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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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I watched the RNC blitzed when it was a joke and the Republican debates. It makes it a lot easier to tolerate

Edit: Beer has too man calories and too little alcohol. Good beer goes great with meals though


FGC Waterboy
Eh. I'd expect whatever democrats do next to be build on top of it. An obvious next step would be to expand Medicaid eligibility (raise income limits for single and married households) and change the name to get rid of the stigma "Medicaid" has. They also need to raise hospital reimbursement rates, as they're still quite low. Basically create a public option.

Screw Joe Lieberman. So close.
"A few other ones" try every major receptor involved in pleasure like mu opioid, dopamine, glutamate, and more.

There are lots of legal consciousness altering substances but they tend to be toxic or dumb (overdosing on dxm or anticholinergics for example).

Edit: can't forget cannabinoid either.

Well I meant federally legal, re: cannabinoid. And I mean I didn't want to get into minutiae like Kava Kava or Kratom or what have you. Also can you OD on dxm? Thought it was just the acetaminophen in a lot of over the counters that did that.

Don't drink any hard liquor.

Beer is where it's at.

Ugh so much bloat :p

I mean in regards to drinking with the intention to get drunk. If it's just a one-off yeah beer is great.
I typically just drink a couple of beers. Very rarely do I ever dabble about with any other sort of alcohol. Especially since I seem to be a bit of a lightweight.

That said, given recent events, I may just opt to try for a glass of bourbon or scotch. This shit is insane.


I think it's bad that U.S. trade policy impoverished enough Mexicans that they felt it necessary to leave their homes to illegally cross the border in order to get horrifically low paying jobs too.
My general understanding is that the inequality between Mexico and the US is hundreds of years old. Could you refer to some evidence which suggests that modern US trade policy is responsible for this? As opposed to, say, the widespread corruption and weak political institutions in Mexico, which existed long before NAFTA was a thing.
Anyways, I got Prime Student today, any of you have any good biographies or political commentary themed books for me to check out?

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail by Hunter S. Thompson might be a good start.

I realized today that Tulsi Gabbard occupies Patsy Mink's old seat and got irrationally angry. Pigeon's primary challenge better succeed.

Dylan Scott‏Verified account
This could be legitimately interesting, via @leonardkl:

Rs want Ds to vote on single payer.


Sen. Steve Daines is proposing an amendment to the Republican healthcare bill that would implement a government-run, single-payer insurance system in the U.S.

The Montana Republican doesn't support single-payer healthcare. But in a bit of political gamesmanship often seen in Congress, Daines wants to force vulnerable Democratic senators running for re-election in red states in 2018 to take a position on the liberal healthcare policy, which is gaining currency on the Left.

The Senate is considering legislation to partially repeal Obamacare. The floor debate process is poised to enter the amendment phase, during which senators can offer hundreds of proposals to alter the underlying bill. Daines' single-payer amendment is a carbon copy of one offered in the House by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich.

The Conyers bill, with more than 100 Democratic cosponsors, proposes to create a program the legislation describes as "Medicare for All." According to the bill's language, "all individuals residing in the United States would be covered." To pay for the program, Conyers proposes raising income taxes on the top 5 percent of earners, plus hiking taxes on payroll and self-imployment income, unearned income, and stock and bond transactions.

Maybe they want to get the Democrats on record voting for it so they can scream, "Democrats voted to SOCIALIZE your health care. Death panels, rationing, inferior government plans" in the midterms next year.

Would you consider Team of Rivals as a good biography or political commentary book?


I haven't read it yet.
Maybe we could have a PoliGAF book club.
I'd like to second the endorsement of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

My favorite political book of all time.

Better Than Sex was such a disappointment after reading that.
Maybe they want to get the Democrats on record voting for it so they can scream, "Democrats voted to SOCIALIZE your health care. Death panels, rationing, inferior government plans" in the midterms next year.

Yes, that seems to be the goal. Bold strategy, etc., etc.

Edit: For WaPo, a .edu address will get it for free indefinitely. Better to sign up for that directly than through Amazon if they charge after the six months.
Maybe they want to get the Democrats on record voting for it so they can scream, "Democrats voted to SOCIALIZE your health care. Death panels, rationing, inferior government plans" in the midterms next year.

I haven't read it yet.
Maybe we could have a PoliGAF book club.

It's about Lincoln and the people he worked with. The movie Lincoln drew inspiration from it I think.


A nice summary of what the skinny repeal would mean if all it does is remove the individual mandate. With information from the SCOTUS ACA ruling:

If the GOP weren't as stupid as it is right now, i'd say it's an inside strategy:

-Pass Skinny Repeal
-Get health care companies to sue to remove the rest of PPACA because they can't survive under it.
Well I meant federally legal, re: cannabinoid. And I mean I didn't want to get into minutiae like Kava Kava or Kratom or what have you. Also can you OD on dxm? Thought it was just the acetaminophen in a lot of over the counters that did that.

Ugh so much bloat :p

I mean in regards to drinking with the intention to get drunk. If it's just a one-off yeah beer is great.

I meant that alcohol has cannabinoid activity as well. Nutmeg, anithistamines, DXM in excess can cause dissociation/hallucination (they are different) but are generally bad for you and your brain (same thing but some people like to think otherwise).

Medically an overdose just means taking more than the standard dose, doesn't necessarily mean fatal. I do know a ketamine overdose euthanizes mice and DXM is an NMDA antagonist too but not really familiar with its pharmacology.
If the GOP weren't as stupid as it is right now, i'd say it's an inside strategy:

-Pass Skinny Repeal
-Get health care companies to sue to remove the rest of PPACA because they can't survive under it.

Why would they need to sue? They'd just pull out of markets and be done with it.
As of now, the votes aren't there for skinny.


Even a bare-bones repeal of Obamacare is no sure thing in the Senate.

A handful of key Republican senators who had spurned earlier overtures from GOP leadership endorsed the latest plan to gut Obamacare's individual and employer coverage mandates and its medical device tax. But several centrists said they're undecided on the so-called "skinny repeal," leaving the GOP in limbo through at least the end of the week.

Jockeying on the scaled-back approach came as the Senate rejected a straight repeal of Obamacare in a 45-55 vote Wednesday. The night before, senators turned aside a comprehensive replacement plan that had been crafted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The roll calls were the latest reminders that GOP leaders' best hope at this point is just to get something — anything — through the chamber with a bare majority and into a conference with the House.

"Sure. There's plenty we agree on," said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) late Wednesday when asked if he can get 50 votes. One challenge for GOP leaders is "trying to explain the concept that we need to it this way as opposed to solving all the problems in a Senate bill now."

Cornyn said broader negotiations on Medicaid reforms and other divisive issues would likely reemerge in bicameral negotiations with the House. But some Republicans are worried that those talks would revive efforts to wind down a Medicaid expansion that's benefited their states.

Centrist Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va) were undecided on the so-called "skinny repeal" Wednesday. Another senator from an expansion state, Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) indicated he would back it.

"We'll see at the end of the day what's in it but overall I think I'd support it," Heller said. He said slashing Obamacare's Medicaid expansion or its growth rate should be a non-starter.

Conservatives could be another matter.

"I don't like it," said Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.). "Because I don't know where we end up. This whole [health care system] holds together or falls apart in totality. We've got a system that is collapsing."



"pls stap, y r u like dis? we will b kill" - Insurers to the Senate

Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna)
Sean Spicer, who spent months yelling "fake news," just had high-level meetings at ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News:

Spiceman x Melissa McCarthy collab on SNL soon


Not a good idea. You vote "No" on everything. Don't muddy messaging.

They already voted yes on sending it back to committee so that ship has sailed.

A counter amendment from the dems should be automatic Medicare-for-All establishment in states where all insurance companies pull out of the exchanges.
Democrats should just vote for the single-payer amendment and call their bluff. Same as the trans ban today.

Agreed on the first, I dunno what you're on about with the second.

Sidenote you could probably construct a pretty cogent argument about why the Democrats are not a big business party by comparing the health insurance industry's response to Hillary Care vs. the AHCA. The latter has them writing strongly worded letters and putting out op-eds. The former had a multimillion dollar ad campaign and massive political spending.
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