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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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I will take this into account and try to keep it in mind.

I also want to say that I'm fully aware of the poetry surrounding people like me's newfound anxiety. We are white, live in blue states, and know nothing of what minorities have suffered for generations in environments far more inhospitable than New England. And when you frame it this way, it's pretty pathetic that I often let my fear get the best of me. I owe it to many braver Americans than I to not lose my shit every time I have a new fantasy about getting killed.

I will remain calm.

But I am determined not to be useless. If people are marching and taking to the streets I want to be there. If I have to dress like a buffoon to get the guts to do it, I will. That's why I am researching goggles and vests.

If the time comes, I need to participate. And if the time never comes, I'll at least know I was ready.

But you are right. I have no reason to be afraid for myself, but I am afraid every day for my fellow Americans without my privileges. I think that is what motivates me the most.

Hang in there man. Just stay vocal while staying safe. You're no good to anyone dead.
Conservatives are so intellectually bankrupt it's beyond anything I've seen in life. Pre modern society was completely different than ours. As we slowly evolve as civilization we reject practices that are abhorrent. Like 150 years ago you could marry a 10 year old and nobody would care. That doesn't mean marrying one today is sorta ok. But Tucker gonna tuck.

not only that but slavery in the past was different from the chattel slavery we saw here. like way different


At this point the GOP would be better off booting Trump now before the Mueller probe irradiates half of Washington but they are obviously craven cowards.

The conversation is changing quickly even in PoliGAF if we're talking about showing up to protest marches with protective gear.


I'm not up on the Alabama system. Can Strange be knocked out completely or is there more likely to be a runoff? Trumps candidate losing would be quite the cap on the day for him.




and this is why nothing will change.

Trump is Fox News


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
At this point the GOP would be better off booting Trump now before the Mueller probe irradiates half of Washington but they are obviously craven cowards.

The conversation is changing quickly even in PoliGAF if we're talking about showing up to protest marches with protective gear.

The only ones who can really absolve themselves of the situation are the ones who stopped supporting Trump immediately after he fired Comey.

The damage only grows now the longer they wait.
I'm not up on the Alabama system. Can Strange be knocked out completely or is there more likely to be a runoff? Trumps candidate losing would be quite the cap on the day for him.
Seems more likely than not to go to a runoff.

If anyone gets 50% or more there is no runoff. If not, the top two vote getters advance. So if Strange finishes third or Moore/Brooks (lol) gets 50%, he's done.
You know, a full GOP press on Trump resigning, then allowing Mueller to finish his investigation and subsequently dump legal hellfire on Trump to bury him as much as they can with the rank and file, might be the best course of actions politically for Republicans.
You know, a full GOP press on Trump resigning, then allowing Mueller to finish his investigation and subsequently dump legal hellfire on Trump to bury him as much as they can with the rank and file, might be the best course of actions politically for Republicans.

Yep. They can so easily wash their hands of this.

But that also assumes no one else is complicit and at this point there is no way it doesn't stop at trumps circle.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Weird how this somewhat predictable Trump behavior has become a tipping point. In a way I think Trump tower made him overconfident.

Kelly resign now you useless traitor enabling fuck.

Congress this is your last and only chance and I already know you're too shit and craven to take it.


Weird how this somewhat predictable Trump behavior has become a tipping point. In a way I think Trump tower made him overconfident.

Kelly resign now you useless traitor enabling fuck.

Congress this is your last and only chance and I already know you're too shit and craven to take it.
Nothing will change so long as they can justify a tax cut and controlling the capital.

Plus they have Fox News and people cultural locked in in rural and suburban america.
You're really stepping up with your "just get along with the Nazis and don't challenge them" plan here.
Oh, you know, sorry, I meant a few specific kinds of protesting, not targeted civil organizing in general. My mind keeps flashing back to this bar/pizza-place I used to go to (not anymore, because they're) run by a racist family transplanted from Chicago to Sacramento. There was a protest on the news (I forget the subject; either it was a shooting of an unarmed black man or it was something Trump related) that was blocking a highway and the people running the joint all start fantasizing about running them all over with their huge trucks and SUVs, bodies bouncing off windshields etc. So in the context of fireworker, yeah: the only way I see his life being endangered is if he participates in functionally useless sign waving contest that just irritates normal people and paints a target on his back.

I think Charlottesville was obviously the best example of community organizing in recent memory. I had a lot written after that sentence about why I thought it was the best example but it's easier for me just to point to Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals. I don't think you've read this before and I recommend it highly.


i don't think the gop will do anything besides grimace privately and release statements with varying amounts of tepidity - this is what most of their remaining base wants to hear

they'll wait until it's too late after the Mueller investigation hits critical mass, and all their deflections and desperate attempts to claim any less than awful moment as a sign of how presidential trump is becoming over the course of the presidency will cement them as the party of trump
Was slavery actually a thing with Native Americans in North America?

I've got an autobiography of a Native American guy who's grandfather (I think) was captured in a battle and was gonna be a slave. He got free and stole a bunch of horses on his way out, which was a story he passed down.

But like, that was over a century ago. I'll have to see if I still have the book.
I like how acting like a Nazi for a year and a half was no big deal, but back that behavior up by not condemning Nazi terrorist attacks and you've gone too far.

This is something I was talking about earlier today. I was asked, "did what he said today surprise you in any way?" And I said no. So they asked "then why is today different from yesterday?"

And I don't know the exact answer, but I think it's a combination of two things.

The first is that, despite everything, there is a part of me that doesn't think things can possibly keep getting worse. Deep down, there is this latent optimism - disguised as cynicism - that things have gotten bad enough and we can only go up from here. So when Trump crosses a new line, or sinks to a new low, that shock never ceases to stupify. After weeks of bumbling idiocy and incompetency, an unapprehensive triple down on white supremacy somehow feels like a break from pattern towards something more sinister. I've become so incredibly desensitized to the chaos that, when I have a moment of lucidity, I can barely process how far we have come.

The second thing is that lunatics and nationalists are at maximum pressure. They are eager and hungry for violence. They feel like this is there time and they have a green light to enact their hatred on a scale not attempted in our lifetimes. And about this thing in particular, I have no stomach for Trump's fire-stoking. It is one thing to suffer your president being a malignant imbecile, it is another to know he is actively encouraging violence on a national stage.

But then again, that's not new either.

So maybe it's not actually two different things, it's just one: the constant disbelief that this is America now.
Was slavery actually a thing with Native Americans in North America?

Why wouldn't it be? Native Americans weren't a unified monolith. Some tribes hated other tribes, but I don't think it exactly the same.





Seems like Cherokees owned slaves too and then expelled the some of the decedents from the tribe in 2011.


The holiday draws tens of thousands of people to Tahlequah, Okla., the heart of the Cherokee Nation. But this year it was marked by controversy and protests.

The Cherokee Nation recently decided to limit its membership to people who can prove they have Indian blood. This strips of their citizenship rights about 2,800 African-Americans who are descendants of slaves once owned by wealthy Cherokees. Those rights include access to health care clinics, food distribution for the poor, and assistance for low-income homeowners.

The move prompted protests among these African-Americans, who are known as Freedmen, because for long periods in the past, they enjoyed equal rights in the Cherokee tribe. But in more recent history, their citizenship rights have been repeatedly challenged.
The good news in Alabama is that it looks like Doug Jones, the favored Democratic candidate, looks to avoid a runoff. It's a very, very long shot but better to have a good candidate in an unwinnable race than a bad one.


Junior Member
The good news in Alabama is that it looks like Doug Jones, the favored Democratic candidate, looks to avoid a runoff. It's a very, very long shot but better to have a good candidate in an unwinnable race than a bad one.

For some reason I thought they were doing a jungle primary.
We're seriously going to be telling our grand-children about what the Trump presidency was like when they learn about how fucking horrible he was in their history textbooks.

Republicans will still be underfunding education. Ask the average person to tell you about Herbert Hoover.


LOL. So basically they all know he's a damn racist but they're thankful he'd never yet admitted it in public.

I'm hoping that someone significant in the republican party communication structure is going to reach their breaking point and quit. There was this guy today, but he's not part of the party/admin officially. He's the former RNC comms director and now does CNN stuff:

Doug Heye‏

I've asked the press offices at both the White House & RNC to remove me from their email lists.
5:45 PM - 15 Aug 2017


.....and this is when he's on vacation. #relaxing
Remember back when we thought August would be a pleasant break from Trump shenanigans because he would be golfing all day and just tweeting passive aggressively at Mitch and McCain and other Republicans because they can't give him a win in the Senate. We could all take a break from politics and focus on enjoying life. Watch a little Game of Thrones. Play a little Sonic. Not having to stress over anything.

Those were good times.
To even have a shot at AL Sen, Dems need:

1) Doug Jones to win

2) Roy Moore to win

1 just happened. 2 is possible. Could be a runoff. But Doug Jones is a strong recruit. Still an outside shot but we have to try. 50 states.
The Mohammad bit is also disingenuous, Islam calls for freeing slaves and playing people for labor immediately and fairly. Before conversion he did own slaves like most others at the time. Islam even celebrates the first converted Muslim as a freed slave.
Yeah it's disingenuous. Prophet Muhammad owned a slave Zayd Ibn Harith, who was a boy gifted to him by his wife (before he started mission). Muhammad adopted Zayd as his own son and gave him inheritance rights. He personally freed slaves, and his companions bought slaves just to free them.
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