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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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No, I know that, but if it is as significant as it sounds, why isn't getting any coverage?

Skimming through the sound of the Governor...I don't hear this secret cache anywhere. He does talk about open carry and conceal carry, saying all of the Nazis were armed and in better gear than his officers.

With the Guardian also sourcing the podcast...it must be there. Anyone have the timestamp so I can hear it with my own ears? As I said I skimmed through most of it listening in chunks. Must have missed it, the beginning of the interview perhaps.
To even have a shot at AL Sen, Dems need:

1) Doug Jones to win

2) Roy Moore to win

1 just happened. 2 is possible. Could be a runoff. But Doug Jones is a strong recruit. Still an outside shot but we have to try. 50 states.
Yup. This is the 50 state strategy.

Jones will probably lose, but like I said earlier, the DSCC doesn't have anything else going on this year. They should try plopping a few million down and see where it gets them.


At this point the GOP would be better off booting Trump now before the Mueller probe irradiates half of Washington but they are obviously craven cowards.

The conversation is changing quickly even in PoliGAF if we're talking about showing up to protest marches with protective gear.

I think it's more likely that the 25th amendment were invoked than Mueller's investigation finds something, at this stage. The President of the United States has failed to publicly and unequivocally stand against Nazis - Pence and the cabinet could say that this makes Trump unfit to serve in the office.

I mean, it would shake the US to its foundations... but maybe that's what's needed right now?


It's crazy to think that we have had three world-historical presidencies in a row. Maybe four if you want to count Bill due to the rise of the vast right wing conspiracy during his time.


Haven't Brooks and Moore both basically ran the same campaign? Love Trump, shit on McConnell and Strange.

I'd imagine them having far more overlap than Strange/Brooks.
Maybe 2017 will be the end of Confederate statues in America? We should attack this issue as much as possible and tie it to Charleston until it is indefensible. Anyone who defends a monument will have to be reminded of the other people on his side.
Using the 25th would likely plunge the country into chaos. Riots all over, possibly a mini-civil war.
If Pence becomes president then it would be a legitimate transition of power and most people would accept it, not to mention abyssmal approval ratings means few would bat an eye. People are placid and have short memories.

But Trump isn't getting impeached, get real.


I think it's more likely that the 25th amendment were invoked than Mueller's investigation finds something, at this stage. The President of the United States has failed to publicly and unequivocally stand against Nazis - Pence and the cabinet could say that this makes Trump unfit to serve in the office.

I mean, it would shake the US to its foundations... but maybe that's what's needed right now?

It's a moot point, Pence doesn't have it in him. He wants to be president someday but he doesn't have a Machiavellian bone in his body. He'll be the loyal footsoldier to the end.
It's a moot point, Pence doesn't have it in him. He wants to be president someday but he doesn't have a Machiavellian bone in his body. He'll be the loyal footsoldier to the end.
This ignores the obvious fact that he joined the Trump campaign because he wants to be president.
Wait, what point is he trying to make?! LOL

I think he's trying to evoke the age-old belief that everyone owned slaves back then, so you can't call just the Confederate Generals/President racists. The flaw here is that the Union was trying to phase out Slavery, and arguably had been for as long as the country existed. People shouldn't (and don't) shit on figures like Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee because they were slave owners, they do it because they were a glorified rebellion against our country. The South seceded from the Union, and declared war on the United States of America. They are traitors, and should be viewed as such.

On top of that, the fact that they waged a failed rebellion in the name of Slavery--or "State's Rights", specifically and almost exclusively the right to have slaves--isn't even the main reason these statues are viewed as racist. A majority of them were put up during the Jim Crow era in protest of things like segregation. They are literally monuments to the Souths refusal to embrace racial integration, and civil rights. That is why it's time for a lot of them to go.


Man its only Tuesday and its just been day after day of shit! I wonder what Trump will do/say tomorrow

Tomorrow is my birthday. Maybe Trump will start doing Nazi salutes tomorrow just to fuck with me :(

To even have a shot at AL Sen, Dems need:

1) Doug Jones to win

2) Roy Moore to win

1 just happened. 2 is possible. Could be a runoff. But Doug Jones is a strong recruit. Still an outside shot but we have to try. 50 states.

Why is Moore easier to beat than Strange or Brooks?
Skimming through the sound of the Governor...I don't hear this secret cache anywhere. He does talk about open carry and conceal carry, saying all of the Nazis were armed and in better gear than his officers.

With the Guardian also sourcing the podcast...it must be there. Anyone have the timestamp so I can hear it with my own ears? As I said I skimmed through most of it listening in chunks. Must have missed it, the beginning of the interview perhaps.

They interviewed the guy doing that interview on PSA and he said it was mentioned by the Mayor of Charlottesville in a press release I believe--or that it was never mentioned to prevent panic. Can't remember which one.


This ignores the obvious fact that he joined the Trump campaign because he wants to be president.

Well yes, being vice president is typically good for your career! He wants to run in 2024 or, if something happens to Trump, in 2020. But he's not going to be "the something" that happens to him.

Why is Moore easier to beat than Strange or Brooks?

Moore is the craziest of the three Republicans, so in another world he would probably be way less palatable to typical Alabama Republicans, who, I don't know, would maybe stay home instead or something. But we're living in a world where the president equivocates Nazis with anti-Nazis, so Moore will probably lock up 100 percent of the vote.


The 25th is not practically different from impeachment, so if they decide to do it, I assume they'll just use impeachment. Declaring the president mentally unfit due to racism doesn't make more sense than just declaring him morally unfit due to racism.
Man its only Tuesday and its just been day after day of shit! I wonder what Trump will do/say tomorrow

Tomorrow is my birthday. Maybe Trump will start doing Nazi salutes tomorrow just to fuck with me :(

Why is Moore easier to beat than Strange or Brooks?

Moore is abjectively evil person who's been marred by scandal since he was on the bench.

He'll probably win, but you might as well try. This is going to be an ugly runoff for Strange and Moore and they could be weakened.
The South seceded from the Union, and declared war on the United States of America. They are traitors, and should be viewed as such.
I don't think that's the important part. Also, the US declared war on the Confederates. The important part is that the South tried to preserve a society that enslaved human beings.
If the North had seceded instead and formed their own government because the south and federal government kept trying to infringe their state rights to not even recognize the institution within their state lines then those would be, you know, good traitors.
Well yes, being vice president is typically good for your career! He wants to run in 2024 or, if something happens to Trump, in 2020. But he's not going to be "the something" that happens to him.
Disagree! Being a VP and failed VP candidates are a jinx. It's the Madden Curse of politics. Since H.W.....

Quayle: Best remembered as a joke in Civilization
Kemp: uh... he might still be alive? I have no idea
Gore: sigh
Lieberman: traitor to the party and scorned (edit: forgot about him, sorry)
Edwards: Jail
Palin: lol
Cheney: War criminal with a robotic heart (great to him, but bad objectively)
Ryan: Stuck as Speaker
Biden: Family tragedy and regret
Kaine: ???
Pence: Babysits Trump 24/7 and has to try to hold the party together


Using the 25th would likely plunge the country into chaos. Riots all over, possibly a mini-civil war.

The 25th is just an impeachment, though. The ex-President has 30 days or something to submit an affidavit attesting that they are fit to return to the duties that they were removed from. If the acting President challenges that, then congress must determine that the ex-President remains unfit.

It's really just a provision to take the president away from the nukes if they ever had a nervous breakdown, or avoid another situation like with Woodrow Wilson after his stroke where his wife was basically running the country because his Vice President couldn't take over since Wilson wasn't dead and didn't resign.

Edit: being Vice President only helps you get a shot at the Presidency, and then only if your President does well through their term. Otherwise you've been nationalized like no other politician aside from Presidential candidates themselves.
Well yes, being vice president is typically good for your career! He wants to run in 2024 or, if something happens to Trump, in 2020. But he's not going to be "the something" that happens to him.
Nonsense. He'll take it right now if he can. You're saying he's not Machiavellian but making a morally compromising decision just to set your career up is like textbook Machiavellian. Also he's clean as a whistle and his reputation will probably be unscathed even if Trump is canned. Conservatives love him and it'll be like nothing happened. Personally I think impeaching the president and putting Pence in charge is the most important thing the Republicans can do right now to preserve their government, not because it won't hurt them (it'll hurt them a lot) but because it'll cut their losses before Trump can do something even worse (which he will).
#ImpeachTrump is #1 trend right now.

Yeah, it seems pretty popular.


It's already been deleted but it's real
The 25th is not practically different from impeachment, so if they decide to do it, I assume they'll just use impeachment. Declaring the president mentally unfit due to racism doesn't make more sense than just declaring him morally unfit due to racism.
I think the only real material difference is the 25th sets a hard timetable (3 weeks) for congress deciding whether to remove him or not in the event Trump contests it (which of course he would if it's for mental unfitness and not because he's fallen into a coma or something) while impeachment hearings and such could drag on forever.

It also requires a 2/3 vote in both houses, instead of just a majority in the house and 2/3 in the senate.

So it's probably not something they could do unless we're on the brink of an existential crisis (I mean, moreso than we are already), like if Trump is constantly 400% unhinged and literally trying to send preemptive nuclear strikes on various countries.


Disagree! Being a VP and failed VP candidates are a jinx. It's the Madden Curse of politics. Since H.W.....

That's how it usually works out, but most running mates don't say yes to the offer while also thinking they never want to be president someday. Potentially becoming president is part of the job description!

Nonsense. He'll take it right now if he can. You're saying he's not Machiavellian but making a morally compromising decision just to set your career up is like textbook Machiavellian. Also he's clean as a whistle and his reputation will probably be unscathed even if Trump is canned. Conservatives love him and it'll be like nothing happened. Personally I think impeaching the president and putting Pence in charge is the most important thing the Republicans can do right now to preserve their government, not because it won't hurt them (it'll hurt them a lot) but because it'll cut their losses before Trump can do something even worse (which he will).

You can read literally any article or profile on Pence's personality, career, ambitions, general psychology and they all point to the same conclusion: he wants to be president, but is not the kind of guy who will ever challenge or unseat Trump for that job. He's Trump's Spiro Agnew: he will defend his president to the last breath because it's in his programming.
Here in Northern Virginia, 20-30 KKK/White Supremacists protested at a Farm nearby. It was early this morning that they were attempting to block a busy roadway. Cox Farm is a local farm that is only open during the Fall season offering different family activities. A Local Police Union called for a boycott of them 2 years ago because the owners daughter put a Black Lives Matter sign in her upstairs window. Keep in mind that was on private property not even on the Farm's property.


No one seems to reporting on it this morning but one of my friends posted it on Facebook and they didn't seem to understand why they were protesting it.
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