and done....

If he had done that, he could be taking a victory lap right now about North Korea....

But at the end of the day, he is Donald J. Trump.


From a political stand point, I can't wrap my head around how his inner circle allowed this to happen..

Think about it.. This was the EASIEST SLAM DUNK IN THE HISTORY OF POLITICS. It was fucking simple.. Condemn Racists.. Done and done....

If he had done that, he could be taking a victory lap right now about North Korea....

But at the end of the day, he is Donald J. Trump.

Yeah he didn't even mention that Kim Jong Un backed down. Or maybe he has and no one is talking about it? You think there be some gloating on twitter which would then escalate the problem again but I haven't seen anything yet. Shockingly.
From a political stand point, I can't wrap my head around how his inner circle allowed this to happen..
There is no "allowing" things with Trump. Trump will be Trump and there is no hope of controlling or moderating his impulses. The only thing they could do is lock him away and not allow him to take questions for the rest of eternity. You know this.
Ana is handling this perfectly, not even responding to Brewer

I imagine Ana is just a nonstop stream of curse words when the camera goes off


Obama's still got it. In just 3 days he got the most like tweet in the history of twitter.

We should make sure donald knows about it.


Roy Moore significantly outran his polling. Should be interesting if Brooks supporters fall behind Strange after he spent the last month going hardest against him.


I'm still in shock and awe today. I've been waiting for Trump to do this, but I did not prepare myself for how horrifying it would be.
Could future presidential candidate Mark Zuckerburg please explain why Facebook changed its algorithm so that Troll posts are elevated to the top of every comments section instead of the most liked? It's made Facebook even worse
I like how acting like a Nazi for a year and a half was no big deal, but back that behavior up by not condemning Nazi terrorist attacks and you've gone too far.
The whole reason Godwin's Law is a thing is because Nazi is basically treated as a synonym for evil, even among people who are quite racist. We didn't have a significant number of Americans side with them, so there was never much motivation for anyone other than a small fringe to whitewash their legacy. So it does make some sense to me why acting like a Nazi is less politically damaging than being seen as defending Nazis, because even people who are down with racism start thinking "wait, Nazis? Those guys are bad."


So are you all cool (minus kirblar) with the radical left now or is this just a temporary WWII alliance kind of thing

Jokes aside, I agree with the goals of antifa, but I find their methods counterproductive. I hear they were very helpful in Charlottesville, but in this environment when one wrong move can blow up into a media mess, it's difficult to fully approve. It's a difficult situation.


The thing about the 25th Amendment is that it allows the GOP to use the public anger at White Nationalists and the events in Charlottesville to their advantage. Impeachment (actual impeachment) admits massive flaws in the election, as well as wrongdoing on the part of Trump, Pence, etc, and would leave Republicans in the cold for the next couple of presidential elections at least.

But using the 25th Amendment on Trump allows the GOP to control the narative - "We believe Trump did not collude with the Russians, but we cannot allow someone who accepts Nazism continue in the office of the President." It would also be a (somewhat) unifying action, because it's for a morally pure reason, standing against Nazis.

Now, certainly, it would be chaos, with the White Nationalists rioting and all that. But 1) that's already happening (to an extent), and 2) it's politically the best maneuver, both for the US as a whole, and the GOP as a party. Dems and Republicans alike would get behind it.


So are you all cool (minus kirblar) with the radical left now or is this just a temporary WWII alliance kind of thing

Let's be honest 2020 is going to be a shitshow. Still, I hope the radical left sees this moment and recognizes the importance of a PR win. Acting ambivalent about James Hodgkinson or calling for the scalping of fascist scum doesn't help. The power of activists who show up and protest is real, though.
So are you all cool (minus kirblar) with the radical left now or is this just a temporary WWII alliance kind of thing
"The Have-Nots of the world, swept up in their present upheavals and desperately seeking revolutionary writings, can find such literature only from the communists, both red and yellow. Here they can read about tactics, maneuvers, strategy and principles of action in the making of revolutions. Since in this literature all ideas are imbedded in the language of communism, revolution appears synonymous with communism. When, in the throes of revolutionary fervor, the Have-Nots hungrily turn to us in their first steps from starvation to subsistence, we respond with a bewildering, unbelievable, and meaningless conglomeration of abstractions about freedom, morality, equality, and the danger of intellectual enslavement by communistic ideology! This is accompanied by charitable handouts dressed up in ribbons of moral principle and "freedom" with the price tag of unqualified political loyalty to us. With the coming of the Revolutions in Russia and China we suddenly underwent a moral conversion and became concerned for the welfare of our brothers all over the world. Revolution by the Have-Nots has a way of inducing a moral revelation among the Haves.

Revolution by the Have-Nots also induces a paranoid fear; now, therefore, we find every corrupt and repressive government the world around saying to us, "Give us money and soldiers or there will be a revolution and the new leaders will be your enemies." Fearful of revolution and identifying ourselves as the status quo, we have permitted the communists to assume by default the revolutionary halo of justice for the Have-Nots. We then compound this mistake by assuming that the status quo everywhere must be defended and buttressed against revolution. Today revolution has become synonymous with communism while capitalism synonymous with the status quo. Occasionally we will accept a revolution if it is guaranteed to be on our side, and then only when we realize that the revolution is inevitable. We abhor revolutions.

We have permitted a suicidal situation to unfold wherein revolution and communism have become one. These pages are committed to splitting this political atom, separating this exclusive identification of communism with revolution. If it were possible for the Have-Nots of the world to recognize and accept the idea that revolution did not inevitably mean hate and war, cold or hot, from the United States, that alone would be a great revolution in world politics and the future of man."
So are you all cool (minus kirblar) with the radical left now or is this just a temporary WWII alliance kind of thing

No. In the environment such as this, being nonviolent is necessary one wrong move and you give your enemies a reason to go further. I don't think it is necessary to condone violence and once you do. You are putting innocent bystanders live in risk and at that point are you willing to accept responsibility for your actions?

People say they want a revolution, violent counter protesting or something like that; I don't think people know they are asking for. Those people should ask themselves are they willing to have people die under their watch, open season on peaceful protesters get killed, etc?

I believe peaceful protesting have gone further like the Civil Rights Movement.
No. In the environment such as this, being nonviolent is necessary one wrong move and you give your enemies a reason to go further. I don't think it is necessary to condone violence and once you do. You are putting innocent bystanders live in risk and at that point are you willing to accept responsibility for your actions?

People say they want a revolution, violent counter protesting or something like that; I don't think people know they are asking for. Those people should ask themselves are they willing to have people die under their watch, open season on peaceful protesters get killed, etc?

I believe peaceful protesting has go further like the Civil Rights Movement.

You completely peachewash the CRM if you think it was entirely accomplished by peaceful protest.
You completely peachewash the CRM if you think it was entirely accomplished by peaceful protest.

I don't think so, but was it entirely violent? But I realize it was a hotly debated among civil rights leaders, but I like to believe that most of them prefer to be peaceful, especially the living ones nowadays.

The problem is once you introduce violence you introduce retaliation. One side will seek to retaliate in the same way the other side did. That is why sometimes in war one side my not use a measure because the other side will. You don't legitimatize it because at that point it'll be hard to go back.

ok, abinash reading "radical left" and immediately talking about violence made me laugh

Well do you associate antifa with the radical left or are you talking about people like communists or whoever that protest, but are not interest to resorting to violence? What is the "radical left" in your definition, because in this context I was thinking radical left were people people who were willing to cause violence unprovoked or not. What defines radical left, in this context, action or belief?

Nothing is wrong with protesting fascism, but I found it counterproductive to do what the people on the alt-right wants you to do.


There is nothing radical about opposing Nazis or the broader alt right. This new meme that moderates on either side of the spectrum want to compromise with Nazis is the dumbest shit. This story is finally coming into the spotlight because of what the alt right did (both the March and subsequent terror) not anything antifa did or didn't do.

I think both peaceful and non-peaceful protest have their place. It's a complicated issue
I call alumni to beg for money for my on campus job and tonight the girl next to me called an old white man and asked about his experiences at UC Davis. he immediately started EXALTING how awesome Trump is.Went on a 5 minute rant about how well "Trump is handling the north korea situation. He's really sticking it to the liberals" so that was fun.

he must've been on some massive white supremacist high after today's presser and wanted everyone to know about it.
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